-Associated Press Photo A major battle between Japan and China is expected soon in Jehol and northern China. Chinese armies in the troubled area were reliably estimated between 150,000 and 250,000 men, distributed as indicated by numerals on mapn. 1-4n eastern Jehol, 36,000. 2-In central and western Jehol, 50,000. 3--Facing Shanhaikwan, 10,000. 4--Between Chinwangtao and Changli, 20,000. 5-Between Changli and Lwanchow, 50,000. 6---etween Tiengsin and the Lwan river, 30,000. 7--In the vicinity of Peiping, 30,000. Arrows A, B and C indicate the direction of IL ,. r! ,..,t s U... . ..,