The Weather Cloudy, probably rain east and south portions Wednesday. Thursday, generally fair. L Sir& ttu Editorials Eliminate Compulsory Womr en's Athletics; L a in e Duct Amendmciit and Prohibitio: Repeal. .......... VOL. XLIII No. 89 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25, 1933 PRICE FIVE p I W I Dems Criticize Delay In Vote On Beer Levy Sen. Harrison Threatens To Bring Measure To Floor By Vote Glass Banking Bill Hinders Legislation Blaine To Call Up Repeal Soon; Committees Are Told To Rush Hearings WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. - (P')- The 3.05 per cent beer and wine bill ran into a threat of delay today which drew from Senate Democrats a warning that they would not'toler- ate any dilatory tactics. Sen. Harrison, ranking Democrat on the Senate finance committee, served notice that if there was any unreasonable delay in the commit- tee's consideration of the bill there would be a move to bring the bill to the floor by a vote of the Senate. In Finance Committee Chairman Smoot was noncom- mnital about when the committee would be called together. Though he gave assurance that it would be "within a few days," he said he did riot know whether a meeting could be held this week. With his beer bill tied up in the finance committee, Sen. Blaine (R., Wis.) announced that he would move to call up in the Senate the pending resolution to repeal the Eighteenth Amendment as soon as the Senate has disposed of the pending Glass bank bill, expected by leaders within' a day or two, and the treasury post- office appropriation bill. The beer bill was sent to the fi- nance committee yesterday, for study of its revenue features, after receiv- ing the approval of the judiciary committee. Secretary M Is testified before the House ways and means committee that beer alone would raise from $125,000,000 to $150,000,000. Harri- son said Mills would be asked to ap- pear also before the finance commit- tee. To Hold Hearings Smoot announced that his com- mittee would hold hearings on the measure, which foreshadowed the possibility of. further :delay,\though the Democratic members were ex- pected to oppose any extended hear-l ings.-. Senate Democrats are determined to bring the beer bill to a vote at this session of Congress as it is one of the most important features in their party plans for raising revenue. Veterans Will Be Honored At Ceremony Herei Citation Winners Will. Be Invested With Order Of The Purple Heart Washtenaw county's recipients of the military decoration of the Pur-1 ple Heart will be honored on George Washington's birthday in Hill Audi- torium, the Veterans of Foreign Wars post, sponsors of the program, announced yesterday.1 The program will be held on that+ day, it was explained, as a reminder that the Purple Heart decoration was founded by George Washington in 1782 and was revived by the War department on Washington's 200th birthday last year. The veterans plan to hold the in- vestiture at 4 p. m. so that school children, particularly those enrolled in American history classes, might attend the ceremonies. A part of the auditorium will be reserved for children. A large number of veterans will be in the city for the district meeting of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, to be held at Masonic Temple the eve- ning of Washington's birthday, and it is expected that many delegates will come early to witness the cere- monies at Hill Auditorium. The order's distinction is given "to those who as members of the army of the United States have re- ceived meritorious service citation Dr. Bell Explains Program Of Physical Education For Women Huge Building Plan Annulled By Legislature Nearly three-quarters of all women seniors in the University have never taken any required physical educa- tion work here, it was brought out in a statement issued yesterday by Dr. Margaret Bell, director of physi- cal education for women. In her statement Dr. Bell gave a complete report of the women's physical education activities as they are now being carried out here. The statement follows: There seems to be a real desire on the part of many students to better understand the Physical Edu- cation program for women. This pro- grain includes both intramurals and the required work. There is no in- tercollegiate phase. Before presenting the tabulated data in regard to women's physical education, it should be said that for the last ten years all such data, in addition to studies on the various aspects of related problems, such as student attitudes in regard to recrea- tion, required physical education, and relation of health to activity, are available in the departmental files. All individuals really interested in this question are encouraged to use these records. All women students whose medical classification allows them unlimited activity are further classified accord- ing to the amount and kind of highI school experience in physical educa- tion. Any student whose physical ex- amination indicates a need for pos- ture training is advised to take work in corrective gymnastics. Girls who have not played at least two team sports are asked to obtain a semes- ters experience in hockey, basketball and others. In the fall of 1932, 89 per cent of the entering freshmen had met this requirement in their high schools. Those who have not had some training in rhythmic work; either folk dancing, tap, or interpre- tative dancing, are asked to take at least one season of tap or rhythms. Thirty per cent of the freshmen are now enrolled in such classes. These requirements fulfilled, the girls are advised to specialize in sports or in rhythm-to attain a cer- tain degree of skill in either field. She may choose her activity from any of those offered. During this next semester about 90 per cent of the freshmen and all of the sopho- mores will be free to elect any of the activities on the required program. In the fall outdoor season 1932, registration in required classes was Debo For Announces Six Minor Paroles Liquor Law Violators as follows : Swimming........... Golf.............. Tennis ............ Archery........... Rhythms .......... Outdoor Sports ..... Sports' Class (hockey, soccer) ... Interclass hockey .... The figures for the indo now ending are: .. 79 ..84 ..259 94 53 22 .. 38 52 681 or season Tap dancing ...........175 Indoor sports ..........130 Swimming...........75 Rhythms ..............125 Correctives ............ 59 Restricted activities . .. . 10 Outdoor sports ......... 50 Indoor golf...........20 644 From the foregoing the reader im- mediately realizes that a certair number of students (90 per cent of the Freshmen and all Sophomores) are free to elect activity. Individual sports have been in- cluded in our program for years ane more are added each year, as bad- minton was last year. It should be noted that the required program (Continued on Page 6) Five Women To Be Freed From Detroit Three - Year Moratorium On Sales For Unpaid Taxes Is Proposed - LANSING, Jan. 24.-(AP)-Demo- crats. and Republicans joined hands in the house today to push the first major economy measure toward en- actment. With a dissenting vote a bill wip- ing out more than $9,000,000 of building and improvement appropri- ations was passed and sent to the Senate. It provided for outright re- peal of the so-called Hartman Act, which proposed a $23,000,000 con- tinuing building program when ei- acted four years ago. The measu; e came before the legislature as a recommendation of the recent spe- :ial commission of inquiry into state ixpenditures. LANSING, Jan. 24.-Y)-The ad- 'ninistration took its first step to- lay toward carrying out its policy >f freeing minor liquor offender. .rom Michigan prisons. W. Alfred Debo, commissioner of >ardons and paroles, announced that ;ix minor liquor law violators, in- luding five women, will be paroled :rom the Detroit House of Correc- ion tomorrow. Two of the six have ;erved their minimum terms. They ire: Lucille Webb, sentenced from Nayne from 6 months to 2 years ind Mildred Simmons, sentenced rom Chippewa county from 1 to 4 'ears. . By GILBERT T. SUILSON (Associated Press Staff Writer) LANSING, Jan. 24.-Bills designed .o rescue thousands of owners from oss of their property through long term tax delinquency were advanc- ing toward legislative consideration today. A measure prepared by Attorney general Patrick H. O'Brien provid- ing for a three-year moratorium on delinquent tax sales was introduced in the senate Monday night. Gov. Comstock said he hopes to have a sales and gross income tax bill ready for submission Thursday. Other administration measures will follow advocating spreading delin- quent tax payments over a ten-year period. The bill proposing a suspension of sales of delinquent tax lands was submitted under joint Republican and Democratic auspices. While it was not prepared at the explicit di- rection of Gov. Comstock it coincid- ed with his ideals of tax relief. It was introduced by senators Earl W. Munshaw, Republican, Grand Ra- pids, and Edward B. McKenna, Dem- ocrat, Detroit, Junior Class Committeemen Are Anilouneed, Ten Chairmen Selected; Kuder Picked To Head Executive Committee Committee appointments for the I junior class were announced last night by Richard Degener, president. The executive committee is com- posed of Hugh Kuder, chairman; Lester Harrison, assistant chairman; Lotta Stern, Helen Gray, Elinor Al- len, Marian Foley, Margaret Beckett, Arthur Wragby, and James Gould., Members of the finance committee include Marvin Krueger, chairman; Henry McGavran, assistant chair- man; Jean Turnbull, Barbara Nel- son, Pauline Brooks, Dorothy Shap- land, John Deo, Leonard Greenspan, and Chester Roys. Those on the publicity committee are Albert Newman, chairman; John Pritchard, assistant ch air man; Thomas Roberts, Harriet Hunt, Katherine McGregor, Dorothy Reeves, William Marshall, Noel Turner, and Herman Everhardus. Auditing committee members are John, Kayser, chairman; Orville Ar- onson, assistant chairman; Virginia Slocum, Kenneth Lamb, Jeannette Detwiler, Mary Alexander, Robert Carr, Bernard Schnacke, and Frances Rorick. Social committee members include William Bohnsack, chairman; Ellen Kean, assistant chairman; Lenore Le- Gendre, Thomas Powers, Betty Bos- worth, Hart Schaff, Willian Sabom, Margaret Wellwood, Jean Voorhies. Women's committee members are Doris Campbell, chairman; Helen Mason, assistant chairman; Grace Haxton, Helen Probeck, Ceil Hell- burg, Norma Lou Cove, Mary Wood, Barbara Hovey, and Dena Sudow. Seymour Caplan is chairman of the advisory committee and James Wineman is assistant chairman. The other members of this committee are Charleen Eschelman, Lillian Dietrich, Beatrice Collins, Ann Gallmeyer, Prudence Foster, William Giefel, and Louis Gascoigne. The athletic committee is under the supervision of Edwin Dayton, chairman. Frederick Ratterman is assistant chairman. Included on this committee , are John Rubsam, Dean Emerson, Lawrence Levy, Theodore Wakefield, Henry Levy, Robert Finn, and James Cristy. The women's political committee Eiot Speaks On, Edward Lear, Modern Poetry "Only when poetry achieves a un- ion of critical and emotional ele- ments can it be called great," T. S. Eliot, poet and essayist, told a large' audience in L y d i a Mendelssohn Theatre yesterday. "In this light," he said, "the poetry of Edward Lear can be attacked as being too emo- tional." In his discussion of modern poetry, Mr. Eliot showed by readings that Lear and other moderns are exam- ples of the artistic tendency express- ed by Walter Pater when he declared that all art aspires to a condition of music and perfection of poetry. seems to depend in part on certain suppression of mere subject so that the meaning reaches us through ways not distinctly traceable to un- derstanding. Mr. Eliot criticised this attitude and said that he would add the con- dition that art may approximate to music just so far as other condi- tions admit. "If poetry becomes too 'poetic' it ceases to be poetry," he said. R.A. Campbell' Will Run For Mayor Of City Former Faculty Member Will Seek Nomination On Republican Ticket Democratic Group Backs Dr. Myers Candidates For City And Ward Offices Selected At Party Caucuses Robert A. Campbell, former treas- urer of the University and mayor of Ann Arbor in 1927-28, announced last night at a Republican party cau- cus held in the city hall that he would be willing to run as a Repub- lican candidate for mayor in the city elections this spring, and prepara- tions to circulate a petition for him were made. Applause greeted the suggestion of the name of "Uncle Bob," as he is known to students and townspeople alike, as a possible mayoralty can- didate, and numerous speeches of confidence and support followed his statement that while he had not ac- tively sought the post he would not be unwilling to enter the race. Sev- ral Republican leaders declared that luring the former term Mr. Camp- ell had given Ann Arbor one of the finest administrations it has received .n recent years, particular mention >eing made of the city's boulevard ystem which is credited largely to 'zis efforts, Other Candidates Named Other candidates for mayor and other city and ward offices were se- ected at the caucus which was held for the purpose of filling the Repub- lican slate in preparation for the coming primary election. For mayor also were mentioned F. C. Cahow, Proprietor of the Cahlow ~ruxgo.. 21i .MalnJS., whohas announced 48 feftdidacy, and A. L. McDonald, president of the Common Council, who declined to consider the nomi- nation. George W. Kyer, proprietor of the Kyer Laundry Co., who had previously been rumored as a candi- date, sent word that he would not run. A. Wirt Newkirk, present mayor, stated that he would not run for re- election. A. L. McDonald, retiring president of the Common Council, will be a candidate for alderman from the second ward, and E. E. Lucas, pres- ent alderman from the third ward will seek the presidency of the coun- cil to succeed McDonald. Fred C. Perry will be opposed in his race for renomination as city clerk by Clara- mon L. Pray, former county clerk of Washtenaw county, and by L. L. Griffiths, secretary of the Ann Arbor Taxpayers' League, all of whom have filed petitions. Jay H. Payne will seek renomination as justice of the peace, and H. W. Crippen, owner of the Crippen drug stores, will be a candi- date to succeed himself as assessor. Candidates for Aldermen The following men have an- nounced their candidacy to ward of- fices: R. N. Burr, alderman, first ward; A. L. McDonald. alderman, second ward; Herbert L. Kennett, supervisor, second ward: W. S. Hou- sel, Fred H. Sodt and Harmon Ha- macker as alderman, supervisor and constable respectively of the third ward; William Ager, present fourth ward alderman, as supervisor of the fourth ward; P. E. Winney, alder- man, fifth ward; Harold Smith, su- pervisor, sixth ward; George P. Whaley, alderman, and J. N. Gal- braith, supervisor, seventh ward. DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS Dr. Dean W. Myers, former presi- dent of the Common Council, was last night backed for the mayoralty nomination by a group of leading Democrats at a meeting in the County building. A committee of five was selected to discuss the proposed candidacy with Dr. Myers. Commit- tee members are William Walz, county Democratic chairman; Donald Mc- Intyre; Ernst Wurster, former mayor, sheriff, and city treasurer, Bert Schumacher; and Harrison Caswell, manager of the Ann Arbor water de- partment. William Murray, former probate judge, was selected as a candidate for city clerk. William Dawson was picked for the city assessor post, while John Conlin received the sup- port of the group as a candidate for justice of the peace. Three former Democratic mayors, William Walz, Edward Staebler, anc 'Technocracy' To Be Put In New Dictionary NEW YORK, Jan. 24.-P)- Technocracy may have "ceased to exist" as far as former Columbia University associates of Chief Technocrat Howard Scott are con- cerned, but the word is shortly to be given dictionary standing. Dr. Frank C. Vizetelly, lexico- grapher, said today that he had included Technocracy in his list of new words. "Technocracy," he added, "has been in my files since 1919. I de- cided several months ago that I would use it this year." Coroner's Jury Considers Case Of Rubin Gurk Recommends Revocation Of Auto License For Death Car Driver A coroner's jury, called to hear tes- timony in regard to the death of Mrs. George McCallum, wife of the city poor commissioner, in a street acci- dent last week, last night recom- mended the revocation of the auto license of Rubin Gurk, driver of the car which struck the woman. Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp, who participated in the hearing, refused to indicate what furtherkaction would be taken against Gurk until he had read the complete transcript of the testimony. The accident also resulted in serious injury to Mrs. Ethel Shadford Gurk testified at the hearing he was driving his truck at a speed no greater than 12 miles per hour at the time of the accident. He admitted taking a wide swing in turning from Broadway avenue into Maiden Lane and that the two women were not more than six feet from the left curb when he struck them but claimed that the wide turn had been caused by a large truck which obstructed the street at the intersecion.-.He also admitted that he had stopped only long enough to allow his 16- year-old son, victor, to go to the scene of the accident and that he had then continued to a Maiden Lane greenhouse. He excused himself with the statement that he had be- come "excited and afraid." Gurk said that his foot brakes had beeen working "fair," but that they' had often failed to' hold. The emer- gency brake, he said, had been re- moved. He told the jury that he had been confined in the State Psycho- pathic Hospital here and in the Pon- tiac State Hospital for the insane and that he had had a driver's li- cense here for more than a year. He said that he was blind in one eye. The boy, Victor, testified that his father had refused him permission to drive the truck on the previous Sunday because of faulty brakes. De- tective Clifford West of the Ann Ar- bor police department, who examined the brakes after the accident, said that they were in good condition. Prof. Clarence F. Kessler of the Engineering college, who witnessed the accident, said that Gurk was driving at a speed of approximately 40 miles per hour. Irish Election Quiet, Report Little Violence Rooming Rulh Faces Senatt Group Toda Student Affairs Commuite To Meet This Afternoon Dean Bursley Says Will Also Consider J-HopRegulation Freshmen Who Failed T Hand In Lists May B PledgedFebruary 10 Final action will be taken on tl freshman rooming rule and the J Hop regulations today at a meetir of the Senate Committee on Studer Affairs at 2:00 p. m. The meetir was announced yesterday by Josep A. Bursley, dean of students. Weeks of doubt in the University fraternities will be cleared updwhe the Committee definitely decidE whether or not freshmen may liv in fraternity houses next semeste The proposed ruling to permit th action by the freshmen was drafte by the Interfraternity Council. . was prepared along lines designed 1 appeal to the Senate Committee, ar includes a proviso that freshme must obtain written permission froi their parents in order to take up rec idence in their fraternity houses. A survey conducted ir e c e n t I showed that at least 282 first-yea men will move if the present ban lifted, at an estimated saving to fro ternities of $5,000. The Depressic has placed a number of houses i financial jeopardy, fraternity me claim, and it is believed that sever houses will be forced to close unle the Senate Committee takes favo: able action on the proposed rulin today. The Interfraternity Council ha again reminded fresien that thi must inform their landladies befo: Friday of this week if they plan - move, p r o v i di ewg -pe ison granted. The proposed J-Hop regulation have to do with conduct at the He and at fraternity house parti These regulations have alreac passed the Student Council and tl J-Hop committee. Freshmen who failed to hand preference lists Jast fall are eligi: for pledging at 6 a. m. Friday, Fe 10, according to the present rushi rules. Scott Asserts Technocracy Will Continue c Regulations Are Necessary At Michigan, Dean Lloyd Asserts A new college for women was open- ed this fall in Bennington, Vt., where there are no regulations as to hours, choice of curriculum, or examina- tions. In general this plan is per- haps feasible for a small selected group, but on a campus the size of Michigan, however, more regulations are necessary, Dean Alice Lloyd de- clared yesterday. .At Bennington an attempt is be- ing made to reach the true aims of education through a new progressive form of teaching which advocates more freedom for students. They are subject to no restrictions regarding what courses they wish to pursue, but are advised to select those for which they have the greatest inter- est. Dean Lloyd commended this ex- periment but in regard to Michigan she declared "when in our large uni- versities every student is vitally in- terested in education, greater free- dom will be indicated. At the present' time, too large a percentage of those enrolled in an educational institution resist educatinn" "One nf the ex- they cannot find tinie enough to cover all the material they wish to, according to Frederick H. Kent, treasurer of the college. During the two-month recess at present, two are in Washington watching the activi- ties of Congress, one is in South America to study political conditions, and two of the social students arc studying the juvenile courts. The conditions in the University are much different, Dean Lloyd says, for "until the student's attitude be- comes much more mature intellec- tually and socially, supervision in choice of courses and in social affairs seems to be indicated. Especially is it so where large state funds are be- ing expended for them." To illustrate her point she told of a woman on campus a few years ago who had elected four courses in German and one in precious gems which she had been advised was a "pipe." The student was of a Ger- man family and such a program was absurdly narrow and limited. "I have very little first-hand in- formation about Bennington College r -ir fhntn _ n n+ tin riic i - i Dail Eireann Is Chosen' To Elect President; Few Arrests Are Made DUBLIN, Irish Free State, Jan. 24. -A')-When the polls closed tonight in the Irish Free State election it appeared there had been less violence reported than instances of fraudul- ent voting. The balloting was for the selection of a Dail Eireann, which in turn will elect a president. With indications that the vote would total the largest ever record- ed in the history of the republic came widespread reports of "persona- tion," consisting of voting for some- one else, voting under the name of dead persons or balloting under fic- titious names. In one Dublin district, one-third of those who appeared at their poll- ing place before noon found that others already had voted for them. The arrest of 12 men on impersona- tion charges was reported inDublin IRautenstrauch Withdrawal Won't Impair Research Activities, Leader Says NEW YORK, Jan. 24.--(P)-Tech- nocracy's civil war flared on the fronts today. Howard Scott, the self-styled "di- rector of Technocracy," issued a statement declaring that the with- drawal of a Columbia University professor and three others from his group "in! no way impaired the re- search activities of Technocracy," which, he explains, will continue in new quarters. Prof. Walter Rautenstrauch, head of the Industrial Engineering De- partment of Columbia, declared in an address that the "flag of Tech- nocracy" had been "hauled down" from the Columbia masthead by the resignation of himself and his three associates yesterday and later said that their own survey on the Uni- versity campus was going ahead "just as if nothing happened." In other quarters it was learned that the group calling itself the "Continental Committee of Tech- nocracy" broke with Scott last week, but made no such announcement awaiting the scism in the ranks which was announced last night. Scott, who has shunned interviews Iand who often has been referred to as a "man of mystery," handed out typewritten statements of his posi- tion in a skyscraper office filled with drawing boards and charts. When someone asked about re- ports that he had been ill, he said: "I had the flu, but there's nothing wrong with me snow-except maybe my head." He put his hand to his head. C