.. The Weather ' ~ t_ gn ~at ShoWers Tuesday. J___ 4:Port gnRte VOL. IHL o. 8ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCT. 4, 1932 Editorials u All Know Him; You All Him. The Daily Will tHealth Articles. rRicE FIVE CENTS I VoelkerWill Grand Trunk Right Of Way Lead S.C.A.'s Suit Is Called 'Gouge Move' IfVT7TA *TQ hTflS~l fnt a 9 I9 rl'.A .I, Openthorum Union To Present Raney, House Floor Leader, In Address Tomorrow Politics Featured In First Programs 'Platform of Democratic Party' Is The Subject Of Voelker's Address Opening the two series of forums sponsored by the Student Christian Association and the Michigan Union, Paul F. Voelker, president of Battle Creek College, and Henry T. Rainey, House of Representatives Democratic floor leader, will address students here, it is announced. Mr. Voelker, whose visit is spon- sored by the Student Christian Asso- ciation, will speak at 8 tonight in Natural Science Auditorium on the subject "The Platform of the Demo- cratic Party." Mr. Rainey, the Union speaker, is noted as one of the last of the extremely low tariff Demo- crats in the House. His address will be given Wednesday, at about 1 p. m., following a Union luncheon at which he will address local Demo- crats. Socialist To Follow Horatio J. Abbott, Democratic Na- tional committeeman from Michigan, will introduce Voelker, Jule Ayers, '33, president of the S. C. A. said. As the second of the series of S. C. A. forums, a prominentSocialist will follow a week behind Mr. Voel ker to discuss the program of his party and on Oct. 19 a nationally known representative of the Republi- can party will lead a discussion on the party platform. "It is the plan of the Student Christian Association in its open for- ums this year to stimulate thought on national political problems," Ay- ers said. "The meeting to be held Tuesday evening is not a political rally, and it is not planned as a mass meeting. The S. C. A. is interested in seeing that this meeting is a real forum." Chance For Questions "It is a chance for students to come and ask intelligent questions of a man who represents the bid for leadership by one of our great po- litical parties,," Ayers continued. "I trust that this meeting will mark the beginning of an active attempt by student organizations on this campus to plan many meetings of the type Mr. Voelker will lead Tuesday." Mr. Voelker received his Ph.B. de- gree from Drake University in 1906, and his Ph.D. from Columbia in 1920. He was president of Olivet College from 1920 to 1925 and lecturer on the extension program of the Uni- versities of Wisconsin and Minnesota from 1913 to 1920. 'Rainey, according to the Collier's of May 21, 1932, is America's fore- most authority on the tariff and would be speaker of the House had it not been for an interruption in his 28 years of service in Congress. He started the tariff revolt in 1908 and in 1912 he proposed and forced the authorization of the Tariff Com- mission. He is a strong advocate of a world tariff conference to straight- en out difficulties. Milner Company Takes Over 'American House' The Milner Hotel Company, for the last four months operators of the' old Whitney, have taken over a sec- ond Ann Arbor establishment, the American House on West Washing- ton street, according to an an- nouncement yesterday. The hotel will be remodeled by its new own- ers and the same rates prevailing at the Milner will prevail at the new house, which will be renamed the "Griswold." The American House, Ann Arbor's. oldest hotel, was established by Mi- chael Staebler and operated for the past 37 years by his son, Albert Stae- bler. The Milner company chain con- sists of 21 small hotels in southern Michigan and northern Ohio. Cost Accountants Will Hold Speech Program Members of the National Associa- tion of Cost Accountants will have the opportunity of hearing a series of 12 speeches by several authorities on subjects concerning accounting in relation with business. it was an- ELAN61NG, Oct. 3.-(q)-The suit filed in Pontiac charging the State with a $24,400,000 fraud in connec- tion with the Grand Trunk project is "malicious vengeance attempted by disappointed property owners who hoped to gouge the Government," Attorney General Paul W. Voorhies declared tonight as he prepared to carry the case even to the United States Supreme Court if necessary. He and E. B. Howarth, assistant attorney general, who had been in charge of the undertaking, vigor- ously denied that the State has ac- quired land illegally. They declared that every step in carrying out the project has been taken according to law and in the best interests of the public. The suit, asking a restraining or- der preventing the State from deed- ing to the Grand Trunk Western railway property costing $2,400,000, was filed by Raymond M. Shock, of Detroit, attorney for a group of Oak- land County property owners. Judge Glen N. C. Gillespie issued a tem- porary injunction and ordered the State to show cause Oct. 17 why it should not be made permanent. The contention of the property owners is that instead of buying only a strip of land 100 feet wide from Birmingham to Royal Oak for the Caution Drivers Without Permit, On Car License, railroad right-of-way, Mr. Howarth purchased approximately 100 acres and 600 subdivision lots, some of them a quarter of a mile distant from the roadbed, at a cost of $2,- 400,000. It is argued that the State was restricted under the law to the ac- quisition of land to be used only for the right-of-way and had no author- ity to buy excess acreage or subdivi- sion lots. The Attorney General and Mr. Howarth admitted that excess pur- chases had been made, but they argued that such action was neces- sary. They said all such land which has not been sold will be deeded to the Grand Trunk when the project is completed, and the State will be repaid in full. Mr. Howarth, a former State sena- tor, was a special State agent when the land was acquired and had almost complete jurisdiction over the pur- chases. The only legal requirement restraining him from spending as much money as he desired for land, was that each purchase must be ap- proved by the Grand, Trunk and1 by the State Highway Commissioner. Democrats Pledge Lower Tarif, Says Abbott In Address When the Democrats come into power next March they will lower the tariff and do everything in their power to reestablish trade relations1 with other countries as they were before the time of excessively high protective tariffs, said Horatio J. Ab-t bott, Democratic National Commit-l teeman from Michigan, in a talk tot the United Labor Unions last night in Labor Hall. When asked why he was a Demo-l crat Abott said that he always re- plied: "I believe in principles whichi when enacted into law bring the1 greatest good to the greatest num-T ber of people. He went on to sayt that the term' politician was nowt wrongly held in general contempt;c that people have not taken enough interest in politics in recent years, and that it is their moral duty to take more interestin dthe subject. Mr. Abbott pointed out that thec words of Abraham Lincoln: "Yout shouldn't change horses in the mid- dle of a stream" did not apply in thisI case as the Republican administra- tion is not crossing the stream; theyI are only going with the current, not knowing whether there are falls be-r low or not. r 'Rule Car Says Covers Driving Of By Non-students,' Rea In Warning Students driving automobiles with- out permit tags attached to the car will be considered in violation of the automobile regulation even though they have procured tags and have them displayed in the windows of their cars, Walter B. Rea, assistant to the dean of students, declared last night. According to Rea, many students. fail to understand that the automo- bile regulation co ;ers the use of a car as well as the operation of one. Consequently it is not permissible for a student to use his car, or a family owned car, for social, per- sonal or any other purposes when the car is driven by a non-student who is not a member of his imme- diate family. All permits must be renewed by Feb. 1, Rea said, and the 1933 state license number reported to his of- fice, when new sets of permit tags bearing the new license number will be issued at no additional cost. All old permit tags will be void on Feb. 1 and after that date any operation of a car bearing permit tags with the 1932 license numbers will be a violation. However, he pointed out, the op- eration of a car by an out of town student in and aboutahis home town will not be considered a matter of concern to University authorities provided the car is not driven through or in the immediate vi- cinity of Ann Arbor, and provided such driving does not involve a vio- lation'of any law or traffic ordinance. Iowa's School Board Refutes Graft Charc'es Three - Year Investigation Culminates In statement To Governor Turner (Big Ten News Service) IOWA CITY, Oct. 3-After being buffeted at the hands of "investi- gators" for nearly three years, the University of Iowa's supervising body, the state board of education, replied to charges of maladministration in university offices in a 22-page state- ment directed to Gov. Dan. W. Tur- ner at Des Moines. Charges against the Des Moines firm .of Allen, Busby, and Harrigan, auditors who have completed an eight month's survey and report at the school, were also contained in the statement. The board charged that the auditors gathered together mat- ters "which have long since been cor- rected" in an effort to suggest "an orgy of laxity." The report of the auditors, begun under provision of the state legis- lature after instigation of an inves- Hoover Goes To Farm Belt For Address Will Deliver First Speech Of His Campaign Since Acceptance To Make Platform Talks During Trip Des Moines Address Will Be Preceded by Motor Trip Through City WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. - () - President Hoover left Washington this afternoon for the Farm Belt, where tomorrow night he will deliver at Des Moines his first campaign ad- dress since accepting his renomina- tion. The President traveled by special train, accompanied only by Mrs. Hoover, a small group of White House attaches and the usual re- tinue of secret service men. The time of departure had not been announced and there was no crowd to see him off at the station, but some of those meeting or catching trains recogniz- ed the Chief Executive and applaud- ed. In Good Humor Mr. Hoover smiled and doffed his hat to them. He chuckled as he re-' sponded to a request from a photo- grapher to remove his hat for a pic- ture. As the train pulled out Mrs. Hoover joined him on the rear plat- form, smiling and waving to those' watching the departure. A few minutes before the special left, the President went inside the club car and scanned a newspaper until the final signal was given. Near him sat Theodore Joslin and Walter Newton, White House secretaries. At the far end of the car Mrs. Hoover was giving directions to arrange thet car for the trip. The President, his aides said, took aboard the manuscript of his DesI Mdines speech still unfinished. He probably will complete it tomorrowI nly a short time before arrival in he Iowa capital. Shortly before his departure Mr.S Hoover conferred with Secretary, Hyde, just back from a trip throughf Mid-West sections, including Indi-E ana, Michigan and Illinois, Hyde told newspapermen he felt the President's expected discussion of agriculturalt questions in the Des Moines speechp would "make a special appeal to the2 farmers." President 'Gaining Ground' I The secretary of agriculture saidt he talked over this address with Mr. Hoover and that he told the Presi- dent he felt his candidacy was' 'gaining ground" in the states he had visited. Mr. Hoover also had an oppor- unity before leaving to confer with Henry M. Robinson, chairman of£ the executive committee of the bank- ing and industrial committees es- ablished in each of the 12 Federal Reserve Districts.I Robinson, a White House guest,k has just returned from Chicago, where he presided over a meeting aimed to relieve the farm mortgage situation. In the morning, Mr. Hoover talkedE with both Secretary Stimson and James G. Rogers,assistant secretary f state. The former had returned from Philadelphia where he spoke inr the President's behalf.- Dickinson to Join Him7 Senator Dickinson, of Iowa, was scheduled to board the special at Englewood near Chicago tomorrow morning and Gov. Dan Turner, of Iowa, and Mrs. Turner will get on later in the morning at Rock Island, Ill. Mr. Hoover plans to give short rear-platform addresses at Rock Is- land, Havenport, West Liberty, Iowa City and Newton. Tomorrow afternoon the Presiden- tial party will motor through Des Moines. Mr. and Mrs. Hoover will be guests at the Governor's Mansion for dinner before leaving for the Coliseum to begin his speech at 7:30 o'clock, central standard time. The return trip will begin shortly afterward, with the arrival in Wash- ington set for early Thursday morn- ing. Registration Drops 8.2 Per Cent Below 1931-32 Registration is now 8 2 nr rcnt CHICAGO, Oct. 3 - (A) - Indict- ment of Samuel and Martin Insull will be sought tomorrow before the county grand jury, State's Attorney John A. Swanson announced tonight. The prosecutor added that if the indictments are voted, he would seek immediately to have the two men ex- tradited, Samuel Insull from Paris, his brother, Martin, from Ontario. Swanson said he will allege embez- zlement, larceny and larceny by bail- ee. Announcement of the c o n t e m - plated action came after the state's attorney had earlier made public an alleged transaction in w h i c h he charged Samuel Insull o b t a i n e d $374,400 through improper appraisal of a block of stock figuring in an ex- change of securities. His statement follows: "Tomorrow I shall present to the grand jury some of the matters al- ready developed by my investigation into the Insull crash. "I shall seek the immediate indict- ment of Samuel and Martin J. In- sull. "The Insulls have not replied to my telegrams and cables requesting their voluntary return. "If these people who have caused losses of more than $2,000,000,000 to investors will not return voluntarily, then I shall use every means given to me by the law to bring them back." Japan's Press Scores Lytton League Report Insists That Government Withdraw From League If Findings Are Passed TOKIO, Oct. 3.-(P)-The Japan- ese press today vigorously denounced the Lytton report on the Manchur- ian problem and demanded that the government withdraw f r o m the League of Nations if the League as- sembly adopts the findings of the Lytton investigators. The press generally reflected the attitude of the war office, which is- sued a statement declaring that Japan would be forced to withdraw from the League if the assembly act- ed in the spirit of the report. Will Pursue Aim (In a statement written in Muk- den for the Associated Press, General Nubuyoshi Muto, supreme military and diplomatic representative of Japan, declared that "neither the League of Nations nor any other power can change our determina- tion to pursue our established aim in Manchuria.") One of the points emphasized by Japanese critics of the report, which was made public in Geneva Sunday, was the commission's recommenda- tion that Manchuria be governed by an autonomous government under Chinese sovereignty. 'Must Quit League' Headlines in the newspaper Nichi Michi said: "Japan must quit the League. The report insults Manchu- kuo." The Kokumin described the Lytton document as "absolutely prejudiced and unfair," and the Jiji Shimpo declared it was "worse than expect- ed" and "filled with error." "The report is ignorant and dis- torted, filled with empty theorizing and disregards history," asserted the newspaper Asahi. "It will be impos- sible to establish world peace if the League adopts it." English and Japanese copies of the lengthy document were sent by air- mail from the foreign office to the Japanese consulates at Mukden and Changchun, the capitol of the new state Manchukuo, set up in Man- churia with the assistance of the Japanese. Girls To Try Out For Glee Club Wednesday Women desiring membership in the Girls' Glee Club may try out be- tween one and three p. m. and from three to five p. m. Friday, in room 216 School of Music, according to Nora C. Hunt, director. Officers for the year, announced Miss Hunt, are Elizabeth M. Fagg, '33Ed., president; Jane Law, '345M., vice-president; H e len Gray, '34, treasurer; and Katherine Rentschler, '34Ed., secretary. Thirteen Spade Hand t-at r. crn" Rfc3 U. S. -Colleges Insulls' Indictment Missouri CandidateEfie Sa Will Be Attempted Colee May IToday Before Juryr.CleeMa Cut Programs, Reduce Funds Five To Seven Per Cent Decrease In Average College Income Shown WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. -UP)- American colleges and universities, said the federal office of education today, are carrying on under pres- ent economic conditions by reducing funds for salaries, suspending build- ing programs and curtailing activi- ties not absolutely essential. Replies to a questionnaire sent out by the office showed the average de- crease in income for 200 public and private schools of higher education was 5 to 7 per cent, although a few were short as much as 450 per cent or more. "Very little change is expected," the office said, "in the general level of tuition rates and fees for students. Some few schools expected to in- crease these charges; still fewer will cut them.. . "Several institutions report that their building program is to be re- duced or entirely suspended for the year. Others expect to make great reductions in the extension and cor- respondence work, or will eliminate them entirely. In other schools ap- propriations for scientific research are reduced or dispensed with. "The total decrease in teaching' staff reported by the schools is ap- proximately 300. If this reduction in staff holds for 'all universities and colleges in the country, it means that about 1,500 fewer professors will be employed this year than last." iler Gives Illustrated Talk At Exchange Club "The Progress of Communication" (Associated Press Photo) Miss Gladys Berger Stewart, at- torney of Ava, Mo., and a Republi- can, will be the only woman nominee for the Missouri legislature in the November elections. Crowd Of 300 ' Sees Roosevelt In Stop Here1 Sen. Walsh And Rep. Hart Speak As Governor's Train Passes Through Ann Arbor was host for four hours on Sunday to Franklin D. Roose- velt, Democratic presidential nomi- nee and his campaign tour party. Arriving in Ann Arbor shortly aft-} er 6 a. in., the special train carry- ing the New York governor pulled into a siding on the Michigan Cen- tral Railroad tracks, remaining there until about 10 a. m. when the party left for Detroit. Before his departure, Governor Roosevelt appeared on the train platform and greeted a crowd ofc about 300 persons. Senator Thomast Walsh of Montana and Representa- tive Michael Hart of Saginaw ad-l dressed the group briefly. Mrs. Roosevelt appeared on the platform with her husband. The nominee apologized for the absence of his sons who, he said, had been out late to a party the night before1 in Chicago, and had not yet arisen. Horatio Abbott, national commit- teeman, and William Walz, Washte- naw c o u n t y campaign chairman, boarded the Roosevelt special, ac-t companying the presidential candi- date to Detroit. Abbott spent most of the day by the governor's side.t Council Turns : Over City Aids To Committee City Attorney Urged To Prefer Action Against Tax Delinquents By a vote of 12 to 3, the city council last night voted to abolish the commissary committee and place responsibility for all poor activities in the hands of an enlarged poor committee enjoined to meet once, weekly with the city poor commis- sioner. A resolution proposed by Al-, derman Emil Schlenker censuring the defunct commissary committee, was dropped after heated protests by Aldermen Paton, Faust, and Thomas. The city attorney was urged to press action against all tax delin- quents in a resolution presented by a special committee authorized to in- vestigate the tax problem. It was alleged in the report that the city was forced to pay the state, county and school tax not collected, the city thus failing to receive its due share of the money collected. The poor committee reported that 337 persons are now reeciving aid from the welfare department, a de- crease of 75 becauseof the opening of the University. Saturday, Octo- ber 15 was set as the date for a city- wide drive for shoes, clothing and shelter for the needy to be conducted by the Boy Scouts, the proceeds go- ing to either the poor department or the Family Welfare bureau as desig- nated by the cntributors. The city attorney was requested to investigate all complaints of fraudulent requests for relief and to prosecute persons Handle C ase Of Discipline Action To Remove Literary Student Discipline From University Committee Pends Approval Cross Elected To Advisory Counsel Amendment To Entrance Requisites May Change Foreign Language Group Needed For Admission Cases of discipline in the literary college may be handled by the col- lege's disciplinary committee rather than by the University committee, if such action is approved at the No- vember meeting of the college facul- ty, according to Dean John R. Effin- ger. The question was brought up at the monthly meeting yesterday as a special order of the November ses- sion. A committee of three, Professors J. S. Reeves of the political science department, R. D. MacKenzie of the sociology department, and S. L. Bige- low of the chemistry department, was appointed "to report at the No- vember meeting as to how cases of discipline should be handled by the literary faculty." Heretofore, ac- cording to Dean Effinger, such cases have been referred by the literary college disciplinary committee to that of the University, which was origin- ally designed to take care of single offenses committed by students from several different colleges. Case, Parker Named Professor E. C. Case of the geology department and DeWitt H. Parker of the philosophy department were elected to serve a three year term as members of the Library Commission. Prof. Case rkwas re-elected, and Pro- fessor Parker succeeds Prof. W. F. Hunt of the geology department. The vacancy in the Dean's Advis- ory Committee, caused by expiration of the four-year term of Prof. Wil- ham H. Hobbs of the geology de- partment, was filled by Prof. A. L. Cross, of the history department. To Decide in November A second order of business for the November meeting, proposed yester- day, was that an amendment be made to the college entrance re- quirements for students from pre- paratory schools. As. the require- ments now stand, it is necessary to have two credit groups of three units each. It is proposed that two units in each of two foreign languages be substituted for the second three-unit group. The next meeting of the Literary college, at which action will be taken upon these two special orders, will be held on the first Monday in No- vember. Flint Police Seek Identity Of Bandit Shot In Gun Fight FLINT, Oct. 3-(M-Police tonight were seeking to determine the iden- tity of a bandit fatally wounded by state police today during a running gun fight along South Saginaw St. after the man had held up and robbed three lunch standsand a gar- age on the highway between Pon- tiac and Flint. Four others were wounded, none believed seriously, when a state po- lice officer's shotgun was discharged accidentally after the bandit was shot and captured. Flint officials and state police, ad- vised by radio that the bandit had held up four places along the high- way outside of Pontiac, and was traveling toward Flint, immediately surrounded the highway. As the car sped toward them, they opened fire. The bandit returned the fire and sped on but a charge from a shotgun struck him. He lost control of his machine, and it crashed into a tele- phone post. The man was taken to a Flint hospital, where he died sev- eral hours later, without regaining consciousness. Detroit Attorney To Tell Of Scottsborough Case