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January 26, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-26

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6WUL u oiN ( a1rscUeo, ri ON! 5n[Y'NT 4J' . ,,-; n
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western .Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmiaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mail, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,

able terms-to show for the effort, is out of har-
mony with the reward basis for all other courses,
and bound to have psychologically unfortunate
In the second place physical education class
meetings are too short. It can only be annoying to
be forced to walk, for instance, from Angell Hall
to the gymnasium, change clothes, exercise, bathe,
dress, and get back to another class-all in one
hour. One of the reasons for having a physical
education program is the relaxation that it is
supposed to provide; it is impossible to see that
any relaxation is afforded in an hour of high-
speed rush.
If we are correct-if not to receive credit is dis-
couraging and if to be unduly hurried is annoying
-then it follows that being COMPELLED to fol-
low the program makes matters ten times worse.
This being the case, it is only natural that the
first objection raised in a discussion of women's
physical education is that it is compulsory. And
yet' it is obvious that if the underlying objections
were removed, thus making the program more en-
joyable, then substantially fewer women would
object to being compelled to follow it.
And perhaps before very long women would fol-
low the program even if it were not compulsory.
Eddie Tolan, A
Victim Of Race Prejudice.

Campus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to bc brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if possible.
To The Editor
I would like to call your attention to Walter
Winchell's column of the 23rd in which he states:
"Capitalists aren't taking technocracy to heart.
They are, however, encouraging talk and discus-
sion about it, because it serves to swerve the pub-
lic attention from Bolshevism and Socialism. They
know that technocracy is perfectly harmless and
doesn't stand a chance,"
This statement is worth taking seriously and its
truth will be ascertained by anyone who takes
the trouble to study the relative merits of techno-
cracy and Bolshevism.
--Edward T. Cheyfitz
Screen Reflections
Four stars means extraordinary; three stars very
good; two stars good; one star just another picture;
11o stars keep away from it.
Kirby Tornell ...... Johnny Mack Brown
Carol Winfield ........... Evalyn Knapp
Susan ................ . .... ZaSu Pitts
Hornet ........ . ...... Raymond Hatton
Waco...........J. Farrell MacDonald

I 1





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CITY EDITOR..,....... ... ............KARL SEIFFERTI
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renthan, C. Hart Schaaf,
Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber,
Albert Newman, Harold Wolfe.
REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A.
Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Donald
F. Blakertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens,
Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel,
Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M.
Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, Edwin W. Richardson,
John Simpson, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.,
W. Stoddard White.
Katherine Anning, Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck,
Eleanor B. Blum, Maurine Burnside, Ellen Jane Cooley,
Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Anne Dunbar,
Jeanette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
rson, Frances J. Mv!anchester, Marie J. Murphy, Eleanor
Peterson, Margaret D. Phalan, Katherine Bucker, Harriet
Spiess, Marjorie Western.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: Jack Bellanty, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
land, Charles, Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph Humue, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers,
Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gimmy, Billy Griffiths, Virginia Hartz Catherine Mc
Henry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried,
Kathryn Stork.,
THURSDAY, JAN. 26, 1933

A LWAYS the world is faced with
its racial .controversies, but no
misunderstanding of this nature has been quite
so tragic as the deep feeling existent between
white man and negro. This is not a rehearsal
of "Uncle Tom's Cabin;" it is a review of the
history of Eddie Tolan, colored Michigan track
star, whose career since the close of the Olym-
pic games has been sufficient to give the man
a completely soured outlook on life.
The whole thing began late last summer, fol-
lowing his highly touted triumph at the Olym-
pic games. Mayor Murphy of Detroit called up
his mother and personally congratulated her on
her son's triumph. So did a number of others.
Then, when Eddie came home, he was greeted
at the station by a number of celebrities. At
this time he was so injudicious as to make it quite
clear that he did not intend to run again.
This statement was fatal. One by one his group
of admirers faded away, for a large percentage
of them were drawn to the negro athlete only
because they saw a chance for personal profit.
It was not long before Eddie saw himself and his
mother poverty-stricken, with no offer of a job
forthcoming from those who had previously of-
fered him their patronage.
He finally landed himself a job in Broadway
vaudeville, appearing on the strength of his track
laurels. Shortly afterward he lost that position.
Again he was jobless.


This is a story of Robin Hood in an American
setting. Based on the hated American military
occupation of California in 1850, it is the story of
Kirby Tornell, a Spanish cavalier who rides with
a mad horde, robbing the rich to pay the poor
whose lands have been taken from them by the
military government.
This particular historical background is a new
one and provides a new setting. It is distinctly un-
sympathetic to the American government, but it
is lifted out of the definitely critical class by Tor,
nell's line, "your government is a good govern-
ment when it understands."
Johnny Mack Brown has too much typical Sat-
urday afternoon Tom Mix two-reeler Spanish ac-
cent ("Darleeng, I lorve you so-o-o mohrch!") to
be effective. The immediate reaction is- that he
plays his part weakly. ZaSu Pitts is still ZaSu
Pitts in spite of lots of hair piled on her fore-
head; she is, however, effective in spots. Evalyn
Knapp's performance is spotty at best. The best
ones in the whole picture are Raymond Hatton
(much better than in the two-reelers) and J.
Farrell MacDonald, as the two tippling, frowsy
members of Tornell's gang.
Added: Slim Summerville, again a Marine bu-
gler in "Omcer, Save My Child;" a swell Terry-
toon, called "Burlesque," with lots of music and
some funny situations (the musician is gorgeous);
Phil Baker in a short, "Poor Little Rich Boys,"
noteworthy for lots of toe-tickling accordion
music ("I'm Making Hay in the Moonlight") and
a good crack, "he's the kind of a guy you'd use
for a blueprint when you're making an idiot!";
Hearst News with lots of "filler" and some very
bad Ted Lewis propaganda on Hearst's "Buy
American" campaign. -W. S. W.

At this time of the year
there are many people
looking for rooms for
the next semester. If
you have a room that
you wish to rent, it
surely would be worth
your while to advertise
the fact in The Daily
Classified Columns, for
through this medium
many rooms are rented
every year.
The Ad-Taker




. . for your dances
*.for your banquets
You will soon be needing programs
for your dances and banquets. Let
us know your needs. We have all
necessary equipment for meeting
your needs. We do embossing as
well as printing.
100 Sheets - 100 Envelopes
Ivory Parchment Deckle Edge
Printed with Name and Address
The MAYER - SCHAIRER Comrpan'y
Printers, Stationery, Binders, Office Outfitters
112 South Main Street Ann Arbor

New Co-Operation Between
Student And Administration
dent Affairs yesterday repealed
the fraternity rooming ban and passed the J-Hop
rules as drawn up by the executive J-Hop com-
Both of these measures were presented to the
Senate Committee by student groups and were,
consequently, an expression of undergraduate
In the past year, the Senate Committee has
co-operated excellently with the student body and
has granted every important request made by
undergraduate groups.
Last year at this time, the Interfraternity
Council petitioned the committee to lower the
scholastic requirements necessary for the pledging
of first year men. The request was granted.
In June of last year, the Interfraternity Coun-
cil petitioned the committee for abolition of de-
ferred rushing and the Student Council asked for
several changes to be made in its constitution.
Both requests were granted.
Two weeks ago, the J-Hop committee asked to
have its budget approved without revisions. Again
the committee complied.
And yesterday, the committee accepted the rules
for the J-Hop and the new plan allowing fresh-
men to reside in fraternities, without changes.
It is true that the J-Hop rules were drawn up
in such a way that the Senate Committee was
granted certain points that the Hop committee
instinctively knew it would want. It is also true
that there were two provisions in the new rooming
plan that were inserted to gain the support of the
But such a practice is a wholesome one. Com-
promise is an essential feature of successful legis-
Perhaps we may point to the last four meetings
of the Senate Committee as a new era of student-
administration co-operation. Certainly the. stu-
dents have been very much pleased with the ac-
tions of the committee and we believe that the
faculty and the administration are pleased that
the students are, at least momentarily, satisfied.
At any rate, we hope so.

Late in 1932 he was summoned to Detroit,
and presented a trophy by the mayor. Mr. Murphy
asked if there was anything the city of Detroit
could do for him; Eddie replied that he needed
a job-any kind, it didn't matter-so he could
support his mother.
Now, only six months after he was at the zen-
ith of athletic fame, Eddie Tolan, whose one am-
bition was to become a great physician, is a filing
3lerk in a county office in Detroit.
It is a peculiar thing, but these set-backs don't
Seem to occur when a white athlete makes good.
The particular hero is slapped on the back; he
appears on big-time vaudeville circuits, and draws
hieavy pay-checks; he writes articles for the Sat-
.irday Evening Post; if nothing else, he is paid for
ndorsing sports equipment. Eddie, however, had
;he misfortune to be born into the wrong race.
He may some day get his chance, and earn
nough money to return to college and go through
nedical school. At present, however, it looks very
much as though another negro, worthy of better
,hings, is about to be shelved for life.
Editorial Comment

Read The Want Ads




The struggle for financial stability is becoming
Increasingly important to college fraternities, for
aach month sees many treasurer's accounts sink
leeper into the red. Economic necessity has forced
many houses to open wide their doors to all who
Ire willing to shoulder a heavy load of debts. As a
:esult, membership in Greek orders no longer car-
ries the prestige of former years, chapter groups
have lost their homogeneity, and the spirit of good
fellowship has declined' considerably.
Despite the lowering of standards of admission,
large mortgages and high running expenses are
?roving to be unsupportable burdens. The field of
prospective material has been too thoroughly ex-
?loited to afford relief through increased mem-
)ership. Nor is much aid forthcoming from loyal
ilumni, for they are either unable to lend sup-
port, or are unwilling to contribute to the main-
tenance -of elaborate residences made possible by
their past generosity.
The solution of the financial straits seems to
rest almost entirely with the present membership
>f the various fraternal orders. Scholarship must
be bolstered if for no other reason than to safe-
guard the existing source of income. In the past,
finals have taken a severe toll on chapter rolls
and it is not unusual to see an entering class of
twelve dwindle to six before graduation. Hereto-
fore a fraternity's standing has been based on its
prominence in extra-curricular activities, but to
encourage participation in athletics and competi-
tions at the expense of losing men through "bust-
ing" is merely inviting ruin.
Houses in debt must inaugurate regimes of
strict economy, limiting expenditures to absolute
necessities and making an effort to minimize the
number of brothers delinquent in their monthly
payments. If need be, a portion of the fraternity's

By Karl Seifert
Instead of assuming the responsibilities of the
most difficult job in the United States after 40, as
the President does, a man should begin to take
things easy, says a noted biologist. Or retire en-
tirely, as the Vice-President does.
Accepting the presidency is a suicidal step and
the President virtually signs his own death war-
rant, says the same authority. Congress can't do
a thing without the President's signature.
It is understood that the Los Angeles bi-
gamist who was married five times is being
tried for the charge on two and one-half
New York police are baffled by the car that
ran six blocks through the city's streets without a
driver. That's easy. Haven't the auto manufactur-
ers been promising for a long time to eliminate
all the major hazards of motoring?
Latest quotations show elephants listed at
$5,000 each, hippopotami at $8,000, and
orang-outangs at $12,000. At that rate we'd
hate to buy a flea circus.
Southern road gang prisoners are frequently
moved from one job to another in cages, appa-
rently on the theory that the best way to cure a
man of criminal inclinations is to make a monkey
out of him.
about the way they had ripped my trousers and
I banged one in the dark and then had to let
go when the other ran through the bedroom door.
I caught him and banged him and then the
other ran past me. I got him in the' kitchen and
was walloping him good when his friend tripped
over us. When we untangled, one was halfway

One of the prime characteristics of the higher types among more advanced civilization is
y1- of Posseso
We hope you won't think us crass in suggesting such a thing, but surely
you aren't one who is satisfied in watching someone else escort and embrace
the woman you desire. Ah, of course not. Then neither are you content
to read the most desirable magazine in the country over somebody else's
shoulder. You demand that your enjoyment, your smiles and belly-laughs,
come to you direct. In short, you will be delighted to learn that your own
February GARGOYLE is ready for you today.
Even more utterly pleasing in content and format than ever before,
the latest GARGOYLE is a thing you'll be proud to have sticking out of
your coat pocket.

Underlying Objections To
Women's Athletic Program
Dr. Bell pointed out that 90 per
cent of the freshman women and all of the soph-
omore women are free to elect whateVer athletic
activity they wish.
pespite this great latitude in choice of activity,
224 co-eds out of 265 polled have indicated in
signed statements that they dislike the present
physical education program.
At has been rather generally assumed-even by
the co-eds themselves-that the unsatisfactory
aspect of the present program is that it is com-

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