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January 29, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-29

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The Weather
artly cloudy followed by
w north and rain on Mon-
Slowly rising iemperture.


.Idbw AIL-- AIL Amp


XLII No. 93


old To Be
acher Here
11S Summer

Dissipating Seniors Healthier
Than Freshmen Survey Shows

Faculty Will Include 28
Visiting Professors From
Many Colleges
Some To Teach At
Douglas Lake Camp
Thomas Wood Stevens To
Return Here To Direct
Summer Drama Season
'Twety-eight faculty memliers
rom other Universities will be o.
the teaching staff of the 1933 Sum-
mer Session, Edward H. Kraus, Dean
of the Summer Session, announced
Lawrence McKinley Gould, former
member of the geology department
here, second in command of the
Byrd Antarctic Expedition and at
present professor of geology at Car-
leton College in Minnesota, will be
among the faculty for the summer
as will Paul VanBrunt Jones,pro fes-
aor of history at the University of
Thomas Wood Stevens, director of
the Artist Guild Theatre at St. Louis,
who for the past two summers has
been ihere as a director of the Sum-
mer Repertory Players, will again be
back this year to direct, with Valen-
tine B. Windt, director of the Play
Production, the summer dramatic
28 Visiting Men
A total of 28 men will be on the
Michigan faculty from other places.
20 of these will be in Ann Arbor,
while 8 will be at the biology camp
at Douglas lake in northern Mich-
Prominent among the men who
will 'be in Ann Arbor are Eliot Jones,
professor of economics at Stanford
University, Henry Stuart Vedder
Jones, professor of English at the
IUiversity of fllinos, and Albert
Charles Jacobs, associate professor of
law at Columbia.
Others are Ernest S. Bates, for-
merly professor of English at Oregon
University, Fred M. Bullard, asso-
ciate professoi' of. geology and min-
eralogy at the University of Texas,
William G. Carr, assistant director of
the research division of the National
Education Association, and Bess
Goodykoontz, assistant commissioner
of education of the United States de-
partment of education.
Others are Norman D. Lattin, pro-
fessor of law at Ohio State Univer-
sity, Gustavus A. Ohlinger, of the
Toledo Bar, Charles B. Shaw, libra-
rian at Swarthmore College, William
W. Theisen, assistant superintendent
of schools in Milwaukee, and Louis
Wirth, assistant professor of socio-
logy at the University of Chicago.
otors Named
Edith M. Bader, assistant superin-
tendent and elementary grade super-
visor of Ann Arbor, John S. Bru-
.acher, assistant professor of educa-
tion at Yale, Vera S. Cooper, libra-
rian of Depauw University, Jean
Hall, instructor of physicaveducation
in the Detroit public schools, and
Helen K. Mackintosh, supervisor of
elementary grades of Grand Rapids,
will also teach here this summer.
Tnose who will go to the biology
camp are William W. Cort, of the
school of hygiene and public health
at Johns Hopkins, Charles W. Crea-
ser, associate professor of zoology at
the College of the City of Detroit,
Eileen W. Erlanson assistant profes-
sor of botany at Kent State College,
Frank .Caleb Gates, professor of tax-
onomy and ecology at Kansas State
College, and Herbert B Hungerford,
professor of entomology at the Uni-
versity of Kansas.
others who will teach at the Doug-
las Lake camp are Theodora Nelson,
instructor in biological sciences at
Hunter College, George E. Nichols,
professor of botany at Yale and Ly-
tell J. Thomas, professor of helmin-
thology at the Univei'sity of Illinois.

'Beautiful Date" Ad
Too Well Received
The owner of Box 6A in the classi-
fied advertising department of The
Daily is a worried person just now.
Yesterday he received more than a
dozen replies to his "ad" for "a beau-
tiful date for the J-Hop" and told
a Daily reporter that he was now
worse off than before because he
couldn't decide between all the at-

ITHACA, N. Y., Jan. 28.-(A')--
Cornell University students who rid
themselves of chronic ailments smoke
more, sleep less, and take less exer-
cise, yet in four years their health
tends to become better than that of
their fellows who observe the strict-
est smoking, sleeping and exercisel
The law of the survival of the fit-
est and also the fact that the slight-
est drag of chronic troubles has a1
bigger cumulative effect than most
persons realize figure in these Cor-
nell health statistics. The records
were made public today by Dr. Dean
F. Smiley, head of the medical ad-1
visors department.
The charts show that "the exces-
sive use of tobacco" among freshmenE
is 5.1 per cent; but for seniors 17.9
per cent. Insufficient sleep: fresh-c
men, 5.5; seniors, 16.9. Insufficient
exercise: freshmen, 8.9; seniors, 20.4.,
In the last graduating class, 1932,i

only 35.7 were free from any chronic
ailment or any faulty health habits
when they entered as freshmen. As
seniors, 47.2 were rated as entirely
free from any chronic ailment.
The survival of the fittest, as
brought into the situation by a state-
ment of the department of public
information, deals with the fact that
out of average classes in these sta-
tistics of 800 freshmen only 600 grad-
uate. Among those falling by the
Wayside are some stricken because
of their chronic ailments and bad
health habits. Those who w i n
through to graduation tend to cor-
rect their chronic troubles. They also
include some of the naturally strong-
est constitutions among freshmen.
They seem physically better off as a
class when seniors despite the three-
fold increase in disregard of the idg4
smoking, sleeping, and exercise hab-
its prescribed.

Marley Will
Speak Today
Unitarian Pastor Plans A
Sermon On Popularity
Of 'Wisest American'
Churches Plan

Legislative Group Ba(
Speech Professor
Instruction Director



Ford Declares
Factories Will
Re-Open Soon
Labor Trouble Is Attack
On Ford Industries, He
Says In Statement
DETROIT, Jan. 28.-/P)--Henry
Ford, in a statement tonight an-
nounced that his automobile plants
throughout the country "one way or
another will be going again full tilt
in a very short time."
At the same time he said that the
labor trouble in local body plants
that forced a shutdown of his fac-
tories throughout the country "is not
a strike-it's an attack on the Ford
The statement, the first Mr. Ford
has made since he was quoted abroad
as saying over the telephone that
"certain competitors" were respon-
:ible for the body plant strike, was
very brief. He declined to comment
on the telephone interview with a
London newspaper, but said:
"You just can't stop progress. This,
is not a strike-it's an attack on the
Ford industries. So was the Selden
patent suit years ago, but all ef-
forts of that kind to thi'ottle any in-
dustry is like a man throwing ashes
into the wind; eventually he gets
himself all covered with the ashes.
One way or another our plants will
be going again full tilt in a very
short time."
Other Ford officials said today
that if the body workers at the
Briggs Manufacturing Company's
plants return to work or the plants
get into operation with other help
by next Tuesday, the Ford factories
will reopen as soon thereafter as a
flow of automobile bodies is estab-
Preservation Of Forests
Urged In Radio Address
Placing the question "Liquidation
or Perpetuation of Michigan's Re-
maining Forests?" squarely before
the radio audience last night, Prof.
D. M. Matthews, of the School of
Forestry and Conservation, took his
stand directly for the preservation
of the few forest areas left in Mich-
igan and calling on the people to
take steps to encourage the perpet-
uation of their remaining forest
areas from a sense of pride if noth-
ing more. ____


rigin Of Fire
Candy Store
ner Declares lie Was
Leld Up And Kidnaped;
ays Captors Set Fire


Investigation into the causes of a
fire in a confectionary store at 800
S. State St., being conducted by state
Fire Marshall Peter Karn, had
brought no results last night. At
Karn's residence it was said that he
was "out on the case," while neither
Chief of Police Thomas O'Brien nor
Louis Deising, owner of the store,
could report any results.
The store, which was set on fire
early yesterday morning by, accord-
ing to Deising, two robbers, had been
only slightly damaged by the blaze.
It was insured, according to infor-
mation received at Deising's resi-
Deising told police that two men
entered his store shortly after mid-
ight and held him up. They took
about $12 in cash besides personal
effects and papers. They then placed
him in his own car and drove about.
the town. After a while they evi-
dently returned, Deising said, and
one of the men got out and appa-
rently re-entered the store. After
that, they drove off again, and Deis-
ing remembers being changed from
his own car to that of someone else.
At the end of approximately two
hours, he says, they let him out at
Lincoln Park. From there he called
the Ann Arbor police, reported the
incident, and returned.
In the meantime the fire depart-
ment answered a call to Deising's
store at about 1 a. m. They reported
that while the damage was not
heavy it was obvious that kerosene
had been poured upon the stock and
fixtures. Deising believes that the
fire was started when the men re-
turned to the store, one of them get-
ting out to set the blaze.
The Ann Arbor Trad!.s Council
yesterday announced re-election of
its president, Perry Martin, to con-
tinue in office for the ensuing year.
Navy 53, Maryland 21.
Penn State 33, Army 26.
IoaState 25, Minesota 3.

Frederick B. Fisher To
Talk Twice; Mrs. Heaps
Will Read Poem
"Emerson and the Modern Tem-
per" will be the subject of an ad-
dress to be given this morning at the
Unitarian Church by the Rev. H. P.
Marley. The fact that the modern
reaction against New England liter-
ature of the last century does not
include the writings of this man,
salled the "Wisest American," will be
discussed together with the reasons
for his lasting popularity. Other ser-
mons to be delivered in the present
series on re-estimation of leadership
will be "Jesus, a Victim of His
Time," Feb. 5, and "Lincoln, the Last
of his Line," Feb. 12.
An abbreviated program of class-
ical music by the University salon
orchestra will be a feature of the
evening student fellowship meeting
at the Congregational Church to-
night. Mrs. Allison Ray Heaps will
read Oscar Wilde's "The Happy
Prince," and a 20-cent supper will
be served at 6 p. mn. Morning serv-
ices at this church will include "Eze-
kiel, the Prophet of individualism,"
a sermon by the Rev. Allison Ray
Heaps, delivered as the second of a
series concerning "The Messages of'
the Prophets for Today."
Fisher Speaks Twice
Frederick B. Fisher, minister of the
First Methodist Episcopal Church,
will occupy the pulpit twice today.
In the morning he will speak on
mow to Live a Life of Power" and in
th evening on "The Russian Influ-
ence in Asia."
A regular Sunday service for Hillel
Foundation members will be held at
11:15 a. m. in the League chapel. Dr.
Bernard Heller will deliver an ad-
dress "The Student and the Hillel
Foundation." An open house will be
held at 8 b. m. at the Foundation.
Wesley Hall today will present five
programs especially designed to ar-
rest student interest. At 9:30 a. m.
the regular classes for freshmen and
undergraduates will be held. The
Oriental-American group will con-
sider "Indian Non-Violence" at 3:30
p. m. At 6:30 p. m. Prof. O. J. Camp-
bell of the English department will
discuss "Culture and the Machine
Age" while the Graduate Forum will
meet at the same hour.
Will hold Classes
Student classes will be held at the
First Presbyterian Church house,
1432 Washtenaw Ave., at 9:30 a. m.
At 5:30 p. m. the Young People will
meet with the Methodist Student
Guild at Wesley Hall.
The First Baptist Church's stu-
dent meeting will be held in the
Guild House at 6 p. m. Miss Ger-
trude McCulloch, Grad., of the music
school, will speak on "Bottdm Side
Up." Miss .McCulloch will base her
talk on 11years of practical experi-
ence as a music teacher in the Union
Girls' School of Hangchow, China.
Prof. R eeves
To Broadcast
Tuesday Night
The powers. of Congress pertain-
ing to constitutional amendments
will be discussed Tuesday evening in
a radio address by Prof. Jesse S.
Reeves, chairman of the political
science department. The address will
be broadcast at 7:15 E. S. T. over the
Blue Network of the National Broad-
casting Company.
Professor Reeves, it is believed,
holds the view that congressional
power in this sphere is limited to
deciding whether states shall ratify
a given amendment through their
legislatures or by special conventions,
and that Congress is thus not em-
1powered to dictate the methods
whereby such conventions, if the
conventional means of ratification is

to be followed, shall be called.
According to the recent campaign
platforms of both the Democratic

Committee Will Circulate
Petitions For Anybody
Who Wants To Run
The name of Prof. John H. Muy-
skens of the University speech de-
partment will be presented to the
Democratic state convention on Feb.
24 at Grand Rapids as a potential
nominee for the office of state su-
perintendent of public instruction,
according to word received here yes-
terday. A group of Democratic mem-
bers of the state legislature, former
students at the University, are mak-
ing a campaign through the county
conventions in the interests of Pro-
fessor Muyskens, formerly a teacher
to many of them.
Other Candidates
Other prospective candidates for
the nomination are Dean Marvin S.
Pittman .of the Ypsilanti Normal
college and Dr. Paul Voelker, presi-
dent of Battle Creek college; Dr.
Pittman has long been identified
with state Democratic politics and is
also prominent as a prohibitionist.
Dr. Voelker is well-known here, hav-
ing been mentioned for the Univer-
sity presidency upon the resignation
of Dr. Clarence Little.
Another feature of the Democratic
state battle is the apparent effort of
the "old-line" Democrats to assign
the new Wayne county disorganized
Congressional delegation to a polit-
ical back seat on the matter of pat-
ronage after March 4. Horatio Ab-
bott of Ann Arbor, a member of the
national committee has been quoted
as saying that the national and state
party organization will dispense the
patronage without regard to the Con-
Who Wants To Be Mayor?
The Democratic mayoralty race is
developing into a "Who wants to be
mayor" contest. William Walz,
county chairman, said last night that
the committee would circulate peti-
tions for anyone who wanted to run.
William Walz, Jr., a member of the
sixth ward committee, however, said
that he understood the city commit-
tee would meet informally today to
consider a number of prospective
candidates. He refused to divulge
any of the names mentioned. He said
that the Democrats would have a
mayoral candidate but admitted that
he did not know who it would be.
Mr. Walz denied rumors that for-
ier Mayor Edward W. Staebler
would be drafted for the race. He
said that Mr. Staebler's name had
not even been mentioned. Mr. Stae-
bler, reached at his home, scoffed
at the rumor.

Registration Announced cease regular publication until
For Spring PTuesday morning, Feb. 14. The
g rannual J-Hop extra will, however,
Hours for registration for the pri- be published .on the night of the
mary election March 6 are from 8 Hop, Feb. 10.. A second edition of
a. m. to 5 p. m. daily, until Feb. 14, the same issue will appear on the
according to City Clerk Fred C. Per- streets the next morning, Feb. 11.
ry, at whose office registration is The second edition will contain
taking place, the official picture of the grand
Only those who did not re-register mardh. Fraternities and others
at the last general election, those whointend making orders for the
who will come of age before'March issue are urged to do so this week
6, and those who have moved from as the supply will be limited. Pho-
one precinct to another since the last tographs of the march will be sold
election need register. For voter's who at the Hop at 2 a. m. For fur-
have moved, it is only necessary to ther details on the extra, see yes-
phone or write in the new address, terday's Daily.
Mr. Berry said. I
Lawton Tells In Radio Speeeh
ow arsity' Was Conpose

Dr. W. C. Dennis To Speak Here
About International RelationS

Dr. William Cullen Dennis, presi-
dent of Earlham College and one-
time professor of law at Columbia
University and the University of Il-
linois, will speak on "Current Inter-
national Relations" at 7:30 p. m.
Feb. 5, in the First Methodist Epis-
copal Church. His lecture is one of
a group sponsored by the Wesleyan
From 1917 to 1919 Dr. Dennis was
legal adviser to the Chinese govern-
ment at Peking, and was special De-
partment of State counsel at the
preliminary Conference on Commu-
nications in 1920-21. As agent of the
United States he arbitrated a Ven-
zuelan dispute in 1910. and served in
a similar capacity in a Norway-


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