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January 20, 1933 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-20

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At a


Marines Home From Nicaragua


Bones Found At Ypsilanti Are
Estimated To Be 100 Years Old

i.n the Bulletin is constructive notic to all members of the
Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until
a. m. Saturday.




No. 851

Appointment of Henry'Russel Lecturer: Professor Walter B. Pillsbury,
Head of the Department of Psychology, has been appointed Henry Russel
Lecturer for the current year. This appointment is made by the Regents on
recommendation of the Council of the Research Club of the University of
Michigan. The date of the delivery of the Henry Russel Lecturer will be
announced later.
Concerning Rooms for Final Examinations: Note. The following ap-
p s only to rooms in these buildings: A.H., S.W., U.H., M.H., R.L., N.S.,
E., W.Ph., Newberry Aud.
Courses with examination group letters A to N inclusive (except English
1, 2;, Psychology 31, Economics 51, 52, 53, 121) will have their regular rooms
of meeting reserved automatically for final examinations. Special requests
should be filed for each course desiring any other room or rooms.
Courses with examination group letters 0, P, Q, R, (and also the
courses mentioned in the parentheses of the preceding paragraph) have no
rooms reserved automatically. Special requests should be filed for each of
these courses.
Courses with examination group letter X have no rooms reserved au-
tomatically. In case of any doubt concerning the availability of the desired
room requests should be made for a room. D. L. Rich
School of Education comprehensive examination: The next compre-
liensive examination in Education will be held Saturday morning, January
21, at 9 o'clock sharp in the auditorium of the University High School. Stu-
dehts' must have completed all required Education courses before taking
the examination.
All students expecting to take the examination at that time should
leave their names immediately with Miss Clark in the Recorder's Office of
the School of Education, Room 1437 U. Elementary School.
C. 0. Davis, Secretary
I Reading Requirements in German for Ph.D. Candidates: Candidates in
a i ieos except those o fthe natural sciences and mathematics must obtain
the' offiia1l certification of an adequate reading knowledg of German by
sul bmitting to a written examination given by a Committee of the Depart-
nziat o German. Such examinations will be held only in the third week
of euch semester and towards the end of Summer School, the exact time
afdi place will be duly announced in the Daily Official Bulletin. Students
w;6 intehd to take the examination are requested to register their names
at 1est one Veek before the date of the examination at the office of the
Germrian Department, 204 University Hall, where detailed- informaiton with
r (rcd to examnination requirements will be given.
THE NEXT EXAMINATION will be held on Wednesday, March 1, at
2. p. m. in Room 203 U.H.
Quaiifying Examination in English: Students who took the last ex-
atination should call for their reports at their earliest convenience. I shall
be in my Angell Hall office Friday from 3 to 5 and Saturday from 10 to 12.
C. D. Thorpe
Writing Contest For Freshmen: (Division of Hopwood Awards). All
rianuscripts should be left in the English Office, 3221 Angell Hall, before
3 o'ol1ock, Friday, January 27.
Business Administration 268, Branch Banking: This course consists of
pses of the movement toward multiple type banking as distinguished
f om the older unit type banking. Emphasis will be placed on the following
(1) The progress made in the inauguration of branch, group, and
Chain systems,
(2) The records of such systems actually in existence,
(3) The main arguments for and against each type,
(4) The practical and social aspects of the gradual replacement of
our present system by multiple banking.
Prerequisites: Fourth-year standing on campus and Economics 101,
1#2. By special permission the course may be eelcted concurrently with
Fconomics 102. Tuesday evenings at 8. Mr. Gardner. 1 hour credit. Second
This course will be offered if enough students enroll. Those interested
should report at once at 108 Tappan Hall.
Economic 181: A make-up examination in this course will be given
today at 3:00 p. m., in Room 207 Ec.
English 125. Browning: This class will not meet today.
L. A. Strauss
18:Dvlpetoth nlshNvl hscaswl o

More complete examination of the
bones found Tuesday buried under
an Ypsilanti street has failed to give
any clue to their age, but nails found
with them indicate that they may
have been lying there more than a
century, according to Dr. W. B. Hins-
dale of the Museum of Anthropology,
to whom the bones were brought for
Pieces of finished wood and four
nails discovered with the bones made
finders suppose that the bodies had
been buried in a coffin or box and
aroused various suspicions.
Unfortunately, Dr. Hinsdale said,
no expert was on the scene at the
time of the discovery to tell whether
the ground had ever been removed,
so it is not known whether the bodies
were originally buried there or moved
there later. A
City workmen digging a trench for
water pipes unearthed the bones
about four feet below the surface of
the street. They were directly over a
water main laid 40 years ago, but it
was pointed out that the main was
laid through a tunnel, and so the
remains might have been missed.
The bones were so badly broken up
New Modes Of
Exhibited Here'

by workmen digging the recent
trench that very little can be told
from them, Dr. Hinsdale said.
Enough skull pieces are present, he
stated, to show that at least four
persons were in the group, two of
them men, the third a woman, and
the fourth a young person. This -was
determined from the sizes and thick-
nesses of the bones, in spite of the
fact that there was not a single large
piece left intact.
The nails used are of a type known
as "cut", in use since about 1820,
and serve to establish the age of the
find more closely than do either the
bones or the wood, Dr. Hinsdale said.
This use of machine-made nails
makes it unlikely that the bones are
those of Indians, in his opinion.
The possibility that the Ypsilanti
workmen might have dug into an old,
forgotten grave-yard was suggested.
"It seems as though someone in town
should be able to remember the
existence of such a cemetery, or even
the occurrence of such a burial," Dr.
Hinsdale commented.
The Museum has been advised that
the pieces of wood found are prob-
ably tulipwood, or as it is more com-
monly known, whitewood.

Home of Brigham
Young Is Reopened
SALT LAKE CITY, Jan. 19.-(P)-
The historic Lion House, for a dozen
years home of the large family of
Brigham Young, again echoes with
the conversation .and laughter of
girls and women.
Refurnished with articles of its
early days, it has been reopened by
the Young Ladies' Mutual Improve-
ment association as a social center
for young women.
The association sponsoring the
center was organized in the Lion
House by Brigham Young among
his own daughters, of whom he had
29, in 1869. It later was enlarged
to include in its membership the
young women on the entire Latter
Day Saints Church.
Completed in 1869, the building,
which takes its name from a carved
lion over the frornt doorway, was
the home of most of the Mormon
leader's 19 wives and 56 children.
Belgium has a law which will bring
under strict control all machines
and electrical devices which cause
interference with radio reception.





-Associated Press Photo
Capt. Francis Patrick Mulcahy received a warm welcome from
Secretary Adams of the navy department in Washington when 22
planes under his command completed the homeward flight from
Nicaragua. The fliers were the last American contingent to leave that
country after five years of Marine occupation. Maj-Gen. Ben H. Fuller,
Marine corps commandant, is standing beside Mulcahy and Adams..

Heitman Wins
Medal Offered
For Best Talk
Gives Story Of Cannibal
Islands; Englis~h Slang,
TechnOcracy Discussed
Holding his audience spellbound
with an account of his visit to the
cannibal islands, Edmund K. Heit-
mann, '35, won the approval of the
students and the judgment of the
faculty judges as the winner of the
medal offered to the student in
Speech 31 who is considered the best
speaker in a public contest.
Each of the 11 classes entered one
speaker, who was chosen by the
members of the class by vote. The
subjects of the various speeches
ranged from Technocracy and Cul-
bertson to English Slang and a Short
History of the University of Mich-
Heitmann, after receiving the
medal which was presented by John
W. Lederle, '33, on behalf of the Ora-
torical Association, said, "I never
would have been able to give the
speech if it had not been for the
support given me by my classmates
when I stepped out on the flatform."
Friends of Heitmann applauded him
both before and after the speech.
The subject of Heitman's speech
was his visit to Papua Island, a ren-
dezvous of cannibals. Although the
party did not see any cannibals eat-
ing humans, they did carry on some
enlightening conversations with the
cannibals concerning their diet, all of
which provoked an uproar in the au-
Other speakers on the program in-
cluded Charles R. Hall, '34, Ethel M.
Howard, '35, Ann Kathryn Coffield,
'34, Virginia E. Chapman, '35, O'Neil
L. Dillon, '35, Francis J. Coates, '35,
Joseph A. LaCava, '34, Eleanor Blum,
'35, Wheaton L. Strom, '35, and How-
ad C. Busching. This' speaking or-
der was decided upon by drawing
EAST LANSING, Jan. 19.-(P)-A
surprising response greeted the an-
nouncement of Michigan State Col-
lege officials that a nut show would
be held here Jan. 30 to Feb. 3. More
than 1,500 samples of nuts entered
by more than 700 growers were for-
warded for the exhibition.
to attend, and others interested are
Hindustan Club regular meeting
Sunday, January 22, at 2:30 p. m. in
Lane Hall.
Agenda: Election of new officers
for next semester. Final arrange-
ments for the celebration of Inde-
pendence Day.

Water Hardness
Costs University
$49,000 A Year
Hard well-water costs the Univer-
sity approximately $49,500 a year by
its constant corrosion and accumula-
tion of scale in water pipe lines and
sewers, Prof. L. M. Gram, head of
the department of civil engineering
and director. of plant extension an-
nounced yesterday. The figure was
based upon a report of maintenance
costs by E. C. Pardon, superintend-
ent of buildings and grounds.
Professor Gram admitted that the
cost of using hard well-water is ex-
cessive both to the citizens of Ann
Arbor and to the -University. He
doubted, however, if the people of
the city would vote to "build a fil-
tration plant that would permit the
usage of water from the Huron
River. As for the University's policy
he stated that f& "tlid present it
would go on replacing damaged pipes
as they were discovered.
The water being taken from the!
Steers farm wells is too hard to sof-
ten economically but water from
the Barton and Montgomery wells
is softer, Professor Gram said.
He objected to the proposed con-
struction of a filtration plant on the
grounds that the cost would be more
than the city could afford at this
time. Also he declared that as yet
the water board, which favors the
proposed plant, has failed to show
conclusively that the cost of soften-
ing well water would be prohibitive.
In addition to the financial ob-
stacle to the plant, Professor Gram
said. that the majority of the peo-
ple of Ann Arbor would oppose the
use of river water because of psy-
chological reasons. He mentioned
Pontiac's filtration plant which was.
constructed a few years ago to purify
water from the Clinton River for
drinking purposes. Shortly after the
use of river water began the citizens
of Pontiac objected so strenuously to
the taste and smell of the water that
its use was discontinued.

Houses Planned Specially
For Hillsides Considered
New In Building Plans
The study of hillside housing, now
shown in an exhibit in the large ex-
hibition room of the Architecture
Building, will remain until 'Thursday
Jan. 26, Prof. Emil Lorch of the ar-
chitecture college announced yester-
day. The study consists of models
and sketches prepared under the di-
rection of Henry Wright, noted ar-
chitect, during the summer months
of 1932.
Allan A. Twichell, who helped pre-
pare the studies and sketches, will be
in the exhibition hall this afternoon
from 1 to 3 p. m. to personally ex-
plain the exhibit.
Novel Idea.
"The idea of planning houses espe-
cially meant for hillsides is some-
thing new in architecture, "Mr. Twi-
chel said in an interview yesterday.
"Hills are prevalent in many cities
from the east to the west but, due
to the present system of housebuild-
ing, they have baffled builders and
real-estate subdividers. We have ex-
plored in plan the possibilities of
hillsides and the result of our work
is now being shown.
"Many city blocks have been laid
out for desirable neighborhoods. If,
during the process of building it up,
some unwanted element creeps in,
the value of property in that district
will noticeably .decrease. In our plan
of group housing, the district is first
completely built up, with the com-
munity kept always in mind. The
plan will greatly stabilize and protect
"By group housing one benefits
economically and at the same time
enjoys added convenience. Although
two of the side walls are joined," Mr.
Twichell stated, "you have more ab-
solute privacy than can be found in
most city houses with neighbors only
a few yards away on each side.
Furnaces Out

Place advertisements with Classified
Advertising Departmnt. Phone 2-1214.
The classified columns close at three
o'clock previous to day of insertion.
Box numbers may be secured at no
Cash in advance-11c per reading line
extra charge.
(on basis of five average words to
line) for one or two insertions.
Minlium 3 lines per insertion.
10c per reading line for three or more
Telephone rate--15c per reading line
for one or two insertions.
14c per reading line for three or more
10% discount if paid within ten days
from the (late of last insertion.
Minimum three' lines per insertion.
By contract, per lie.:-2 lines daily, one
4 lines L. 0. 1)., 2 months........ce
2 lines daily, college year........7e
4 lines E. 0. D., colege year.......c
100 lines used as desired.... .....9c
'300 lines used as desired...........8c
1,000 lines used as desired .......... 7c
2,000 lines usedas desired........c
The above rates are per reading line,
based on eight, reading lines per inch.
Ionic type, upper and lower case. Add
6c per line to above rates for all capital
letters. Add 6c per .lineto above for
bold face, upper and lower case. Addl
10c per line to above rates for bold face
c0.pital letters.
The above rates are for 7% point type.
FOR SALE-Small ice box. Almost
new. Cheap. Phone 2-2071. 253
ONE COT BED, one single bed, mat-
tresses, all practica.lly new. Phone
5624. 255
FINANCE CO.-Is selling late model
cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron.
2-2001. Open evenings. 19c
WASHING-And ironing. Called for
and delivered. Silks and woolens'
guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3478.
611 Hoover. 15c
STUDENT - And family washing
careful work at lowest prices. Ph.
3006. 6c
LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044.
Towels free. Socks darned. 13c
EAT-Lunch 20c, 25c, 30c. Dinner
30c, 35c, 40c. My-T-Fine, 105 S.
Thayer. 249
paper, paint. Samples, estimates.
Home Decorators since 1905. Dial
8107 or 7600. 30c
library. Se daily. Clean covers. Uni-
versity Music House. 10:30 to 5:30.

SUITE-With private bath, near
campus, faculty family, no other
roomers; for men; especially desir-
able for faculty members. Garage.
3280. 245
ROOMS-Single or double. Nicely
furnished; shower baths. Close to
campus and rent $2 per week. 523
Packard. 251
POR RRENT-Single room for grad-
uate women at 703 Huron Ave.
DESIRABLE--Well furnished double
or single room for me nin private
home on campus. Phone 2-3651.
PLEASE-Return Mallory hat taken
from Psychology discussion class
Wednesday night. Reward. 1243
Washtenaw Ave. 256
LOST-C. C. M. Special Hockey
Skate, left foot. Reward offered.
H. E. Johnson. Phone 6860.
LOST-Slide rule in 2300 E. Engi-
neering Building. Finder call 3665
or 502 E. Jefferson St. for reward.
student to work for room and
board. Must understand plain
cooking. Call 8081 for appoint-
ment. 257
TYPING - Typing carefully done.
V e r y moderate rates. 0. K.
Thacher. Phone 6734. 10c
TYPING-Grad. theses a specialty.
M. V. Hartsuff, 9067. 40c
TYPING-Notes, papers, and Grad.
These. Clyde Heckart, 3423. 35c
Road'house Murder"


183: Development of the English Novel. This class will not
L. A. Strauss

University Lecture: Mr. T. S. Eliot will speak on "Edward Lear and
Modern Poetry" at 4:15 p. in., Tuesday, January 24, in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre. The public is invited.
Mr. Allen A. Twichell will discuss the exhibit on "Hillside Housing" at
1:00 p. m., in the third floor exhibition room, Architectural Building. The
exhibit consists of models, drawings, and photographs. The public is in-
Physical Education Club wishes to announce that their winter party
will be a "hard-times" affair with dancing, novelty numbers, bowling and
refreshments for the evening's entertainment. Coach and Mrs. Fielding
H. Yost will act as chaperones. 9:00 to 1:00 Women's Athletic Building.
Club members and by invitation.
Members of the Education School Faculty and the Coaching Staff are
cordially invited to attend the Men's Physical Education Club winter party,
9:00 to 1:00. Women's Athletic Building.
Women's Rifle Club: The Club picture for the 'Ensian will be taken'
at 4 p. m. on the rifle range.
Scalp and Blade: All members will meet at Dey's Studio. The picture
will be taken promptly at 5 o'clock.
Michigan Technic Staff Picture today at 5:15 at Rentschler's Studio,
319 E. Huron, This includes both Senior and Junior staffs.
Michiganensian Business Staff: Short meeting for men staff members
at 3':30.
Art Cinema League: Tonight is the last chance to see The Cabinet Of
Dt* Caligari, at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Reservations, phone 6300.
All seats reserved. Special added attraction, Charlie Chaplin comedy. Box-
office open 10:00 a. m. to 10:00 p. m.
Reading Examinations in French: The examination to be given by the
Department of Romance Languages on Saturday, January 21, will be held
in Room 108, Romance Language Building, at 9:00 a. m.
Senior Mechanical Engineers: Dr. C. F. Hirschfeld, Director of Re-
sarch Tahnratnries .Dtrnit Edisnn 'nmnanv will o.aivi a talr on Manda

"Many people move from their
homes into apartments because they
don't want the extra bother connect-
ed with keeping a house. In these
group houses one does not have to
bother with a furnace or hot water
heater, for this work is done as in
an apartment. You still have all the
individuality of a private home with
the added advantage of an apart-
"In this hillside housing plan, the
houses are so constructed as to have
an unobstructed view in at least one
direction," he said. This is a feature
of which private homes can seldom
boast. Furthermore' the groups are so
built that each family has its pri-
vate entrance."

Only three safeties were scored
in the Rocky mountain football con-
ference last season. Conference
teams scored 144 touchdowns, but
converted on only 55 attempts for
the extra point.


Dance Demonstration: A group
from this campus and a group from
the Detroit City College will present
a program showing what they are
doing in the dance on Saturday, Jan-
uary 21, at 2:15 in Barbour Gym-
Liberal Students Union: Prof. A.
H. White, head of the Department of
Chemical Engineering, will speak on
"Technocracy." Unitarian church,
Sunday, 7:30 o'clock. At the morning
church service, Mr. Marley will speak
on "Our Vanishing Insulls."

F t
~Your Song...
Every feminine heart understands the subtle love story
written in the language of flowers. Whether it be sweet-
heart, wife, mother, or friend, she will recognize and
appreciate your message in a gift of sweet-scented

A Comedy Drama with
Joan Blondell Alan Dinehart
Harry Langdon

Musical Brevity


Il- eCP iI % WVI'Z&4tV '

- ,

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