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October 07, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-07

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy, warmer, scat-
tered showers. Showers con-
tinue on Saturday and cooler.

C, r

Lie i Au




G.O.P. Chief

R. O. T. C. Enrollment Increases; Silent Period
Establishes New All-Time Record Is Entered By

lays Rainey
Speech Here
Tilson Charges Democrat
Floor Leader Gave 'Mis-
information' At Forum
Denies Six Points
Made In Address
Representative In Position
To Know His Assertions
Were Untrue, Is Claim
NEW YORK, Oct. 6 -UP) -Rep.


Enrollment in the University R. O. fors are rated by their fellow stu-
T. C. is at present the highest in the dents, their grades in the corps are
history of the branch here, accord- considered, their general fitness for
ing to Major Basil D. Edwards, pro- a commanding post is weighed, and
fessor of military science. The rec- lastly their efficiency is totaled.
Whenall ualficaionaretakn
ord previous to this year was 510, last
year's total, but at present there are into account the men who have the
year' totlbu at resethre ae highest average rating are the ones
536 regular students who are mem- jwho are appointed to posts as stu-
bers and seven others wlmo are tak- dent officers of the battalion. These
ing courses in the department but names will begiven out within the
are not regularly enrolled. The first next few weeks, post officers say.
year class is the largest of the four Uniform Deposit Reduced
with a total of 228 signed up. This year the United States gov-
The large enrollment is surprising ement and the University have
in view of the drop in freshman reg- found it passible to reduce the de-
istrations Major Edwards said. Since posit required on all basic uniforms
the entire course requires four years from $12.50 to $7.50. This money is
of training it is unusual for students deposited with the treasurer of the
to begin except when they are fresh- University when the uniforms are
men, and, as this year's first year issued as evidence of good faith, for
class is smaller, a corresponding drop the government will not pay for the
was expected in volunteers for the uniforms until the trainee has com-
basic course in military science. This pleted two years in the corps. When
did not prove to be true, however, he does this the money is sent to the
141 In Advanced Course University and the deposit is given
There are 141 in the advanced back to the student, who is allowed
course this year which is as many as to keep the uniform. The same sys-
are allowed to elect it at one time tem prevails in the advanced course.
here. Applications are received and Despite rumors that the War De-
admittance is granted to the highest partment was considering a reduc-
among those wishing to enter. tion in the R. O. T. C. appropriation
The selection of student officers for the colleges of the country, Ma-
for this year has not been completed jor Edwards said that there has been
as yet, for there are a number of no decrease in the apportionment for
considerations to be looked into, ac- the local branch or any order to cur-
cording to Major Edwards. The sen- tail its activities.


Henry T. Rainey, Democratic floo
leader, was charged in a statemen
today from Republican eastern head-
quarters with furnishing "misinfor.
mation" to the University of Michi.
gan forum which he addressed yes-
"Press dispatches quote Mr. Rain-
ey on six specific subjects," said the
statement over the name of Col.
John Q. Tilson, director of the East-
ern Speakers Bureau, "and each one
of the six was a misstatement of fact
which no one was in better position
to have possession of than the Illi-
nois congressman.
"I shall advert to only one as typi-
cal ofhall. He stated that President
Hoover had built a road to his Rapi-
dan camp at government expense."
The statement went on to say that
Secretary Adams had informed Rep
Rainey that neither army engineers
nor Marines built the road but that
soldiers training in the mountains
surfaced it as part of their regular
Fraternities Hit
By Depression
At Wisconsin
Alumni Called To Rescue;
Many Houses Are Closed
Or Have Consolidated
(Big Ten News Service)
MADISON, Wis.-Fraternity row,
stronghold of the University of Wis-
consin aristocracy, is feeling the
sting of depression.
Within the walls of the palatial
mansions of the university section
belated but drastic effortsare being
made to economize. The expensive,
lavish formal parties of past years
are being cut down, house bills have
come under the budget axe, and even
the grocery bill is being watched with
an eye to cutting costs.
In spite of all this, Madison mer-
chants report that the credit of uni-
versity groups is falling to the point
where cash is demanded even on gro-
cery deliveries.
Alumni have in many cases been
called to the rescue of fraternities
and sororities whose homes have
been threatened with foreclosures;
and several groups have already
either relinquished their homes and
disbanded, or consolidated.
Among the fraternities which have
already consolidated are Delta Sigma
Phi and Alpha Sigma Phi. The uni-
versity has taken over two houses
formerly occupied by Phi Chi and
Phi Delta fraternities, and has trans-
formed them into cooperative houses
for men.
Alpha Epsilon Pi and Theta Kap-
pa Nu, have given up their houses
and are now installed in each others'
homes on a rental basis.
Tammany Decides
To Drop Walker,
Nominate O'Brien
Y., Oct. 6.-(AP)-Democratic dele-
gates by the thousands swarmed into
this convention hal tonight to learn
that Tamnany Hall and allied forces
apparently had decided not to sup-
port James J. Walker and instead
would offer Surrogate John P.
O'Brien as their candidate for mayor
in the November election to complete
Walker's term.
Thus, it seemed certain the forces
of Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt, For-
mer Gov. Alfred E. Smith, and Lieut.
Gov. Lehman, the party's guberna-
torial candidate, had won their sec-
And sinifiant vitnrv nover the Tam-

. "~~ v - - r . -- - Vm. i./

Epidemic of Colds
Precipitates Rush
On Health Service
The annual rush of October colds
is being experienced at the Health
Service this week, Dr. Warren E.
Forsythe, director, said yesterday.
Statistics compiled by Dr. Forsythe
over a period of 18 years show that
October, January, and March are the
months in which cases of colds are
most prevalent at the Health Serv-
ice. While the cause of colds has not
been determined, the sudden changes
in October weather are being blamed
for the present increase in cases.
Dr. Forsyth. advises afflicted stu-
dents that plenty of rest is the only'
sure way of avoiding the chance of
serious complications.
Canby Lecture,
On Prizes Will
Be Given Today

France, Great '
Britain Delay
Arms Parley
Agreement To Postpone
Conference On German
Plea Made At Meeting
PARIS, Oct. 6.--(P)--After Lord
Tyrell, the British ambassador, had
conferred with Edouard Herriot, the
foreign office announced tonight that
Great Britain had postponed indef-
initely its plan to call a four-power
conference to consider Germany's de-
mand for arms equality.
The foreign office announcement
came after it had been understood
that France had decided to accept
the British invitation to the confer-
ence with several reservations. Of-
ficial quarters here had shown no
great enthusiasm for the plan.
"The British government," the for-
eign office communique said, "has de-
cided to postpone- indefinitely the
date of the proposed four-power con-
ference. Conservations are continu-
ing between London and Paris in ai
spirit of amity."
The premier made no amplifica-
tion of this announcement, but it
was understood that as a result ofl
his conversation with the British am-
batssador he considered it unneces-
sary to forward to London the gov-
ernment's reply to the British invita-
Information before.the British am-
bassador saw the premier was that
France would accept with these res-
ervations: that the meeting be held+
in Geneva instead of London; that
Poland participate; and that the+
conversations be strictly limited in

G reeks Groups
Communication Between
Rushees, Houses Ends
For Several Days
Men To Receive
Notices Tonight
omen's Pledge Lists To
Be Given Out Saturday
Night; To Be Final
Silent days for fraternities and so-1
rorities began last night with the
conclusion of the last rushing din-;
ners for the men and formal parties1
for the women.
Sorority preference slips will beI
sent to the rushees today and should
be turned into the office of the Dean1
of Women by noon tomorrow. Wo-
men pledge lists will be announced1
Saturday evening.
Men students will receive notice ofi
bids from fraternities some time to-i
night and are urged by the Interfra-
ternity Council to remain at home so
that they may receive them person-
ally. The notices will be given only
to the men themselves or to some
duly appointed agent.1
All fraternities must hand in pre-#
ference slips to the Dean of Students
by 9 a. m. today and freshmen must
submit their lists before noon on Sat-
Failure to hand in preference slips1
will result in the rushee being baredf
from pledging until next semester.r
Boston Orchestra
Conductor Praises
Music Of America
Serge Koussevitzky, conductor of
the time-honored Boston Symphony
-Orchestra which 'Will be heard here
on October 25 at Hill Auditorium
when the Choral Union Concert Se-
ries is opened, believes that the fu-
ture of music in this country is
brighter than in any of the countries
of Western Europe.
Dr. Koussevitzky made this state-
ment to reporters of the Boston
Globe at the time of his recent re-
turn from a European trip.
"No country in the world is mak-
ing so great an effort toward edu-
cation in music," was his opinion.
"The interest in orchestral music
in this country is so great that it
remains in spite of every interfer-
"The groundwork has been so well
prepared that music is an absolute e
necessity here," he continued, de-n
nying that there is any ground for si
the extensive popular belief that mu-c
sical appreciation in this country s
lacks the depth of Europes appre- o
ciation for the art. C
In his choice of programs for the L
season, Dr. Koussevitzky has in- t
cluded several pieces of modern mu- i
sic. Surprisingly, he said,' he has S
chosen no selections by Gershwin, i
who, he explained,, has written noth- I
ing new in the past few months.

Yost Hits Warpath
As Wildcat Editor
Revives Old Issue
Fielding H. Yost, the old maestro
of football at the University of Mich-
igan, is on the war path again. The
occasion of his wrath this time is an
alleged reflection on his sportsman-
ship made by an ambitious student
sports writer at Northwestern Uni-
versity who dug down into the files
of ancient history to rejuvenate the
old argument over the 1925 Michi-
gan-Northwestern game and the
award of the Conference Champion-
ship which followed.
Nathan Aleskovsky, the offending
scribe, in his column of October 5,
which reached Yost Thursday, re-
called again the "conceded" cham-
pionship of '25, and the 3-2 defeat
which a great Michigan teamsuf-
fered when it met Northwestern in
the mud of Soldiers Field that year.
"The purple victory that year," the
article said, "did not, however de-
prive Michigan of a Conference title
owing to the fact that Northwestern
magnanimously waived all claims to
the title-although each team had
lost only one game-you see Field-
ing Yost and the boys from Ann Ar-
bor swallowed their pride and did
right by their alma mater by accept-
ing the spoils-well thats school spir-
it-or something-."
Coach Yost immediately filed a re-
ply to the youthful columnist ac-
knowledging receipt of the article.
"Its a nice editorial," the Coach
said, "except that there is no truth
in it." Then the coach swung into-
form and got down to the statistics
which years of r e pe'tition have 4
stamped on his memory..
It seemsthat Michigan that year
played five conference games and
lost only one, that with Northwest-
ern. Northwestern ,in its turn played
four conference games, d e f e a t i n g
Michigan but losing to Chicago. As
the coach points out, that gave Mich-
igan an average of .833 while the
Wildcats totaled .750.
"So you see," Yost said, "North-
western's conceding the title was just
a lot of hokum. They were giving
us something we already had and it
made me mad at the time. .Then
this thing-." The coach waved the..
Northwestern student paper and be- I
came inarticulate-or as nearly so as
Coach Yost ever becomes. V

Saturday Review
Wiji Speak On


Dr. Henry Seidel Canby, editor of
the Saturday Review of Literature,
will lecture at 4 p. m. today at Lydia
Mendelssohn theater on the subject
"Prize Literature." The lecture is
sponsored by the committee on Hop-
wood awards.
"As a teacher in American uni-
versities," declared Prof. Bennett
Weaver of the English department,
chairman of the Hopwood commit-
tee, "and as the editor of a great
American review, Dr. Canby is sym-
pathetically qualified to speak on the
subject he has chosen.
"Dr. Canby's interest in the work
of the Hopwood committee and hisf
interest in the production of stu-
dents at Michigan have been of a
fine nature.
"I anticipate, therefore, that the
things he will say, although based
upon a general knowledge of creative
writing, will also have interest and
specific reference to the local situa-
tion," Professor Weaver said.
Students interested in writing for
the Hopwood contest may make ar-
rangements for personal conferences
with Dr. Canby between 1:30 and
2:30 p. m. today. Appointments
should be made at the English of-
Although particularly for those
students who are interested in writ-
ing for the Hopwood contest, Dr.
Canby's lecture will be of interest
to all university students, Professor
Weaver said.
Alumni Ticket Sale To
Be Saturday Morning
Tickets for the Michigan-North-
western football game will be on sale
for returning alumni from 9:30 a. m.
until 1:30 p. m. Saturday in the
lobby of the Union, according to

Singing Of 'Varsity' Tonioht
To Mark Song's 21st Birthday

When the Varsity Band and four
thousand lusty voices join in the lilt-
ing strains of "Varsity" at the first
pep meeting of the season tonight,
they will be placing the twenty-first
candle on the songs' birthday cake.
For "Varstiy" comes of age today.
Twenty-one years ago today, on
Oct. 7, 1911, the song whose catchy
melody was destined to swing into
the hearts of thousands of Michi-
gan men and women was written by
two Michigan men, one a senior and
the other a junior.
The two authors were Earl V.
Moore, '12, now musical director of
the University and director of the
School of Music, and J. Fred Law-
ton, '11, at present, a resident of De-
troit. Professor Moore was the com-
poser and Mr. Lawton author of the
"'Varsity' really had a very sim-
ple beginning," Mr. Lawton explains
when asked the history of the song.
"Earl and I met each other one night
and got to talking over the need for a
new Michigan song. 'The 'Victors'

began composition of the music.
"I sat down at the piano and Fred
pounded the rhythm of the words
into my head until I could work out
a tune that would fit them. In a
brief time the rough cast of the tune
was finished. By the end of the
week it was polished into final
The first public presentation to the
students was made about a week aft-
er the composition, in the old audi-
torium of University Hall. Professor
Moore was at that time organist in
the auditorium, and he played the
melody from a rough draft he had
written for organ, while Mr. Lawton
led the singing. Before the next
time the Varsity Band went out on
the march, Professor Moore had
completed a band arrangement and
it was used from that time on by the
band. According to the composer,
this first presentation was the only
one at which "Varsity" was ever
played on an organ for mass sing-
It is probable that both the authors
of "Varsity" h b npesnt at the nen


Social Workers
Hear Le Roy
Bowma nTalk
Recreation As Important
As Education To Child
Says Director
Viewing the present changes in
economic and social life, LeRoy Bow-
man, director of play school exten-
sion service, the Child Study Asso-
ciation of America in New York,
stated last evening before a crowd
of 300 social workers at the Michigan
Conference of Social Work in the
League, that in the future leisure
time would not be a chronological
nstitution, but a spiritual influence.
Since the period of Great Prosper-
ty, he said, the productivity of man
has increased tremendously.
"It is estimated," he pointed out.
"that there are between 12 and 14
nillion unemployed in America. If
we were to return to normal times
and send these unemployed back to
work, the factories and industries
would consume only 5 million of the
"Within the next few years more
time will be devoted to leisure, and
;hen recreation will be instrument-
a" Bowman went on to say that
recreation was as important as edu-
cation to children in the large cities,
and also that it was just as necessary
as food to the unemployed in that it
provides an escape from prosaic
However, he continued, playground
activitiesalone will not do away with
lelinquency in children. There are
a hundred other factors that enter
n, such as education, religion and
family life. The values that go into
naking up a child's life today deter-
mine somewhat his character 20
years from now.
Preceding Mr. Bowman, Joseph L.
loss, director of the bureau of relief,
Cook County, Illinois, gave a clear
picture of how relief work is being
arried out in Chicago.

University Of Minnesota
Men Praised For Help
Given Wreckers

Reed Delivers Lecture
On Business Recovery

MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 6. -(P)- "The Place of the Government in
Complimenting the desire to "break Business Recovery" was the subject
the bounds of infancy" in which of an address delivered last night by
America keeps her students, Norman Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the politie
Thomas, Socialist candidate for the cal science department, before the
presidency, approved "legitimate, members .of the Illinois Municipal
straight-forward" picketing upon the League. The meeting was held at
part of University of Minnesota stu- Rockford, Ill.
The picketing concerned the wage Cotton Acceptable As
scale being paid to razers of build- Collateral For Loans
ings on the site of the proposed Min-
neapolis post office. "I approve of WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.-()---Cot-
the picketing and do not think it ton today was acceptable collateral
fell into the emotional category," Mr. on crop production loans under a
Thomas asserted. Continuing he said, plan announced by the agriculture
"If the action was not intelligent, department designed to "ease the
and I believe it was, why discrimin- burden of repayment of such loans."
ate? There are certainly enough
other things you students do which CALL FOR CHEERING GROUP
are not intelligent. Members of the cheering sec-
"The pity is that everybody stopped tion are to be present at the pep
to 'oh' and 'ah' at the picketing and eeting at 8re . mb in Hl Ahei-
flmnl if c - Q '"nln- _.n a tr ,+1ing a p. m. in Hill Audi"


Continue Upper
Room Bible Class

I The r.ahinet of the Student Chris- I

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