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October 06, 1932 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-10-06

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Frid' ay from three to five of this Mexca Papa Eno
- - Luy xpelled; Flees To U. S.


troduce brand new, unique prod-
ecay.Se M. reu e
302 Michigan *U n i o n, Thursday
afternoon. 24

University Lecture: Dr. Henry
Seidel Caniby, author, and editor of
The Saturday Review of Literature,
will speak on the subject "Prize Lit-
erature" at 4 p. in., Friday, Octo-
ber 7, in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, under the auspices of the
Committee on the Hopwood Awards.
The puiblit; is invited.
Through the English Office stu- .
dents may arrange conferences with 1
Professor Henry Seidel Canby. Pro-
fessor Canby will be available for
cnerences between 1:30 p. m. andl
2:30 p. m., on Friday th t.
Pychology 42: Make-up final ex-
amination will be held Thursday eve-

treport at the Secretary's office, 263 Wes Enginjeering Building, unless ning October 13 at 7 o'clock in Room
they have previously done so: 1121 N.S .
Five-year programs combined with Industry;
Combinations of any two programs; English 233: The elass will meet
MVathematics or comibinations of mathematical and technical pro- rhurs.dy afteroon mn Room 3227
A ,A t2 oclck
grams; b ti s

Engineering Mechanics, or combinations;
Engineering-Law program. Louis A. Hopks, Secretary

Psychology 41: Make-up final ex-
arnination will be held Thursday eve-
ning, October 13 a t 7 o'clock in Room
1121 N.S.
Seminar i n MaL iematical Theory
of Statistics: There will be a meeting
of those interested in the organiza-
tion of an informal seminar in the
mathematical theory of statistics.
Thursday at 3 o'clock in 3020 A.H.
This seminar will be open to those
who have had or are taking Mathe-
matics 227 and 228 or its equivalent.
Varsity Debate: Men's Varsity de-
bate tryouts will take place Thurs-
day, October 13, at 1 p. m. in Room
4003, Angell Hall. Complete infor-
mation concerning these tryouts is
posted on the bulletin board next
to the office of the Department of
Speech and General Linguistics, 3211
Angell Hall.
Political Science Journal Club will
meet today in the Political Science
Seminar Room, A.H., 3:00-5:00 p. mn
All graduate students in politica]
science are expcted to attend-.
Engineering M ecanics Colloqu-
ium: The first meeting will be helc
this evening at 7:30 in room 44f
West Engineering Building. A de-
scription of some important engi-
neering conferences held during th<
p~ast summer will be given by Pro.
fessor Timnoshenko, Professor Erik-
sen and Mr. Way. All persons inter.
ested in these meetings are invited t<
attend and to join the discussion.
National Association of Cost Ac
countants, Detroit Chapter: Meetin.
at Detroit-Leland Hotel, Thursda3
October 6, 8 p. m.,, to be addrcsse'
by W. T. Sunley, educational direc
tor and vice-president of the Inter
national Accountants' Society,. o:

MEXICO CITY, Oct. 5--ft',-Msgr.
Leopoldo Ruiz y Flores, papal dele
gate to Mexico, left in a private air-
plane with two agents of the De-
partment of Interior today for the
United States. He had lbeen ordered
expelled from, the country as a "per-
nicious foreigner."'
The plane was to cross Ihe border
a t I a' redo o" r ownsv le<. ,
The Papa! delegate's onlyv remark
was that it was the first time he
ever had been up in an airplane.
A delegation from the Chamber of
Deputies called upon President Rod-
riguez this afternoon to present for-
mally the request that the Pope's
representative be compelled to leave
and the President informed them
that he already had dictated an or-
der to that elfect.
"The Development and Use of Stand-
ard Costs." Visitors are welcome.
Pi Lani13da Theta: AUl Pi Lambda
Theta members, whether of Xi chap-
ter of Michigan or any other chap-
ter are cordially invited to a Wel-
coming Tea to be held in the Library
of the Elementary School, corner of
E. University and Monroe, from 3:30
to 5:30 Thursday, October 6. We
should like to meet all Pi Lambda
Theta women who arc on thec cam-
Varsity Gdee Club: Full rehearsal
Thursday, October 6, 7:30 p. in. at
Glee Club room, third floor Michi-
gan Union. Try-oats for new mem-
bers will follow the rehearsal.
David Mattern
Polonia Circle meeting at 7:30 p.
in. in the Michigan League. All stu-
dents of Polish extraction arc in-
vited. Social hour and refreshments
lHindustani Club: The regulai
meeting of the Hindustan Club wit
-be held at 2 p. in., Sunday. Oct. 9, ir
I Lane Hall. All Indian students ar
requested to be present

WALKER'S Home Laundryv-Student
laundry a specialty. Terms very
reasonable. Dial 4776. We call for
and deliver. 7c
IT IS not to early to order Christ-
mas cards. Our greeting card
dept. is large and complete. Fran-
cisco Boyce. 719 N. Univ. 29
Music Studios, 312 So. Division.
Phone 6328. Official tuning Mich.
Union, Mich. League, L a w y e r s
Club, Martha C o o k Dormitory,.
Betsy Barbour House, Helen New-
berry Residence, Mosher-Jordan -
Halls and many fraternities and
sororities. 27
ishing. We specialize in Univer-
sity and fraternity work. Jahnke
Uph. Co.. 224 F. Huon Ave. Phone
ATTENTION! Have your 'hoe rc-
pairing and hat blocking done at
Liberty Shoe Repair Shop, 622 E.
Liberty. 26
EAT-Meal Tickets $5.50 for $4.50.
Lunches 25c, 30e, 40c. All steak
dinners 40c. Forest Restaurant,
538 Forest Ave. 25

Maynard. Free mending and darn-
ing. Collars and cuffs reversed.
Opening special, 12c a shirt cash
and carry. Dial 8894. 8c
STUDENTS' Laundry by experienced
Laundress. Prices reasonable. Will
call for and deliver. Stockings done
free. Call 116 and ask for 769F13.
-g--p-- -n grp-uc. al93
FOR SAL E-Sweet cider, Paw Paw
or 22413. Wagner Cider Mill.,
LOST-at Tappa ands M oea
Phone 4972. 30
fSTENT AUDP -H dwork
sonl wae, a for and deier.
Dia 489afer 12 noon. 3
WANTED Eiperhmced dr~essmnaking
-Mrs. S. J. Reed. Tel. 761F2.
Called for, and delivered. 16
L A UJ N D R 'Y - Soft water, 21044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
WANTED -Stu. dent washing. All
Mending~ nea tly done. Phone 300'.

WANTED -To buy one set of Han-
yard Classics. Wrrte Postoffice
Box 169. . 17
water. Will call for and deliver.
Sure satisfaction. Telephone 4863.
W A N T E D---Student and family
washing, rough dryv or ironed. Rea-
sonable. call for and deliver. Phone
5118. 14c
WASHING and 'ronmg. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens
guarntee satisfactory. 223478.
611 Hoove.15
WANTED- Student I a u n d r y and
good work at reasonable rates. All
mending free, Called for and de-
livered. Ilial 4929. 11
WANTIED--U.2 d Wi ycle. C' 11 7062.
ATRACTIVE furnised suite. Two
rooms, half block from Michigan
League. Graduate or instructor
preferred. New single rooms. Very
reasonable. 222 5. Ingalls. 22

II -- - - --..___ -..---.-- --

Tis is onc - 11we Cabana - of rich,
velvety ooze, lined throughout with
soft kidskin, This pump is a WALK-
OVER, so it will not slip at the heel,
nor pinch at the toes.
A Big Selection at $6.50

Black or Brown oze $8,50


Davis & Ohlinger
DIAL 8132
109-111 E. Washington St.
Second Floor

urton' s Walk Oe So

115 South Main

Ann Ar+or

* . .. .~.' 2

Youth Takes Its Stand


Nutzure in the Raw "-as porirayed by the great
animal painter, Panl~ Bransom ... inspired by the leopard's
Jircc Jighting bonver and relentless hunt for prey which
nihshm h ero feey es f h fand juwngle.c
, .. ... . . . .
. O


Myrno Loy, Jean Hersholt
-Etra Added Feature-
Exclusive, Official
All Talking Pictures
oi the


They are not present in Luckies.
,.the mildest cigarette
yOU ever smoked
E buy the finest, the very
finest tobaccos in all the
world-but that does not.
explain why folks every-
where regard Lucky Strike as
the mildest cigarette. The fact

these fine tobaccos, after
proper aging and mellowing,
are then given the benefit of
that Lucky Strike purifying
process, described by thie
words- tIt's toasted".That's
why folks in every city, town
and hamlet say that Luckies
are such mild cigarettes.

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