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September 20, 1932 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-09-20

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Established 1890

tally any house that does not follow the approved
procedure, and are warned that the frequent of-
fenders against the rules are usually the houses





-- se -is --
Published every morning except Monday during the
iversity year and Summer Session by the Board in
'iro of Student Publications.,
wember of the Western Conference Editorial Assoca-
n and the Big Ten News Service.
ihe Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
Soitherwise credited in this paper And the local news
I sedherein. All rights of republication of special
at ches are reserved.
tred at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
ec las matter. Special rate of postage granted by
~.d Assistant Postmaster-General.
bscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
. .During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
ces:~ Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
F1 .Abr, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
bepresentatives: College Publishers Representatives,
, 40"East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
iUston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
r Telephone 4925
FY EDITOR.....................KARL SEIFERT
OHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
Tohn W. Pritchard, Joseph W. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
3rackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
'RTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Ward D. Morton,
bert Newman.
PORTERS: Stanley W. Arnhem, Edward Andrews,
lyman J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles . Barndt,
tames Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald F. Blankertz,
11ard E. Blaser, Charles B. Brownson, C. Garritt
uning," Arthur W. Carstens, Theodore K. Cohen,
.~onb . Deutsch, Donald Elder, Robert Enel, Albert
rieman,' Edward A. Genz, Harold Gross, Eric Hall,
ohn C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, M. B. Higgins, Alex-
nder Hirschfeld, Walter E. Morrison, Ward D. Morton,
.obert Ruwitch, Alvin Schleifer, G. Edwin Sheldrick,
omert W. Thorne, George Van Vleck, Cameron Walker,
tobert S. Ward, Guy 14. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard
essie L. Barton, Eleanor B. Blum, Jane H. Brucker,
Kriam Carver, Beatrice Collins, Mary J. Copeman,
ouise Crandall.M ary M. Duggan, Prudence Foster,
klice Gilbert, Carol J. Hannan, Therese R. Herman,
Frances Manchester, Elizabeth Mann, Edith E. Maples,
(ais Metzger, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C. Phalan,
arah K. Rucker, Beverly Stark, Alma Wadsworth',
farjorie Western, Josephine Woodhams
Telephone 2-1214
I'1'I. MANAGER ..... ........HARRY BEGLEY
'ARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
dvertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
ce, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
ation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert H.
SISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon
geylan,NCharles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Herterick,
roseph . Hume, Howard Klein, Allen Knuusi, George
aurie, Charles Mercill, Russell Read, Lester Skinner,
oseph Sudow.
Betty Aigler, Edna Canner, Geneyleve Field, Ann Gal-
ieer, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffths, Helen Grossner,11arnJcs, otyLliVgnaMcmb
~athryn Jackson Drothy Layln, Vhsirgia Mc onb,
r ina Mosher, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May See-
ed. Kthryn.Stork.
nd Racketeers .
O NCE again it is our privilege and
pleasure to welcome the new order.
day the members of the class of 1936 com-
nce their period of adjustment to college life,
d to them we extend our sincere congratula-
ns on the advanced standing they have
rhe faculty, the student body and the towns-
lple will do everything possible to make the
lustment period as painless as possible. Orien-
ion Week has been designed to familiarize the
oming student with the University and Uni-
sity life before the opening of classes. Rush-
has been deferred until Saturday so that this
justment will not be interfered with. A book-
has been printed by the Interfraternity Coun-
to explain the rushing rules. A rooming bur-
i is maintained for the convenience of fresh-
n. Countless other services are being perform-
to give the members of the class of 1936 the
t of inauguration that will make their stay at
a University enjoyable.
Iowever, every year, with the start of Orlnta-
n week, a number of rackets designed to vic-
ilze the incoming student go into full swng.
bably outstanding among the racketeers are
group of Ann Arbor landlords and a group of
,ternity and sorority members.
While the majority of householders who take
dents for boarders are undoubtedly honest,
vre is a certain element that yearly preys upon
,mbers of the freshman class, taking advantage
their ignorance of living conditions in a col-
e town by high-pressuring them into signing
itracts for rooms for the entire year at exor-
ant prices.

With the building of the women's dormitories
I the large expansion of the fraternity and sor-
ty systems on the campus, the supply of rooms
far above the demand. The incoming student
uld take advantage of the services offered by
official rooming bureau and should look at
,ral rooms before making any choice. The pro-a
lure of changing rooms in the middle of the
fester is difficult and, because of a ruling of
dean's office, sometimes impossible. There-
e, the choice of living quarters should be care-+
ly considered before any definite decision is
Vembers of certain fraternities and sororities
also guilty of racketeering. Most of the houses
willing to abide by the rushing rules. How-
r, there are a number that are so badly in
t that their continued existence depends on
pledging of a large freshman class to pay the
s. These houses will go to any extreme to get
mbers. Realizing that they cannot compete on
ia~l term% with the other organizations. then

that cannot, because of financial difficulties, com-
pete with the better established societies.
We feel sure that, if care is taken in the choice
of rooming quarters and of the fraternity or sor-
ority the freshman intends to join, the members
of the new class will enjoy their first year in Ann
From Set-Ups
To Suicide .. .
A GREAT DEAL has been written
concerning Michigan's f oo t b a l1
prospects this fall. A great deal more will be writ-
ten before the opening game with Michigan State
college on October 1.
The general tenor of the remarks by a number
of critics is that the Wolverine eleven is facing a
bad season. It is pointed out that Coach Harry
Kipke must not only rebuild the line but also re-
place two nationally 'outstanding stars, Hewitt
and Morrison. The commentators also observe
that Michigan elevens traditionally never reach
championship strength until almost mid-season,
and that the team this year will meet two of the
strongest opponents, Michigan State and North-
western, -in the first games on the schedule.
Certainly, the list of teams to oppose the Wol-
verines this fall effectively refutes any charge
that Michigan is in the habit of scheduling "set-
ups." From the opening game, when Coach
Jimmy Crowley's "iron man" team, virtually in-
tact from last year, comes here to settle its anci-
ent grudge battle with Michigan, the national
spotlight will be focused on the Wolverine sta-
Northwestern, co-winner of the Big Ten title
last year and Michigan's natural enemy, will ap-
pear here Oct. 8 in the second game, to be fol-
lowed by Ohio State, Illinois, Princeton, Indiana,
Chicago, and Minnesota.
This almost suicidal schedule will offer Michi-
gan the strongest test in many seasons. Unless
one of the teams shows unexpected weakness,
there is not a "breather" in the entire list of
eight games.
However, Coach Kipke has laid his plans to
meet the situation. Starting last Thursday with
only two weeks to go, he has taken up the job
of whipping a small squad into first class condi-
tion in a minimum of time. With 13 letter men
and a number of promising sophomore prospects,
the coach is out to give Michigan another great
eleven. If his men can go through the first three
games with success, Michigan will, be in a posi-
tion to bid for national recognition.
It is a tradition that Michigan teams never
reach championship strength until almost mid-
season. But Michigan isn't inclined to observe
traditions. So learn "The Victors!"
The University
Continues To Experiment
AGAIN we find ourselves welcoming
a class which is to be the subject
of an experiment on the Ann Arbor campus. Last
year, it was second semester deferred rushing
which was to test the mettle not only of the
freshmen, but of the fraternity men of the Uni-
versity as well.
the far more sweeping change which is to be tried
out on the entering class. We refer to the Michi-
gan plan, which divides the curriculum into a
two-year period of general courses and a two-
year period of concentration in a field of general
interest. The plan is the result of many years of
study and research by experienced educators and
for this reason should be successful.
Definite effects of the "field of concentration,"
system will not be available until the end of 1933.
At present the idea is midway between its incep-
tion and its maturity, when the class of 1935 will
begin its concentrated junior work. However, the
experience of the past year has indicated that
the scheme is at least satisfactory.
It may seem difficult to reconcile the concept
of a modern university with the comparative lack
of curricular system typified by the academic ac-

tivities of undergraduates up to and including
1930-31. It may come as a surprise to incoming
students to learn that, in actuality, there has
never been any such thing as a recognized "ma-
jor." Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of
Arts were required to have 12 hours in each of
three study groups by the end of their junior
year; they needed to have a year of freshman
rhetoric; and beyond those requirements they
might elect anything they liked, within certain
limitations, provided they gained 120 hours of
credit. Those students who majored in any non-
professional subject, did so entirely on their own
initiative; there was little or no guidance, other
than that requested by the student.
Now, this condition has been changed. The
group requirements, the rhetoric requirement, the
nuinimum of 120 hours of credit have been main-
tained; but added to these is the element of de-
partmental advice in regard to the studies of
every individual.
We anxiously await the results as observed in
the class of 1935, which will be the first to grad-
uate under the new plan.
Support Campus
THERE are three major student
publications on the campus, The
Daily, the Michiganensian, and Gargoyle. These
are edited and nisnihM ntr ani rnr gfiiAnt Tn T

By Barton Kane
Call Me Speedy
Inglis' Chicken
They Never Come Back
MEMBERS OF the class of 1936 will soon have
an opportunity to meet one of Ann Arbor's
finest hostesses, Mrs. Joe Bursley. Every year,
Mrs. Bursley stands in line all afternoon at the
freshman tea; shakes hands with every entering
student; remembers sisters and brothers, mothers
and fathers of freshmen; keeps a straight face
when sweater clad youths from the tall corn state
request to be called "Speedy."
UNDERSTAND THAT the antler boys from the
Lodge" intend to do no rushing this year.
One member states that the freshmen have read
so much about Messrs. Degener and Fischer that
they are already requesting pledge pins. Use your
S* t
THE SUMMER DAILY, a crusading sheet refer-
red to by an Ann Arbor daily newspaper both
as Dean Kraus' publicity organ and as a "local
campus publication," was almost up against it for
advertising this summer. Censor Kraus didn't
want any "sexy cigarette advertising" to be print-
ed in the paper. Charles Kline, Theta Delt per-
sonality man and business manager of The Daily,
finally got permission to run the advertisements.
Youth again had triumphed.
a a a
AMES HUGHES INGLIS, persona non grata to
the University because of several editorials
suggesting budget cuts along mushroom lines, is
basically an honest chap. Budgetman Inglis drove
from New York to Ann Arbor in an open car,
crossing Canada at night. Being cold and not
having a coat, he was wearing an Indian bath-
robe over his suit. Half way across Canada, he
ran over a chicken that, for some reason, was out
walking in the night.
Honest James went to the nearest farmhouse;
couldn't get the farmer out of bed to pay for the
chicken; slipped a dollar under the door; put the
dead chicken on the seat of his car; proceeded to-
ward Ann Arbor; explained to the customs men
at the Ambassador bridge that he was really not
intoxicated but was wearing the bathrobe for a
purpose and was entitled to the chicken; arrived
in Ann Arbor; ate the chicken.
* * *
STUDENT TRADE is not dependable. It seems
that they cut down "The Old Pioneer" and
took it away to "The Mill."
T HE BOARD in Control of Student Publications
is convinced that the equipment in The Daily
building is too valuable to be stolen. As a result,
the building is locked most of the time and the
editors of the various publications are wondering
if they are to go to press by absent treatment.
The janitor at Helen Newberry dormitory is get-
ting very tired of furnishing ladders to the editors
so that they may turn second story men to get
into the building and go to work.
AT HEART vice-president Shirley Smith is a
fine fellow and no one can deny that he has
a sense of humor. Mr. Smith once had a maid
who did not approve of a certain swain that in-
sisted on bothering her. One day the young man
called up; talked to maid; evidently became in-
sulting. Said the maid, "Say, who in the hell do
you think you're talking to? This here is Mrs.
THE UNION breathes a sign of relief; Bill Hewitt
has graduated. Not that Michigan's 1931 star
end and fullback was unpopular. On the contrary.
But at the training table during early practice,
Hewitt was an expense that almost upset the Un-
ion budget. It was not unusual for Bill to eat six
eggs, four grapefruits, ten pieces of toast, and
two quarts of milk for breakfast andd then com-
plain about being hungry before lunch.
THEY NEVER come back! Howard Gould, ac-
tivities man, political boss, and Mosher-Jordan
athlete, Carl Forsythe, News Bee queen and
trouble-maker, Edward J. McCormick, taxi cab
meter man, Harcourt Patterson, campus Gar-
goyle, Edward Kuhn, dean's office agitator, and
David Nichol, newlywed, are planning to attend
graduate school.
* * *
THROUGHOUT THE football season, Michi-
gan's highly polished fighting Varsity Band
will get a great deal of recognition. Unfortunate-

ly Michigan's fighting Varsity Band managers
will get very little recognition. The principle job
of the fighting band managers is to go three
blocks ahead of the band and clear traffic off the
streets. Last year during graduation ceremonies
one of the fighting band managers rode a motor-
cycle, succeeding in riding rough shod over the
other fighting band manager several times. So
learn The Victors.
* * *
LOOKING THROUGH the annals of the Sigma.
Nu fraternity the following cheer is discovered,
"Hi rickety whoopty-doo, What's the matter with
Sigma Nu?" Some day, I may go into that.
* * *
BEACH CONGER, JR., who has completed
four years at the University, is one graduate
who has a position. Employee Conger will leave
today to become research director of the Crusa-
ders, national organization to combat the 18th
* * *
ROD COX, hotcha boy of the Phi Psi house and
all-around man on the football team, is a
problem to the coaching staff. For some reason
athlete Cox can never get really angry. Unlike
some of his cohorts, he never swears after missing
a tackle. "Oh Beans!" is the strongest phrase
that anyone has ever heard Cox use.
Also, unlike some of his cohorts, he is a good
student. In fact he becomes more angry after
getting a B in a course than after missing a
The coaches try all sorts of stunts on student
Cox but he shrugs his shoulders and smiles.
* * *
UNION PRESIDENT John Lederle and record-
ing secretary John Huss, both near the head
of the class in the speech department, are having
trouble deciding which of the two should speak
to freshmen at banquets and smokers. Speaker
Lederle, being president of the Oratorical Asso-
ciation has more nrPat4rP hi T+ yc . he e

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Reigious Activi tes.
n sH For the Methodist students AVE. AND OAKLAND
State and Washington and their friends, Wesley Hall Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
Frederick B. Fisher-Pulpit exists. It is open daily. Miss
Minister Mildred Sweet, secretary.
The Hillel Foundation ex-
Peter F. Stair-Parish tends a hearty welcome to the
Minister A Religious Education Freshmen of the Jewish Faith
and hopes that they, together
SUNDAY SERVICES Program begins at 6 p. m. with their older students will
Sunday. Come. avail themselves of the oppor-
9:45 a.m. Church School. E. W. Blakeman, tunities for RELIGIOUS, CUL-
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship. Director TURAL and SOCIAL FEL-
7:30 p.m. Evening Worship. LOWSHIP which it offers,
DO NOT Huron and Division Streets FRESHMEN 1
Welcomes all new and return-
NEGLECT ing students to all services of MAKE YOUR
the Church and to the Social
YOUR and Religious activities of the RELIGIOUS
Dr. Anderson, Minister of the
ACT IVIT I ES Church and Rev. Alfred Lee EARLY
Klaer, University Pastor invite
you to enjoy the privileges of
1432 Washtenaw Avenue
(Evangelical Synod)
(Missouri Synod)dEVANGELICAL
West Liberty and Third Sts. Saturday, Sept. 24-pen CH U RCH
The first party for Luther- House for all Freshmen and South Fourth Avenue
an Students wil be held in the New student at the Zion Luth- Between Williams and
church parlors, Sunday eve- eran Parish Hall from 8:30- -Packard
ning, Sept. 25, at 8 p. m. 9:45 p. m. Zion Lutheran Par- Sunday Meetings
New and returning students ish Hall is located at 309 East Bible School......9:00 a. m.
will find a cordial welcome Washington St. It is directly -t, -'. -

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