THE MICHIGAN DAILY ]AN DAILY be arbitrated from the broad viewpoint of per- manent international credit and confidence. The peoples of all nations will be watching the forthcoming action of the various governments on that question. Let the administrators deal with each other sanely and equitably. 'i N r2 I I Campus Opinion Letters published -in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard- ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words if possible. I v+,. Cass. Sigmund Romberg's romantic tunes will be ; heard for three days starting Thursday. Jan. 26. The two operettas are probably the best pieces in the field of light music that have been shown during the last two decades. Even "Rose Marie" can not surpass them. Masterpieces such as those can never die-they seem destined to go on and on like that famous brook of Tennyson's. The fragrance of "Blossom Time" will never fade. It was taken directly from a German com- edy "Das Dreimaederlhaus." Twenty of Franz Schubert's most beautiful themes were taken for the score-themes that prove Schubert was one composer in history whooe melodic invention never ran dry. Although the love story of Prince Karl and sweet Kathie became known to American au- diences in 1903 through Richard Mansfield it re- mained for Sigmund Romberg to clothe it in the rich garment of melody which the romantic tale deserves. Prominent roles of "The Student Prince" are played by Gertrude Lang, Allan Jones and the inimitable George Hassel who has played the part, of Lutz, the comic valet, more than 1,000 times during the last seven years. Screen Reflections LOWEST CITY PRICES THE ATHENS PRESS Printers Dial 2-1013 40:years of knowing how! 206 North Main Downtown j .'UITAIjL P~it8 Parker, Sheaffer, Waterman, Conklin, etc., $1.00 and up. A large eand choice assortbent: 314 S. State St., Ann Aor.- Ark *to *1 1, Students' One-Week Special Be Photographed in Your New Formal Frock One Large Size Opal Portrait .1.00 One Oil Painting. . ...... . .75 One Cellophane Frame................. 1.00 Total . . . ..............$2.75 APPLICATION PHOTOS 3 for $1, 12 for $1.75 REMBRANDT STUDIO (Formerly of Mack and Co.) Published every morning except Monday, during the University year and Suimmer Session by the Board in Control of Student: Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa. tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50:.. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR............FRANK B, GILBRETH CITY EDITOR......................KARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR.................. JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITOR......... .MARGARET O'BRE ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR ....... MIRIAM CARVER NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman IF. Kraft, John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renthan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman, Harold Wolfe. REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball. Charles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Donald F. Blakertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, Edwin W. Richardson, John Simpson, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White. Katherine Anning, Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Blum, Maurine Burnside, Ellen Jane Cooley, Louise' Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Anne Dunbar, Jeanette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi- son, Frances J. Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Eleanor Peterson, Margaret D. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet Spiess, Marjorie Western. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-1214 BUSINESS MANAGER...............BYRON C. VEDDER CREDIT MANAGER................ HARRY BEGLEY WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER,......DONNA BECKER DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton-Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert B. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. Finn. ASSISTANTS: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve- land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume, AllenKnuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers, Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward. Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris Gimmy, Billy Griffiths, Virginia Hartz Catherine Mc- Henry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried, Kathryn Stork. SUNDAY, JAN. 22, 1933 An Analysis Of The War Debt Situation. . e r a I r r i k THE ART CINEMA LEAGUE SERVES NO PURPOSE To The Editor:, It is perhaps too early to judge the work of the Art Cinema League. It should perhaps be givelr time to reconcile "art" with the cinema (whose unartistic propensities are only too well known). It should perhaps be given time to become ac- quainted with the duplicities of cinema distribu- tors and the exigencies of popular morality. But even at this early date the Art Cinema League may be strongly criticized for passing the lack of honesty of the movie business onto its trusting customers. Since it is an ART Cinema League not run for profit, it should be honest, even though honesty may not be the best policy. It should plainly have stated two things about its past two shows: . 1 J r iii i BUY A MEAL TICKET and Cur1e Indigestion at FOSTER'S TEA ROOM 213 . State '. I .; I Even if you had A MILLION DOLLARS.. You Should Have Your Watch Repaired by an EXPERT SWISS WATCHMAKER Watch 35c -Crystals 35C Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing. All work guaranteed for one year. 11 (1) "Ten Days that Shook the World," when shown here, had been cut at least twice, and per- haps three times. Quoting from Jere Abbott's Movie Chronicle in the "Hound and Hern" (Win- ter, 1929) : "The film, 'Ten Days That Shook the World') as shown (at the 57th Street Playhouse in New York) is a further cut version of the already cut German print. It 1s thus two times removed from Sergei and suffers very much. In fact the best is often left out." The best that was left in for the New York showing, according to people who have seen it, was cut for reasons unknown before it was played in Ann Arbor. The amazing continuity of the picture as shown here, and its dullness in parts, is thus explained. The Art Cinema League, which is interested in Art, adver- tised this picture as having been made by Sergei Eisenstein. The cutting the picture received had effectively removed much of the Eisenstein effects and yet not one word of the cutting was men- tioned by any of the wise people who had to do with its presentation. (2) For the second show, ended Friday evening, a two-reel short by Charlie Chaplin was. billed. The two reel short that was shown was not by Charlie Chaplin but by Billie West. I understand that the directors of the performance did not know this until after they were told about it on the opening night (they had thus been taken in by the distributors in Detroit), but the least they could have done after that would have been to publicize the fact that the film in question was not a Charlie Chaplin film. As it is, they took a great risk of being discovered, for even the kids who went to see Charlie Chaplin back in 1917 used to hoot vociferously when Billie West was foisted off on themn (Perhaps their risk was not so great, due to the ministrations which the Daily makes to the campus golden calf, Sophistication). The only explanation that can be offered for the actions of those in charge of the League, is that they are not at all interested in the cinema as an art, but that they are chiefly interesed in making money. That they are not even interested in propaganda is shown by their queer repudiation of the National Student League. It might not then be too early to inquire what purpose the Art Cinema League imagines it is serving. -Saul Friedberg Musical Events Four stars means c>traordinary; three stars very, good; two stars good; one star just another picture; no stars keep away from it. AT THE MAJESTIC "THE MASK OF FU MANCHU" * HIGHLY ENTERTAINING IF YOU GET IN ITS MOOD Dr. Fu Manchu ... . .....Boris Karloff Nayland Smith ............ Lewis Stone Sheila . . .............Karen Morley Terry ................. Charles Starrett Fu's Daughter ............ Myrna Loy Von Berg..............Jean Hersholt "The Mask of Fu Manchu" is doubtless the ultra of jitteries that have come out since "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," provided that you get into the mood of the thing. If you listen to Fu Manchu on the radio or follow the strip in the papers and are enough of a kid to forget it's a movie and really experience a thrill, you'll enjoy "The Mask." Not only is it well done, but it has a plot defi- nitely better-though of course not at all plaus- ible-than most horror pictures. The whole story revolves around the attempt of a British Museum expedition to secure the sword and mask of Geng- his Khan from his tomb in western China; the badmen are Fu Manchu and his minions, who seek to keep the baubles on he ground that possession of them will enable Fu Manchu to become a sec- ond Genghis Khan and to over-ride the civilized world. Undoubtedly the best shot photographically is the opening of Genghis Khan's tomb and the revelation of the Khan's skeleton, grinning skull capped with the metal mask. Other good shots: a camel train on the Gobi, silhouetted against an Oriental dawn; the view through a trap door looking on the huge marble assembly hall where Fu Manchu is about to sacrifice the English girl before his blood-thirsty horde. Silliest shot: Terry crying, as he is being led away to the torture chamber, "Don't worry, Sheila; I love you, I love you." (A small boy in back of us appropriately interpolated; "Aw nuts! what is this, an opera?") Karloff is still reminiscent of Frankenstein, but excellent withal; Stone is effective as Nayland Smith; Morley as the heroine is pretty but un- essential; Myrna Loy is true to her usual good Oriental type; Starrett is least good but satis- factory. Added: A highly interesting and informational travel talk on China; good newsreels; two come- dies that you won't wish to sit through twice on any account. "Pediculoar is the best word to apply to "Love Thy Neighbor," featuring Frances, Dade and Don Tomkins; "Vest With a Tale" would be just as bad but Tom Howard saves it with his funny remarks. --W. S. W. ' Read The Want Ads /1 721 N. University (Pearsall Barber Shop) Phone 9257 '--- N W THAT THE two presidents of (4the United States are getting to- gether again with Great Britain for a conference over the war debt situation, there are a number of questions which naturally arise. These queries emanate from the hopeless hodge-podge that was made of the situation during December; they are all-important questions, going directly to the roots of the matter. On the answers to them, in all probability, depends the future direction of inter- national affairs. They are: (1) Will the United States look upon the debt situation strictly froim a legal standpoint, or rather from an angle of international equity? (2) Will America consider the fact of price de- preciation since the time when the loans were made? (3) Will this nation take into consideration the effects of the recent reparations moratorium? 1 (4) Will Great Britain remember that, after all, there is a British obligation to the United States-that not only honor, but international economic stability is involved? (5) Will France consider that the renunciation of legal debts is a direct slap in the face to the United States, entirely aside from its economic ef- fects?1 (6) In' other words, will the nations of the world, which are involved in this waridebt ques- tion, confer with a desire to adjust amicably their mutual relations, and thus preserve world peace, which ultimately will react to the bestj interests of every individual country involved? I (7) Or will the ministries of the world, keeping their eyes firmly fixed upon the ground, proceed. on the principle of eking out every possible dollar for themselves, with no thought of the ultimate consequences? It is essential, in order that the peace of the world be furthered, that a reduction" of ' these debts take place. A merely nominal reduction would serve the purpose at the present time; it might not have any particular concrete effect, but it would be a step in the right direction; and it would result in a huge moral stabilizing of in- ternational credit. And here this point must be noted: the world functions on credit. It is not a. new idea; everyone is aware of it as a fact, as the quintessence of- our economic system. But in this business of international relations, the idea of credit seems to be obscured. . If credit b kept in mind, these results must in- cvitablY follow. (1) The United States, realizing that its inter- national credit is at stake, will tend to loosen up slightly in its demands. Further it will possibly come to realize that, under the present condition} of world prices, far more in actual value is being asked than was actually loaned; this is unjust, and is detrimental to credit. The United States will further become aware that credit depends on hollor; and when the United States backed the idea of a reparations moratorium, and then pro- ceeded to plead an absolute separation between that and the debts owed us, the latter action1 CONKLIN'S COMPOSITION Ann Arbor has again attracted the attention of the New York musical world with another first appearance-the recent performance of Jack Conklin's Suite for violin and piano in a recital program in that city last Thursday evening. Mr. Conklin's composition received the second prize in a Sinfonia contest which was open to all mem- Ibers of the musical fraternity and missed winning the first place only by a few points. The group of judges, one of which was Dr. Howard Hanson of Eastman, were most enthusiastic in their criti- cisms and the following performance at the na- tional music convention at Washington has brought many interested comments. The Suite has been performed twice in Detroit and is to be heard again later on in New York. Ann Arbor audiences may expect a performance of it some- time in the next few months. Mr. Conklin, a graduate student in the University, has already attracted attention with his interested composi- tions, and now, with this national recognition, it is to. be hoped that we may anticipate even more significant work in the near future. The University Symphony Orchestra will ap- pear at Hill Auditorium tomorrow afternoon at four-fifteen in the following program. This or- chestra has just returned from a successful con- cert tour, playing two programs in Pontiac on Friday to very appreciative audiences. Concert No. 2.0 ... ....Mozart I Allegro II Romanze III Rondo { r TO he Odreashioned CigarnStore Indiarsn USE D to be Q uite a Fixture.. Likewise, there was a day Of other Cleaning Meth ods but Now It's Be sure that your garments are not cleaned by "cigar store Indian" methods. Use the lat- est process available and that's __ -N E_ IMCROSCOP 7~t~~'UDRHEM- - --.-- __&. STRIPES By Karl Sciffert The news that scientists have devised a system which makes it possible to transmit music for radio broadcasting on a beam of light should be greeted with joy by manufacturers of smoked glasses. A state senator wants to pass "a bill which would make walkathon and dance endurance con- tests inhuman," according to a news item. What -aren't they bad enough as it is? COMSTOCK TO KEEP STEIN ON HIS DESK AS PARTY EMBLEM -Headline As Maine goes, so gees the nation, A minister wants to know if Congress is moti- vated by any philosophy of life. In other words, is there a doctrine in the House? If the story of the Beloit College senior who broke his arm when he went to sleep and fell from his chair while cramming for a final gets out, some college debater is sure to use it as an argument against the present exam system. FATHER HOCK GETS PRISON IN HUNGARY -Headline Just a pawn of political interests.; Fifty-six ner cent of the persons listed in Harold Gelman Concerto for Violin, Op. 35 ....... Allegro moderato Romaine Hamilton Concerto for Piano, Op. 83 ..... . .. Margaret Seivers Tschaikovsky ... Brahms The Theatre 'hone 4?-14Z) to 141 7 P Phne I i