THE MICHIGAN-DAILY THURSDAY, time on which the instructor and the class concerned may agree. Each student taking practical work in music in the School of Music will be given an individual examination. All such students should report to the office of the Director of Music, and sign up, on blanks now available there, for a specified examination period. Regular class work will continue until Saturday Noon, Jan. 28. ACADEMIC NOTICES History 47: The final examination in this course will be given in the following rooms in Angell Hall: Sec. 1, 2, 3 in Room 231. Sec. 4 in Room 1209. Examinations in German 1, 2, 31, and 32: 1 and 31 (Graf and Diamond) 1025 A.H. 1 and 31 (Reichart and Stillman) 1035 A.H. 1 and 2 (Stearns and VandeLuy- ster) 231 A.H. 1, 31, 32 (Willey and VanDuren) 35 A.H. 1, 31, 32 (Wild, Eaton) 2003 A.H. 1, and 31 (Gaiss) 2023 A.H. Chemistry 167: There will be a lec- ture today, at 8, in Room 300 Chem- istry Building. W. E. Bachmann Mathematics 1, 3, 5, 7: Final ex- aminations for Literary College stu- dents will be held Tuesday, January 31, 2-5 p. m., according to the fol- lowing schedule: Anning 35 A.H. Bradshaw 35 A.H. Copeland 35 A.H. Craig 35 A.H. Elder 205 M.H. Greville 2225 A.H. Karpinski 103 R.L. Menge 205 M.H. Nyswander 103 R.L. Poor 2003 A.H. Raiford 2225 A.H. VanEngen 103 R.L. Wagner 2003 A.H. Wilder 103 R.L. Astronomy 205 (Cosmogony) will be offered during the second semester instead of the first semester of the next college year, should there be sufficient demand. Sociology 245. (T. Raphael): It has been arranged that the final exam- ination will be held Thursday, Jan-, uary 26, at 7:15 p. m., Room 1021 Economics Building. French 71, Second Semester: An additional section, not listed in the Announcement, will be offered in the second semester: Section 4, MTTF at 2, 303 R.L., Assistant Professor Jobin. English 283. The term paper in English 283 will be due before Feb- ruary 8, not 10 as announced. J. R. Reinhard Political Science 51: The final ex- amination for Sections 2 and 3 in this course will be held in Room 2235 Angell Hall. Political Science 1: Students in this course who have conflicts with final examinations in other courses shall take the final examination in Political Science 1 on Saturday morning, February 4, in Room 2023 Angell Hall. James K. Pollock Political Science 1: The final ex- amination in this course will be given in the following rooms in Angell Hall: Mr. Pollock's section in Room 2023. Mr. Cuncannon's section in Room 2023. Mr. Dorr's section in Room 35. Mr. McCaffree's sections in Room 25. THURSDAY._, ,... Mr. Calderwood's sections in Room 25. James K. Pollock Political Science 107: The final ex- amination will be held in Rooms 1025 and 1035 Angell Hall. i b ately after lunch. All are urged to eight o'clock at the home of Mrs. Al- e prompt for luncheon. gin Benson, 507 bast Hoover. All Chinese Students: Important tar Resisters League: Dr. S. E. meeting on January 28 (Saturday) Goldstein, Director of Social Service, n Lane Hall, at 8 o'clock. All Fdee SynagouetNewfYorillee, Chinese Students are requested t reenagThe, New York, will lec- e presentture on "The Menace of Militarism-- be present. A Plea for War Resistance," Monday, Michigan Dames: The Child Study Jan. 30, at 4:15 in Room 1025 An- group will meet Friday evening at gell Hall. I Reading Courses in French, Supple-1 mentary Announcement for the See-,b ond Semester: In addition to the sections of French 12 listed in the Announcement, there will be offeredg in the coming semester a section of French 11 (MTTF 8, 306 R.L., Mr. Evans), and a section of French 41 (MTTF, hour to be arranged. The first meeting of the course will be M at 3, 106 R.L., Mr. Dow.) Courses 11, 12, and 41 are designed for upperclassmen and graduate stu- dents who wish to develop exclusively a reading knowledge of the language, and aim to be immediately useful in preparation for satisfying the French requirement for higher degrees. Stu- dents who have had no French should begin with French 11; those who have had some study of thej language may be admitted to French 12 or 41 with the permission of the Department. For further details consult the current Announcement of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, or Mr. L. F. Dow, 100 R.L. No graduate credit is given for any of these courses, but graduate stu- dents are welcome to register as visi- tors and participate in the work of the class. EXHIBITION The Exhibition of Mr. Henry Wright's "Hillside Housing" project now in the exhibition room, Archi- tectural Building, will be conducted through January 27. Open daily 9 to 5. A. E. CRIPPEN IS DRUGGIST Arthur E. Crippen is owner of the Crippen drug stores, instead of H. W. Crippen, as stated in yesterday's Daily. The rise in the price paid by mills for newspapers has made it profit- able for householders to save the family journal rather than throw it away, says the department of com- mece merce. CL XSSIFIED DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Place advertisements with Classified Advertising Department. Phone 2-1214. The classified columns close at three o'clock previous to day of insertion. Box numbers may be secured at no Cash in advance-11cper reading line extra charge. (on basis of five average words to line) for one or two insertions. Minimum 3 lines per insertion. 10c per reading line for three or more insertions. Telephonesrate-15c per reading line for one or two insertions. 14c per reading line for three or more insertions. 10% discount if paid within ten days from the date of last insertion. Minimum three lines per insertion. By contract, per line-2 lines daily, one m onth ............................8c 4 lines E. 0. D.. 2 months....... ,..8c 2 lines daily, college year........ 4 lines . 0.. D., collags year......7c 100 lines used as desIred........... 9c 300 lines used as desired......... . 1,000 lines used as desired .......... 7c 2,000 lines used as desired ......... 6c The above rates are per reading line, based on eight reading lines per inch. Tonic type, upper and lowver case. Add 6c per line to above rates for all capital letters. Add 6c per line to above for bold face, upper and lower case. Add 10c per line to above rates for bold face capital letters. The above rates are for 7% point type. NOTICE TYPING - Typing carefully done. V e r y moderate rates. O. K. Thacher. Phone 6734. Oc TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad. These. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c FOR RENT THE MONROE 522 MONROE)- One half block west of Law quad- rangle, furnished 2-room apart- ment; elec. refrig. private bath, softened water, private storage locker, moderate rental. Call Mrs. Ferguson, 2-2839. 271 FOR RENT-321 S. Division street. Single room $1.75. Also large front room for two. Phone -4447. 270 SUITE-$2.50 and $3.00. Close to En- gineerin Ah. 1118 South Unli- versity. Phone 3743. 261 FOR RENT - Single and double rooms. New low prices. Lots of hot water, 332 E. Jefferson. 266 FOR RENT-Nicely furnished suite of rooms. $2.00 apiece. Single room $2.00. 1201 White St. 266 STEAM HEATED Suite for one man, 2 other roomers, 1007 Forest. 13c FOR RENT-609 E. University. Two- car spaces in garage. Phone 2-3535. 276 BOARD-And room for four boys. Six dollars each per week. 821 E. Huron. 273 FOR RENT-Furnished apartment with private bath and shower for two, three, or four boys. Sunny rooms. Steam heat. Continuous hot water. Garage. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. 274 SUITE-$2.50 and $3.00 per person. Close to Engineering Arch. 1118 South University. Phone 3743. 261 ROOMS-Single or double. Nicely furnished; shower baths. Close to campus and rent $2 per week. 523 Packard. 251 WANTED PIANO MAJOR-(Girl) desires room in exchange for piano lessons to children. 731 Tappan. Telephone 3653. 272 FOR SALE FOR SALE Piano, baby grand. Large size. Practically new. Will sacrifice. Apply Box 30B. 269 FINANCE CO.-Is selling late model cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron. 2-2001. Open evenings. 19c LAUNDRIES WASHING-And ironing. Called for and delivered. Silks and woolens guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3478. 611 Hoover. 15 STUDENT - And family washing careful work at lowest prices. Ph. 3006. 6c EVENTS TODAY Geological Journal Club: Regular meeting at 8:00 in Room 4054 N.S. Mr. Duncan Stewart will discuss "The Geology and Petrography of the Antarctic Continent." Applied Mechanics Colloquium: Prof. H. R. Lloyd will give a paper on "The Connecting Rod Mass Sub- stitution." Prof. L. C. Maugh will review the literature. Meeting will be held in Room 445 West Engineer- ing Building'at 7:30 p. m. Those in- terested are cordially invited to at- tend. Varsity Glee Club: Regular re- hearsal at 7:30. Senior Society and Mortarboard: Important joint meeting at 5 p. m. in the undergraduate :office of the League. J-lop Booth Arrangements for In- dependents: A meeting for inde- pendents who plan to attend the J- Hop held at 7:30 p. m,, Room 302 of the Union, in order to make arrange- ments for booths. Faculty Women's Club: Mrs. Alex- ander G. Ruthven will open her home for the tea to be given by the Faculty Women's Club at 3:30 p. m. Home Making Group - Michigan Dames will meet at eight o'clock at the Michigan League Building. Miss Elizabeth Martin of Foster's Art Shop will give a talk on "The Selec- tion of China and Pewter." COMING EVENTS Sphinx meeting at noon, Friday. Group pictures will be taken immed- BLUE BIRD BOOK NOOK, Lending library. 5c daily. Clean covers. Uni- versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30. 21c APPLICATION-Photographs. Daily service. 12 for $1.00. 25 for $1.35. Phone 6221. 265 S. U.-Shoe Repair Shop. Repairing while you wait. Reasonable prices. Hats cleaned and blocked. Shoes shined. Open evenings. 199c HAVE-Your snap shots developed at Francisco Boyce. 719 N. Univer- sity. Here fine work is the tradi- tion. 29c BARGAINS-Overstuffed chairs $3 to $9. Davenports $10. Study tables $2. Lamps $1. A & C Furniture, 325 S. Fifth Ave. 22c HOME-Cooked meals, $3.50 per week. Across street from Engineer- ing Arch. Phone 2-3535. 609 E. University. 275 TYPING TYPING-Grad. theses a specialty. M. V. Hartsuff, 9067. 40c .! ROOMS ? RENT YOUR ROOMS Through MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS 2-1214 CALL AL THE AD-TAKER MAJESTIC NOW PLAYING Michigan NOW SHOWING I I I EDMUND LOWE in "The Devil Is Driving with Wynne Gibson James Gleason Lois Wilson "A Great Big Bunch Of You" Merrie Melodie "Keyhole Katy" Comedy 'N T CTACE____ "Gee Lookut the Collitch Kids" LET THE HOME FOLKS REALLY SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING WITH THE MONTHLY CHECK Send Them a J-Hop Extra Which will contain a picture of the GRAND MARCH along with colorful descriptions of the other Sidelights. Order Your Copy Now I EXTRA SLI M SUMMERVILLS PHIL BAKER ACT I ail]