The Weather Moderately colder Friday, Saturday increasing cloudiness and slightly warmer. L SirA Pait Editorials The J-Hop Gets Back On I Own Feet; Mass Educati Production Soils White Colla VOL. XLHI No. 85 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 20, 1933 PRICE FI _________________________________________________________________________________________________ N W I Hospital Rush During Month Sets A Record Precautionary Measures Taken As Post-Holiday Influx Taxes Facilities 1,200 Patients Are Under Care Daily Increase In Colds, Influ- enza Is Greatest; Staff TemporarilyEnlarged Compulsory Physical Education Dissatisfies Majority Of Co-Eds Undergraduate women are dissatis- fied with the present system of re- quired physical education, a survey of more than 250 women, conducted by The Daily, disclosed last night, A total of 224 undergraduates indi- cated by signed statements that they were opposed to the two-year com- pulsory "body building" program and stated that they were in favor of having no required gymnasium work or only one year of the program. Forty-one favored the present sys- tem. The consensus of opinion was that the physical education program shouldbe made sufficiently attractive so that women would want to take part in it of their own accord and not because they were forced to do so. Many stated that one of the prin- cipal objections to the present sys- tem is that there are two hours of work required each week and more than one hour of this time is wasted in changing from street to gym- nasium clothes. Several persons interviewed said that they were opposed to the two- year compulsory program but added that the golf, tennis, and horseback riding classes were excellently con- ducted and that they would continue taking these of their own volition if the requirements were lifted. Of the 224 opposed to the present system, 115 were against any sort of compulsory training and 109 favored a one-year program ;similar to that required for women students in the College of Engineering and the Col- lege of Architecture. A general poll of eight sororitiesl showed the following attitudes: Delta Gamma unanimously voted against the required program. The general opinion was that the time spent in the gymnasium could be bet- ter employed and that the exercise obtained there was not necessary. Delta Delta Delta disapproved of the present system by a two-thirds vote. Members said they believed that one year was sufficient and that not enough exercise was obtained in half an hour. They stated further (Continued on Page 5) The terday. The after the h such propo versity Hospital has been more patients during the ys than during any sim- , since the building was 1925, it was learned at the (ministration offices yes- rush began immediately iolidays and has been of rtions that facilities are xtra-precautionary meas- ing taken to prevent dis- spreading among the per- w Haynes, director of the ttributed the increase to ause, but suggested that nic conditions might be tain persons to take ad- the facilities of the hos- e they can be treated at st. "During January, year he said, "the hospital ore patients than during month. do not know e cause of such a condi- pitaI, al single c econoz cing cer tage of il. wher n over 1,200 per- il each day for the Haynes said. "We eds here, and as a s have been taxed ation of diseases on are concerned. getting along quite cumstances." s been in all forms the greatest in- Ids, influenza, and Llet fever. - increased sickness, d the staff as well ber of nurses have rom Detroit. There extra-precaution- the part of those 11 members of the pected to gargle and masks to pre- e being worn in students )emocracy Democrats Kill Reorganization Plan In House Cloture To 'Stop Huey's Filibuster Fails By One Vote; Split Continues WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. - - Democrats in the House voted solidly: today, killing President Hoover's re- trouping program while the bitter party row in the Senate reached its" ;limax in an unsuccessful attempt to :orce a limit debate and stop the alibuster of Sen. Huey Long. The cloture rule failed by only one rote, but immediately after, the weary battlers agreed to limit dis- .ussions on the Glass banking- bill. There was no healing the breach, however, between Long and his fol- .owers, and the more conservative majority of the party which followed; Senator Robinson of Arkansas, the mninority leader. Every House Democrat who record- d himself voted for a resolution dis- approving President Hoover's pro- posal to regroup and realign 68 gov- ernment agencies. The vote was 203 to 176. Three Republicans-LaGuar- dia of New York, Peavey of Wiscon- sin, and McFadden of Pennsylvania -voted with the Democrats. It means the end of Mr. Hoover's regrouping efforts, but the Democrats plan to give President-Elect Roose- velt broader powers to achieve con- solidation. Once the result on the cloture vote was announced today, the feeling that has accumulated during the fili- buster by Long on the banking bill flared up. - Senator Thomas (Dem., Okla.),; who opposed the measure by the Vir- ginia Senator, said it was an attempt to "enslave" the people. Flushed with anger, Robinson called such a suggestion "unaccount- able and incomprehensible." This led to bitter words with Long himself. Strong Wind Causes Minor Damage In City Gale Reaches 60 Miles An Hour In West Part Of Michigan; 17.2 Here The gale which swept across the state yesterday caused considerable minor damage in Ann Arbor. From 7 p. m. Wednesday until 7 p. m. Thursday 415.7 miles of wind blew through the city at an average ve- locity of 17.2 miles per hour. Branches, broken from trees,were sent scurrying through city streets by the force of the wind, and signs all over the city were torn down and' knocked over. On sign gaily wrappedf itself about a telephone pole. The police department' reported last night that there were no casual- ties and no serious damage, although' a tin roof blew off a shack owned by the International Radio Co. The Detroit Edison Company said it had suffered considerable dam- age with its lines in surrounding neighborhoods, but the only trouble of importance in this city occurred when a telephone pole at the Ann Arbor city water works was blown over. There was no delay in service, however, as the pole was soon fixed. The University observatory an- nounced that at 7 a. m. the tempera- ture was 53.5 At 7 p. m. it had de- scended Ito 34.7 and at 11 p. m. was still going down and had reached 31. STATE COUNTS DAMAGE DETROIT, Jan. .19.-P)--A 50- mile gale sweeping through clear skies across Michigan blew ill will to a score of localities today, piled the waves high on Lakes Michigan, Hu- ron and Erie, and at the same time sped two aviators through the sky to new speed records. Scattered cities, particularly along the Lake Michigan shore and in De- troit, reported damage from the wind, although no serious injuries were listed. Plans Under Way To Slash Athletic Costs Proposition Of O.S.U. For Housing Visiting Teams In Fraternities Not Liked Fraternities Would Bear Burden, Claim Proposal Aims To Keep Up Competition In Minor Intercollegiate Sports A plan to slash athletic expenses in Big Ten universities by keeping visiting athletes in fraternity houses, proposed by the Interfraternity Council at Ohio State University, re- ceived a cold reception from the Uni- versity Athletic Board yesterday. "We do not feel that it is any time to attempt such a plan," said Coach Fielding H. Yost, last night, "as it would place too much of a burden on the fraternities. The board will not encourage it in any way." Athletic teams in all sports except football, basketball and track would stay in fraternities when they played' away from home, according 'to the plan forwarded by the council at Ohio State. The proposal is aimed to keep going minor sports which would be forced to give up intercollegiate competition because of the reduced budgets of athletic boards. Edwin T. Turner, '33, president of the Interfraternity Council, and Dean Joseph A. Bursley will go to Colum- bus soon after the beginning of thee second semester, to study the Inter- fraternity Council organization at Ohio State University. They will dis- cuss the plan at that time, according to Turner, and report any new find- ings to the Interfraternity Council and Athletic Board here. The attitude of the coaches was interpreted by those connected with the council at the.tl1lig9$prd did -no walt to '~ie the Plaii on tibc houses. If the proposal receives the whole-hearted support of the fra- ternities, however, it is elieved that the board would welcome it. Good Will Fund Is Still Below $2,000 Partial reports submitted yesterday by team captains of amounted .col- lected thus far in the Good Will drive did not change the relative standings of. total collections by individual teams and showed that the fund was still below $2,000, it was announced last night. Several captains were unable to declare their collections since many workers are still soliciting. Fraternity subscriptions also were difficult to estimate because members are mak- ing individual pledges to be totaled in checks from house managers at the end of the month. Women were still in the lead in total amounts subscribed with $407.20 being turned in by Catherine Heesen, '33, which was collected from sorori- ties and league houses. Elsie Feld- man, '33, also reported $202.21 which was given by residents of Mosher- Jordan dormitory. Interfraternity Council, Sphinx, and Vulcans led the district teams in money collected in the order named. Sundwall Will Discuss Medical Costs In Detroit Findings of the Committee on the Costs of Medical Care, which were recently reported at a meeting of prominent physicians in New York, will be discussed by Dr. John Sund- wall, professor of hygiene and public health and a member of the com- mittee, before a meeting of 250 physi- cians tonight at Grace Hospital' Detroit. The committee's report has raised much discussion among the medical fraternity. Members could not agree on the findings and a majority and a minority report were prepared. Ac- cording to Dr. Sundwall, however, there are points of similarity in both reports. Coroner Selects Jury For McCallum Inquest Dr. Edwin C. Ganzhorn, coroner, yesterday announced that he had picked a jury for an inquest into the Henry Russel Position Goes To Pillsbury Psychology Department Head Honored For His1 Work In Scientific Fields Board Of Regents Approves Choice Recipient Of Award Will Give Lecture In Spring; Absent On Leave Now Prof. Walter B. Pillsbury, head of the department of psychology, has been appointed Henry Russel lecturer] for 1933, according to an announce- ment issued yesterday by the council of the Research Club of the Univer- sity. The Board of Regents approved the selection of Professor Pillsbury at its last meeting. The Henry Russel Lectureship is an honor bestowed -annually upon a member of the faculty of the Uni- versity in recognition of distinguished accomplishments in his field. It was established 10 years ago when Henry Russel, who graduated from the Law School in 1875, left a sum of $10,000 to the faculty. The income of the fund is divided into two sums which are used for two honors to faculty members, the Henry Russel Lectureship and the Henry Russel Award. The lecturer is selected among the senior 'mem-] bers of the faculty, while the award is granted to a faculty member rank- ing not higher than assistant pro-J fessor and showing promise of un- usual talent. Professor Pillsbury is an outstand- ing authority :on psychology. He is author of numerous books on the subject, a member of several scien- tific societies, and a frequent con- tributor to psychological magazines. He earned his doctorate at Cornell University in 1896, and has been a 'member of tie Michigan facultyjince, f'si and head of the epartment of psychology since 1910. Professor Pillsbury is absent on leave this semester, but will be back in the spring. The lecture will be schedule late in the second semester. The winner of the Henry Russel Award will be announced the evening of the lecture, according to custom. Big Ones Are Minnows Compared To Ancestors DELAWARE, 0., Jan. 19.-VP)- When fishermen become tired of talking about the big ones that "got away" in 1932 they can turn their attention to the monsters that swam over Ohio back 130 million years ago. The "big ones" were minnows by comparison. Dr. Lewis G. Westgate, a geology professor at Ohio Wesleyan Univer- sity, and Richard P. Fischer, a grad- uate, tell about the fish, "10 feet in length and millions in number" in a paper they prepared. There was no one to catch them, these fish whose remains are found in the bonebed that separates the two Devonian Age limestone depos- its in central Ohio northward to Lake Erie. The big salt-sea in which they swam was pre-glacial and had no connection with the post-glacial fresh water great lakes. Healthy Man's Ride In Ambulance Nearly Fatal Riding as a perfectly healthy passenger in an ambulance bring- ing a patient to University Hos- pital, Joseph Genovese, '1425 Sixth St., Detroit, yesterday afternoon opened the door to throw out a bottle, fell out himself, and re- ceived injuries serious enough to necessitate his removal to the hospital where he is suffering from head injuries and bruises. The ambulance owned by the DeLuxe Ambulance Company and driven by Emil Rentner, 1930 Brainard St., Detroit, was trans- ferring Jennett Genovese from Detroit to the University Hospital. When the car was on the Ann Ar- bor Trail in Superior Township, about eight miles from Ann Arbor, Genovese fell out of the open door. The accident occurred at 2:30 p. m. Proposal For Huron Wate r Supply Debated Exploration Of Districts For More Underground Wells Suggested Budget Sl1as Would Clos Two Norma But Veteran Legislat Say Democrat Progn Lacks Needed Suppo Colleges To Face Knife Not Specifi In a two hour session which fre- quently threatened to' become acri- monious, members of the Ann Arbor Taxpayers' League debated a pro- posal to take the city's future water' supply from the Huron River at a meeting in City Hall last night. Prof. H. C. Andersony of the me- chanical engineering department and Mr. R. T. Dobson, prominent Ann Arbor business man, spoke in favor of the play, while Frank Leverett. well known geologist, suggested ex- ploring the district west of the city for an increased supply of under- ground water.. As a member of the Citizens' Com- mittee formed to study the problem1 of Ann Arbor's water supply, Prof. Anderson said, "There are probably only one or two cities in Michigan~ which have worse water than Ann Arbor, We are spending money," ,he continued, "to try in some way to improve it. There are 2,000 water softeners in this city and they cost about $125 to $150 each. Our water,1 furthermore, is continuously getting worse while we are 'continuously spending more money. "The water we use and drink every day," he declared, "is a disgrace, and I don't hestitate to say it. Other cities have taken river water, put it through a filtration plant, and it has come out as beautiful, clear, and ab- solutely pure water. Why cannot Ann Arbor do the same thing?"" Leveretthrecalled that Pontiac spent $1,000,000 for a filteration plant, was completely disappointed with the water which resulted, and is now returning to'underground water. Saying that he didn't see any- thing, the matter with Ann Arbor water, he warned against the taxpay- ers undertaking an experiment as costly as that of the Pontiac taxpay- ers. The last speaker was R. T. Dob- son. "The University," he said, "is the city's best customer. Eventually they intend to go to the river for their supply, and if they do that be- fore the entire city does, it means loss of revenue of $30,000 a year. This is, obviously, bad business. If I had a $30,000 a year customer I'd keep him." Senate Committee Als Weighs Revision Of R tirenient Fund Statute LANSING, Jan. 19.-(A')-Veter members of the legislature tod doubted that Democratic leaders the Senate finance and appropr tions committee could muster sul cient support for a contemplat program which would include t closing of two state normal colleg Chairman Henry C. Glasner a other members of the committee sa they had under consideration t withdrawal of appropriations fri two normals as a part of a progra to reduce the surplus teaching loa cut expenditures, and curtail norm activities. A sharp reduction progri was also contemplated for coun normals. Members said they had no partic lar institutions among the four no mals in mind. They added, howev there was little possibility of closi the Northern State Teachers' C lege at Marquette inasmuch as serves the entire upper peninsula. The Democratic leaders cited total state appropriation in excess $2,350,000 for the normals last ye Teachers, they said, are begging jobs and many courses at the U versity and Michigan State colle are duplicated at the normals. Chairman Glasner, also announc the finance committee planned revise the teachers retirement ft status to bring about greater prot former secretary of fund board, was co bezzlement and is si term in the Detroit rection. Mrs. Knieslcy was1 $10,000, leaving a los ers of about $27,000. for Economist To Gi Talk Here Satui Iu "Democracy today is scorned by 95 per cent of the university stu- dents," said Prof. Roger Hall, of Al-, bion College yesterday in a speech at Lane Hall. "Students maintain that democracy has nothing to contribute to the political situation." Professor Hall has recently return- ed from a trip to Europe where he made an extensive study of social conditions, "There are throughout the world," he estimates, "20 to 30; million people out of work. Yet there is not only an economic breakdown but also a spiritual and ethical breakdown." "Our present order," stated Pro- fessor Hall, "is economically anti- quated and morally indefensible. It is economically antiquated because it cannot carry its own debts. It is morally indefensive because it is founded on the exploitation of man. Class consciousness with its many strata makes this possible. "A great religious spiritual revival is our only hope for the recovery of our present social order," he said. Yet Professor Hall admitted he was as yet undecided as to whether or not he would support any new re- ligious movement affecting this end. English Poet And Critic Will Lecture Here Jan. 23 T. S. Eliot. English critic and poet, will speak at 4:15 p. m. Tuesday in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on the subject, "Edward Lear and Modern Poetry." The appearance :is spon- sored by the University as one of the series -of University lectures, and the public is invited. Mr. Eliot is editor of an -English review, the "Criterion." He writes verse, but is better known as an au- thority on Seventeenth and Eight- eenth Century literature. Although a resident of England "Culture and the Crisis" will be ti subject of a talk by Scott Nearin economist, to be held at 8 p. n Saturday in Natural Science Aud torium. According to members of the Mich igan branch of the National Studer League, which is sponsoring the di cussion, Mr. Nearing is well qualifle to speak on the subject. He was fo merly connected with the Universi of Pennsylvania, the University Toledo, and Swarthmore Colleg where he held a position as profe sor of economics. "In order to acquaint himself wi situations of world wide importanc Mr. Nearing has travelled extensive During his travels, he has made careful study of conditions in Russ and is an authority on the Far Ea question," A. A. Andrews, meml of the league, said. Mr. Nearing has just finished series of lectures in Detroit on s vial and economic problems of I day. Automobile Manufacturers Seek Economy In New Car Models Watkins Advances New Plan To Safeguard Commercial Banking By GEORGE M. HOLMES Visitors to the Detroit Automobile i Show, which opens today at Conven- tion Hall will find that the manufac- turers have turned their efforts from the extension of large-scale produc- tion which was the aim of all large concerns when sales were high and have sought instead to improve their products and procure a huge meas- ure of economy in the manufacturing of motor vehicles, according to Prof. Walter E. Lay of the department of mechanical engineering. Although the eye of the casual observer is first attracted by the in- creasingly popular streamlining of new models, this is not the only im- provement. "In fact," said Professor Lay; "engineers were very much sur- prised with the public approval given the streamlined innovations, as it had been considered that the cover- ing up of al protruding harts and the rounding of all body corners would meet with disfavor. However, - Much of the effort in starting has also been eliminated. "To start my present car," said Professor Lay, "I find it necessary to do four things: turn on the ignition, pull out the choke, depress the starter pedal, and step on the accelerator. These four operations have been reduced to two on several of the new models in which there is a combination starter and choke which works automatic- ally. Starting is accomplished by turning on the ignition and depress- ing the accelerator, two simple op- erations. "The economy in production is readily 'demonstrated," continued Professor Lay, "by the fact that a car in the lower price range is often sold for less than 20 cents a pound, cheaper by the pound than good steak, despite the large quantities of expensive materials, such as cop- per, nickel, rubber, and aluminum, Ilenr i" 4-c nno4s~zi+4-ia. 1 By JOHN W. PRITCHARD I Support of deposit insurance and several other proposals for the im- provement of commercial banking were advanced by Prof. Leonard L. Watkins of the economics depart- ment in an interview yesterday. The views of Professor Watkins were an elaboration of a point stress- ed in an earlier interview, by Prof. Morris A. Copeland, also of the eco- nomics department, when the latter suggested a five-point move in the direction of American economical improvement. "The possibilities of deposit guar- antee have not been exhausted by the disastrous ends to which deposit guarantee schemes have come in a number of states," Professor Wat- kins stated. "Because of the several ailures of the system in these states many have concluded that deposit up with respect to entrance of banks into these systems. Too little em- phasis was given to the prevention of bank .failures, simply because de- posit insurance was in orce. "2. Furthermore, the subscriptions required of banks were based on crude actuarial " bases-that is, the contributions required of banks were in many cases were insufficient to cover the risk of failure. "3. The operation of these plans was confined to narrow, specialized areas, so that there was insufficient diversification of the banks in each of the systems-in other words, ser- ious troubles in the agricultural belt usually meant the breakdown of the plan. "I believe, with a good many other people, that a deposit guarantee sys- tem set up on a national scale might be so organized as to avoid the pit- falls which have overcome these Glee Club Will Give Half- Ilour Prograin Sunda A half-hour program by the Va sity Glee Club over Station WJ scheduled for 8:15 p. m. Sunda Jan. 22, was announced recently. T program will feature "The Galla Fleet," a solo by Mondel E. Butte field, Spec. SM., a present memb of the club. In addition to several Michig; songs, the program will inclu "Down Among the Dead Men," Williams; "In Joseph's Lovely Ga den," by Dickinson; and "The Agi court Song," by Willan. Negotiations are being complet for a concert in Toledo late in Fe ruary or early in March, to be spo sored by the University of Michig Club of Toledo, it was learned. 'I glee club will entertain at a pai given by the education school TuE