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October 08, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-08

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The Weather
Increasing cloudiness; prob-
able showers; coder north por-
tion and in south portion Sat-
urday night; Sunday rain.






f i

Bruno Points
Out Fallacies
In Dole Work
'How Solve Problems Of
Present Crisis?' Social
Worker Asks Meeting
Raps Restrietions
On Relief Program
Item Of Residence Keeps
Many 'Bums' From Get-
ting Needed Help, Claim
Bringing to a close the Michigan
Conference of Social Work last night
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre,
Prof. Frank J. Bruno, of St. Louis,
president of the National Conference
of Social Work, spoke on "The Chal-
lenge of the Present Emergency."
Prof. Bruno pointed out the falla-
cies in the present system of ad-
ministering welfare aid. "We realize
the failure, but how are we to meet
the problems of the present crisis?
To the social worker the problem is
one of relief, but to the taxpayer it
is one to be done as economically
and rapidly as possible.
"When we first encountered this
depression we thought that it would
pass over in a short time, and relief
was given out haphazardly. But now
we must go about the task with sys-
tem. We must not only help the
unemployed, but restore confidence
in him."
He turned to attack the restric-
tions levied on relief work. He said
that residence was one item that
prevented a number of those who
needed relief from getting it. He
spoke of the bums, or "floaters," who
were a product of the present in-
dustrial system. "These men," he
said, "traveled about the country
wherever work was to be found.
When the depression came,, these
men flocked to the cities for security
and relief, for in the cities the wealth
is centralized. But because these
men are not residents of the city
aid is very small."
Prominent Sociologists
Lecture At Conference
Students, faculty members, and
members of the Michigan Conference
of Social Work crowded the Grand
Rapids room of the League yester-
day to hear three men prominent in
sociology discuss relief work in Mich-
igan and Illinois.
The men were Frank Bane, direc-
tor of the American Association of
Public Welfare Officials, Father Sie-
denburg, of the University of Detroit,
and Kenneth Sinke, director of the
Michigan State Unemployed Com-
Pointing out the necessity of fed-
eral aid to carry on relief work dur-
ing the coming winter, which, he
says, will be the most distressing
since 1929, Mr. Bane said, "This is
now a problem of government. We
can no longer rely upon charity, for
the burden is too heavy. We must
plan now for the future as there is
no time to go through the experi-
mental stage again," he said.
As a possible solution, he sug-
gested a sufficient public fund to be
set aside for welfare relief and han-
dled cautiously by competent social
Priest Stresses Chicago's Needs
Father Siedenburg, formerly of
Loyola University at Chicago, point-
ed out why federal and state aid was
so necessary in Chicago. Until the

Federal Relief Act was passed in
July, Chicago relied soley upon priv-
ate funds to carry on welfare work,
as that city had no public charity
But vast expenditures of money
soon consumed the private funds
and state aid became imperative.
Chicago received $9,000,000 from the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
and exhausted that sum within three
months. The city has been granted
$5,000,000 more, with the promise of
another $4,000,000, with which it is
hoped to carry the suffering through
the winter.
Speaks On State Relief
Mr. Sinke spoke on "State Relief
in Michigan,'" and showed the dif-
ficulty of direct state aid. The con-
stitution, said Mr. Sinke, prevents,
the issuing of any bonds, except a
maximum $50,000 bond for roads.
"The highway aids to a certain ex-
tent in contributing to unemploy-
ment relief," he declared, but is in no
T1 OT+rt ,,ovk nf a fthe s

In Race For Governor

(Associated Press Photo)
Lieutenant Governor Herbert H.
Lehman of New York, who was nom-
inated for governor by Roosevelt-
Smith forces combining against the
Tammany Hall candidate.
University Aids
More Students,
Report Reveals
Partial Payments Of Fees
Help Many; Remainder
Payable Next Semester
Financial assistance totalling ap-
proximately $120,000 was extended
this year by the University, through
the medium of loans and deferred
tuition payments, to more than 2,000
students, more than twice as many
as received aid in any previous year,
according to information received
yesterday from J. A. Bursley, dean
of students, and Herbert C. Watkins,
assistant secretary of the University.
No Shrinkage in Fund
During the period of September
18 to October 7, 307 new loans were
made, totalling $36,245. These were
from the fixed loan funds available'
every year. There was practically
no shrinkage in the amount, and
about 25 per cent more students
were accommodated than last year
from that source, by carefully scrut-
inizing each application and allow-
ing only the minimum amount on
which the applicant could get along.
At the same time, between 1,600
and 1,700 students took advantage of
the opportunity to pay 60 per cent
of the annual fee in advance and
sign a note for the remainder to
come due at the beginning of the,
second semester. The total amount
of notes signed is $82,417, including
some coming due before the end of
the semester. This is about $20,000
more than the 1931 figure, and rep-
resents a much larger number of stu-
dents, since again the average al-
lowance for each was smaller this
year than last.
Number Of Notes Doubled
When the method of partial pay-
ment by note first made its appear-
ance eight years ago, about 150 or
200 students took advantage of it.
Growth of its use has been very
gradual, but the last two years have
seen enormous demands placed upon{
it. Last year around 800 notes were
signed, while this year more than
twice as many were made. Notes in;
such large numbers create some fi-
nancial embarrassment to the Uni-
versity, since fees collected in Sep-
tember are the mainstay of the
school until after the first of Janu-
ary when the state is able to begin
paying the mill tax out of automo-
bile license receipts.1

Ray L. Wilbur
Will Speak At
Union Forum
Lecturer Is President Of
Stanford And Secretary
Of Interior Department
Meeting Scheduled
For Next Thursday
Th1e President And His
Principles' Is Topic Of
Speech; Begins 1 P. M.
R y Lyman Wilbur, United States
secretary of the Interior and presi-
dent of Stanford University, will be
the speaker at the second of this
years Union political forum, it was
announced yesterday by John H.
Huss, recording-secretary of the Un-
The forum will take place next
Thursday, October 13, at 1 p. m. in
the assembly hall of the. Union, Huss
der the auspices of the County Re-l
said. A luncheon for Mr. Wilbur un-
publican Committee will be held at
-the Union preceding the forum.
"The President and His Princi-
ples" will be the topic discussed by
Mr. Wilbur. He is at present hold-
ing the position of Secretary of the
Interior on a leave of absence from
Mr. Wilbur will address the citizens
of Ann Arbor in the Whitney thea-
tre on the evening of October 16.
Among the positions that Wilbur
has held are chairman of the exe-
cutive committee on race relations
of the Pacific coast, chief of the con-
versation division of the United'
States food administration in 1917,
and member of the national state
park commission. He is also a lec-
turer and demonstrator in psycholo-
gy at Stanford.
Al Smith Will
ork For DemsI
In StumP Touri

'Father' T. M. Iden
Critically Ill; Upper
Room Class Meets
Tonight at seven, the TJpper Room
Bible Class meets at Lane Hall under
the leadership of Rev. Howard R.
Chapman while their former leader,
Thomas M. Iden, affectionately dub-
bed "Father" Iden by the eight thou-
sand Michigan men he has taught
there, lies seriously ill from a danger-
ous operation performed at St.
Joseph's Hospital early last week.
The organization of the Upper Room
Class here in 1913 followed "Father"
Iden's experience at Butler college
and the group is continuing this year
along the same lines that he estab-
lished as a tribute to his leadership.
Information secured from Prof.
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary of the
College of Engineering, and intimate
friend of Mr. Iden indicated that he
was now convalescent and able to
receive immediate members of the
family. His removal to his home is
set for next week but he is expected
to be confined to his bed for at least
a month.
"Father" Iden is in direct contact
with Michigan men throughout the
world and his work with them con-
tinued even after he resigned active
leadership of the group last June.
Kenneth S. Bowen in the June issue
of the "World Call" called him "A
Mark Hopkins on a log; Socrates
walking with young men; a Tagore
under a tree; only God knows what a
mighty influence he has exerted up-'
on his children in the faith."
Canby Praises
Michigan For
Literary Talent
Hopwood Lecturer Urges
Technique Development
By Discipline and Study
"I think there is no institution
more promising for creative writing
than the University of Michigan,"
declared Dr. Henry Seidel Canby,
editor of the Saturday Review of
Literature, in a lecture on "Prize Lit-
erature" given yesterday afternoon
at Lydia Mendelssohn theatre under
the auspices of the committee on
Hopwood awards.
In his lecture Dr. Canby pointed
out what should be expected from
contestants for the Hopwood prizes.
"I do not think the writing in such,
contests can be expected to be the,
kind of work that has been most
successful in American literature
during the past ten years," Dr. Can-
by said. "Such writing is not suc-
cessful until the writer has some-
thing to describe, and excellent work
is not to be expected of young peo-
Stresses Technique
"However, there is one thing that
should be required in such contests
and ought to be encouraged, and
that is technique," Dr. Canby de-
clared. He urged the development of
technique through discipline and
through a careful study of great lit-
erature and the application of its
principles to creative writing.
"You cannot teach much about
creative writing. Find out what your
technique is and bring to it all your
resources and knowledge," Dr. Canby
said. "You can supply the mind and
imagination with material and make
an opportunity for your talent."
"The present era is the most hope-
ful in American literature since the
Civil War." Dr. Canby declared..
"There are more promising men and

women now. I think that the period
of rapid transition is over, and we
are beginning to pause, intellectual-
ly." I
Emphasizes "Inner Light"
Dr. Canby emphasized the import-
ance of bringing out the "inner
light" of the mind, and expressing
the relationship of the mind to its
own country. "There is a tendency
for Americans to live in the outer
quarter of their minds," he declared.
Taking nineteenth , century and
contemporary writers as examples,
Dr. Canby pointed out deficiencies in
their work because of lack of techni-
que. "Many good books are out of
balance because the technique does
not correspond to life," he said.
Titan Gridders Victors;
Leonard Is Knocked Out
DETROIT, Oct. 7-(JP)-The Uni-
versity of Detroit football team took
advantage of the only important
break of the game tonight to defeat
Washington and Jefferson, 7-0. A
fumbled nnt in the third maarter


Michigan And Northwestern
Meet In Nation's Headliner;
Mixup In Cheering Section

Definitely Campaign
Four States; 'Fights

Against Tamnmany
NEW YORK, Oct. 7-(P)-"Al"
Smith, the "Happy Warrior," will
take the stump in four states, it was
learned definitely tonight, and cam-
paign in the interests of a Democra-
tic victory in November.
While the number of his addresses
will be limited, he plans at present
to speak in Massachusetts, Connecti-
cut, Rhode Island and New York.
Delegations from all four of those
states supported him in the Chicago
Although it was announced in Il-
linois that Smith would speak there,
it was learned he has not yet added
that State to the list.
The possibility of Smith entering
the Roosevelt-Garner speaking cam-
paign was seen by Democratic lead-
ers after he had brought 10,000
cheering men and women to their
feet at the State Convention last
Tuesday by grasping the Governor's
hand in friendly greeting.
Freshmen will receive pledge slips
this morning and will return them to
the offices of the deans of men and
women before noon.

Approximately 600 Ticket
Applications Received
Are On Wrong Cards;
Formations Iay Fail
Urge Students To
Procure Mittens
Explain That Slips With
Z' Are Only Ones Good
For Cheering Section;-
Many Are Dissatisfied
Plans for a super-cheering section
of 1215 students at the Northwest-
ern game today met an obstacle
when approximately 600 ticket ap-
plications for the favored sections
were lost or were not sent in. Harry
A. Tillotson, business manager of the
Athletic Association, was forced to
fill up the section with an equal
number of non-applicants.
In spite of the fact that William
Temple, '33, head cheerleader, said
the cheering section applications
were correctly turned in, Tillotson
charged that students had used dif-
ferent applications or had sent in re-
quests for extra tickets, either of
which automatically bars the stu-
dent from sitting in this section.
'600' Must Get Mitts
Temple stated that announcements
of the confusion had been made at
the pep meeting last night, and that
this, with the notice printed in this
morning's Daily, he considered suf-
ficient to warn the 600 "pickups" in
the cheering section that they must
get their mitts at Saffell and Bush's
store this morning. With 600 mitts
missing from 'the cheering section,
.the figures to be formed would fail
miserably, Temple said.
The confusion will probably pre-
vail for the four remaining games
at which the mitts are to be used
unless a scheme for straightening
'out the disorder is devised, accord-
ing to Temple.
The yellow instruction slips pasted
over the back of all cheering-section
tickets will serve as identificajion for
the procural of the mitts.
When asked to comment on the
misunderstandings which have arisen
Mr. Tillotson said "It's just one of
those things," and added that it was
probably too m'uch of a departure
from the customary management of
the cheering section.
S New System Substituted
.In the past, 1296 seats have been
provided with yellow and blue plac-
ards, new ones being distributed at
each game. Under the new system,
1215 pairs of mitts are to be given to
the students, used at the game and
turned into Boy Scouts at the end
of the third quarter.
Students are warned that to ob-
tain seats in the cheering section,
their yellow application cards,
stamped with the "Z" or "N" must
be mailed or turned in to the ticket
office, with other cheering section
applications only. If additional tick-
ets are requested for non-students,
they are filled in a non-student sec-
tion. If the "Z" stamped tickets are
lost, stolen, or disregarded as is evi-
dently the case with 600 students,
a motley section is the result.
Columbia Protests
Against Doak Are;
Silenced By Rules
NEW YORK, Oct. 8.-Columbia
University students who planned to
hold a mass demonstration to fur-
ther their struggle for abandonment
of Secretary of Labor William N.
Doak's ruling forbidding compensa-
tory employment for foreign students
were frustrated by the discovery of

a University statue forbidding open-
air meetings, according to the Co-
lumbia Spectator.
The Spectator, crusading student
newspaper, is co-operating with the
Campus Social Problems Club in an
attempt to force Doak to rescind the
measure. An undergraduate strike
similar to that led by Reed Harris,
former Spectator editor, is rumored
in the offing.
Prof Aam Tero v Aones dire-tnr

"Are Michigan traditions disap- nearly every department of the game.
pearing or is Michigan spirit wan- Northwestern is inherently an offcn-
ing?" Fielding H. Yost, director of sive team. Coach Hanley has de-
intercollegiate athletics, asked more veloped his attack
than 4,500 students who packed Hill a mi-il many have
Auditorium last night for a pre-game r*d* ted that he
pep meeting- i h ave too many
The/ response of the crowd to us for Michigan
Coach Yost's talk showed that the today. This year
enthusiasm of the "Benny-to-Benny" A i c h i g a n h a s
days is not gone. opened up consid-
"It was the best pep meeting .... erably but still de-
have attended within the last 15 p ends upon a
years," said J. Frederick Lawton, '11, string defense. The
co-author of "Varsity," which en- Wildcats sponsor
tered on its twenty-second year yes- daring plays, while
terday. "They had more of the good VJiTreZT the Wolverines are
old spirit than they have had in a more conservative.
long time." Michigan's line will outweigh the
"They" roared out Michigan songs opposing wall by more' than 12
and yells in an inspiring fashion, and pounds to the man. The backfields
poured out on to North University will average 175 to 173 with the
avenue after the session to parade slgiht edge going to the home team.
after the band to the Union and Today's grudge battle is the re-
then back to Morris Hall. sult of two years of co-championship
Standing with rolled shirt sleeves, shared by the two teams. After the
Judge William "Willie" Heston, All- tie last year, the matphing of these
American back of the "point-a-mm- two teams was a natural. The coun-
ute" days, recalled the Northwestern try-wide interest in today's game is
game of 1901 when Michigan beat expected to draw nearly 70,000 fans
the Wildcats 29-0, in spite of previ- to the Stadium.
ous predictions of a Northwestern In Northwestern's workout at D
victory. troit yesterday, two players stood
"The team is up against the same out. Pug Rentner demonstrated hs
kind of a game tomorrow," said expert passing and sensational in-
Judge Heston as he urged the stu- ning abilities while Olsen, reputedly
dents to give the team complete sup- the best kicker in the Big Ten, :ent
port this afternoon, long, low spirals out of bounds azjsl
then changed to high ones down the
W ldcatsBoast field for exceptional distances.
Northwestern has a pair of strong
ends in Dick Fencl and Edgar Man-
H u e Band For ske. Although these men are not
dopedto out-star
R e d Williamson
Today's Game and Ted Petoskey
of Michigan, they
expect t o s t o p
Special Train Expected To Michigan's r un -
ning attack. Each
Arrive At One; Will Be weighs 162 pounds
Band's Headquarters while the Wolver-
ine flankmen tip
the scales at 185. ,
EVANSTON, Ill., Oct. 7.-(Special) Another so-call-
-Northwestern University's 160-piece ed weak spot in
purple and white band willhstep from the Wildcat line- EMRO
its special train at the Michigan Sta- up is at center. Harold Weldm
dium at 1 p. m. tomorrow and will weighs but 13 p ouan ds and is
march on to the field to meet Michi- matched against Charles Bernard,
gan's smaller blue-coated aggrega- who is about 210. However, Coach
tion on the latter's own ground for Hanley is not worried about these
the first time in tyears. three men as much as about his
Because its program for the day other linemen. His guards and
has been kept a careful secret from tackles are heavier but not as heavy
even the Northwestern students, the as Michigan's. -
Wildcat band is expected to take the If Rentner can be stopped, North-
field the cynosure of more than 70,- western will lose much of its offen-
000 pairs of eyes. Plans on the eve sive power. Hanley said in Detroit
of departure here called for a seven- yesterday that he expected Mi.h.,
minute demonstration before the gan's line to bottle up his star for
game and another seven minutes be- most of the game, but if he gets
tween halves before Michigan's away only once or twice, it will be
"Fighting Hundred" puts on its own enough.
The Wildcat band, one of the Mich. Noath
larger bands of the Western Confer- Petoskey - . . M"ske
ence, is not under a military depart- Wistert......... T .le.
ment, but its formations and musi- Kowalik........LG ...,y
cal presentations have aroused wide Bernard........C .e..n
interest in the West. r'+,.m,.r ,i,

Starr Commonwealth Reforms
World's Youngest Hold-Up Men

The Brownell Boys, aged 6 and 7,
the "baby bandits"who not long ago
terrorized a northern Michigan city
have reformed and. become "darn
nice kids' under the tutelage of Floyd
Starr, director of the Floyd Starr
Commonwealth for boys which is. to
hold its 4nnual tag day in Ann
Arbor today.
The story of these boys and their
eventual reformation is told in a lit-
tle pamphlet published by the com-
monwealth and written by Earle R.
"World's Youngest Bandit"
At the age of five years, Joseph
had earned the title of "the world's
youngest bandit." He and his broth-

fire at night to the contents of waste
baskets in a lumber office, causing a
damage of $300; of starting a fire
in the Baptist church, with a loss of
$500; and of robbing a half dozen
offices and other buildings.
Used Sympathy Racket
One of the favorite rackets of the
baby bandits was the sympathy
dodge. They would huddle together
in the hallway of a palatial home, set
up a wail, declare they were orphans,
that they were lost and hungry, with
the usual result that a kind-hearted
housewife would take them in and
feed them. While the woman was
out calling to the police, the boys
-would grab anything valuable in
sight and beat it down the street.

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