THE MICHIGAN DAILY good showing, but the efforts of the cheering sec- tion alone would be swallowed up by the oppon- ents. What we need is support from the student body as a whole. Go to the game; support the team; demand good sportsmanship. Screen Reflections WARING'S PENNSYLVANIANS STARTING TOMORROW AT THE MICHIGAN Waring's Pennsylvanians, who open a four-day run at the Michigan tomorrow, need no intro- duction to Michigan students; but that they got their theatrical start in Ann Arbor and that one of the most prominent members is a Michigan graduate is not generally known. Early in 1922--slightly more than ten years ago-a little-known but rising Pennsylvania State College -orchestra was engaged to play for the Michigan J-Hop. When that orchestra had fin- ished their J-Hop engagement they were on their way to fame and fortune, for' they were booked week run which finished last May, and went on tour with three of the country's major vaudeville circuits. Of the 12 men who originally began the orches- tra, 10 are still on the payroll and nine will appeal in Ann Arbor for the four-day engagement. One of them is Stuart Churchill, '30, Phi Mu Alpha member and one of the most versatile members of the band. Stuart and the other 21 members of the band will arrive in Ann Arbor at noon today and have reserved 40 seats for the Northwestern game-the first football gamze they have seen since their last engagement here five years ago. for a brief run at the Majestic Theatre here and then went to the Madison Theatre, De- troit. At the Madison they opened on what was y' scheduled as a two-week run and which eventual- ly lengthened into 16 weeks. From Detroit they f went to the West Coast i and from there began the rapid climb to a top po- sition in the ranks of e dance orchestras of thed world. Those 12 Penn State boys never went_ back to their alma ma-" ter, but they starred in' the first musical comedy 4z talkie, were featured in three of the most sensa- tional musical comedies in the past three or four years, were featured at the exclusive Les Ambas- sadeurs, Paris, for the en- tire summer of 1928, played at the Roxy The- atre, New York, for a 20- Fred Waring Leader of the band is slim, mustachioed Fred Waring, who used to run errands for a Tyrone, Pa., ice cream manufacturer, who was refused admittance to the glee clubs, dramatic societies, and other musical societies at his college, and who used to play the banjo but now is solely the director. The entire Pennsylvanian program, with start- ling electric effects and the soloists that have helped put Waring across all over the country, will be presented at no increase in the regular prices of the theatre, according to Manager Jerry Hoa. Editorial Comment DIAGONAL By Barton KaneI The Colurun Makes Its Final Appearance "ARE we to good to print what the Almighty has allowed to happen?" Evidently. I began this column as an experiment. I wanted to attract attention to the editorial page; to have that page read. THE experiment worked. Students read Diago- nal; thought the items amusing until they applied to them; then no longer thought them amusing. Incidents that were true were labeled "poor taste," "obscene." Evidently the shoe fit too well and was binding. * * * found that freshmen whom I referred to in this columay lost prestige with fraternities and sororities. This, I claim, is the fault of the pseudo- sophistication that exists in many of these socic- ties. - * *- rHIS is the last appearance of Diagonal and I want it made clear that no Universtiy authority has ordered me to quit. The only complaints that come from the administration were those made to them by certain students. It was the undergradu- ates, not the members of the faculty or adminis- tration, who could not take a ride. ONE fraternity took an innocent remark seri- ously. A brother called the Society Editor of The Daily; told her that from now on he would not give her any social notes. That is the situa- tion. * * * AND then this: To The Editor: How long has it been since The Daily has sunk so low as to spread information concerning the private life of the faculty members?; There was an article in the Diagonal column of the publication Thursday morning, the last item of the group which was, to my estimation, the rankest and rawest bit of journalism, if it can be called such, I have ever seen in a s u p p o s e d 1 y decent paper. If The Daily is planning to start spreading such information to the world, why not change to a tabloid? Then all the scandal can be exposed. There is plenty of it, you might post a staff mem- ber at the Arboretum and get a list of all entering and duration of stay, you might also post another at the stadium, nights. If you are going to start Winchellizing, that's about three steps better than your Renoing, why not go into it in a big way, this small town stuff is disgusting, to say the least. I hope that in the future you will either be more conservative and follow the staid old poli- cies of the Michigan Daily or rename the paper and make a tabloid of it! Ward D. Morton '34 Campus Opinion IWELKER'S SPEECH Lou is-LOU'S-De siig f OUNT AIN LUNCH EONETTE 800 S. Stat att Hill 4 Rca! NOONDAY DINNER for Hungry Football Fans 35c 0 Uvening Diner . 40c 0 Call -- W rcfdver - 9122 SATURDAY, OCT. 8, 1932 MODERATE PRICES AN OFFICIAL MICHIGANENSIAN PH114OTO GRvAP~E 1i ;® 1. - -_ .. ..._ - . -. __ ---- - II Universityo f Michigan Or atorical Assciation Aetr Hill Auditorium Schedule Of Lectures Oct. 29-Lowell Thomas "From Singapore to Mandalay" (Motion Pictures) Nov. 10-William Butler Yeats "The Irish Renaissance" Dec. 1-Frederick William Wile "Behind the Scenes in Washington" Jan. 11-Will Durant "The American Crisis" Feb. 21-Carveth Wells "Noah's Home Town" (Motion Pictures) Mar. 9-Dr. Raymond L. Ditmars "The Big Animals" (Motion Pictures) LOWELL THOMAS I MAIL ORDERS NOW Add1ress Oratorical Ass'n, 3211 Angell Hall or leaVe order at one of the bookstore,. Season' Tckets: Six Numbers-$3.00, $2.75 and $2.50 L ~~ 4i THE COLLEGE NEWSPAPER IN A TOUGH SPOTt Editors of college papers are in somewhat of at tough spot when they consider the thixigs that they write about the college or university with which they are connected. There remains before them their professional function of giving the facts regardless of the effect if it is not too injuri- ous to those concerned, and the so-called tradet journal function that demands only sweetness and light on subjects pertaining to the old Alma Mater. . It is somewhat of a problem, and criticism will be hurled in his direction either way an editor turns. There are considerations that wouldt warrant the following of either track in prefer- ence to the other, but then it is best to use as1 good judgment as one possesses to choose betweent the two functions on the various cases. The laboratory function of the student owned1 and operated newspaper must not be overlooked.' Distortion in the news as a constant diet will entirely ruin the working staff for commercial practice when they graduate. The constant effort to present the university or whatever college you are attending in the best light before the public even though the facts do not warrant such action is demoralizing to one's sense of news values, and come to make the public distrust the newspaper as a purveyor of the truth. Those who criticize collegiate publications should take these facts into consideration and realize that the editor must give his school a fair break and even a little more than a fair break in any fight in which the school deserves the support, and although he does this at times, at other times he can be depended upon to give the news as impartially as any commercial news- paper. College publications are usually even more impartial than most commercial publications as they are not personally interested in so many fields. Critics should be a little lenient and con- sider all the special problems facing a collegiate editor before running him down on mere prin- ciple. --The Daily Illini ANOTHER FALSE GLOY THAT MAY BE DANGEROUS A danger that must be met almost immedi- ately is the glorification of working one's way through college. This year has n e c e s s a r i1 y brought about an increased number of people who must world their way through college or not get through. With this natural increase from that stand- point there has also come a group that is working its way through just for the drama and glory that they believe it will bring them. In their effort to become a second Abraham Lincoln or George Washington by being able to say that they worked their way thrngh cnllege, this groun nrevents to the Editor, Last Tuesday evening Mr. Paul Voelker gave a speech in the Natural Science Auditorium. The illustrious gentleman from Battle Creek spoke on the subject 'The Platform of the Democratic Par- ty," That speech was one of the most braken outrages ever committed by the Democrati{ party. That speech was a deliberate insult to the stu- dents who braved the rain to listen to the gentle- man, His economic solutions were remarkable, but his politics was ridiculous. I will not say that the college president was insincere. He was very enthusiastic over his subject. But I will say--- and I say it in condemnation of the Democratic politicians of this city-that Mr. Voelker was mis- guided on the subject and that his brilliant en- thusiasm was prostituted in the interests of one of the lowest political tricks in modern history. The essence of the political part of Mr. Voel- ker's speech was this: Mr. Roosevelt and the dem- ocratic party stand for great social, almost revo- lutionary, reforms. If he thought the socialist party had a chance of winnng, he would vote the socialist ticket. But as he doesn't think so, he will I support Roosevelt, because he thinks the demo- cratic party will do just as well. So he calls up all good d e m o c r a t s and socialists to get behind Roosevelt in order to create a new society in which the working man -- whom we all love so well and who will always have a place in our hearts - will come into his own. When he was told that a national leader said this year that the democratic party is safe for Wall Street, he didn't know what to do about it, When he was asked who was financing the democratic party, none other than Horatio Abbot, grand sachem of Michigan Democracy, oft-times considered candidate for representative, governor, senator, etc., rose and spake. Fear not for all of you can see the party is as poor as can be. And all the dough we have, he said, we get from those who earn their bread. Not even a stamp to send our cheer to all the voters far and near. We're having an awful time this year - even as you and I. There's no use in telling students it's all hokum. It's an open secret that both the old parties are financed and supported by newspaper powers and capitalists, who in turn will get favors and consi- deration. Certainly it's nuts to expect socialistic, or near-socialistic reforms from a party that is morally mortgaged to Wall Street, Hearst and Mc- Cormick. And here's where the political trickery comes in. Norman Thomas is polling between 7 and 8 per- cent of the votes in the Literary Digest poll. That will mean between 2,000,000 and 3,000,000 votes in November. And that's what the politicians are after. In order to get it they are sending speak- ers into socialistic centers. They are telling stu- dents that since Thomas hasn't much of a chance, they better support something just as good, such as their candidate, who does so love the working man. Vote-bait! Like their platforms it is pure Rligi'ousActivites FIRST METHODIST WESLEY HALL HIL LLEL EPISCOPAL FOUN DATION CURC H E, W. Blakeman, Director oi. U, t ni. Ave and Oakland Dr. BernS Heler, Director State aind Wi~ashiriton Stree Mildred sweet, secretary on Servi es for Day of Atone- ilet:,at Unitarian Church (,tate ]11 (rs I";tablished for Religious Education n0 1trOn). and pastoral leadership at the Uni- Fredervrk B. Fisher esity of Michigan, primarily to Atonenent E ve (KobNire) Sun, Peteil'., t ir~ serve the Methodist Constituency O)ct 9t1. 7:30 P.,M.: sermon,: "The* F ut associated with other Religious Muagic Ippeal of Koi-Nidre," by 10:45--Morning Worship gencles in a series of Interest la bbi elc er. ;roues, classes and forums. "INDIA IN THE MODERN WORLD" rhe Director observes 3-5 P.M. daily Atneent Morning, Mon., Oct. 10th Dr.F!,;; r for student Interviews. 10 A.M. Sermton. AInh]Be-omne Obsolete," by Rabbi LKefler and Two Student Classes Sunday 9:30 Bishop C litambar of India a. Freshmen Afternoon M erIa Service, Mon., b.,TUpperclassmnfl ct. 10nt,)330 P.M. 7:15- UnIoi Ser'vite, Ongregalolal Two Discussion Groups Sunday Orthoox Atonement services at Church. 6:30 P.M. -Beth ibrael (538 N. Division), "+Iil ORt;NS. AEa. Guild Aoemn v, n, Oct. 9, f6 L'M. "FINDING OUR WAY IN AN AGE b. Graduate Forum O 1 ,M. Dr. I siNi Headquarters: Wesley Hal ALL ARE WELCOME THE FIRST FIRST BAPTIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CH URC H N"a" Huron,West of tae Huron andDivision Street;0 NDO OT .. Edward Sayles, Minister Howard R. Chapman, Minister Merl H ndo on nt~c.UN ~for Students Merle H. Anderson, Mini : N EGL ECT "** Alred Jee Klaer, Associate Minis ter 9 A.M.--The Church School, Dr. 9:30 A.M. -- Studennt lasses at :0,t,11fYOUR t'aSuperintendent Church Hose, 142 e will preach; Avenue . LI subec: "Tihe Conflict of Old an4 10:45 A.M. - Morning Worship. Dr. 12:00 Noon---Studrent study group at Anderson will preach on "IN Guild House, 503 E. Huron TOUCHWITHGREANESS Mr.Chapman: "Religion and tihe TOUCH WITH GREATNESS" ACTIVITIESw oralL'e" 5:30 P.M. -Social Hour for Young 6:30 P.M.-Dr. Leroy Waterman, of the Department of Oriental Lan- Peop guages, will speak at Guild 6:30 P.M.-.Young People's MeetingI eon"A Basis for Optimism Speaker: Jlule Ayers, President of in Religion" the S.C.A., "What It Means to be The Friendship hour, with "eats" a Christian, Today"will follow the program. iU ST. PAUL"S BETHLEHEM LUTHERAN ZION LUTHERAN EVANGELICAL Missouri Synod)CHURCH C H U R Third and West Liberty Washington St. at 5th Ave. C.A.B ,Past'r(Evangelical Synod) C. A. Br uf', C E. C. Stellhorn, pastor ,outh Fourth Avenue e 9:30 A.M.-Church School Theodore Schmale, pastor 9:30 A.M.-Service in German 9 A.M.-Bible School. Lesson Topic: 10:45 A.M.-Morning Worship "The Christian Family" Frederick Schreiner of Detroit __~ - L .,.... ,i+- 1,,,+h 9:0A .M t.-B~ible School I