'Tal' Talbot To
Sing This Week
At Union Dance
Balloons To Be Released
At Dances; Five Guests
To Receive Free Tickets
Richard N. Cogger IL
Slide Rule Dance
Novel Program
To Be Offered
At League Tea
Novelty Dancing, Vocal
Selections To Be Given
Mosher-Jordan Guests
The League tea to be held this
afternoon from 4 to 6 p. m. will honor
the residents of Mosher-Jordan as
the special guests, Ruth Robinson,
'34, announced. The tea is one of a
series of semi-monthly teas given
under the direction of the League so-
cial committee to which every woman
on campus is invited.
A novel form of entertainment is
being offered in addition to the cus-
tomary dancing to the music of Bill
Marshall's orchestra. Rose Shon, '34,
is to present a dance and Mary Ann
Mathewson, '34, will sing several
selections. Both of these women are
residents of Mosher-Jordan Hall.
Mrs. Russel Hussey, Mrs. Joseph
burley, Isabel Atkinson, assistant di-
rector of Jordan Hall, and Alta At-
kinson, manager of the League 'will
pour, Miss Robinson said.
Josephine Woodhams, '34, and
Annie. Mcintyre, '34, secured the
chaperons; Ann Osborn, '35, and
Lenore Leoendre, '34, are in charge
orf the tenrinment, and Barbara
ose, '34, istein charge of the food.
The rest of the social committee will
assist Miss Robinson.
Annual Meeting
Of Art Group
held At League
The annual meeting of the Michi-
gan Federation of Arts was held yes-
terday in the Michigan League. It
revealed a great activity among clubs
and galleries in spite of reduced bud-
gets. The delegates from surround-
ing cities reported their progress dur-
ing the past year an discussed plans
for the coming year.
They stated that art galleries and
museums can be of two kinds. They
may be by the upper classes who
py large annual dues to support it
or they can aim to draw the inter-
ests of all classes. The first type are
drawn by the "opening nights" and
teas at which there is often little
chance to see the pictures. Those
who come for that purpose, how-
evr, can return again. In smaller
communities, the problem arises of
soliciting the interest of all classes'
This is done by frequent use of local
An effort is being made to abolish
the idea of the art gallery as, "a
temple," and to bring it in touch
with the uses and interests of every-
one. This was done by one group
by lowering the dues and thus doub-
ling the membership. Another gal-
lery saw a need of developing the
handicrafts and applied arts to fill
the needs of the people out of work
in an industrial community.
The University offers many oppor-
tunities, some of which are to be in-
vestigated further. The University
can function through the Extension
Division as well as the Division of
Fine' Arts.
Following the meeting, the guests
were taken through Alumni Memor-
ial Hall and the Architectural Build-
ing to see the exhibits.
Ted Weemss Wil Play For
New York U. Of M. Club
Ted Weems and his orchestra will
head the program of entertainment
secured for the annual banquet of
the University of Michigan Club of
New York. It will be held Feb. 10 at
the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York
Another well-known radio enter-
tainer who will appear is Andrea
Marsh. The committee in charge
plans to have several more stars of
the air and a few speakers on the
evening's entertainment, but have not
announced their names as yet.
Where To Go
Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Law-
yer Man"; Majestic, "Roadhouse
Murder"; Wuerth, "The Big House";
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, "The
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari," perfor-
mance, 8:15 p. m.
Exhibits: Japanese wood block
prints, Alumni Memorial Hall.
Dances: Tea dancing, League grill,
3 to 5 p. m.; Informal dancing,
League ballroom, 9 p. m.; Informal
dancing, Union ballroom, 9 p. m.
Functions: Tea for campus wo-
New German Actress En Route To Hollywood
Compulsory Physical Education
Dissatisfies Majority Of Co-Eds
(Continued from Page 1)
that good would not be done as longj
as the class was forced upon the stu-
College sororities voted unanimous-
ly against the requirement. Spokes-
men said that if gymnasium workE
was not compulsory more women
would enter intramural sports.
Gamma Phi Beta indicated by a,
majority vote that the system was,
unsatisfactory, declearing that physi-;
cal education was not successful
when forced upon the women stu-
Alpha Epsilon Phi voted, by a
three-to-one majority, against the
required two-year program. The
members feel that in one year of
required work the women have an
opportunity to become acquainted
with the equipment, and that those
interested their sophomore year have
a chance to carry on the work and
would do so without being forced.
Alpha Phi voted unanimously
against the present program.
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Chi Omega members stated
that one year of compulsory gym-
nasium was, in their opinion, ample,
Some sample statements from
undergraduate women follow:
"I think that one year of physical
education is sufficient because the
attitude that women take toward
compulsory gym does much to do
away with any good effects it might
have." (Enid Bush, '33.)
"The theory behind compulsory
gym is a good thing but under the
present system, where a student gets
only a half hour's work twice a week,
she derives little benefit. If only a
year's gym, with attendance four
times a week were required, the stu-
dent would benefit by getting the
habit of exercise." (Frances Thorn-
ton, '34.)
"By compelling women to attend
physical education classes, students
lose interest,'thus defeating the pur-
pose of the course. If women want
the exercise they get in a gym class
they will probably take it anyway.
If they do not want it, they will take
the easiest courses and put the least
possible effort into them, so that it
is hardly worth while." (Helen Clark,
a definite interest shown it seems
that gym is a waste of the student's
time and the University's money."
(Charleen Eshleman, '34.)
Many women complain that more
time is taken in going to classes and
dressing for them than in actual
exercise, as the following remarks
show :
"The small amount of time actually
spent in a gym class doesn't seem
worth the trouble of changing to a
gym costume and travelling back andI
forth." (Eloise Moore, '36.)
Encourages Colds
"During the winter months of tak-
ing gym, I have had one cold after
another from getting warm with ex-
ercise and going out into the cold.
The half-hour of work two days a
week is not worth the consequences
to me." (Ruth Bradner, '35.)
Others think that women who need
the exercise do, not get it unless re-
quired to do so.
"Concerning compulsory gym for
sophomore women, I feel it is quite
necessary inasmuch as the majority
who need such recreation and exer-
cise would not have it unless a cer-
tain time and place were set." (Eiza-
beth Hert, '33.)
"I think gym ought to be com-
pulsory for two years to get the more.
studious type of person and the!
quieter person, who o r d i n a r i ly
wouldn't take the initiative, to go out
for sports." (Elsa Van Slyke, '35.)
When a woman has completed her,
freshman year she is capable of
choosing for herself what further
athletics will best suit her needs and
desires many maintain.
Continue Activities
"If a person finds interest in ath-
letics during her freshman year, she
will continue of her own accord, and
it is useless to force her to use thisl
time which she could spend on other
worthy activities." (Elizabeth McCoy,
"By the time a student has reached
her sophomore year, she should be
capable of deciding for herself the
activity to which she wishes to give
her time." (Madeline Melancon, '35.)
The benefits gained from gym work
appear to some to compensate them
for the time so spent.
"Compulsory athletics for sopho-
more women encourage co-operation
and sportsmanship." (Mary Adam-
ski, '36.)
Athletic training, though a time
consumer, is something which even-.
tually any person is mighty grateful
for in later years. It is a real con-
tribution to health and social inter-
est. Two years of it at least-all hail
to them." (Harriet Whitcher, '36.)
A blues singer, Helen 'Tal' Talbot,
will be included on the program of
the Union dances for this week-end
it was announced yesterday - by
Charles Burgess, '34E, chairman of
the Union dance committee.
Miss Talbot began with radio
broadcasting in Chicago and advanc-
ed until she was given an audition
last year by Paul Whiteman at which
he complimented her highly on her
voice. She also was given an audi-
tion by Henry Theis when he was
here for the Soph Porm last fail.
According to Burgess, Miss Talbot
is red-headed and good-looking.
Another special feature of these
dances will be the releasing of 500
balloons at midnight to float down
over the dancers. The balloons will
be strung over the ceiling so that
they can all be released simultane-
To five of the balloons there will be
attached free tickets for the dances
of the following week.
Miss Talbot will sing both tonight
and Saturday.
Mosher-Jordan Honors
38 With Birthday Party
Mosher-Jordan dining rooms put
on festive array for the celebration
of the birthdays of all its residents.
Last night was the annual birthday
dinner at the dormitory honoring
especially women who have resided
at the halls for the three years of
their existence. There are 38 in all,
tomorrow morning at Lydia Mendel-
at a long table in the center of the
dining rooms of their respective halls.
The large table, like the smaller ones,
held red tapers, but in addition place-
cards and red roses were used.
Inez Bozorth, director of the dorm-
story, presided in the Mosher dining
room, while Lois Failyer and Isabel
Dudley, assistant directors of Jordan,
presided there.
The last course of the dinner was
an individual birthday cake with one
candle on it for each girl. The women
at the large table had a large cake
with three candles in honor of the
age of the dormitory.
At the close of dinner, the house
presidents presented red roses to each
of the 38 girls. Women especially
hoonred were Leah Ackerman, '34,
Helen Bailey, '33, Elizabeth Barnes,
'34, Isabel Bonicave, '34, Wilma Bran-
don, '34, Helen Brenner, '33, Dor-
othy Brockman, '34, Jane Brydges,
'34, Jane Cooper, '33, Louise Cran-
dall, '34, Mary Crene, '34, Josephine
Day, '34, Helen Dunkirk, '33, Theresa
Fein, '33, Maxine Fischgrund, '33,
Helen Frick, '34, and Claire Glow-
acki, '34. Others are Marjorie God-
dard, '34, Estella Goldstein, '33, Mil-
dred Goldstein, Margaret Hewett,
'34, Mona Hutchings, '34, Lenore Le-
Gendre, '34, Kathleen Lockhart, '33,
Frances Loucks, '34, Mary Helen Mc-
Intosh, '34, Georgianna Mott, '33,
Adria Parks, '33, Helen Pedolsky, '34,
Myra Sarasohn, '33, Helen Schimude,
'33, Eleanor Schwarz, '33, Louise
Shaw, '33, Laura Sommer, '33, Mil-
dred Starke, '33, Charlotte, Strassner,
'33, Polly Walker, '33, Julia Youngs,
The selection of Richard N. Cog-
ger, '33E, of Detroit. as chairman of
the Slide Rule Dance committee, was
approved yesterday by the advisory
board of the Engineering College
f aculty.
A definite date for the dance has
not been set. It will probably be held
around the last of March.
The plays which the members of
Zeta Phi Eta ,were planning to give
Saturday morning at Lydia Mendel-
ssohn theatre will be postponed until
the first part of the second semester,
it was announced at the regular
meeting Tuesday. The postpone-
ment was due to illness of several of
the participants and to the proxi-
mity of final examinations.
,. ^.,
0 4
' <, _
-Associated Press Photo
Lilian Harvey arrived in New York in a swagger suit of the newest
cut built for long strides. She is but a small addition to the Film cap-
itol as she is only 5 feet tall and weighs 100 pounds.
University And Detroit Groups
To Demonstrate Modern Dance
"Our aim is that more people un-
derstand and appreciate the modern
dance," says Emily White of the phy-.
sical education department, who has
aroused a great amount of interest
in interpretative work as well as
dance form among women on the
A demonstration of the work that
Miss White's class has been doing,
and that of a group from the Detroit
City College, under the direction of
Ruth Murray, formerly of the physi-
cal education department here, will
be given at 2:15 p. in. tomorrow in
Barbour gymnasium.
All who are interested in the dance
are invited to attend. Of particular
note is the fact that dance steps will
be improvised and practiced for the
first time by the groups, and unfin-
ished as well as finished dances will
be presented on this occasion.
Miss Murray's group which, it will
be recalled, took part in the Dance
Symposium given here last year, has
been working with her for the past
four years, and its work is recog-
nized as some of the finest in this
part of the country.
Among the dance forms that will
be shown by the Michigan group are:
a primitive number entitled "A Negro
Spiritual," Gargoyles" by Goosens, a
composition to the accompaniment
of the tom-tom, and "parade," a
dance composed by Doris Humphrey,
of New York.
Women on campus who are taking
part in the event include, Jacequeline
Snell, '35, Margaret Cole, '34, Eliza-
beth Davis, '35, Vera New brough,
'35, Jane Lagenderfer, '35, Reta Pet-
ersen, '35, Mary White, '34, Velma
Wilson, '35, Mary Jane Busch, '34,
and Collin Wilsey, '35.
Charlotte Johnson, Spec., Treasure
Haley, '35, Betty Little, '35, Mary
Stirling, '35, Wilma Lester, '36,
Marion Anderson, '36SM, Elizabeth
Van Winkle, '36, Elizabeth Kanter,
'35, Katherine Anning, '35, Margaret
Andrews, '35, Elizabeth Cooper,
'34Ed., Gladys Dinkel, '34Ed., Alice
Goodenow, '34Ed., Ruth Kurtz, '34Ed.,
Frances Mast, '33Ed., Beatrice Mass-
man, '34Ed., Grace Mayer, '34Ed.,
Florence Shaw, '34Ed., and Charlotte
Simpson, '34Ed.
Meeting Held By Members
Of Executive Committee
The executive committee of the
Board of Directors of the Alumni
Association met last evening in the
editorial rooms of the Michigan
Alumnus for a discussion of regular
Members of the committee include:
Norman E. Hunt, chairman, vice-
president of General Motors; Don T.
Hastings, Detroit; E. J. Ottoway,
Port Huron; President Alexander G.
Ruthven; Vice-President Clarence S.
Yoakum; Dean James B. Edmonson,
of the School of Education; and Prof.
Lewis M. Gram, head of the depart-
ment of civil engineering.
Coffee 5c Sandwiches 5c, 1Oc, 15c
436 South State Street
Pies 5c Chicken Pie 10c
Defeat Purpose
"Personally, I enjoy athletics and
believe they further friendship,
sportsmanship,rand health. However,
by being compulsory after the fresh-
man year, they defeat their own pur-
pose." (Josephine McLean, '36.)
"The very fact that gym is com-
pulsory deprives it of half its pleas-
ure. One year is more than enough
to show girls who are interested in
physical education where their in-
terests lie, and for those girls who
take it merely because it is a Uni-
versity ruling, a second year is a
waste of time." (Eileen McManus,
"I think that two years of physical
education should be required because
we otherwise would not take ad-
vantage of the opportunities offered
us by the physical education depart-
ment, which we need so much."
(Jane McCreedy, '33.)
"For my part I believe that all gym
should be arbitrary because people
get out of a thing approximately
what they put into it. If there isn't
Arriving Daily
'S $4 95
is0 7:
Advanced Dancing Class
Has Final Instruction
The advanced dancing class under
the direction of Ethel McCormick,
social director of the League, last
night for the last time before the
intra-class contest, which will be
held next Thursday.
Hostesses for the evening who as-
sisted Miss McCormick were mem-
bers of Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Del-
ta Pi, Phi Sigma Sigma sororities.
t. - Tj
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