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January 26, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-26

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The Weather frN
Partly cloudy Thursday; Stud
rain or snow Friday and EP e
colder. Eddi .,

w Co-Operation Between
ent And Administration;
e Tolan A Victim of Race

Banking Bill
Starts Debate
On Currency
Bingham Says Expansion
Proposals Are Unsound;
Senator Borah Replies
Inflation Projects
Assailed In House
Depreciation In Monetary
System Brings On First
Caucus Of Session
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.-(P-
Across th floors of both houses to-
day swept ripples of debate on a sub-
ject which is bulking large in the
minds of many members-currency
Despite the defeat in the Senate
only yesterday of the proposals to
remonetize silver on the basis of 16
to 1, currency changes were discussed
in one of the many side digressions
from the bill which was passed early
in the evening, the Glass banking
Sen. Bingham, conservative New
England Republican, said expansion
proposals were unsound and that1
talk about them delayed a return
of much needed confidence.
Borah Replies
Sen. Borah, Republican of Idaho,
was ready with a reply on the "dis-
honest dollar," asserting as he has
done before that the value of gold
has changed radically since the haly-
con days of the 1920's. He told how
debts had mounted in consequence.
In the House, Rep. Huddleston
(Dem., Ala.) assailed inflation pro-
posals, terming them the beginning
of revolution. His conclusions were
hammered by Rep. Patman of Texas,
also a Democrat.
The numerous Senate exchanges
on many topics roused the ire of Sen.
Glass (Dem Van who hsbeen try-
ing to get the bank bill through. He
circulatedanother cloture petition
to limit debate.
This in turn roused Sen. Thomas
(Dem., Okla.) who said if Glass tried
to force cloture that he would do
all in his power to prevent Senate
ratification if Glass were named se-
retary of the treasury by Franklin
D. Roosevelt. But the Senate pro-
ceeded then towards the final vote.
First Caucus
Another side of the currency issue,
depreciation in the monetary stand-
ards of foreign countries, brought on
the first caucus of the session by
HousesRepublicans, which resolved
that tariffs should be raised to shut
out some of the flood of imports from
countries which have gone off the
gold standard.
The caucus over, Republicans and
Democrats alike joined in a night
session on minor bills.
Rich Pardoned
By Governor;
To Leave State

Latest Gargoyle Points Finger
At 'Cork Sniffer,' Spyglasser'

Michigan's collegiate cork-sniffers
are pilloried in the portrait of a
highly intoxicated young man on the
cover of the special J-Hap edition
of the Gargoyle which goes on sale
The hero of the well-known spy-
glass episode of some years ago is the
recipient of the dubious honor of be-
ing selected for the preposterous peo-
ple page. Assistant to the dean, ban
enforcer and auditor of student or-
ganizations is depicted in strong
colors with appropriate decorations.
Taking a leaf from Liberty's book
(no pun intended) a history of a
tragic love affair is included with
each chapter written by a different
one of the modern stylists. The first
chapter is by Zane (Purple Sage)
Grey, with the successive pieces by
Gertrude (Gibberish) Stein, Virginia
(Stream-of-consciousness) W o o I f,
Edgar Rice (Tarzan) Burroughs,
and of course Ernest (Please, Mr.)
Hemingway, and Elinor Glyn.
Inasmuch as this is a J-Hop issue

there is an expose of the life
of the old maestro, Ben (nee Ben-
jamin Ancel) Bernie, and a center-
spread with a good picture of Ben
and the lads. Much of the other
material in the issue centers around
the dance, house-parties and allied
But to return to the cover-if you
ever manage to get past it--there
probably never was anybody quite
so exhilarated from a sniff at the
cork or even perhaps a mouthful of
the devil water. The artist, Tom
Powers, lent verisimilitude to the
drawing by soaking the label from
a bottle of fire water and pasting it
on the picture.
One of the startling facts revealed
about the orchestra leader in the
article dealing with his past is that
as a youth his ambition was to be
a soda-jerker but his mother wanted
him to be a violinist. So he went
to Cooper Institute in New York to
learn to be an engineer, but finally
decided that mother knew best and
began his musical career by selling
flddles at a bargain counter.


Socialist Party
Announces City
Election Ticket
Myers Out Of Mayoralty
Race; Campbell May Be
Unopposed In Primary
The city Socialist party last night
announced the selection of a slate
of candidates for the spring elec-
tion, including nominations for posts
on the council in each of the seven
wards and for the offices of super-
visor and township clerk in Ann Ar-
bor township.
Neil Staebler, partner in the Staeb-
ler oil firm and son of Former Mayor
Edward W. Staebler, is the candi-
date of the party for alderman in the
first ward. In the other. wards, the
nominations were as follows: 2nd,
Edward Linton, secretary of the Ann
Arbor Trades Council; 3rd, Harry
Reifen, secretary of the Typographi-
'cal Union; 4th, Rev. Harold P. Mar-
ley, pastor of the Unitarian church
and Socialist nominee for congress
last fall; 5th, none; 6th, Charles Orr,
graduate fellow in the economics de-
partment; 7th, Prof. Roy W. Sellars,
head of the philosophy department.
In Ann Arbor township, the Social-
ists have picked William Hemnitz,
former auditor for a Detroit banking
firm, for supervisor and Prof. Harold
McFarlan of the engineering college
for township clerk. No candidates
were named for general city offices
in Ann Arbor because the party felt
that it had no candidates who were
both eminently qualified and well-
grounded in the principles of social-'
The Democrats have failed to find
a candidate for the mayoralty fol-
lowing the flat refusal of Dr. Dean
W. Myers to enter the race. Robert
A. Campbell, ("Uncle Bob") seemed
to have no opposition for the Repub-
lican nomination although F. A. Ca-
how, local druggist, indicated that
he may enter the race. Fred Benz,
who was also mentioned as a candi-
date announced that he would not
Among the ward contests, Frank
Audette, mentioned as a candidate
for alderman, in the third ward, an-
nounced that petitions were being
circulated for him as a candidate for
supervisor, instead. In the sixth
ward, Prof. William Paton, of the
economics department declined to
run again for the council.
In the fifth ward, the Democratic
committee was still considering a
numberof names for alderman al-
though no candidate had, as yet,
been picked.
Railroad Jack Arrives
'To Sojourn For Winter'
Railroad Jack, "professor - at -
large," friend of the mighty, and
wandering encyclopedia, arrived in
Ann Arbor yesterday, bag, wagon and
baggage, leaving his "suburban
home," as he said, "to sojourn here
for the winter." He plans to give
demonstrations before University
classes, accepting invitations from
members of the faculty who visited
him at his "roadside haven of phi-
losophy." Among these invitations
Jack said, was one from Dean Ed-
monson and another to speak before

Plan To House
Visiting Teams
Cappon, Keen Statements
Clash; Fraternities Are
Divided On Question
Athletic coaches and fraternity
men were of a divided opinion yes-
terday on Ohio State's proposal to
house visiting athletes in fraternity
"It would show a wonderful spirit
on the part of the fraternities and do
what other schoolsrhave done in the
past," said Clifford Keen, varsity
wrestling coach. "If they could help,
the cost would be insignificant and
it would be a big help to the visiting
Franklin C. Cappon, varsity bas-
ketball coach, took the opposite view,
however, and stated that he would
not "want to house my boys in fra-
ternities, as in a team sport it breaks
up the team to split them up away
from home. If the teams could be
kept together, it would be better, but
if you were to lodgeua whole team in
a Afraternity house, the expense
would be too great."
Ivan Williamson, '33, last year's
captain of the football team, said
that he did not think the plan would
work, and also that it would be ask-
ing too much of the fraternity men.
"I don't think that fraternities, in
their present financial condition, will
favor that sort of thing," he said.
Members of the Chi Psi fraternity
held a meeting yesterday and voted
to support the plan, stating that it
was a worth while project.
Several fraternities have not yet
discussed the plan, but it was learned
last night that it will be brought be-
fore fraternity meetings before the
Interfraternity Council meets again.
Backers of the movement were not
at all optimistic last night about the
possibility of the plan receiving the
endorsement of the Council. They
hope to win many of the doubtful
fraternities over to their point of
view, however, before a vote is taken
'on it.
France Adopts
'Wait And See'
Plan On Debts
PARIS, Jan. 25.-(A)-United
States Ambassador Walter E. Edge
went on a fact-finding expedition to-
day to the Quai D'Orsay, but he
found Premier Paul-Boncour wary
about indicating what line he is
planning to take in respect to the
war debts in view of recent develop-
ments in Washington.
Previously the premier had talked
with Lord Tyrrell, the British am-
bassador, who, it is understood, gave
him the latest developments in the
exchange of correspondence between
Britain and President-elect Franklin
D. Roosevelt through Secretary o
State Henry L. Stimson.
Both conversations were describe
authoritatively as informative in
character and as including disarma
ment. Mr. Edge went to the foreig
i . F; n - n - nfr fin n ,- N ma

Great Britain
Enters Parley
On War Debts
Reservations Limit Scope
Of World Conference
Roosevelt Silent To
Foreign Comment
Hoover Favors Raising Of
Tariffs To Counteract
Foreign Money Changes
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.- (A)-
Great Britain today accepted Presi-
dent-Elect Roosevelt's terms for a
discussion of its war debt but made
a reservation against deciding what
questions will be considered by the
World Economic Conference until
there is a general meeting of all na-
tions to be represented there.
The British reply was delivered at
the state department while a furious
debate rang out in the Senate which
indicated that if there has been any
yielding in the Congressional opposi-
tion to cancellation or revision, it is
still of small proportions.
Forwarded To Roosevelt
The London memorandum was
forwarded to Mr. Roosevelt at Warm
Springs, Ga. It said Great Britain
would be glad to exchange views with
Mr. Roosevelt on other world eco-
nomic problems besides the war debt
but that it cannot in an individual
meeting reach decisions "on ques-
tions which will form the agenda of
the World Economic Conference and
in which many other nations are
The President-Elect, confident that
he has placr d things well in mo-
tion toward negotiating an under-
standing on the World Economic
Conference later this year, made no
response to foreign comment on his
willingness. to talk things over with
the atione-that have met their pay-
ments-Great Britain, Italy, Czecho-
slovakia, Finland, Latvia, and Lithu-
Hoover Sees Tariff Walls
The foreign developments, however,
brought forth Senatorial ire. Sena-
tor Hiram Johnson, of California, be-
came caustic about the British "su-
periority complex" he said he read
into Neville Chamberlain's assertion
yesterday that any a g r e e m e n t
reached with Roosevelt must be final.
He resented, too, he said, the state-
ments that "somebody is going to
offer 10 per centsor 20 per cent to
the United States."
Another reaction was the assertion
made on behalf of President Hoover
that he feels that either the United
States must build up its tariff walls
to counteract depreciation of foreign
currencies, or the latter must be re-
Governor Puts
Tax Measures
In Final Form
Welfare Bills Completed;
New Measures Will Go
To Legislature Soon
LANSING, Jan. 25.-(')-Adminis-
tration welfare bills were completed
and a final draft of Gov. Comstock's

combination sales and income tax
measure was being whipped into
shape Wednesday night.
The welfare bills are expected" to
go before the legislature Thursday.
They provide for setting up a state
emergency welfare body to have gen-
eral supervision over all welfare
funds whether received through state
or reconstruction finance channels.
The state commission would deal
with county emergency commissions
to be headed by judges of probate.
A companion bill would legalize the
contracts the state has been entering
with local governmental units to ob-
tain R. F. C. loans.
Gov. Comsotck said "it probably
a will not be necessary to follow these
1 measures with a direct state appro-
f priation for welfare relief." Wher
he delivered his message to the legis-
d lature a few weeks ago the governor
a feared the state would have to ap-
- propriate funds to aid communities.
n Now he believes the necessity fo:
- -n -r ndm llr is -am i

State Colleges
Are Defended
By Edmonson
Educator Points Out That
Schools Are Located In
Strategic Positions
Admits 'Too Many
Are Certificated'
Says Many Will Return
To Higher Institutions
After Stress Period.
Charges that former legislatures
of Michigan have shown poor judg-
ment and acted unwisely in provid-
ing teachers' colleges throughout the
state were attacked yesterday byt
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the Schooll
of Education.
"As a matter of fact," said DeanI
Edmonson, "the Legislature has
established fewer of these institu-
tions than are found in some of the
other states. For example, Minnesotat
has six teachers' colleges, Wisconsin
10, and Pennsylvania 13."
Colleges Well Located
Dean Edmonson, who is also thef
former president and secretary of
the North Central Association of Col-~
leges and Secondary Schools, pointed1
out that the four teachers' college
in Michigan are strategically located
from the standpoint of the geography
of the state.
Northern State Teachers' College
at Marquette is the only four-year
college in the Upper Peninsula
Western State Teachers' College a
Kalamazoo serves an important are
and a large population which ha
become very dependent on it. Centra
State Teachers' College at Mount
Pleasant not only serves a vast area
but is in the geographical section
that a few years ago sought to se-
cure the establishment of a fift
state teachers' college. Michigan
.State Normal College at Ypsilanti i
in the most thickly populated part of
the state and has built up a very
strong constituency. It is one of the
oldest and best known teachers' col-
leges in the United States.
All four of these colleges, says
Dean Edmonson, enjoy the full rec-
ognition of the North Central Asso-
ciation of Colleges and Secondary
"Too Many Certificated"
"It must be conceded," he con-
tinued, "that there are now too many
young people certificated each year
for teaching. In the last few years
the teachers' colleges have recognized
this fact and have taken measures
to increase the requirements foren-
trance as well as to increase the re-
quirements for the teacher's certifi-
cate. In all probability the time will
come when the teacher-training in-
stitutions of the state will enforce
such exacting requirements for the
certificate that less than half of
those entering as freshmen will be
eligible to receive it."
Dean Edmonson also remarked
that "it should be remembered that
the tremendous growth of the sec-
ondary schools furnishes every indi-
cation that Michigan will need more
rather than less in the field of higher
The fact that there are 5,152 high
school graduates of 1932 enrolled as
postgraduates in 211 Michigan high
schools is some indication of the
large number of students who will
flock to the various higher institu-
tions as soon as better days return,
he said.

Freshmen Granted
Permission To Live
In Chapter Houses

i-Hop Tickets
Over Half Sold,
Report Shows
Independents Will Meet
Tonight In The Union
To Form Booth Groups
More than half of the tickets for
the Class of 1934 J-Hop on Feb. 10
have already been sold, Robert Saltz-
stein, chairman of the ticket com-
mittee, announced last night. Ac-
cording to a check-up made yester-
day of the various agencies disposing
of them, 378 tickets had been sold
up to 6 p. m. yesterday, Saltzstein
"Inasmuch as the sale is limited
to 700, we consider this advance sale
as exceptional," he said. "In view
of the fact that more than this num-
ber have been reserved, a sell-out
is expected by a week before the
dance." Saltzstein urged that those
planning to attend the J-Hop do not
put off purchasing tickets until a
Jay or two before-hand, as it is prob-
able that there will be none left.
A meeting of independents who
;lan to attend the J-Hop and want
'o be included in a booth group will
3e held at 7:30 p. m. today in room
302 of the Union, it was announced
:y Nils Lundberg, booths chairman.
All independents interested were urg-
Ad by Lundberg to attend the meet-
Special care is being taken in the
preparation of the floor of the intra-
mural gymnasium to insure a smooth
dance floor,. Lee Qiwell, '34L, vice-
;hairman said yesterday. The floor
is to be given a light coat of liquid
wax which will be given 24 hours
to dry and then powdered wax will
be dusted over the surface.

Ruhlig To Headf
Socialist Club;
Others Electedc
Constitution Is Amendedf
Affecting Membership_
In Organizationt
Arthur J. Ruhlig, '33, was elected
executive-secretary of the Michigant
Socialist Club at a meeting last night
in the Union. Frances Marmarosh,
Grad., was elected recording-secre-
tary. Other members of the newly.
elected executive committee are Wil-1
fred Sellars, '33, Charles A. Orr,
Grad., and Wayne Erickson, Grad.
An amendment to the constitution
was passed that provided that mem-
bership in the organization be open
to all who attend three meetings,
receive a vote of approval; and pay
the semester's dues of fifty cents.
It was decided that the Used Book
Exchange would resume operation,
from Feb. 8 to 22 in the usual loca-
tion in Lane Hall.
The purpose of the exchange, ac-
cording to Erickson, director of the
project, is to give students an oppor-
tunity to buy and sell used books
at reasonable prices. Students may
place second-hand books on sale at
their own prices. If the books are
sold, a 10 per cent commission is
charged by the exchange for costs of
handling, it was said.
Several hundred dollars worth of
books were sold for students last
year, Erickson said, in commenting
on the success of the enterprise. In
the past, demands for second-hand
books have far exceeded the supply,
it was stated.

Senate Committee Votes
New Ruling In Spite Of
Protest Petition Signed
By 600 Householders
Tomorrow Deadline
For Moving Notices
Last Year's J-Hop Rules
Also Passed; 282 Men
May Change Residences,
According To Survey

Over the sharp protests of Ann Ar-
bor householders, the Senate Com-
mittee on Student Affairs yesterday
granted freshmen permission to live
in fraternity houses during the sec-
ond semester.
The new ruling, which was first
adopted by the Interfraternity Coun-
cil, allows first year men who are
eligible for initiation and who have
the written consent of their parents
to move into fraternities.
A committee representing 600
househoulders, headed by Mrs. Clara
Crawford, 1321 N. University, pro-
tested to the Senate Committee yes-
terday on the grounds that the new
ruling would be an injustice to them.
Their pleas were overruled, however,
as the measure passed by a sub-
stantial margin.
Turner Warns Freshmen
Edwin T. Turner, '33, president of
the Interfraternity Council, issued a
last warning to all freshmen who in-
tend to take advantage of the new
ruling to notify their householders by
tomorrow that they are moving ut.
They must also present Joseph A.
Bursley, dean of students, with the
written consent of their parent or
guardian granting thenpermission
to live in fraternities before they will
be allowed to move in, he said.
A recent survey shows that 282
first year men may take advantage
of the new ruling, which will mean
that severalhouses on the verge of
financial ruin will "be "able to con-
tinue in existence. A committee has
been appointed by the Judiciary
Comlmittee of the Interfraternity
Council to investigate the possibility
of combining the weaker houses on
the campus in order to bolster up
their financial standing. Although
the plan is acceptable to the local
fraternity men, it is believed it will
meet with the disapproval of the na-
tional organizations of the various
Alumni Pleased
'The Alumni Interfraternity Coun-
il is very much gratified with the
Senate Committee's action as it will
mean a great deal to most of the
houses," N. S. Potter, president of
the Alumni Council, said last night.
The Alumni Council went on record
several days ago as favoring the
The J-Hop rules, drawn up by the
J-Hop committee, were accepted by
the Senate Committee. The Student
Council revised the rules but the
Senate Committee disregarded their
changes and passed on the measure
as it was originally drafted by the
The rules are practically the same
as those in force last year. A com-
plete list will be published and dis-
tributed in a few days, Charles
Jewett, '34, chairman, stated last
Red Cross To
Withdraw From
Acting on orders from national
headquarters of. the association, the
Ann Arbor chapter of the American
Red Cross yesterday announced its
withdrawal from the city Community
The Red Cross, local leaders were
told, should operate as an independ-
ent unit in welfare work. It was eM-
phasized, however, that this decision
did not restrain local organization
heads from co-operating with lead-
ers of other organizations, even
though breaking any definite affiha-


Served Seven Years
His Term; Will Go

JACKSON, Jan. 25.-(I')-Arthur
C. Rich, who has spent the last seven
of his 29 years in prison for attack-
ing a Battle Creek (Mich.) student
nurse, today was paroled, on condi-
tion that he leave Michigan.
W. Alfred Debo, . state commis-
sioner of pardons and paroles, an-
nounced that he had signed the order
for parole of the wealthy former
Battle Creek man, and Gov. William
A. Comstock, at Lansing, said that
he would sign the papers. Rich said
that he would go at once to Cali-
fornia, where he will be employed by
his father, George R. Rich, former
Battle Creek manufacturer.
The parole, made possible through
"extra good time" allowance for!
Rich, who was characterized by
prison officials as a model inmate,
ended a seven-year fight by his fam-
ily to bring about Rich's release.
Sentenced in 1926 after a sensa-
tional trial in which Louise King, the
student nurse, charged that Rich had
attempted to attack her and had in-
flicted numerous injuries, including
a fractured jaw, when she resisted,
Rich faced the remainder of his life

Jacobson's Plans
To Remodel Shop
Jacobson's dress shop yesterday
announced that plans were complete
for expansion of the store to include
a new unit, made possible by the
acquisition of additional store space.
Although no date has been set for
the formal opening, it is expected
that the remodeling will be finished
within two weeks. An ornamental
archway will connect the addition to
the old part of the establishment and
the new lighting fixtures will be of
a modernistic design. A new front
to harmonize with the present store
will be built for the new unit.
The new unit will include a corset
department with an expert corsettier
and three new ranges in dress price.
The space was formerly occupied by
the Stofflet news agency and phono-
graph shop.
StielAnt AQki nr Hlnl



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