I I . i , . I THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY LA ~J AWI~JAPEA 5.) .n aLr i, R. L. Morrison Favors State's Tax For Roads Recalls Expenses Of Trip Taken In 1917; Roads Today More Economical "Sometimes it is cheaper to pay taxes, especially when unimproved roads collect two to four times as much from the driver's pocketbook in increased gas, oil, tire, and de- preciation costs as the nominal 'good road taxes' which go toward paving highways," Prof. Roger L. Morrison of the highway engineer- ing department told the National Highway and Building Congress it their annual convention in Detroit last week. In using his own car as a testing laboratory for his road building theories, Professor Morrison quoted some of his own driving expenses in recent years with several different models of cars and under different conditions. He found that the pres- ent Michigan weight, gasoline and property taxes going into good roads pay dividends of nearly 40 per cent to the average motorist. From his own experiences he urged that any drastic curtailment of highway building would merely mean, assess- ing the 26,000,000 automobile owners of the country for the tax in undue wearage which unsurfaced or unim- proved roads collect. Fifty Cents For License Back in 1917 when dust goggles and mufflers were the motorist's cos- tume Professor Morrison recalls that he drove nearly 6,000 miles and ex- plored the roads from Illinois to Texas. Major expenses on the trip included repair of a badly shaken up battery that jarred loose, six im- promptu rescues from treacherous mud holes by farmers' teams, a new set of the old hoop-like tires, $60 for tightening bearings, $40 for minor repairs in the car's stubborn mo- ments and at least $100 for hotel bills which would have been elimi- nated by the faster travel on today's paved highways. 39 Per Cent Dividend' Compared with this minimum of $200 for bad road taxes in 1917 Pro- fessor Morrison finds from his more recent past that in 1932 he paid $36.38 for license, gas, and property taxes eventually going for good roads. Again he drove 6,000 miles. .In a vacation trip through Northern Michigan he travelled 2,000 miles on pavements and about 1,000 miles on gravel roads. Pavement cost six- tenths of a cent a mile, figured on a tax basis, but when on gravel a bad road tax of one cent, and a dirt tax of two cents a mile were added. By taking advantage of pavement Shanhaikwan In Ruins After Japanese Bombardment A picture rushed by steamship from the center of Japanese-Chinese fighting and telephotoed to Chicago from San Francisco shows the ruins of the city of Shanhaikwan after the Japanese bombardment and occupation of Jan. 3. Japanese soldiers are shown making their way through the walled city. Suit Filed Against Insull Directorate CHICAGO, Jan. 25.-(P)--To the maze of litigation involving the en- terprises of Samuel Insull, onetime utilities czar, had been added today a $40,000,000 suit aga:nst the entire directorate of Insull Utilities Invest- ment, Inc., half-billion dollar hold- ing company. Suit was filed in federal court by Attorney Lewis Jacobson, counsel for petitioning creditors in the bank- ruptcy action against the investment concern, now in receivership. En- titled "St. John's church vs. Samuel Insull," the action was filed in behalf of approximately 20,000 holders of the trust's debentures. 11 'Ann Vickers' Now Off Press;- Lewis' First Sinee Nobel Prize Owing to a general demand, the National Education Association and] the National Association of School Superintendents have appointed a joint commission on the emergency in education, according to a state- ment from Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School of Education. This is a commission of seven. The chief task before it is to co-ordinate the work of various national educa- tion organizations, committees and commissions. The commission is also expected to make recommendations regarding the readjustments that must be made in public education in view of the recent social and eco- nomic changes. Dr. John K. Norton of Columbia University has been appointed chair- man of the commission. The other members are Dr. Sidney B. Hall, state superintendent of public in- struction of Virginia; Superintendent David E. Weglein of Baltimore; Su- perintendent A. L. Threlkeld of Denver; Superintendent Herbert S. Weet of Rochester, N. Y.; Mrs. F. Blanche Preble of the Chicago public schools and president of the national department of classroom teachers, and Dean Edmonson. The commission will hold its first meeting in Cleveland Jan. 28 and will hold frequent meetings during the next few months. This is the second instance in American educa- tion that such a commission has been created, the first time being during the period of the World War. Cleveland May Release This Year's Air Classic CLEVELAND, Jan. 25.-GP)-L. W, Greve, president of the .National Air Races, of Cleveland, Inc., said that Cleveland probably would release the 1933 aviation classic to any other city which would' pay the $12,500 fee required by the National Aeronauti- cal Association. Clifford W. Henderson, managing director of the races, now is in Los Angeles, and "nothing will be de- cided until he returns," Grove added.. "He is making a survey to deter- mine of there was anything serious in the many informal propositions made by several cities last fall. So far we have received no definite of- fers." Cleveland has a five-year option on /the races, of which 1933 is the third year. -Associated Press Photo Alvin K. Aurell, formerly of Rich- mond, Va., is head of the Yokohama branch of the Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company which was attacked and badly damaged by a Japanese mob. In a recent letter to a brother in Richmond he described labor troubles of the company. U. S. Destroyer Badly Damaged In Maneuvers Jammed Crash Games Rudder Causes During Trip To At Honolulu DUBLIN, Irish Free State, Jan. 25. -(P)-Counting of the heaviest vote in Irish history began today with in- dications of an extremely close race between President Eamon de Valera and William T. Cosgrave for the presidency. A definite trend in Tuesday's elec- tion of a new dail eireann-the Irish house of representatives, which in turn elects the president of the ex- ecutive council-was not likely to develop until Thursday. In some scattered districts clerks will not be able to open ballot boxes until then. Rioting, which featured many meetings during the whirlwind three- weeks campaign, c a r r i e d right through into election day with the biggest free-for-all at a polling booth in Ashburton. Tear gas bombs used by troops, summoned from an army barracks several miles away, finally ended the row. Civil guards previ- ously found they were unequal to the situation. The . election was considered so close that bookmakers were offering even money that it would go in either direction-with de Valera retaining supreme power or with Cosgrave win- ning the necessary majority to re- turn him to the presidency. De Valera, leader of the Republi- can party seeking the complete in- dependence of Ireland, was believed by some observers to have gained heavily in the rural districts. Cos- grave, who favors continuation of the Free State as an integral part of the British Empire, was believed strong in the cities. The vote ranged from 70 to 90 per cent of the enfranchised electorate, listed as 1,730,000 in the 1927 registration. Of the eligible voters, 70 per cent went to the polls for the previous general election-last Feb. 16-when Cosgrave, the first Irish president, was defeated for the first time in 10 years. That some small party, such as the new Farmers' organization or the Labor party, would hold the balance of power was considered likely by many. The Labor party had seven of the 153 seats last year and their support kept de Valera in power. lacking, navy officials here said un- doubtedly the ship was shipping water. They based their statement on the fact that two destroyers were convoying the vessel. -1 and good gravel, the total of $36.38 in road building taxes repaid a dividend of 39 per cent if the road conditions of 1917 are considered in the esti- mates.. The real benefit of good roads is in the gasoline, tire, and repair sav- ings, states Professor Morrison, rais- ing the question of what bad roads would do to the collegiate car of olden times. The only way to avoid , the one and two cent bad road taxes is to continue to make use of the six-tenth cent tax for paved high- ways wherever practical and possible, he concluded, i i NEW YORK, Jan. 25.-(A)-Furi- ous bubbles should be foaming from the literary pot by nightfall-Sin- clair Lewis' new book is out today. Out in a large way, too. It is pub- lished simultaneously in 16 countries and 13 languages, including the Polish. Such extensive and instan- taneous publication dwells not in the memory of even the oldest publisher's representative. "Ann Vickers" is what he calls it -this red-headed author who put the word Babbitt into the mouths of millions. It bares the heart and mind of a modern woman. It takes her through school, suf- frage work during the first Wilson administration, settlement house labors, study of prison conditions, marriage to a social worker who turned out to be "a perpetual course of bedtime stories". and a love af- fair with a crooked judge. When the judge is pardoned from Sing Sing, the book ends soon with a cry by Ann that she, too, is out of prison, "the prison of ambition, thej prison of myself."! Lewis, always burning with edi- torial zeal, has opinions on such sub- jects as crime, punishment and whether a woman has a right not to have an unwanted batW. He ex- presses them in this book. Having written "Ann Vickers," his first novel since he won the Nobel prize for literature, Lewis has gone into hibernation in Austria. Despite reports that he is ill, his American publishers, Doubleday, Doran, de- clare he is "actually feeling better than he ever did in his life." Reviewing the novel, Lewis Gan- nett in the New York Herald-Tribune says: "Sinclair Lewis has done it ag t n. 'Ann Vickers' belongs to the front rank, with 'Main Street,' 'Babbitt,' and 'Arrowsmith.' It will shock some people, stir more, bore a few (I pity them, with ice in their veins); but they will all read it, highbrow and lowbrow alike, and talk about it, with the hot passion which- only Sinclair Lewis, among the novelists of today, can arouse. Wells once had that power; Dickens had it; who else?" SAN PEDRO, Calif., Jan. 25.-(P) -Badly damaged in a collision dur- ing maneuvers 300 miles off the Cal- ifornia coast, the United States navy's first line destroyer Dahlgren, limped toward San Diego today in convoy of the destroyers Sands and Lawrence.. Radio advices to the United States fleet's flagship Pennsylvania indicated the vessel was in a pre- carious condition. The Dahlgren carries 105 officers and men.. The Dahlgren; en route to Hono- lulu for the annual wad games, was engaged in maneuvers with other of the knife-like 310-foot greyhounds of the sea when it was struck by the destroyer Tarbell. Navy officers here were informed the collision was caused by the jam- ming of the Dahlgren's rudder. The bow of the Dahlgren was damaged. Slight damage was done the Tarbell. Radio advices made no mention of any injured, and navy officials considered it unlikely there were any casualties. Although complete details were i -- y --_ _. _ _ -- - . _ __ _.,. ___ _..__ ...__., .,. _ , ._.. li Pay For Michigan Farm Helper Below Average WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-(M)- The average Michigan farmhand is earning $13.50 a month with board, or $23.75 per month without meals. This average, the department of agriculture says, is below the aver- age for the other east north cen- tral states, which is $16.05 with meals and $25.48 without. This makes the Michigan farm- hand's average per day with board 85 cents and without board $1.25, compared with 89 cents and $1.19 for the average. Although the aver- age wage of the midwest farmhand is lower now than it has been since 1910, the purchasing power of the dollar is rising rapidly. Supervisors To Hear Speech From Comstock LANSING, Jan. 25.-(,P)-Michigan supervisors today awaited a message from Governor Comstock as they worked over proposals for sharp economies in local governmnetal af- fairs. The governor was prepared to ad- dress the supervisors convention this afternoon. R. Wayne Newton, secre- tary of the commission of inquiry into local governmental costs, and C. H. Bramble, master of the Michi- gan State Grange, were other speak- ers on the program today. More than 10,000 acres were re- forested by the state this year. FOR THOSE "HORRID" EXAMS - You should have an EXCELLENT FOUNTAIN PEN and a supply of WAHR'S FAMOUS BLUE BOOKS Review and Reference Books at WAH R'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE . VF III; _ _ ____ State Street Reorganiz ,atiJon Sale Continues SUITS For Quick Clearance we've divided our fine quality suits into three price groups. Here they are: $].5 .75 $ *5 Values to $20 Values to $35 Values to $50 OV E ROATS Overcoats, too, have been grouped into three price classifications. And here are bargains! $9.85 $J485 $19.85 Values to $20 Values to $35 Values to $45 p . .,.._......_.V. Let 's Turn Out 4y The Lights" tr i } t ! . rte, . Main Street is a suggestion never heard at Michigan union Dances . . . because the lighting arrangement here is practically perfect. And that's not all ... for the music's by DON LOOMIS' UNION BAND, and you know how good that is . .,. combine these features with a perfect floor, and a real crowd. .. Well, try it yourself, this weekend, and you'll know perfect entertain- ment. Michigan Union Dances :;:' ^ . -= i I U V