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January 21, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-21

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:. * ....... ... -
OGDEN L. - - ---j
-Associated Press Photo
A quiet back-stage struggle between old guard Republicans and followers of President Hoover for control
of the party organization is expected to break into the open after March 4. The main contest will center
about the chairmanship of the national committee now held by Everett Sanders. Talk among Republicans
is that Sanders desires to relinquish the post and both camps are scouting about for his logical successor.
Among possibilities discussed by the old guard are J. Henry Roraback, vice-chairman of the national com-
mittee, and Henry P. Fletcher. On the Hoover side the names of Secretary Ogden Mills and Walter F.
Brown, postmaster-general, have been heard.

Poe Play Has
First Showing
At Virginia U.
'Politian' Premiere Is Pre-
sented At The College
Poet Attended
UNIVERSITY, Va., Jan. 20.-(IP)-
University of Virginia, which Edgar
Allen Poe attended as a youth,
proudly acclaimed itself today as the
scene of the world's premiere of the
famous poet's only play.
The drama "Politian," a tragedy
based on a Kentucky murder trial,
was presented Thursday night be-
fore an audience in which sat a num-
ber of biographers and literary his-
torians. It was sponsored by the
Raven society, honorary scholastic
group which meets in the memory-
haunted room Poe occupied as a
Tonight Dr. John C. French, Johns
Hopkins university librarian and first
president of the Poe society of Bal-
timore, will address the Jefferson so-
ciety, of which Poe was president
during his student days.
Although the son of two wander-
ing actors, Poe's literary efforts never
turned to drama with the excep-
tion of "Politian," of which he evi-
dently thought so little that he never
bothered to complete it to his satis-
One century after it was penned,
Poe's alma mater introduced the
drama to the theatre on the poet's
124th birth anniversary. Critics at
the university praised the play, both
for its literary worth and for its
adaptability to the stage.
Dr. James Southall Wilson, Poe
professor of English literature, term-
ed the performance "an event of ro-
mantic interest; the sort of thing
that would have moved both Poe's
interest and his mirth." He said it
was "remarkable how the lines come
to life when effectively spoken and
how vividly dramatic some of the
situations are on the boards."
Lalage accepts Politian's love only
upon his promise to kill Castiglione.
This vow Politian makes in a drama-
tic closing scene in the Roman col-
Lions Spoil Fun By
Remaining In Camp
WOLF ISLAND, Mo., Jan. 20.-()
-Playful as a pair of milkfed kit-
tens, Denver M. Wright's lions re-
fused to leave his camp on Hog Is-
land in the Mississippi River near
here, when he opened the door of
their cage today, preparatory to
staging a synthetic lion hunt.
Wright himself released the lions
from a position he had taken atop
the cage. He said he planned to
stage the hunt Saturday or Sunday.
B e f o r e releasing the animals
Wright inspected all the firearms in
the party to make sure they were
not loaded.
"No one is going to shoot them
but me or my son," Wright explain-
ed, remembering his first attempt
to stage a hunt when the lions were
shot by interlopers before he or his
party were able to hunt them.
After the inspection the members
of the party were required to sign
a document releasing Wright from
liability in the event the lions should
cause death or injury to members of
the expedition.
Then Wright climbed atop the
cage outside a barbed wire barricade
erected for protection of the "safari"
and opened the hate.

One of the lions darted from the
cage, ran a few steps to the front,
then turned sharply and dashed
through the barbed wire fence bor-
dering a runway supposed to direct
the animals away from the camp.
The other lion, which was either
ill or tired, walked out of the cage
languidly, and then caught the spirit
of his more energetic companion and
followed him through the fence,
which members of the expedition had
been assured was lion-proof.
This caused consternation within
the barricade and the hunters won-
dered whether they were safe, as the
barricade consisted of the same type
of fence as the runway. But their
fears were unfounded.
The more lethargic of the lions
sat down on his haunches, hung out
his tongue and yawned prodigiously.

. Fundamental aspects of human
nature are disregarded by Techno-
cracy, although some truths are car-
ried in its propaganda, it is declared
by Prof. I. L. Sharfman of the eco-
nomics department.
The idea of a nation run by scien-
tists and engineers, a government in
which economic and social values
will be determined by the amounts
of energy required to do various
jobs, in which political government,
traditional business methods, and so-
cial customs would be literally
"junked," is a startling one, the eco-
nomist declared in an interview.
Technocracy's scientific claims, he
said, should be checked carefully be-
fore it is accepted as the next step
after democracy.
"While a road building machine
may be possible which, worked by 3
two-man shifts will tear up and re-
lay 8 miles of 60 foot payment in
24 hours, and while it may be true
that similar marvels might be per-
formed right and left if engineering
was given a free hand, they will get
.little popular backing, if it is neces-
'Dramatic Clubs
Denied Use Of
French Plays

Publisher Threatens
Act Against Union
Mimes' Debts

Sharfman Says Technocracy
Disregards Human Psychology


(Continued from Page 1)
University organizations denied the
use of French plays.
In a statement made last night
Ann Vernor, '35L, who, as business
manager of Comedy Club, has been
dealing with French, said, "I think
the attitude taken by French toward
Comedy Club is rather unfair in the
light of all the circumstances.
Comedy Club has always been fair
and above-board in its dealings with
this organization and has never tried
to make illegal use of any plays. The
problem which arose in connection
with 'Meet the Prince' was one which
could not have been foreseen or pre-
vented by the present personnel of
Comedy Club."
"Inasmuch as Samuel French,"
she continued, "is in a position to in-
fluence to a great degree the success
or failure of any representative of the
little theatre movement, and in view
of the present precarious position of
the theatre as a whole, I believe it
shouldrbe more lenient in its dealings
with organizations such as ours."
4 Dearborn Men Killed
As Truck Hits Freight
DETROIT, Jan. 20.-(A)-Investi-
gations were under way today to de-
termine all the facts surrounding an
accident Thursday afternoon in
which four men lost their lives and
seven were injured in a railway
crossing crash.
The men were riding in a truck
owned by the city of Dearborn, re-
turning from a day's work for the
welfare relief fund. The truck was
in collision with a Wabash freight
train as it backed across a grade

sary, as the technocras demand,
that the country be placed under a
dictatorship of technical experts,"
said Professor Sharfman. "It is prob-
able that the people would junk the
machines before they would submit
to any such new autocracy of the
trained few. The technocrats need
more psychologists, socioligists and
philosophers just now in their ranks,
who know that human nature is a
scientific fact as well as are power
driven machines.
'Electric Dollar' Vague
"Neither is it at all clear that our
price and cost system is due to be
displaced by some unit such as the
'electric kilowatt hour,' whose nature
and use is entirely vague. The tech-
nocrats have also over estimated the
number of men who are permanently
thrown out of work by the machine.
That large numbers are re-employed
in new industries is common knowl-
edge. Perhaps the best contribution
of technocracy will be its energy sur-
vey. If this is accurate, it will fur-
nish a background for reasonable
change as well as for the millenium
the technical enthusiasts predict."
"Figures presented by the techno-
crats showing the recent great
changes in industrial life through
the application of science do not tell
us anything distinctly new, but they
do step upon new ground when they
blandly state with little evidence,
but as if self evident, that these fig-
ures imply the doom of our present
economc system. Howard Scott,
leader of the movement, holds that,
'It is the fact that all forms of en-
ergy, of whatever sort, may be meas-
ured in units of ergs, joules, or cal-
ories that is of the utmost import-
ance. The solution of the social prob-
lems of our time depends upon the
recognition of this fact.' Here we
have a statement of elementary
physics coupled with .another of ap-
p a r e n t I y tremendous importance.
The two, however, have no obvious
connection, no evidence to show how
a recognition of the fact that energy
may be measured will bring about a
solution of our social problems.
Statement Obvious
"Again the Technocracts say,'a dol-
lar may be worth more, in buying
power, so much today and more or
less tomorrow, but a unit of work or
heat is the same in 1900, 1929, 1933,
or the year of 2000.' This merely
states a very obvious and well known
fact, and implies that units of work
required to manufacture an article
are the proper standards of its value.
Yet a crank shaft of soft steel, heavy
and unsatisfactory, which requires
more work to make is much inferior
to the lighter and superior alloy steel
shafts now in use.
"Investigations showing the effect
of scientific developments and of the
increase in machinery upon the mod-
ern world are of value, but sweeping
and unproven proclamations about
the effect of these upon the present
organization of society are to be de-
Communist Party Plans
Local Workers' Forum
A workers' forum will be held Sun-
day afternoon in Pattengill Audito-
rium, Ann Arbor High School, under
the auspices of the local unit of the
Communist party. William Nowell is
scheduled to speak on "The Signifi-
canceof the Socialist Construction in
the U. S. S. R."

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Phenomenal Woman Pianist



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