THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JAN. .. . MICHIGAN DAILY ~ -.w - f - .. . Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. u, ember of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the ig Ten- News Service MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by Mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR.F.... FRANK B. GILBETH CITY EDITOR......................KARL SEIFFERT f 'ORTS EDITOR................. JOHN W. THOMAS WOMGMEN'S 'EDITOR...... .......MARGARET O'BRIEN ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR......MIRIAM CARVER NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman, Harold Wl e -REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Donald F. Blakertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney Franke.l, Eric al, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, Edwin W. Richardson, John Simpson, George Van Veck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White. Katherine Anning, Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Blum, Maurine Burnside, Ellen Jane Cooley, Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Anne Duibar, Jeanette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi- son, Frances J. Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Eleanor Peterson, Margaret D. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet $piess, Marjorie Western.. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER........BYRON C VEDDER CREDIT -MANAGER..................HARRY BEGLE -OMEN' BUSINESS MANAGLR.......DONNA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- Ice Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- *ctlation. Gilbert E Bursley; Publications, Robert E. ASSICTANTS: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve- land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers, s Lester Skinner Joseph Sudow Robert Ward lizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris fammy, Billy Griffiths, Virginia Hartz Catherine M- 3enry, Helen Olson. Helen Schmude, May Seefried, Kathryn Stork. SUNDAY, JAN. 29, 1933 Death Rattles Of A Crnpus Dramatie Group IMES IS DEAD. IYJ.M The decline of this once most 4 portant of student dramatic organizations began in 1930 when the Mimes theatre was turned over to Play Production and the final blow at the already moribund club was struck when the Union' decided this year that it could not afford to provide financial backing for another light opera. Mimes originally grew out of the Union opera .organization in 1912. It was in 1907 that the first opera under the title of "Michigenda," with Donal Hamilton Haines and Roy Welch as its authors, was produced at the Whitney theatre. This was the first attempt on the part of the University students to present a strictly student production to a public audience and the reception of the play was so enthusiastic that it was decided to make the opera an annual affair. The song "When Night Falls, Dear," came from Michigenda. The opera was originally produced by the mem- bers of the Union committees as a means of mak- ing money for the Union, but toward the end it began to outgrow this function. The next year "Culture" was the opera, written by the same two students who had lone "Mich- igenda." The books of both these productions used Ann Arbor as a background with'frequent allusions to Ypsilanti and campus activities. The following year "Konzaland" was given, the first opera not to confine its scenery and action en- tirely to Ann Arbor. The song hit from "Koan- zaland" was "College Days." Next came "The Crimson Chest" and "Awak- ened Rameses." it was in the year of the latter production that a group of the most prominent students connnected with the play decided to form a dramatic organization composed of the students who were most influential in the pro- duction, the leads, the business and publicity managers and others, and Mimes was born. The offering of the next year was "Contrarie Mary" the first show to make a trip.' The war-time opera of 1918, "Let's Go," was the1 o ly opera to have women in the cast. This idea proved to be not successful, however, and the next year the female parts were again taken by men. j E. Mortimer Shuter, who directed all of the restt of the operas took over the reins the next year with "Come On Dad." In 1922 the old Union dance hall was turnedI over to Mimes and they converted it into what{ was then the best theatre in the country devoted entirely to student dramatics. When they acquiredl this laboratory, Mimes began to put on other plays besides the opera and soon became the cam- pus' leading dramatic organization. "Cotton Stockings" the opera for 1923 was ther trm~~~~~~f ~~~-------------f-11_ I-c7r l +-f-- Union that the opera had lost its usefulness andj consequently, it was discontinued. In the hey-day of the opera, trips were made that gave performances at the Auditorium in Chi- cago, the Academy of Music in Philadelphia, and the Metropolitan Opera House in New York. The summer after it was decided to abandon the show, the Mimes Theatre was bought by the Regents and turned over to the Play Production classes as a laboratory. And Mimes began its downward slide. The next year, 1930-1931, Mimes produced sev- eral plays including "The Affairs of Anatol" and put on what was generally conceded to be a feeble attempt at an all-campus revue, "Aw Nuts," to take the place of the opera on a smaller scale. Then last year the production of Mimes was the light opera "Robin Hood," put on by the Men's and Women's glee clubs, the University Sym- phony orchestra, students in the School of Music and a few professionals. The only function of Mimes in this show was in the administration and painting of the scenery. A week ago the finance committee of the Board of Directors of the Union decided that it could not risk the financial backing of the Union for a light opera this year, although the commit- tee said they hoped that they would again be able to foster such a production. This is the only project considered by Mimes so far this year and the club has no plans for plays next semester. The present personnel of Mimes does not war- rant the belief that this organization will take the initiative in producing another light opera next year. This year's president is a junior medical student-a busy man. In fact so busy that he could not find the time to come to three of the luncheon meetings held to consider the presenta- tion of an opera this year. Another of the influential members is a fresh- man medical student and a third is a member by virtue of his interest and good work in handling the publicity of "Robin Hood." The other mem- bers for the most part are seniors who will not be back next year and, as there is no function for the club to perform for the remainder of the year, there is small chance that any new blood will be taken in. With the end of this college year there will be no Mimes members left in the University to carry on the splendid tradition so that Mimes, whether it likes it or not, is bound to pass out of the picture, Mimes is dead! ;. ten condemned. The Beethoven Sonata, Opus i10, was unforgettable in its immeasurable love- iness, its persistent questionings and its subtle hadings. Perhaps it was not the titanic, insistent- :y hammering Beethoven, but it was an immor- ;ally beauliful one. And as she passed from the clear conception of Mozart, to the fluctuating tides of Beethoven, and on to the beautifully com- plex textures of Brahms, so she equally encom- passed the romanticism of Chopin as a part of Herself, objectifying them all in an expression ghat, while it is socially sound, is also most sin- cerely individual. It is the fundamental quality of her art-emotional sincerity. Myra Hess is a great and a vital personality, a self that must inevitably have found expression, and; to the unmeasurable gratitude of all listeners, has simply chosen music from the possible mediums. -Kathleen Murphy Screen Reflections Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MAJESTIC "ROCKABYE" BENNETT FORMULA PICTURE; BABY STILL IN HER ARMS July Carroll ......... Constance Bennett Jake Pell .................. Joel McCrea Anthony de Sola .......... Paul Lukas "Rockabye" involves Constance ($30,000-a- Week) Bennett, Joel (Boyish) McCrea, and Paul (Hungarian Wrestler) Lukas once more in a weak triangle picture, with first nights, newspaper re- porters, screaming headlines, adopted babies, di- vorces and all the other accouterments which are becoming more and more typical of Miss Ben- nett's dramas. This time the heroine is an actress of the legiti- mate stage, besmirched as the film opens by her relationship with a gangster on trial for misap- propriation of funds. Te consequent headlines in the New York press given an orphan's home ground to take from her a baby girl she has adopted. Lukas is introduced as her manager, complete as to thick accent and faultless bearing. McCrea is a continental playwright whose "Rockabye" Judy Carroll decides to use as her next starring vehicle. Of course Jake falls in love with his beau- tiful star and proposes marriage if and when he unshackles himself from wife Enid. Here the sec- ond baby comes in. This time it's Enid's. You are then treated to the succession of love, doubt, the scene with Enid's mother, and Miss Bennett's decision to give it all up. While all this transpired, yesterday's audience chatted, joked, expressed its discontent, or merely watched with well-grounded sardonic amusement. The following startling incongruity was noted in the Hearst newsreel. 1. Navy ships dropping practice bombs. War. 2, Paderewski on disarmament. Peace. 3. Japanese Emperor hails troops. War. 4. Pope Pius XI and Holy Year. Peace. There's a real four-decker for public con- sumption. Two scenes stand out, one as a highlight, the other as ridiculous. Well-done is the boudoir epi- sode where Jake hops into Judy's bed while fully dressed to give manager de Sola a triple-E scare. Perhaps even more interesting are the scores of balloons which Jake has brought in to bedeck her bed, for, in her own words, she's "never had a real balloon." Worst scene is Judy holding Jake's head to her breast while she argues the sociolog- ical aspects of their case pro and con. The falsity of "Rockabye" is well mirrored by the Hollywood-conceived reporters, who swarm to the principals of the cast as bees to honey, argu- ing, joshing, and cynically prodding the object of their attentions. They wear breezy topcoats and grey felt hats, and the super-cynic of them all is there as usual. Added attractions: Paramount pictorial with (1) Ann Leaf at the organ and (2) Movie Editor's Nightmare-latter is good; Herb Williams in "Out of Tune"-mediocre; "Don't Play Bridge With Your Wife"-fair; and Hearst Metrotoue News. ->. -G. M. W. Jr. CSTARSXO [1 III i ACmL EAN ...the Most Imitated Name III In Cleaning Today! , . I 1' " P*S e ALTHOUGH the name Miraclean may be imitated, it is impossible to imitate the Miraclean system of cleaning because it is a copyrighted and pat- ented process, used only by one cleaner in a city. And in the city of Ann Arbor, that one cleaner is Goldman Bros., and only Goldman Bros. II LDMAN A A - - a a - 4 r Musical Events C ~ ........,..sF.,,,..:::..:.,.. alt. r ira ~c le a n ) " Sclean as a breath of cfprid 1115 South University Avenue 113 East Liberty 701 South State Street, corner Monroe 214 South State Street 703 Packard Street ire MYRA HESS-IN RETROSPECT At a time when the world trembles on the tilt of a circle, in the false stillness of a hesitation that precedes the beginning of the deciding move upward or down, when only the thin veneer of civilization hides the hysteria that surges irn undercurrents beneath our restless lives, art, as an activity of man, has taken on this same nerv- ous tautness. Unwilling to look beneath, we have concerned ourselves with the external surface, and in fussing over technicalities, we have forgotten, perhaps purposely, what should lie below it. We measure our paintings in strength of line-our music in the number of revolutions per second. Our prose has taken on the characteristics of poetry, and our poetry, with its "subconscious meanings," is approaching the state of music- while our music has become, at times, as con- cretely representative as a picture. But, while one medium has been borrowing the qualities of an- other-while the fields of art have been ruthless- ly scanned as those of physics or mathematics for the new or the revolutionary-what of the actuality of art, the "thing in itself," the concep- tion behind it all? In our groping, worried self- concern, in our futile attempts to stem the tide of shifting days, controlled-emotion has almost become an impossibility and the synthesis of form and content into the essence of great art, that inevitable, undammable expression which forces its way out through the means of a physical medium such as color or sound, implies an under- standing and a perspective of life that is seldom found in our modern schools of technique. Man's impulse to create is as primary as the cause that lies back of his existence. Art is as broad as the earth and as infinite as the sky- and we concern ourselves with the speed of Mil- stein's spiccato! Great art is not the individual product of one period - and a great artist is no more of one individuality than of one age. If Myra Hess had not been a musician she would have been a magnificent actress or a fine poetess or a painter -the fundamental impulse is there and it would not have mattered in what way it found expres- sion as long as it was expressed. If she is not the greatest pianist in the world, she is unquestion- ably one of the greatest people who ever played the piano. Myra Hess is not a performer but a musician-and more, not a musician but an artist, an artist who creates, who expresses this im pulse to self-objectification just as surely as ang composer who ever wrote down notes on black scored paper. In her perfect balance of emotion and control she is characteristic, not of this age, but of all ages and all times-as eternal and com- prehensive as time itself. The women Who have been great artists are so few and so scattered that the genius of men far outranks them. Outranks-but not outweighs, for when a woman does break the ties and succeed in casting off the shackles of convention she can meet them on their own footing. If you choose to compare her with Iturbi-Horowitz-that is ex- cusable-but it would be an insult to say that Myra Hess plays like a man. Miss Hess needs no concessions on any ground. Such a performance as she gave Friday night cannot be criticized. No petty quibblings should mar the broad significance of such playing. One Miraclean Trade Mark No. 235746. Miraclean Patent No. 1770266. Phone 4213 Iu I m lI THE J-I-OP EXTRA Will List All Guests & STR'IIPES By Karl Seiffert ODE TO J-HOP Jewett, Bernie, Rea, and Shaw, Lots of nature in the raw, Pretty letters home to maw, Dancing, breakfast, booze, and -aw! -Judas P. *. * * A Detroit police lieutenant had to lend a man a suit of clothes so that he could appear in court, but in general the practice of going the limit on an eight-high straight-flush is fast disappearing. * -* * ADD DEFINITIONS: Diplomacy is the ability to smash into the back end of a parked car and then talk the owner into buying you a set of bumpers. *~ * * DROP CONSPIRACY CHARGES AGAINST 'SONNY BOY' QUIRK -Headline Will Contain a Diagonal Column Will Describe the Fashions, Both Mascu line and Feminine Will Tell All About the House Parties Will Contain Picture of the Grand March Will Be Delivered . . . if you phone your order (for 5 or more), to The Daily, 2-1214 Will Be On Sale at All News-Stands What's all the rush? * * * And remember that official pictures of the Grand March will be on sale at two o'clock the night of the Hop. The government just spent $50,000 to tear down a wall of the newly-completed department of ag- C I