THE MICHIGAN DAILY CHIGAN DAILY 1 =.4. ., " ).- . ,;.., -...- -- . - " "''-*-- . -rmra -'' - .-- - - I Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa- tion and the Big Ten News Service. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches are reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Postmaster-General. Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, $1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street, Ainn Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214. Representatives: College Publications Representatives, Inc., 40 East Thirty.-Fourth Street, New York City; 80 Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR...............FRANK B. GILBRETH CITY EDITOR.... ...........KARL SEIFFERT SPORTS EDITOR..................JOHN W. THOMAS WOMEN'S EDITORI.............MARGARET O'BRIEN ASSISTANT WOMEN'S EDITOR ...... MIRIAM CARVER NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters. SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber, Albert Newman, Harold Wolfe. " REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Donald F. Blakertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens, Ralph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel, Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M. Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, Edwin W. Richardson, John Simpson, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White. Katherine Anning, Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, Eleanor B. Blum, Maurine Burnside Ellen Jane Cooley, Louise Crandall,. Dorothy Dishman, Anne Dunbar, Jeanette Duff, Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi- son, Frances J. Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Eleanor Peterson, Margaret D. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet Spiess, Marjorie Western. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 2-114 BUSINESS MANAGER.......BYRON C. VEDDER cREIT-MANAGER.................. HARRY EGLEY ENM'S BUSINESS MANAGR......DONNA BECKER D3PARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv- ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. ASSISTANTS: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve- land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers, Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward. Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris Gimmy, Billy Griffiths, Virginia Hartz Catherine Mc- Henry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried, Kathryn Stork. SATURDAY, JAN, 21, 1933 Physical Education For Women And 365 Days S IX THOUSAND years ago, we; understand, an Egyptian carved upon an obelisk in hieroglyphics a quotationi Which, when translated, reads as follows:E "The world is coming to an end. Children no longer obey their parents. The world is coming to. an end." In 1933, children are still failing to obey their' parents; parents are still listening for Gabriel's trumpet to sound a blanket summons; and the earth still continus to travel its regular course around the sun in 365 1-4 days. Since the beginning of mass education, a strife similar to that which exists between the parent and the self-willed child has existed between thel university administration and its student. Thet administration, in loco parentis, has made rules1 to govern the student on the assumption that it knows-better than the student-what is good forf its undergraduate. The student, in loco pueri, de- sires to learn by experience, to live his own life.f Probably it -is wrong to let the student, even though he be fairly mature, live his own life ex-v actly as he desires. Undoubtedly he would take some wrong paths that might have been avoided with the proper supervision.£ However, it is equally wrong to supervise his life and conduct altogether, because, if this is done, the student does not learn to make decisionst for himself and his character does not develop while he is being "educated." Because the two sides of the problem are con- tinually fighting for supremacy, successful uni- versities have always compromised between the two etremes-complete paternalism and com-I plete laissez faire of student conduct. By means of this method, a middle ground has' usually been obtained which is reasonably satis- factory to both the administration and the stu- dent. With this in mind, let us look at the two year compulsory physical education program to which all women students are subjected at the Univer- sity of Michigan. It is apparent, because of a recently conducted survey by The Daily, that this program is objec-j tionable to a large majority of undergraduate women. If the program is also objectionable to the administration, we would -suggest that the "body building" procedure be entirely eliminated. If, however, as we have reason to believe, the admin- istration feels that the procedure is beneficial, then we suggest arbitration. In this case, the obvious solution would seem to be to limit the compulsory program to one year and after that have physical education optional. The earth will still travel around the sun in 365 1-4 days. The Kingfish Changes To A White Elephant ... speech. In the House of Representatives speeches may be limited by the chair, but in the upper body tradition and rule allow a speaker to hold the floor indefinitely if he wishes. We need hardly point out the un-Americanism of the practice. Under the present system, the vote of Congress supposedly represents the will of the people. If the system is to be consistent, a bill up for consideration by Congress-whether it is a good bill or a bad bill is aside from the point-should be decided on by a majority with as much expedition as possible. If Congress believes itself to mirror the will of the people, it is obviously the duty of Congress not to impose limitations on its own efficiency. Yet the Senate allows one man or a minority bloc to petrify all its proceedings-even in the time of a national crisis. Free speech is a noble conception of democratic policy too often disregarded these days. But the Senate would not be violating its spirit by curbing the filibustering privilege. Senators and repre- sentatives are permitted to publish their speeches ad nauseam. They should also be allowed to speak as long as they will-but preferably on the Cap- itol steps or at some wild spot down by the Po- tomac. We believe the Senate should adopt the House restrictions on speakers. Orators should never be allowed to interrupt the work of people who really want to work. That would be the best course to follow. Speak- ers never really need days to tell all they know. A Socialist ought to be able to say it all in under an hour, a Bimetalist in half an hour, a Single Taxer in twenty-five minutes, a Methodist lobbyer in ten seconds flat, and Mr. Long of Louisiana- well, from what we hear of him, we believe he might as well sit down as soon as he stands up. aen found "The Truth About Kappa Beta Phi" snd "The Truth About Theta Nu Epsilon," two 'lurby paragraphs which boil down the informa- ion concerning these two organizations which ippears in that old standby Baird's Manual. These paragraphs are smoothly hypocritical, en-I tirely failing to mention the true nature of the orders. The only clue dropped for the casualE reader is the stein which appears in the upper Light-hand corner of an artist's reproduction of the Kappa Beta key. The man who sits in the "national headquar- ters" of both fraternities at Box 4000, Merchan- dise Mart Station, Chicago (the return address given), must be an opportunist of the old school. He encloses a price list of T. N. E. and Kappa Beta membership cards, shingles, keys, oflicial pins, even sister pins. Furthermore, any college group may receive a complete charter and ritual of either order for $10 and C. Q. D. charges. The self-appointed national secretary seems very ex- elusive. Sending one of hi. green circulars to Stanford was, of course, a cent and a half's postage wasted for the soil on the Farm is too dry and too sterile for that type of cultivation. But the racket will probably reap its harvest at that, for somewhere, a some colleges, little groups of tipplers will fall for the "national organization and reputation" line. Greater suckers still will be the clandestine chapters of T. N. E. and Kappa Beta who will re- port themselves open to the financial support which will undoubtedly be sought by the Chicago "headquarters." All of which off-color racKeteering will leave fair Stanford high and dry, where it was in the first place, for the element of rowdyism and bac- chanalianism which is synonymous with the names of those two orders will certainly have no foothold here. Even if it had, Stanford men would never be such suckers, we hone. -Stanford Daily a J r F i c C As easy to use asa massageu iky erases- hair without coarsen- ing or stimulating re- _ growth. Conta ns no chemicats. HAIR ERASING PAD 314 S.oS etcSt.,, Abor. Have you a sma, ll apartme ntJ a CAL KINS-FLETC HER DRUG COMPANY -- 5" Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard- ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-.j garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words if possible. R. O. T. C. DISCUSSION ro The Editor: The following should interest those students who seck the abolition or continuance of the cam- ;us R. O. T. C. unit, or those who are trying to decide where they stand on the question. Illuminating statements were recently made by General Smedley Butler in a debate with Norman Thomas before the New History Society. The facts the general gives should expose much of the 'wish-washy" sentimentalism surrounding pre- paredness. "I first became interested in the army during the Spanish-American war," began General But- ler. "It wasn't such a good war but it was the best the capitalists could get at that time. I thought that the war was a noble thing. I was young and we are foolish when we are young. "The Spanish-American War was got up by a ew capitalists who were much the same as those who get up all our wars. Also, Bill Hearst wanted co get us messed up with the rest of the world, and he did." The general is of the opinion that wars are made by capitalists to protect capitalistic inter- ests, rather than ,to dfend the women and children and make the world safe for democracy. "Suppose now that two nations are at war," ex- plains the general. "The capitalist sends out sup- plies. His ship is sunk and he loses money. He eushes down to the President of the United States and tells him that he's losing money. He does not get paid until he delivers the goods, and he tells the President that he wants him to deliver the goods. So the President and the capitalist put a flag on a ship. This ship is sunk and everybody gets excited, especially the women. "Then they put a couple of guns that mean nothing on some ship. This ship is sunk too and now more people get excited. Then some other fool goes rubber-necking in the war zone and gets hurt. Now we all go to war. "Remember this! All these wars are arranged for! Then the pink-cheeked boys are drafted. Not capital. If we drafted capital we would have no war. But everybody is drafted unless he has enough money to be exempt. Laws, you know, are made for those who can't pull out of them. "We teach the boys to kill and take glory in it. [ know because I did it. We promise them the sun, the moon, the earth and the stars, and then send them off to kill."- Says General Butler, relative to his treatment of the Haitians: "I did not want to enslave the peasants down there and raise sugar for the Na- tional City Bank, so I was canned. "Those who favor capitalist exploitation of labor, both at home and abroad, should work to strengthen the R. O. T. C., the regular army, the navy, the air corps. The worker, who supplies the man power for these military groups, must be kept in ignorance of their true functions and must be continually taught the myth that he is protect- ing his people against aggressor nations. Hence the importance of the capitalist press. "Those who stand with the workers in the class struggle must pursue a different course. The working class is international. Its members have lost all property that the government claims must be protected. Its children are starved by the very bankers who tell us that we should join the army to protect our homes. Its women are forced to walk the streets by the same class which warns that the "invading hordes would ravish our women." Those in favor of the working class must withdraw all support from imperialistic war, as was urged by delegates to World Anti-War Con- gress at Amsterdam. --Stewart Way Edtoria^1Comment1 AEdiurialRACKET The'Theatre A TO' Every Semester the rent- ing of all your rooms presents a serious prob- 1em. The Michigan Daily offers a splendid medium that will greatly help you in this task. Many rooms have been rented through The Daily Classified Col- umns at but a small cost per ad. Call AL The Ad-T aker At 21214' you can do all your cooking 'on -these three electrical appliances I BLANCHE YURKA AT THE BONSTELLE CIVIC Blanche Yurka, one of the truly important ac- tresses of the American theatre, will be the guest star at the Bonstelle Civic Theatre for two weeks, appearing as the tDuchess of Florence in "The Firebrand," opening Monday, January 23, and as Portia in 'The Merchant fo Venice;" from Mon- day, January 30 through February 5. As the Duchess in Edwin Justus Mayer's adap- tation to twentieth century farce treatment of episodes from the sixteenth century autobiog- raphy of Benvenuto Cellini, immortal Florentine goldsmith and sculptor, Miss Yurka will display quite a different aspect of her genius than was called for in the heroic, but impersonal Narrator in "Lucrece," in which she was seen in Detroit this season with Katharine Cornell. Among her other achievements were "The Squall," her unforgettable performance last sea- son in Sophocles' "Electra," produced in Newt York, Ann Arbor and on tour by Robert Hender- son, and her gallery of Ibsen portraits, including Gina in "The Wild Duck," "Hedda Gabler," "The Lady From the Sea," and "The Vikings." In "The Firebrand," the boisterous spirit of Cel- lini and his times is preserved, although the char- acters often break into modern idiom. The slang phraseology and other anachronisms help build a buoyant, genuinely entertaining comedy. The epi- sodes selected here from the hectic career of the Italian Don Juan are his escape from hanging for killing a man in a street brawl, and his rescue from the Ducal palace of his model Angela, a maid more beautiful than witty. Robert Henderson will have one of his favorite roles as the brilliant braggart Cellini, Miss Eden Gray will play Angela, as she did in the original production starring Joseph Schildkraut, and to Ainsworth Arnold's capable hands falls the richly amusing part of the Duke.. A dance recital by Miss Martha Graham, whom many authorities denote as America's foremost dancer, will be presented at the Bonstelle Civic Theatre by Robert Henderson before the close o1 the current season in March. Miss Graham is now starring with the distinguished German exponent of the dance, Harald Kreutzberg, at the new Ra- dio City Music Hall in New York. __&STRPES By Karl Seiffert Governor Comstock, in asking that party hand- shakers refrain from visiting him in Lansing, said, "There is only one of me and there are only 18 hours a day in which I can work." The other six hours he has to put in at his desk in the capitol. "Don't come in to see me unless you have some- thing important to talk about," says the governor, but he'll probably relent in time and consent to tell the boys about this expense account thing. BIBLE 150 YEARS OLD -Headline Oh, it must be older than that! Definite information that a divided skirt used to be a feminine garment seems to blast our old conviction that it is a co-ed who wears two fra- ternity pins. We take heart, in spite of our ignorance of mat- ters of government, whenever we talk to our lady friend who thinks a filibuster is a south sea island cowboy and that R. F. C. stands for "'Ray for Congress." >F Y *A Special Combination Pr ice Compact, low in cost, and inexpensive to operate, this combination is ideallysuited for the smallest apartment. Operating from any light socket, the appli. ances together equal a small electric range in the cooking operations they perform. You can bake, broil, roast, stew and fry with this equipment. The combination, consisting of a Kitchenette Grill, Portable Oven, and Electric Casserole, brings you ALL the advantages of electric cooking- its deliciousness, healthfulness, sealed-in flavor, convenience and cleauiuess-at a fraction of the cost of an electric range' And best of all, it brings you added hours of freedom: you can go out for the after. noon while your evening meal is cooking. Reliable electrical appliances -are sold by Hardware Stores, Department Stores and Electrical Dealers. THE DETROIT EDISONCo. Religious Activ itie~s FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL WESLEY HALL H I LLEL CHURCH E. W. Blakeman, Director FOUNDATION State and Washington Streets Cor . Univ. Ave. and Oakland Today, 9:30 P.M.-Classes for 1"resli- Dr Uernard He Itcr, Director Ministers wen and Wpperclassmen. Frederick B. Fisher Peter F. Stair 3:30 P.M.-Oriental-American Group. Mr. Gordon Haistead will speak on Non-violence as I saw it in India" 14:4-MoningWorhip11:15 A.M.-Regular Sunday services 10 :45-Morninlg Worship at the Women's League Chapel. 6:30 P.M.-Student Guild. Sher Qu- Dr. Bernard Heller will speak. "WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A raishi, leader on "A New Deal," Subject: CHRISTIAN" Stuart Chase's book by that title. "JUDAISM VS. HEBRAISM" (A review of Dr. Horace Kalen's Dr. Frederick B. Fisher recent boob, Judaisu at Bay 6:30 P.M.-Grad Forum. Prof. F. A. 7:30- -Evening Worship Courtis on "A Scientific Appraisal 8:00 PM.-Open House at the Foun- freligion,"dation. "'The Gandhi Revolution in India" Dr. Fisher THE FIRST FIRST BAPTIST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RCHEast Huron, West of State ,CHU Rl . Edward Sayles, Minister H nandDi vision Streets DO HOT Howard R. Chapman, University uron Pastor Merle I . Anderson, Minister Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Minister N EG LECT "3^.-Church School. Dr. Logan. Superintendent. 9:30 A.M. - Student Classes at the Church House, 1432 Washtenaw YOUR 10:45 A.M.-Morning Worship. Mr. Avenue. E. H. Clayton, Hangchow, China, will speak. 14:45 A.M. -- Morning Warship. R E LIGIOUS RELIO 12:00 Noon-Students meet at Guild Dr. Anderson will preach on "The House. Mr. Chapman in charge. Way to Recovery: Partnership"' ACTIVIT IES This is second in the series "Christ 6:0 P.M: -Miss Eunice McMullen, and the Modern Crisis." R.N., Hamiltop Easton, Grad. in Ed., andDavid Anderson, '33 Law, 5:30 P.M.-Social hour for young will discuss the Christian aspects people. an~dsvalues of their chosen voca- 6:30 P.M.-Young people's meeting. A social hour with "eats" and a Dr. H. Y. McClusky will speak on good time will follow the program. "Am I'Getting An Education?" 1 ST. PAU L"S LUTHERAN (Missouri Synod) Third and West Liberty C. A, Brauer, Pastor ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH Washington St. at 5th Ave. E. C. Stellhorn, pastorJ 9 A.M.-Bible School. Lesson Topic: "JESUS FORGIVES SINS" BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL CHURCH (Evangelical Synod) South Fourth Avenue Theodore Schmale, Pastor 9:00 A.M.-Bible School IA.fl A %f, YR_,...i.. m. .In January 22 The 25th Anniversary of the Congre gation will be observed in all serv- I MAAfLOTIV F~AVOR.ED I I