Y, JAN. 26, 1903 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Exams To Halt solve Sports For 2 Weeks Starts Campaign FROM THE PRESS BOX D-I y JOHN THOMAS All Coaches Have Called Off Regular Practices-;l Season Renewed Feb. 10 Examinations, the bane of the stu- dent's life, lie just ahead of Michi- gan athletes, as a consequence of which competition will be a missing factor until Feb. 10. All coaches have called off regu- lar practice in conformity with the demands of the situation, but men who are on the squads will be ex- pected to follow training rules1 throughout the examination period. When they have finished their work on the campus they will be expected to report again, and work on as much : of a schedule as can be maintained. Back Feb. 10) Competition will be renewed Feb.1-, 10 when the wrestling team meets ~ Penn State in the first of a pair of meets booked for that week-end. The basketball team will go back to work Feb. 11 by playing Michigan State in a contest designed as a warm-up -Associated Press Photo affair for the second half of the Big Gene Venzke of Pennsylvania Uni- Ten season. The heaviest part of versity, indoor mile record holder, is the program in all winter sports will getting ready for the winter series of be carried out between that time gtigrayfrtewne eiso e rindoor meets. This picture was taken and March 18 when the last of the when he set anwPnslai Conference meets will be held. University record for the three-quar- Development of the scoring punch ter mile on outdoor board track in that was so lacking in the pre-Con- Philadelphia. ference games has given the Michi-_ gan basketball team a tie for second place in Big Ten standings and a Students, Fac ualy choice position so far as the second half of the schedule is concerned. W i S tort Go if With seven games to play in the finalT half of the season, the Wolverines Lessons, Feb. 13 will play five at home. Improvement Shown Coach Ray Courtright will start While improving slowly during the giving instructions in golf driving games before and around the holi- Monday, Feb. 13, in the Intramural days, the team nevertheless dropped Building. The lessons are free and four out of five engagements. It then will be available to both students stepped out in its own league and and faculty members. to date has won four out of fivenCutgmhmbe gn h three of them on the road. Only .Courtright has been- giving these thrdeeondtIndion theromad.nlyinstructions for the past four years, Purdue and Indiana remain to be and they have always proved popu- encountered away, while the same lar. They cover a period of three teams plus Iowa, Chicago and Mn- weeks, and those intending to take nesota will be played here. The team advantage of them are advised not will renew its Big Ten strife against tdmsntge frthems ds. Indiana at Bloomington Feb. 13, to miss the first lesson. InternaeetngomigtntFteba.E-s13, The hours of instruction for stu- after meeting Michigan State at East dents are 3:30 p. m. Mondays and LansingFeb1.Wednesdays, and 4:30 p. m. Tues- The latest scoring power which days and Thursdays. Faculty hours gave promise of coming to the sur- are 4:30 p. in. Mondays and Wednes- face at most points along the battle days, and 3:30 p. m. Tuesdays and front. has burst through. Big Ed Thursdays. Garner, always a whirlwind in prac- Persons should furnish their own tice, has come into his own in com- clubs, a driver and mid-iron being petition, and has run up 44 points all that are necessary. Sign up at in five Big Ten games, 25 of them in the Intramural Bulletin Board as the last two contests. Captain De- soon as possible, it is advised. Forest Eveland has piled up 32 points and Al Plummer, sophomore forward, 30. Altenhof and Petoskey Tennis Tourney likewise are dangerous. Michigan's c total in five games has been 155 Some 50 men are competig inthe poitsan vergeof 31 per coin- all-campus indoor tennis meet at the ointshan ave o en s havescoedIntramural Building, and interest in 117 or less than 24 per game. the tourney is at a high pitch. The rrraiee of 7in x iurrifinncuiw t"e ir T HE ONLY SAFE ONE TO TELL stories about is Fielding Harris (Hurry Up) Yost. We retold one of Steve Ferell's recently and then run into a niece of Mike Murphy, the hero, who blistered our ears with comments. Other sport writers must think so too because he is the subject of more stories than anyone else we know of. He passes our humble remarks off with, "Oh boys will be boys, and anyway if they did not tell that one it might be another that would not set as well." John Kieran, who writes the sport column, "Sports of the Times," in the New York Times thinks that the best way to stop a Huey Long tirade that serves to take up the Senate's time is to send Yost after him. Quoting, "Why is Michigan delinquent in a national crisis? Out at Ann Arbor there is Fielding H. Yost, an orator who could give the King- fish a Carnegie library from which to quote and then talk him right into the Potomac River. "Of course, there is something in the Constitution about cruel and unusual punishment' and the political leaders may have that in mind in leaine. dstt Ann Arhr. Tt i- icavui , . vCv au ruua n.iuvc. iv la-,I true that the Hon. Huey exhausted his listeners and held up national legislation at a considerable cost to the groaning taxpayers of a burden- ed nation, but. . . (what) Fielding Yost would do to him oratorically is too cruel to contemplate. "The Kingfish would be the softest of set-ups. He thinks he knows all about football. He gives 'Biff' Jones instructions on how to coach at Louisiana State. What an opening for a Yost! One devastating oratori- cal drive and it's odds n that the conquered Kingfish would flee south- ward with his hands clapped in an-t guish over both ears.t "It might be cruel and unusualI punishment and yet there are some i Senatorial listeners who would takeJ deep delight in seeing the Kingfishu hitting it for home with . . Yost in his wake shouting: 'Wait a minute!t That's only the beginning!'"r '!' * * BEFORE ICE HOCKEY'S rise inc American colleges, many easternr universities played ice polo. It wasc quite a sport at Harvard and other schools before hockey became popu-t lar, about at the turn of the century.I It was frankly adopted from polo.7 A stick and a ball were used to scoret in goals. The ball was of red rub-X ber and the sticks were shorter ands thicker which gave the name, "short-3 stick" to -it as differentiated from, "long-stick" or hockey. The rules were very free. It wasY played on a. lake with no playing boundaries. There were no limits to the playing section, no on-side, not off-side. The goals were four feet apart and1 about 20 inches high. In icy hockey they are six feet apart and four feet high. There were only five men on; a team in ice polo, a center, two for- wards, one defense man and a goalie. Brown and Harvard tried to form a league with Yale after playing sev- eral games between themselves. Yale decided to turn to the Canadian rules of hockey instead of polo. Har- vard stuck to polo until the winter. of 1899-1900 and then followed suit. THIEVES TOOK possession of the wrestling team's locker room Tuesday afternoon. While the team was working out, robbers broke into the lockers of Coach Cliff Keen and Bob Helliwell. They netted $16. Committee May Increase Incomplete Pass Penalty NEW YORK, Jan. 25.-()-Refer- ence in the 1932 Football Rules Com- mittee report to the fear that some- thing might have to be done event- ually about the forward pass, has brought f o r t h from prominent coaches at least three suggestions that something be done immediately. As a result, football's "Committee of Twent," representing college and high school coaches, with Lou Little, of Columbia in the chairman's seat, will meet here early in February to draw up recommendations to the Rules Committee. Definitely, the fear of the Rules Committee that forward passing was getting out of hand and that indis- criminate tossing should be dis- couraged, has brought these sugges- tions. 1-That the penalty for two suc- cessive incomplete passes be increas- ed from five to 15 yards. 2-That forward passes be per- mitted from any point behind the scrimmage line, replacing the present restriction that the ball must be thrown from a point at least five yards behind the line. 3-That a forward pass caught by the defense after it has touched an ineligible receiver be ruled an inter- cepted pass, instead of an incomplete pass as is the case today. Best Grappler f To Be Given Honor Award Varsity 'Cripples' Ready For Action; Squad Of 9 To Make Eastern Jaunt Michigan's high point wrestler for the 1932-33 season will receive a trophy, it was announced yesterday. Donations by the members of the team are making the award possible. Just what the nature of the trophy will be has not yet been announced. Twenty men have been lopped off the squad since December, and the remaining men will make up the team for the season. This was made certain by Coach Cliff Keen's state- ment that there would be no more cuts. A squad of nine men will compose the team that will travel east to face Penn State and Navy Feb. 10 and 11. The wrestlers will make the entire trip by automobile, according to present plans. The personnel of the squad has not been announced as yet, although the wrestlers are work- ing out daily. Two of Michigan's "cripples" are now back in shape. Captain Blair Thomas has fully recovered from the attack of influenza which sent him to bed last week while John Spoden, twice all-campus champion and promising heavyweight candidate, is recovering from his foot injury and should be ready for full service in a few days. Joe Oakley, veteran 126-pound wrestler, who suffered an aggrava- tion of an old knee injury in his match against Captain Stan Ball of Michigan State Saturday night, is taking light workouts this week. Ac- cording to Coach Keen Oakley de- serves nothing but the highest praise for his game exhibition. ANOTHER COLORFUL OUTFIT Following the example set by Captain Blair Thomas, Michigan's wrestling captain, Ed Lahwehr, promising 145-pounder, is wearing'a bright red sweat shirt and purple trousers. Court Teams Prepare For Final Game Climaxing a season of intensive practice and a week of strenuous tournament play, the senior and junior class basketball teams will oppose each other in the finals this afternoon at Barbour gym. The teams appear well matcned, and have both come through to the finals with two wins to their credit. Both have played and defeated the underclass teams. The seniors played against the freshmen and beat them, despite the fact that their team was short on players. After the examination period is finished, the class games with Michi- gan State will be played off. The Lansing freshmen and juniors will come to Ann Arbor for the competi- tion, while the Michigan sophomores and seniors will take the trip to the capital. Miss Laurie Campbell, Miss Marie Zettler, and Marie Metzger have managed zhe Interclass play, and have been instrumental in bringing about the inter-school games. Alpha Chi Sigma Will Defend Bowling Crown With 15 houses already entered in the Interfraternity Bowling Tourna- ment, play is scheduled to get under way during the latter part of the week. Alpha Chi Sigma, last year's winners, are entered again, and are expected to make a good showing. The matches will be rolled at the Michigan Union bowling alleys. meet is of more signincance than ordinary mural meets, as those show- ing up well will receive consideration for berths on the Varsity tennis squad. Consequently competition is bitter and the seeded players are having a difficult time protecting their laurels. Levinnewas the first of the seeded players to meet his Waterloo. Placed at No. 8 position, he lost to Schneider in straight sets, 6 to 2' 6 to 4. Other seeded players who have weathered their first round matches are Baldwin, Penn, Nisen, Corey, and Root. Kean, No. 1, and Appelt, No. 4, have not played as yet. All-Campus Squash All-campus squash advanced to the second round without any outstand- ing happenings. The seven seeded men all won their matches rather handily, and are now preparing to play the second round. Ray Fiske is seeded No. 1 and is favored to win this year's champion- ship. Seeded No. 2 is Harris Nelson; 3 is Louis Westover; 4 is John Hinch- man; 5 is Dallas Dort; 6 is Art Bishop, and Art Hubbard is seeded No. 8. Roman coins, one of the period of Nero and two of Augustus, and pot- tery have been found at Trent Vale, Stoke-on-Trent, England. I__ Put Wings O Your Feet No wrinkles in the vamp and no wrin- kles in your fore- head -- the fit is perfect. NEWPORT - BLACK CAL BEN BERNIE and All the Lads direct from the College Inn of Chicago's Hotel Sherman present one of the out- standing person- alities of the air, with what is rec- ognized as one of Ameri-ca 's premier dance bands . . (A r 11 .F F II ''It