THE MICHIGAN DAILY [CHIGAN DAILY EstablUshied 1890 of our trade is tariff-taxed, but it must be born in mind that there is some volume of trade which, owing to the present tariff schedule, is prohibited completely, and on which hence no tariff is col- lcctcd. Although it may be impossible to know exactly, certainly careful estimates should be taken of the amount of this trade, which pre- 7 sumably would flov United States-ward if the tariff barriers were removed. Closely connected with this is the question of what the United States would gain and what it would lose by so removing the tariff barrier. If Ram~ o tt a PM6eR~mg sn T~NTn iJN a rri,.rMGM apr r . nMP aw.--aM oo--o Published every morning except Monday during the, U>iversity year and SumuierSession by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatch~es are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as secondclass matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor. NvMichigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publishers Representatives, Inc., 40 Easit Thirty-Fourth Street, NewYorks City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MAN~AIG EDITOR............FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY EDITOR......................KARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR.............. .JOH N W. THOMAS WOQEN'S EDITOR.................MARGA9ET O'BRIEN ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR.......ELSIE FELDMAN NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F.. Kraft, John W. Pritchard, Joseph W. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman. REPORTERS: Edward Andrews, Hyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt, James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird. Donald F. Blankertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W Carstens, Donad Elder, Robert Engel, Ed- w ard A. Gjenz, Eric .Hail, John C.116ealey,t Robert. B. Hewett, Alvin Schleifer, George Van Vleck, Cameron Walker, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W, Stoddard White, Leonard A. Rosenberg. Eleanor B.. Blum, Miriam Carver, Louise Crandall, Carol J. TIannar, Frantces Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, argartrC. Plain, Katherine Rucker, Marjorie West- enand Ha~rri'et Speiss. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-Irt4 RU.SIN SS MNA. E................?3YRON C. VEDDER, E MANAGER...................ARR EGEY ME'S-BUSINESS MANAGER......DONNA BECKER IEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advrtsing Cotracts, Orvil Aron son; AdvetisinServ- iceNonelTurer; AEcouts, Beatd E. SchnackeCir- cultion, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert. E. Jack Bellamy, Gordon oymson, Fred Hertrick, Allen Knuusi, George Read, Lester Skinner, our imports increased materially, what volume of trade would our producers lose? Although here again no exact information could be obtained, it would still seem that a great deal of factual in- formation could be collected by any individual or body sincerely interested in discovering the best course for the nation to pursue, To this we may add its brother question, how would such a change affect the great body of our people, the consumers and the laborers? It is a little difficult to see how they could profit from an unprotected competition with materially lower paid foreign populations; it is hard to see how benefits to them like the proposed six hour day could' be effected if they were forced to sell their services in a market glutted with labor that was accustomed to a twelve hour day; and we hasten respectfully to state that this is one of the questions on which we hope men like Mr. Rainey will shed some light. There is also the perhaps subtler question con- cerning the amount to which tariff or its absence effects the total value of trade. It will be seen that different prices may be paid for like annual totals of goods. It will also be seen that the presence or absence of a tariff may very materi- ally affect this price. And it is thus obvious that much insidius propaganda may easily be spread, by either side, by comparing annual trade totals under the different systems. These are some ofwthe questions, then, which we believe must be answered, Much theory has been' expounded in favor of high, low, and intermedi- ate tariffs. We contend that the tine has come to approach the question in a more factual way. By Kathleen Murphy PALMER CHRISTIAN RECITAL Palmer Christian, organist will give a recital at 4:15 p. m., today, in Hill Auditorium. The pro- gram is at follows: Prelude and"fugue in D major..ach (685-1750) Ip his great work on J. S. BACH, Albert Sch- weitzer writes: "The more complexly and intense- ly the conscious and unconscious concepts and ideas of the artist communicate themselves to us through his art-work, the deeper is the impres- Sion. It is then that he succeeds in stimulating others to that vivacity of imaginative f e e i n g which we call art, in contradistinction to what we hear and see and exprience in our ordinary moments". The D major Prelude and Fugue constitute one of the greater Bach organ works; at just what period it was written makes little difference in its pipce in the literature as far, as effect goes. That effect is bound to be one of grandeur, brilliance, vitality; and it is exactly through the intensity of the Preldobe and the complexity of the Fugue, in addition to the very evident fertility of imagina- tion, that we arc uplifted when hearing music of this kind - whether or not we understand every detail. Prestp (Sonata 333) ....... . Quantz (167-1773) Johann Joachim Quantz was a famous flutist; he spent much of his time arranging concerts at the Court of Frederick the Great, as well as in givine' this royal muiian lessos on the flute, and in writing something over three h u n d r e d works for Frederick's exclusive use. Ave Maria ..................rk adelt (1514-57) This ever-popular number was transcribed for organ by Franz Liszt; with further adaptation to the modern o r g a n, an atmosphere is created which must be very close to what we can well imagine resulted when the work was heard during the composer's life-time in some Flemish village. Aiegro Adagio (Symphony VI)......Widor Intermezzo By Barton KaneC Entrance Examination They Never Come U3ck No Jay-ftrds 'EORGE WANTY has been admitted to the 1 University, it is rumored, because he made a cookie-cutter. George, a freshman from Grand Rapids, came to Ann Arbor without the required credits; was refused admittance; was informed later that he might enter if his work done in high school was satisfactory. George proved his worth in all the courses he had taken except art metal; was told to send home forsomething that he had made in class; waited anxiously for the arrival of his master- piece. The cookie cutter arrived; George took it over to an authority in the Engineering School. The authority looked the job over; said it was O. K. It was. * * 4' HOWARD GOULD, great lover, activities mas. Bursleyite, and brains, if any, of last year's Interfraternity Council, is having trouble keeping out of student activities. Gould lives in the Law Club; has certified that he is connected with no outside activities. Recently, Edwin Turner called up several houses; warned them that they were breaking the rules. Rushing chairmen turned to the old mainstay, Gould. Called him at intervals at the Law Club. Telephone operator there became sus- picious; accused Howard of signing up for Law Club under false colors. Gould denied rumor of being connected with Interfraternity Council; also denied that Wash-' tenaw was trying to draft him as party caucus chairman. THERE is a story in circulation about Owen Landy, local orchestra player, who took Geog- raphy I; cut 45 out of 60 recitations; went to the final cheerfully; wrote four bars of "Stardust" in his blue book; added "How do I come out"; re- ceived "C" as his final mark. * * * ' A SORORITY girl (I can't say which sorority, because it's rushing time) went out to The Mill recently. The car that she was riding in got stuck in the ditch; caused her to get home four hours late. The girl tried the doors and windows on the first floor; found them all locked; went up the fire-escape to the third floor; found a window open; sneaked in; tiptoed down stairs to open the door for her room-mate; tripped on the top step of the last flight; fell down tfhe stairs; woke up Uhe whole house; explained to the house presi- dent that she had been stuck in a ditch; wasn't reported to Aunt Alice Lloyd. MICHIGAN'S Fighting Varsity Band, which usually breaks into print only through some new antics of its fighting manager, A. Stanley McGaughan, has no J rank. Though the band has ranks lettered from A to M, the rank which would ordinarily be lettered J is omitted. This, explained Drillmaster R. R. Course, Lieut. U. S. A., assistant professor of military science and tactics, follows an old Army tradi- tion that because of unfortunate puns on the let ter J there is never a J company in the Army, lest its members be termed "jay-birds." U NOFFICIAL c o m p l a i n t s have been lodged against the Kappa sorority for double dating with prospective pledges. The pledge in question is Nedra Alexander, hot shot cherry queen who likes to date the big shots. Cherry Queen Alexander dated with Big Shot Buck Yost, son of Fielding H, In the party were Mary Lou Bishop and Bill Bishop, ex-newly- weds. Mrs. Bishop is a Kappa. ampus Opinion u y a g e r uii IIT- T $ U&4k ('p 'p TAT E tyled to the exacting taste of thi unvetsity 1Mn), the niew Stetson "Loop" with a narrow bound edge in Afghan brown and slver perl grey is rapidly becom- ing "t he"hat. _ iti i 1 4 ' ' F , a . Othcr sl-ylcs $3.50 THIs Fa, you can trade a $5 bill for a genuine Stetson. It's the swap of the season! You get traditional Stetson smartness ... Stetson qual- ity.. .and a choice of richly varied styles and colors in both- soft, felts, and. derbies ... all for only $5. Other Stetsons, at $7, $10 and up, are priced way under last year's. JOHN B. STETSON COMPANY Philadelphia New York London Paris THE DAILY CLASSIFIEI) ADS PAY Hundreds of MiCkigan Sudens Have Learned TYPEWRITING at this school and typed their notes, themes and theses. Many have used this trcaining to earn part or all of their expenses. A great number have studied and therefore have been able to take fuller lecture notes and hove been more certain of part time employment. HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE 17th Year State and William Sts. St , . * M,- I' nner, Genevieve Field, Ann Gall- Billie Gritns, Helen Grossner, roth iLaylin, Virginia McComb, i Olon, Helen Schume, May See- So-me Questions For Mr. Rainey. . T HE tariff today, as is usually the case, is the sub ject of political controversy in the United States. We are per- haps favored in that not echoes but original war cries in the conflict will be heard here this after- noon when the Hon. Henry T.ainey, Democratic floor leader of the House of Representatives, and traditional advocate of low tariff, addresses the first Union forum of the year. In the current phase of the tariff contest, the Democrats would have us believe that the present economic mess was largely brought about by a business activity involving government-encour- aged loans to foreign purchasers of U. S. prod- ucts and a Republican tariff, system that made impossible for our creditors the trade that would have enabled them to pay back what they owed. The Republicans would persuade us that only by retaining the tariffs they have ,et up can the relatively high standard of living in the United States be maintained. President Hoover, Governor Roosevelt, and edi - torial writers from Walter Lippmnan on down are taking part in the agitation. T.his af ternoon at the Union Mr. Rainey will undoubtedly champion the low-tariff attitude for which he is so well- known. In order ilntelligently to c~oa"ider the problem it seems to us that anyone should first be aware of a fact that is pretty generally overlooked. This fact is that less than 2% per cent of all United States trade has a tariff imposed upon it. According to any World Almanac-published, incidentally, by an old low-tariff concern-our imports during 1930, a bad year, amounted ap- proximately to one twenty-fifth of our total trade, foreign and domestic. According to the same au- thority, and corroborated by figures in Depart- ment of Commerce bulletins, our imports in 1929, the boom year, amounted to slightly less than one twentieth of our total trade. Perusal of the Tariff Act of 1830 reveals that about two-thirds of the goods entering this country are duty-free, pa7)d it is therefore seen that less than 2% of the trade of the United States is regulated in any way by the existing tariff, which is a 'high' one at that. It would, of course, be irrational to build on this single fact, significant as it may seem to be. There are multitudinous other related questions, which any mature deliberation of the problem must consider. In the following paragraphs we have set forth some of these other questions. The catalogue is not complete; we o4er it merely as a list of some of the questions that certainly must be answered by any honest person who pretends to have a rational tariff doctrine. We do nt' propose here to attempt any answers: we leave that to per- sons who, like Mr. Rainey, should be able to demonstrate that they have thought 'the matter WARD'S GREAT NATION -WIDE Of the ten organ Symphonies by Widor, the six- th (consisting of five movements) may be con-r sidered to be the most interesting as a whole. Like all of them, it is obviously strongly influenced by the composer's long life in the church; he is now elghty-seven years of age, and is still playing at St. Sulpice, in Paris, where he has been organist since 1871. Widor's music is nearly always exalted in con-; cept; in the ten Symphonies there are a number of movements that are truly inspired, as, for in- stance, the Allegro and Adagio played this after- noon; at other times he becomes almost purely dry and academic - which description may be applied to the second section of the Intermezzo. Apres 1Ete.... ......................Schmitt Florent Schmitt is one of the most important of contemporary French composers. As far as can be determined, he has writtn but one composition for organ - a Prelude, which will be heard later in the season. That he "thinks in terms of the or- chestra" is apparant; and his f a i lu r e to write more for organ may be due to the fact that French organs, even up to the present time, are cumbersome, inflexible, and "traditional". The sketch played for orchestra has achieved great popularity, and finds frequent place on or- chestral programs. Finlandia . ..................... .. .. Sibelius This tone-poem for orchestra has a c h i e v e d gteat popularity, and finds frequent place on or- chestral programs. The composer is Finland's greatest musician, and, by some, held to be'her greatest citizen; he is an, ardent patriot, with an i n t e n s e pride of country. The Wednesgday Afternoon Organ Recitals Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous connunications will be disre- garded. The names of communicants w1l1, how- ever. be regarded as confidential upon reouest,. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining them- selves to less than 300 words if possible. FIGHT FOR WORKING CLASS JUSTICE To the Editor: The case of nine Scottsboro negro boys who were sentenced to death for the supposed attack on two white girls, is to come before the Supreme Court of the United States on Oct. 10. This case has been a long, troublous road to travel. If it had not been for the untiring efforts of the International Labor D e f e n s e, the boys would have been burned in the death-house long ago. But the International Labor Defense has been steeled in the forges of the class struggle, and it is not surprising that a long , hard fight on, the part of the I. L. D. should be crowned with the achievement of bringing the case before the highest court in the land. All college stuudents' Socialist Club has ar- ranged a mass meeting in Natural Science Audi- torium to consider the immediate aspects of the case; appropriate speakers will explain the issues. This meeting is called for 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 5. All students should support this demonstra- tion and throw their weight behind a fight for, working-class justice. Charles Edward EditorialCommlwent DOES THE CAMPUS DIFFER FROM THE PRIMITIVE? Just returned from the unceasing turmoil of jungle life, a studentvsays that existence at the University is dull, even drab. Yet a cursory inspection shows that the campus differs little from the primitive. Life and death tales of the jungle are sup- planted here by the fear of mid-terms and finals, probation and expulsion. Woodticks and man eaters nar missing hut we have mosauitoes and I1 500 WA RD STORES, Ready again! Ward Week -the most importagt merchandise event in Ward's retail stores, and in our estimation the greatest Nation- Wide sale in America. Ward Week comes only twice a year -once in the spring, and once in the fail.. It covers America from coast to coast. It has been a regular feature of Ward's retail stores ever since the first Ward store was opened. Preparations begin months in advance.. Manufacturers all over the world co-operate. Countless conferences are held to compare mercIandise, discuss plans, and select outstanding merchandise. It is the Aim of Mointgontery Ward & Co. to Offer ]Vjeichandise Correct in Stoyle and de- pendable in Quality in our Ward Week Sale at less Than the Same Merchandise Can Be Pur- ,. chased anywhere in America. Come! Buy! Save! .2 A m . - In the first place there is the question of dis-.