THE MICHIGAN DAILY JE MICHIGAN DAILY Established 189Q :p, result from another prolonged series of butcheries will fall upon the Mexican nation. As long as men of the caliber of Calles and Rodriguez hold sway, Mexico is doomed to remain one of the back- ward nations of the world, if, indeed, she remains long a nation. ITHIE THEATRE i By George Spelvin III - 11- - c Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications.< Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion anid the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS< The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication ofrall news dispatches credited toit or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, asl second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by< Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,1 0.~50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; byj Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,1 Ann .Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1211.< Representa-rives: College Publisher Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80, Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR............FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY EDITOR......................KARL SEIFFERT I lPORTS EDITOR . ....... ....... ..JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR... ... . ..... . .MARGARET O'BRIEN ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR.......ELSIE FELDMAN NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft. John W. Pritchard, Joseph W. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. REPORTERS: Edward Andrews, Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Bail, Charles G. Barndt, James Bauchat, Donaldl R. Bird, Donald F. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens, Donald Elder, Robert Engel, Ed- ward A. Genz, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B.J Hewett, Alvin Schleifer, George Van Vleck, Cameron Walker. Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White, Leonard A. Rosenberg. Eleanor B. Blum, Miriam Carver, Louise Crandall, Carol1 J. Eannan. Frantces Manchester, Marie 1. Murphy;, Margaret C. Phalan, Katheri Rucker; Marjorie West- ern and Harriet Speiss. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER................ BYRON C. VEDDER CREDIT MANAGER.....................HARRY BEGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER......DONNA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising. Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turncr; Accounts. Bernard E. Sclinacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. Finn. ASSISTANTS: Theodoro Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Charles Ebert. Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hlume, Howard Klein, Allen Kniausi, George Laurie, Charles Mercill, Russell Read, Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward. Betty Aigler, Edua Canner, Genevieve Field, Ann Gall-, mneyer, Doris Gummy, Billie Griffiths, Helen Grossner, Kathryn Jackson, Dorothy Laylin, Virginia McComb, Carolizo Mosher, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May See- fried, Kathryn Stork. SO WHAT? Now that we've gone definitely Philistine on the subject of Bill Gorman, our public's attitude is probably. in general, "That's all right, but what about yours'lf? So what?" About all we can do toward a statement of our critical aims is to list the various schools of student criticism we dislike and promise to avoid them. There are three in all; the Esoteric, the So- phisticated, and the Ladies Literary. Though these are expressions of three very different types of minds they are, to us at least, equally annoy- ing. Rather than go into a learned exposition of their several imbecilitics, we'll give you ex- amples of what we mean. THE ESOTERIC Pertinently obvious, "The Incipient Mrs. Bowersox", purist-fascist-realist-hedonist, (Socrates, it seems, was right) penetrat- ingly succeeded last night at the Lydia Mendelssohn. If this is high comedy- Dos Passos, Renan, and Harold Bell Wright to the contrary-then its point was made by (refreshing because absolute) recurrent undertones of culmination.... We've discussed this sort of thing before. It is meaningless because of its absurd supposition that the public is interested in the quibbling purisms of the chosen few. Granted, it has all the solidity of a log of wood, all the weight of a lump of stone. But its pretensions to dignity are those of the very young-the freshman back after a semester at the U. and ready to tell father how to run the business. THE SOPHISTICATED Not only should Play Production not have produced "The Transcendental Mrs. Twickenham," but it should never have produced it, if any. Moreover, probably the worst 'thing about the production was the production itself, if any. Valentine Windt has a blond beard and I loathe people with blond beards-if any.... Admittedly, there is too much of this on cam- pus. It may be, and has often been, amusing. As criticism it is worthless. THE LADIES LITERARY An enthusiastic audience at the Lydia Mendelssohn last night had the privilege of viewing none other than the scintillating Miss Todd in that charming play, "The Twenty-Seventh Mrs. Goltzmeyer" which ran so long on Broadway the early part of last February. Those who are in the know whisper that never has the Lydia Mendel- ssohn's stage been transformed into such a veritable fairyland of color, lights. If it is unfair to deprecate always, it is quite as' unfair always to praise. When a fine play comes out there's nothing left to say. The Pol- lyanna attitude is very dull reading, too. That just about sums up what we're not going to do. As for our intentions on the positive side -that's for you to figure out. Screen Reflections Four stars means a super-picture; three stars very good;two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. understand and why what people write leters to newspapers. I might begin by explaing that ill attacking Mr. Friedberg I at the same time disclaim andd disavow any connection with or support of Mr. George Spelvin, whose strange document that eli- cits this - well, a strange i n t e r 1 u d e between strange documents. Mr. Spelvin's a r t i c 1 e said nothing so trenchantly that I know he must feel not a little ashamed at seeing it in print. So I leave him to whatever conscience he might have. But Mr. Friedberg should have better sense. In the first place he is a Gorman-trained man. He was discovered by Gorman, he aped Gorman, he walked, talked, wrote, and-this to those who know them both-even slept like him. He was a willing if obscure bull dog for him. If Gorman slept through the 5 p. m. deadline for his column, good old Saul was always ready to fill the Music and Drama colume with Gorman catch-words. In spite of this rigid fromulative background, he announces, a la Edmund Wilson, a sudden swing to the left. Mr. Friedberg, who has never read Das Kapital, professes to be a Marxist critic. What happened to the thin crust of Anglicanism baked prettily about him by Gorman via T. S. Eliot he neglects to say. But I do know for a fact that his revolutionary activity still consists in smoking a twenty dollar pipe and reading the Hound and Horn acd medieval philosophy by day and listening to Bach by night. Hence he is worse by far than a parlor socialist: he is a dishonest kitchen communist. His letter the other day accuses me of being the first editor of Diagonal and part of the picture that depicts Pansies playing bridge in the Parrot, presumably the partner of Mr. Spelvin, whose acquaintance I have not yet had the pleasure, or the reverse, of making. The first editor of Diago- nal was not I but Rhodes Scholar George Tilley, at present abroad muddling through with Eng- land. With George Dusenbury, editor of the only artistically excellent 'Ensian ever published, I took over the next issue of Diagonal with the simple policy of honesty and the making of mon- ey. If the making of money conflicted with hon- esty, we were broad-minded about it. But it was a good little liberal magazine, well-written and derisive of tle very things Mr. Friedberg is at last-allegedly-derisive of. Its critical tenet was an amiable scepticism about the collegiate world. We did not seek, as did Mr. Friedberg then and very probably now, to protect a dishonest cyni- cism within a medieval renegation. What irks me more than anything he wrote is the category Mr. Friedberg places me in. That is, he includes me among the scoffing bourgeois crowd-men who failed to recognize Gorman as their champion. He overlooks the fact that I had to live with Gorman at the time he was first discovering T. S. Eliot and the Harvard intel- lectuals. We had the same environment and were subjected to the same training. Gorman was more readily adaptable to bourgeois idealogy and was impervious to any other doctrine, He went ahead into philosophy and discovered bourgeois security. I ventured into anthropology and dis- covered the International Labor Defense. And finally, I take issue with Mr. Friedberg's vociferous praise of Mr. Gorman's honesty. If Mr. Friedberg were a good Marxian critic he would see that honesty to a cause is invalid unless the cause itself is honest. He would not praise Mr. Gorman for being faithful to his class but would take him to task for supporting a cause which in itself was not worthy of support. Lawrence R. Klein, Annlountcing1 -- i% SHEAF ER'S. ensPencils, Desk Sets and Skrip IN OUR SUPPLY DEPAR1TM ENT We will feature among Sheaffer's produc ts the new . heaffer "Feathertouch Lifetime" pens as a regular item in our stocks. Thursday, Oct. 6th, Mrs. Loring, of the Sheaffer Company, will offer suggestions and advice about pens and pencils at our State street store. TWO CAMPUS BOOKSTORES State Stree t East Unive rsity AvCnuC THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1932 Alfred E. Smith, hide endeii[ L Citizen . , ALFRED E. SMITH, the man with a conscience, has at last made up with candidate Roosevelt. Mr. Smith is above designated as "the man with a conscience" because hitherto his personal con- victions have prevented him from supporting Mr. Roosevelt, although thereby he has done his party more harm than good. Always a conscientious citizen, Mr. Smith has attempted to be fair and non-partisan in the opinions he has presented to the public. In his recent article in the Saturday Evening Post, he presented a dispassionate view of the bonus ques- (igl, and incidentally berated the House of Rep- resentatives for its stand on that issue. Although he failed to mention it, the House is Democratic. However, he sought to make up for this party deficiency by lauding the Democrats in a later article running in his own magazine, The New Outlook, wherein he stated that the only hope of the nation was in his party's forthcoming vic- tory. But he could not quite bring himself to mention Mr. Roosevelt. His diplomacy was su- perl, but it was not quite sufficient. The memory of his circumvention at the hands of wily Mr. McAdoo at the Chicago convention, nerhaps, still rankled. Consequently, although he was decidedly a conscientious citiz~en, it is seriously to be doubted whether he showed himself the best sort of Demno;rat. The dispute seems at last to be patched up, as indicated at the nomination Tuesday of Herbert H1. Lehman for New York Governor. Now Mr. Smith can do his party a great deal of concrete good. Mexico's President Aid(i Ctl ollCis1i . . A FTER a few short years of peace,. Mexico a p p e a r s to be on the threshold of a repetition of the bloody days of the Plutarco Calles regime. Under Ortiz Rubio, the situation in the land of revolutions remained very quiet. Rubio displayed a willingness to meet the Catholic Church half way, and the church responded in a very satis- factory fashion. But the days of co-operation and peace are near an end. Rubio is gone and his suc- cessor, General Rodriguez, a statesman of the old blood and thunder type, is ready to sacrifice the future of his country to a petty quarrel with Ca- tholicism. In a blustering s t a t e m e,n t of his intentions, Rodriguez calls the attitude of Pope Pius XI "ihso- lent." This, from a petty national politician ad- dressed to the head of the Roman C a t h o 1 i c church, is the height of arrogance. It is Rodri- guez, obviously, who is "insolent" and in no small An~aaAc',. r rof the lamest rPani7ationf it the -- -~ - - -- - -------- - --- - C-g- - - - Twee Skrt t t j- Tweed Hat 3 SWool Sweater If you've been around much, you know these swagger suits are being worn, and you also know that they're not being sold for this paltry sum of $9.95 - that's being done only at Mack's - due to a large shipment. The lined coat may be used as a separate sports or top coat. Tweed mixtures, bAku brown, forest green, wine, blue. SECOND FLOOR - PHONE 4161 240 c/r '1 AT THE MAJESTIC "NEW MORALS FOR OLD" * We heard someone in bacK of us say after the show was over, "Pretty good." And that ex-t presses it perfectly. "New Morals for Old" is neither a new picture from point of view of plot, nor does it receive original treatment. It tells of the adventures ofr two wayward "children," a boy and a girl, whol gradually drift away from their parents, the boy to an artist's colony in Paris, the girl to a doubt- ful relationship with a married man. T{ollywood errs when they carry the despairing mother characters to such extremes. While Rob- ert Young is convincing as the artistically-bent son, and a newcomer, Margaret Perry, is entic- ingly beautiful as the daughter, there is too much "come-hither-to -mother" action to be palatable. The picture undeniably has its good points: It is on a far higher plane than "Are These Our Children" or the "Dancing Daughters" series, and Lewis Stone, the versatile onetwho refuses star- dom, gives a performance that can be described in the all too familiar word, "consistent," but this picture never quite gets across. There are some shots that are worth noting. The cenes in Paris are done with a flair for ca, iatre; there is the bewhiskered arst-over- reer who. tells his class where and why they get- off; the Robert Young in bed sequence gets a laugh; and Robert's pickup Parisiall midinette had us sitting on the edge of our seats when she opened an apartment door and screamed, For a moment we thought mother might be there ready to plead with Robert to come home again, but the girl comes out with, "So you have a pri- vate bathroom." For the fight fans there is presented the eight- round technical knockout featuring Max Schmel- ing and Mickey Walker. Also Hearst Metrotone News and that's all for today. G. M. W., Jr. DIACONA L By Barton Kane 0. K. America And, America Is 0. K. Do You Inhale? OCCASIONALLY I have been accused of Win- chelling and I take this opportunity to say that scandal mongering is not the purpose of this column. The real purpose of Diagonal is to show that the campus big-shots are really only little- shots and that the University big-timers are only small-timers. Not that there isn't a great deal of scandal on the campus. For instance: Bully Boy Joseph F. (Peaches) Zias, who is supposed to be that way about the daughter of the WWJ announcer C. C. Bradner ("This concludes the broadcast for this evening and-good night a1', is M-Hutting and Parrotting after hours with a very charming local girl. The home breaker is none other than little Alice Cleveland, Noise like a siren. 0. K. Clevelant. 0NE of the young couples that was married last spring during the epidemic of hoine-mak- ing is expecting a blesed (event. 0. K.,Americ a and America is O. K. A UTO BAN Walter B. (Buddy) URcu, assistant to Deferred Rushing Joeph A. (Uncle J>e. Bursley, is being driven cr'-razy by a local school teacher. Noise like a siren. Do you inhale? A D whaile Student Governm(en[, Edward J. (Boss) McCormick, )a 1932 graduate of Br, sley's School for Boys, and Margaret Grant claim that it has not been wedding bells for them, , the same time, the Alpha Phis (pronounced fees say that Maggie and Jiggs were missing all .o[ the day that the rumor came out. K. Miss America, we thank you for your patronage-and now it looks like it might be Niagara Falls-ing soon for Rehn Nelson and Lit- tle Orphan Annie. They have been keeping com- pany for a long, long time. 4.. f f frr f. k' Unusual Program New Low Prices =Also Will Duranit, Frederic William Wile, William Butler "Yeats, Dr. Raymond L. Dituiars Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymousscommunications will be disre- garded. The names of communicants will, how- ever, be regarded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining them- selves to less than 300 words if possible. I HEAR AMERICA SINGING THE BLUES or, BLUE SONG, BLOW, THOSE REDS AWAY ONE of the secretaries in Dr. Alexander Grant (Butch) Ruthven's office has pulled a fade- out this year. No one seems to know where she went. 0. K. Ann Arbor. SO now we send a greeting to E. Jerome Jerry) Pettit, ladies' man and chiseler who is sick in Idaho and is fighting for the morals of the University of Michigan through the columns of a paper there. THE Engineering School (The Purdue of the East) had trouble getting started this year because one -of the professors was Renoing. The LOWELL THOMAS Subject CARVETH WELLS Subject: it 11 llp,., intrra~nr nia" "Noahl's tHom~e TJown"