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January 21, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-21

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. 21, 1933


Wolverine Matmen To Inaugurate Season Against Spartans



Squad Hindered
By Injuries To
Captain Blair Thomas Is
Definitely Out Of Meet
Against M. S. C.
Oakley To Wrestle
Wolves To Try To Avenge
Last Year's One-Point
Mat Defeat
Michigan will inagurate the wrest-
ling season at 7:30 p. m. today, when
the Wolverines face State grapplers
in Yost Field House. Tonight's meet
will find the Maize and Blue squad
seeking to avenge a one-point de-
feat suffered at the hands of the
Spartans last season.
Both squads will be hurt by illness.
Blair Thomas, Michigan's captain
and star 135-pound wrestler, will be
dfinitely on the sidelines, and it is
problematical whether Gordon Reav-
ely, State A. A. U. heavyweight cham-
pion and outstanding member of the
Green and White squad, will see ac-
tion, as he too has been on the hos-
pital list.
What appears to be the outstand-
ing go is the bout between Captain,
Stanley Ball of M. S. C. and Joe Oak-
ley. Ball reached the finals in the
National Intercollegiate Meet last
season, while Oakley, a letterman, is
in good physical condition. Both men
will scale 126 pounds.
In the first fight Jimmy Landrum,
experienced Wolverine, will encoun-
ter Floyd Austin, veteran 'Spartan,
at 118 pounds. Speed and clever
wrestling will mark this fight.eBob
Helliwell, a veteran Wolverine whose
usual post is at 145-pounds, will fight
in a class 10 pounds lower, replacing
Captain Thomas. Helliwell's opponent
in Herbert Thamer, a newcomer to
the visitors' squad.
Filling Helliwell's place at 145
pounds will be either Ed Landwehr
or Don Lewis. Coach Cliff Keen is
delaying decision on these two men
and probably will not make a choice
men have outstanding campus rec-
until just before meet time. Both
men have outstanding campus rec-
ords, Landwehr having won the cam-
put 135-pound title a year ago, while
Lewis captured the 145-pound crown
in December. Pete Rakovich, a sub-
stitute from the 1931 squad, is the
State entry in this event.
The 155-pound go will bring to-
gether Art Moser, brilliant Wolver-
ine veteran, and Allen Cox, another
hold-over from the M. S. C. reserve
team of a year ago. At 165 Ed Wil-
son, another Michigan letter winner,
will grapple with Bob Monnett, fa-
mous Green and White, football
player. Monnett is new to wrestling
but has a creditable record as an
amateur boxer.
Harvey Bauss, colorful Maize and
Blue athlete, is carded to face Lee
Marsa, veteran Spartan, in the next
to the last bout. In the final event
Willard Hildebrand will face either
Olin Lepard or Gordon Reavely of
Michigan State. There is a slight
possibility that John Spoden, all-
campus heavyweight champion, who
is suffering from a foot injury, may
replace Hildebrand.
Student identification cards are
necessary for admission. The en-
trance price for outsiders is 25 cents.
Ye arlig Cage
Squad Is Called

Best By Fisher
Although the freshman cage squad,
was beaten 51 to 25 by the Varsity
Wednesday, its work this year has
caused Coach' Ray Fisher to pro-
nounce it "the best freshman squad
I have ever coached." The first string
yearling team has George Ford and
Dick Evans as forwards; John Jab-
lonski and Chelso Tamagno at the
guard positions; and Melvin Silver-
man and Miller share the center post.
The second team is composed of
Donald Guest and Phil McCallum,
guards; Howard Levine and Winfred
Nelson, forwards; and Dick Brawer-
man, center. Coach Fisher expects
two or three new men to report after
the opening of the new semester.
The defeat by the Varsity Wednes-
day was not due so much to the
weakness of the first-year men as it
was to the excellence of their op-
ponents' offense. Ned Garner ran wild'
through the freshmen and collected
17 points. Evans and Ford, the two
frosh forwards, scored six and seven
points, respectively.
'Ford, who is from Detroit, and
Evans, from Flint, are probably the
most outstanding men on the year-

Michigan Will Have Big Job To Overcome This Five

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Tracksters In
Final Trials
This Afternoon
Track enthusiasts will be given
their last opportunity of seeing the
Wolverine squad in action this after-
noon when the final time-trials of
the semester are held at -Yost Field
Prospects are very bright for there
being some outstanding performan-
ces turned in. Practically every can-
didate will be out to make a final
flourish before the coming two-week
exam period.
Good Times Expected
Indications from the last week of
practice are that the amateur watch-
holders will not be disappointed in
the times turned in for the various
events. Coach Charlie Hoyt has been
speeding up his men in work-outs,
which means that everyone will be
at a higher pitch.
There is a possibility that a new
Field House record may be estab-
lished in the 440 event this after-
noon. With several of the lesser
knowns gettingeinto better shape
than they were last Saturday, Allen
and Ellerby may be hard put to take
the lead in the event. Everybody in
the quarter-mile, with the exception
of Capt. DeBaker, is steamed up and
ready to go.
Frosh Run Also
Yearling tracksters will hold their
last time-trials of the semester this
afternoon also, mixing events be-
tween those of the Varsity.
It would be no great surprise to
Coach Doherty to see some of his
existing records. The pole vault rec-
ord is in grave danger of being brok-
en if Dave Hunn is in good condi-
tion. Last Saturday he cane very
close to breaking the existing record.
of 12%/ feet.
NEW YORK, Jan. 20.-(P)-Under
the impetus of Babe Ruth's much
publicized salary argument with the
N e w York Yankees, base ball,
through its holdout parade, has just
about swept all other athletics off
the sport pages.
Protests from high-class perfor-
mers against the size of the pay cuts
they've been asked to take have been
mounting rapidly and apparently
major league magnates will have to

Women To Start
Ice Hockey Game
Ice hockey and women as play-
ers are two things heretofore quite
unassociated in the annals of
Michigan sports. However the new
semester will see the beginning of
3 women's hockey team here.
It was an idea of Varsity Hockey
Coach Eddie Lowrey's in the first
place, and it is he who will man-
age practices. If the success of
the 1933 Varsity is an indication
of what he can do, the success of
the undertakings is assured.
The Coliseum will be open to
the women pucksters between 2
and 2:45 p. m. probably two days
a week, though as yet no definite
days have been set. All the facili-
ties of the plant will be at their
disposal, and playing equipment,
except skates, will be furnished.
Any women interested in the
project are invited to participate.
They must sign up by Feb. 6 in
Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium.
Nine Pitchers Are
Rounding To Form
Under the tutelage of Ray Fisher,
Varsity baseball coach, the pitching
tryouts are slowly rounding into
form. There are nine pitchers, who
are divided up into two groups, each
practicing three times a week at the
Yost Field House.
Francis Wistert, one of last year's
veterans, has gained a good deal of
confidence, and he is bearing down.
Ie bids fair to become the mainstay
of this year's pitching staff. Ed Mc-
Kay, a senor this year, has improved
considerably, and is expected to turn
in some good performances during
the season. These two, together with
Manuel and Art Patchin, who will
return to school at the beginning of
the second semester, will probably
make up the bulk of the pitching
Other men working out at the
Field House are Tillotson, Meltzer,
Frankowski, Fish, Laughton, and
Hubbard. Charles Menefee, a veter-
an, expected to report after final ex-
use every argument in their repetoire
to swing their recalcitrant stars into
line before the spring training sea-

Cagers Play
Chicago There
In First Game
Maroons, On Home Floor,
May Spring Surprise, To
Trounce Wolverines
On its last drive before final exam-
inations, the Michigan basketball
team will face the lowly Chicago Ma-
roons tonight in the fourth Confer-
ence game of the season for the Wol-
Chicago made a surprising showing
last Monday night by holding the
strong Iowa quintet to a 36 to 32
win, and the improvement they have
shown in the last two games will
cause the Michigan five to exert
their best efforts if a victory is to
be scored for the local five.
Despite the fact that Chicago has
lost its first four conference games,
Coach Cappy Cappon was anything
but optimistic when the team left
yesterday afternoon, believing that
the Midway team is about ready to
chalk up a game in the win column.
Also the fact that Chicago will
be playing on its home floor repre-
sents to the Michigan team a handi-
cap of anywhere from six to ten
Coach Cappon indicated that he
would start the same lineup that
proved so successful against Illinois
last Saturday in hopes of repeating
with a victory tonight. These five
will be Eveland and Plummer, for-
wards, Garner, center, Altenhof and
Petoskey, guards.
Big Ed Garner will endeavor to
continue the place he set in the pre-
vious game when he scored 12 points.
Although as yet he is not among the
leading scorers in the Big Ten, by
repeating the performance exhibited
against Illinois, he will undoubtably
be numbered as one of the ten high
scorers in the conference.
Throughout the practices of the
past week, the whole Michigan team
has shown a great deal of improve-
ment offensively. In the last scrim-
mage with the freshman, the entire
five men on the regular squad came
through with at least six points,
which signifies a scoring punch that
will be hard to stop.


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From the

-Associated Press Photo
Captain Brad Robinson (2) forward star of the Minnesota cage
team, will lead his strong five against Michigan in Minneapolis Mon-
day night. Walter "Red" Sochacki (4), husky forward, matches Robin-
son at the forward post. Virgil Licht (5) is another great defensive
player, althugh last year he also led the team in scoring. The quintet
has not been clicking on foreign floors, but their needed teamwork is
expected to return for the Monday night engagement. Two newcomers
are in the lineup but it has been changed from game to game until the
starting quintet is uncertain.

By John Thomas

FIELDING H. YOST sold the Board
in Control on a golf course.
Then he sold them on enlarging it
to 18 holes. Now he has sold himself
on the game. Just like he mastered
the mining game, the oil game, the
football game, and many other activ-
ities-even including the Hoot-
Smawley tariff, he is going to master
the golf game.
When the University course was
enlarged to 18 holes, Yost played a
perfect golf game..He never missed a
shot. His score was always par. And
in addition, he played with a cane.
He used to go around the course
swinging his cane. He started on the
first tee and poked out a long drive,
splitting the center of the fairway.
Then he'd walk up to the ball and
push another long wood to the green.
On the green he was as steady as a
statue for he always took two putts.
And so it went, all around the course.
The only trouble was that he did not
use golf sticks or a golf ball. He used
his imagination.
But when a group oz ladies pre-
sented him with a brand new black
leather bag, he decided he would
need some clubs, so he bought a few
irons and a good set of Walter Hagen
woods, or at least we were informed
that he bought them.
His favorite occupation this winter
is utilizing the golf nets in Yost Field
House. He bought a book on golf, in-
cidentally a good one too, and
studied it--justlike he studied the
Civil war. He can play every shot
perfectly in the locker room-just'
like he can taken an innocent piece
of paper and a pencil and refight
the first battle of Bull Run, naming
the families on whose property it
was fought.
Yesterday he ventured out on the
practice gridiron and shot 35 balls.
He collected all but one of them and
shot them back. When he came back
into the locker room he explained to
Ray Altenhof that he finally found
the lost ball but only had 69 pokes
at the balls. He said that he was
pushing a little, but mostly the shots
were far and true. Someday we are
going to play with him and give you
the lowdown on whether his game
this year rivals that of former years
when he never missed par, not even
by one stroke.
His only sorrow is that his son,
Buck, pushed an old unmatched set
of woods off on him in place of his
good Walter Hagens.

Lhence az
"WIHEN I work hard, I usually
smoke more; and when I smoke
more, I usually work harder-and that's
why I want a cigarette that's milder."
We use in Chesterfield Cigarettes
mild, ripe Domestic and Turkish tobac-
cos which have been aged and re-aged.
These good tobaccos in Chesterfield
are used in the right proportions-that's
a very important matter.
These good tobaccos in Chesterfield
are blended and cross-blended-welded
together; that, too, helps to make a
milder cigarette with better taste.

moing Covertime

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