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January 29, 1933 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-29

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(Continued from Page 3)
Spanish 2: West Physics Lecture
Spanish 31: 205 Mason Hall.
Spanish 32: West Physics Lecture
Wesley Hall: 6:30 p. m. Prof. .o
J. Campbell of the English Depart-
ment of the University will speak to
the Guild group on "Culture and the
Machine Age." The Graduate Forum
will convene at this time for a dis-
cussion group.
3:30 p. m. The Oriental-American
group will have a discussion with
Gordon Halstead as leader on "In-
dian Non-violence."
9:30 a. m. Classes for undergradu-
ates and freshmen.
5:30 p. m. There will be a joint
'Fellowship supper at this time with
the Presbyterian group meeting at
Wesley Hall.
Methodist Episcopal Church: Dr.
Frederick B. Fisher will occupy the
pulpit for both the morning and
&ening service. In the morning he
will speak on "How to Live a Life
of Power." For the evening service
he will give the "Russian Influence
in Asia."
Harris Hall: Regular student sup-
per this evening at 6:15 p. m. fol-
lowed by an informal social hour.
The discussion class led by Mr. Lewis
will present tonight, "The Early Doc-
trine about the Person of Jesus."
St. Andrew's Church: Services of
worship today are 8:00 a. m. The
Holy Communsion, 9:30 a. m. The
Church School, 11:00 a. m. Kinder-
garten, 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer
and Sermon, "Has the Episcopal
Church a Message for Today?" by
The Reverend Henry Lewis.
Congiegational Student Fellowship:
The regular Sunday evening meeting
will be held tonight. 20 cent sup-
per at 6 p. m. Short program of
serious music by the University Salon
Orchestra. Mrs. Allison Ray Heaps
will read Oscar Wilde's "The Happy
Presbyterian Student Appoint-
meAots: 9:30. Student Classes meet
at the Church House.
10:45. Morning Worship. Theme,
"The Prerogatives of Partnership:
5:30. Union Meeting with the
Methodist Young People's society at
Wesley Hall. Dr. 0. J. Campbell is
to be the speaker. Subject, "Culture
and the Machine."
Baptist Students: 6:00 p. m.
Miss Gertrude McCulloch, Grad.,
in School of Music, who has taught
eleven years in the Union Girls'
School, Hangehow, China, will give
the address on the subject, "Bottom
Side Up."
Uillel Foundation will conduct
services at the League Chapel at
11:15 a. m, You are invited to hear
Rabbi Bernard Heller, d i r e c t o r,
speak on "Why A Hillel Founda-
Liberal Students Union: Report
and discussion on the proposals of
the Student Council Against War,
recently held in Chicago. Unitarian
church, 7:30 o'clock. Refreshments.
At the morning church service, Mr.
Marley's topic will be, "Emerson and
the New Temper."
Men's Archery Club will meet at

the Yost Field House, this morn-
ing as usual. The match with Sag-
inaw Archery Club has been post-
poned until a later date.
Philippine-Michigan club meeting

at 3 p. m. in Lane Hall. All Philip-
pine students are urged to attend,
whether members of club or not.
George E. Carrothers,
Faculty Sponsor
Romance Journal Club will meet
on Tuesday, January 31, at 4:10 in
R.L. 108. Mrs. C. N. Staubach will
present a sketch of her study, "The
American Indian and his Prototypes
in the French Stage, (1721-1788),"
and Professor del Toro will speak
on "Manuel Galvez, Contemporary
Argentine Novelist." Graduate stu-
dents and others interested are cor-
dially invited.
Freshman Luncheon Club. Arrange-
ments have been made to have Prof.
Hayden of the Political Science De-
partment of the University speak on
the Philippine Independence Bill at
the meeting of the Luncheon Club
Tuesday, January 31. All members
are urged to attend.
The February 7 meeting will be
omitted, but the club will resume
activities on February 14.
Independents Attending J-Hop:
Final arrangements for booths will be

Imade in Room 302 of, the Union,
Wednesday, February 1, at 7:30 p. m.
It is important to have ticket number'
at that time.
Michigan Dames are invited to at-
tend the meeting of the Ann Arbor
Woman's Club to be held at the
Michigan League at 2:30 Tuesday
afternoon, January 31.
New Comers' Section of the Facul-
ty Womens' Club will meet at the
Michigan League on Tuesday after-
noon at three o'clock. All New
Comers are cordially invited.
War Registers League: Dr. S. E.
Goldstein, Director of Social Service,
Free Synagogue, New York, will lec-
ture on "The Menace of Militarism-
A Plea for War Resistance," Monday,
Jan. 30, at 4:15 in Room 1025 An-
gell Hall.
Arrangements have been made for
the sale of from 70,000 to 80,000 tons
of coke nuts for shipment from New-
castle, England, to northern range
ports of the United States during

Storm Ravages Costal
Regions In New England
BOSTON, Jan. 28-(AP')-Bare sticked
schooners ana battered ocean grey-
hounds beat their way to storm-
shattered ports today as the worst
northeaster in recent years roared
down the New England coast.
Many sections of Cape Cod weref
cut off from communication with
the rest of the world and scores of
families along the Massachusetts
coast abandoned their homes to the
early morning tide.
In Winthrop, the pounding of the
surf against a broken sea wall could
be felt a mile inland and huge rocks
were thrown hundreds of yards by
the angry sea. A hundred families
moved from their homes in the dark
of early morning as high water time
approached. Several hundred cellars
were flooded and scores of house
fronts were crashed in by flying
The signal tower and watch tow-
er at the Pamet River coast guard
station, near Truro on Cape Cod,
had crashed during the night, and
it was feared the crew might have to
abandon it.

1933 Business Advance Seen
By Industrial, B ankinig Leaders

That 1933 offers sound opportuni- demands of the times." were near death here tod
ties for business advancement with- President Leonor F. Loree, of the third, removed to Mai
out the doubtful benefits of bally- Delaware and4Hudson Railroad, finds Navy hospital, was serious
hoo or technocratic twaddle is the the situation of the rails as one of from steel fragments of a
belief expressed by industrial and adjustment to changed demands for testing balance wheel which
banking leaders in the business year service. He claims that restrictive ed" during a demonstration
r e v i e w number of "'Bradstreet's control on the part of ,tatce and fed- Lieut. Charles E. McDo
Weekly." eral governments hinders the rail- and Lieut. Kenneth Chai
American business, they state, is roads from making such adjustments 29, were the two physiciam
solving its own problems and has economically. "There are too many die. Lieut. Louis Dent S
gone far in gaining flexibility, find- miles of railroads, too many trains was the third officer injured
ing new markets, and turning profits run too many miles, too much service ian. E. A. Smith, was less
where none existed before. given on too many branch lines, and hurt.
Francis H. Sisson, president of the too many stations too close to-
American Banker's Association, sees gether." Elimination of these un- Wrinkles in paper dials
the past twelve months as creating a sound practices would, according to clock faces have been trac
"lean, hard banking structure, tough- Mr. Loree, help the railroads to as- reau of standards' scienti
ened and qualified by the uses of ad- sume their old efficiency and use- normal expansion of the
versity to meet and maintain the fulness. the moist air.


"r s i/
... n
.,.. .r

State Street

Why Don't Youse Guys






W E FIND at the larger Eastern universities that
the majority of undergraduates are now pur-
chasing full evening dress regalia instead of tuxedos.
Think of it - more full dress apparel is now sold
than tuxedo dress: The national wearing of tuxedos
by young men started at universities, so we may some
day expect the tailcoat on the majority of our
formals. Silk toppers, too! The suit, overcoat and
accessories shown here are identical in every respect
with those worn by the hundreds at our leading

Everything in Stock for the

The Union Ballroom

State Street


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! now
40.0 i



i ,ee



that the Hop is going to
be a success is seen in the
sale of tickets for the

party. Before that comes
around, though, another
kind of



will help those people
who find themselves
a short of

to catch up on work
that has to be finished


__ .__


Announces a


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