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January 19, 1933 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-19

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The Weather
Rain and warmer Thursday;
Friday partly cloudy and


Sifr igant



Let The J-Hop Stand On Its
Own Feet; Compulsory Tooth-
brushing For Undergraduates.





To Confer
General Subjects Will Be
Discussed Rather Than
Any Specific Problems,
President-Elect Says

Hayden Lashes Philippine Bill;
Sees PossibilityOf Rejection

)osing Array Of
otables In Party
ing With Secretary
State Also Indicate.
A Possibility During
esent Stay At Capital
V YORK, Jan. 18.-(W)-Presi-
lect Roosevelt regards Friday's
.g with President Hoover as an
unity to "talk things over in
," rather than a conference on

The bill for Philippine indepen-
dence which Congress has just
passed over the President's veto was
termed yesterday by Prof. Joseph R.
Hayden, of the political spience de-
partment, as "sordid, selfish, and
serving special interests in this coun-
try rather than either the country as
a whole or the Philippines."
"Contrasted with the spirit in
which we took the Philippines, the
spirit and process by which we are
abandoning them is evidence of na-
tional degeneration," Professor Hay-
den declared in an interview.
Hits Huey Long
"From the leadership of McKinley,
Elihu Root, 'and William Howard
Taft to that of the 'Louisiana King-
fish' is evident retrogression," he
According to Professor Hayden
there are three provisions in the bill
which may easily operate to block
the grant of ultimate independence
which the bill is designed to give.
The Philippine legislature is author-
ized in the bill to call a convention
to meet and draft a Constitution,
which must be accomplished within
a year of January 17, when the bill
was passed. The Philippine legisla-
ture, Professor Hayden explained, is
not directed to call this convention,
and may choose not to.
Two More Hurdles
If the convention is called and acts
two further hurdles will be encoun-
tered in the bill's provisions that the
Constitution must meet with the ap-
provalof the President of the United
States, and must be ratified in pleb-
iscite of the Philippines, both with-
in two years of January 17.

Professor Hayden believes that re-
sentment in the islands against the
provisions of the bill may prove
strong enough either to cause the
legislature to refuse to call the con-
stitutional convention, or to bring
about the constitution's rejection at
the ensuing plebiscite.
A number of "unfair" provisions
were enumerated by Professor Hay-
den as reasons for the resentment
that has been aroused against the
bill in the Philippines. Some of these
That the United States is to be
granted a perpetual right to main-
tain a military base in the islands.
That during the ten years before
the proposedindependencetis to take
effect no restrictions are to be im-
posed by the islands on U. S. exports
to them, although limitations are to
be imposed by the United States on
the quantities of the most important
products of the islands exported to
this country.
Regulations Unfair
That during these ten years Amer-
icans in unlimited numbers are to
be permitted to enter the islands,
while only 50 Filipinos are to be ad-
mitted each year to this country.
That the United States shall re-
tain sovereignty during the said ten
years, and will maintain powerful in-
fluences in the islands.
That the United States shall have
power during the ten years to regu-
late the international relations of
the Philippines.
Professor Hayden asserted that, if
independence is granted under these
terms, the islands will very probably
(Continued on Page 6)

;papermen this today
d that he did not
ng particular to be ex-
meeting. He did not
ie .would accompany
te House.
the On Train
n imposing array of
:paring to accompany
n the train to Wash-
aorrow, including Nor-
American arms con-
; William H. Woodin,
and Prof. Raymond
er two are close advi-
indicated that Mr.
t have another meet-
in Washington with.
on who conducted the
tween the President
t-elect for Friday's


Japanese Riot
Badly Damages
Ambassador Asks Police

to the use of
in newspaper
House meet-


)tection Of American
-es And Property

Lson here
ation for
late last

elations Talked
feral things he and
11 talk over Friday it
iat foreign relations
hem. Ever since his
ti Secretary Stimson,
of his more import-
been identified with

New York a meeting of the
cil on Foreign Relations was
tonight-in the headquarters of
council immediately next door
ie Roosevelt home on E. Sixty-
ch Democratic statesmen as
W. Davis, former ambassador
reat Britain and former Demo-
c Presidential nominee, and
on D. Baker, a member of the
on cabinet, attended. They are
bers of the Council.
ippen Shows
ictures Made
For Teaching


TOKIO, Jan. 18.---(P---The de-
struction of valuable equipment and
records in a riot of disgruntled em-
ployees at the Singer Sewing Ma-,
chine Co. branch at Yokohama to-
day, caused American Ambassador
Joseph C. Grew to request the Jap-
anese Government to make an im-
mediate investigation and to pro-
vide adequate police protection for
American life and property.
The rioters, nearly 200 strong,
swarmed through the building,
smashing typewriters and furniture,
damaging safes, breaking doors and
windows and tearing up installment
sale contracts and other documents.
Richard McCleary, representative
of the New York headquarters of the
company, said that the loss was
"likely to reach several hundred
thousand yen." The yen is worth
about 20 cents.
"I am unable to undestand how
nearly 200 men were able to assemble
and raid the premises in the heart
of Yokohama without the police be-
ing able to halt them," Mr. McCleary
W. L. Malone, a member of the
Singer staff, said that most of the
rioters were armed with cordwood
clubs. A motor car dumped a load
of these clubs in front of the build-
ign at the beginning of the attack,
Mr. Malone declared.
The riot climaxes a series of labor
troubles which began last summer
when a group of employees struck
against a 10 per cent pay reduction.
Foreign Minister Viscount Yasyau
Uchida promised Ambassador Grew
that the investigation would be made
and that American lives and prop-
erty would be protected.
A total of 138 Japanese were held
by the Yokohama police in connec-
tion with today's raid.
League To Attempt
Conciliation Again
GENEVA, Jan. 18.-(IP)-Although
finding the Japanese counter-propo-
sals inacceptable, the special com-
mittee of the League of Nations con-
sidering the Sino-Japanese situation
has decided to give conciliation one
more chance and has asked Japan
if they would waive other objections
to the assembly's plan of procedure if
the assembly agreed not to invite
non-member states to participate in
the negotiations for settlement.
A majority of the committee felt
it might be possible to yield to the
opposition of Japan to inviting the

Naval Reserve k
To Take Large
Quota In 1933
Applicants Are To Attend
Different Camps Beforet
Selection As Aviators
From 10 to 20 students in the Uni-
versity will be chosen for the navall
air service in the examinations to bel
held this spring, officials said yester-(
day. The number depends on thet
group successfully passing the tests.
The United States Navy Depart-1
ment at Washington annually selectst
a number of college graduates to be 1
trained and commissioned as Naval
Reserve aviators. Word has been re-.
ceived here from Lieut. Charles D.t
Williams, commanding officer of the
naval base at Grosse Ile, that this
district has been allowed a generous
share of candidates this year.
Graduates who are citizens of the
United States, single and not overj
27 years old are eligible to take the
required physical examination. 1
Flight training will be given in two'
periods; an elimination course of 30
days at the naval reserve aviation
base, Great Lakes, Ill., and an ad-
vanced training of ten months at the
naval air station, Pensacola, Fla.,
for a period of ten months in the
same classes with officers of the reg-
ular navy.]
The syllabus calls for approxi-
mately 275 flying hours and, by the1
time the student is through the;
course, he will have experience ins
flying all types of service aircraft,
from single-seater fighters to twin-
engined, seven ton patrol flying
boats. Upon completion of the ad-
vanced training the candidate is
commissioned, designated N a v a l
Aviator, and sent for active duty
with the fleet's aircraft squadrons.
Students are furnished their uni-
forms, quarters, transportation, and
are on the pay status of an enlisted
man with additional pay as a stu-+
dent aviator.
Those who are interested should
-communicate with Ensign Marius
Lodeesen, U.S.N.R., 522 S. 4th Ave.,
telephone 6430.
Blame For Suicide
Placed On Stalin'
BERLIN, Jan. 18.-(P)-Leon Trot-
zky has fixed upon Joseph Stalin the
responsibility for the recent suicide
here of Trotzky's daughter Zinaida.
In a letter from his exile home
in the Island of Prinkipo to the Cen-
tral Committee of the Communist
Party, he asserts that Stalin's de-
cree of February, 1932, depriving the
whole Trotzky family of Russian cit-
izenship, shattered his daughter's

Budget Plans,
Abandoned In
This Session
Action On Tax Legislation
And Farm Relief Is Also
Doubtful, Leaders Say
Cloture Rule Asked
On Glass Bank Bill
Michigan Senator Blocks
Compromise That Might
Have Prevented Ruling
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.-(P)-
Leaders of Congress today aban-
doned plans for balancing the budget
before March 4, leaving this ques-
tion to the seemingly inescapable
special session to follow.
Along with tax legislation, the fu-
ture of repeal, beer legislation, and
farm relief bills were clouded for
the remainder of this session. A fur-
ther delay for the domestic allotment
farm relief plan was seen in the de-
cision by Chairman McNary of the
Senate agriculture committee to hold
hearings on the bill.
Beer Bill Revised
The beer measure that the House
sent to the Senate has been rewrit-
ten in committee and will not be re-
ported out until next week. Repeal
resolutions have little better prospect
for an early vote.
A test which may decide the course
of pending legislation in the Senate
comes tomorrow in the vote on
adopting a cloture rule to limit de-
bate on the Glass banking bill, which
has been paralyzed by the long fili-
A compromise might have been
worked out today which would have
prevented the cloture vote, but Sen-
ator Couzens (Rep., Mich.) insisted
that the Senate go ahead with it. He
intimated that some leading Repub-
licans were enjoying the row among
the Democrats and were willing to
see the Senate tied up indefinitely.
Committees on both sides worked
aWan y ou rie 'bills."Pro-
posed bankruptcy measures which
have been endorsed by President
Hoover were before the House judi-
ciary committee, but it again failed
to report the measures.
The House debated the war de-
partment appropriation bill and in
the Senate, Senator Watson, (Rep.,
Ind.) proposed a treaty pledging
world powers to slash armament ap-
propriations five per cent yearly for
the next ten years.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.-(PA)-An
extra session of the new Congress be-
came a certainty tonight with the
abandonment of Democratic plans
for the enactment of budget balanc-
ing legislation at the present session.
All Democratic quarters conceded
that President-elect Roosevelt will
convene the 73rd congress to put into
law the party's fiscal program about
mid-April, six weeks or so after he
takes over the administration.
The party's representation on the
House ways and means committee,
which initiates all revenue raising
legislation, agreed today at a closed
conference to defer action on the
budget balancing program outlined
at the meeting of party chieftains
and President-elect Roosevelt in New
York two weeks ago.
11 Students -to
Talk In Speech

Contest Finals
Speakers Selected From
Sections In Course 31;
To Talk Five Minutes
Eleven students from the speech
department will talk in a final elim-
ination contest at 2:45 p. m. Thurs-
day, Jan. 19, in the Laboratory
Those speakers have been selected,
one from each of the sections in
Speech 31, as the best speakers of
their class. Each student is to have
five minutes and will talk on any
subject he chooses. The judges will
select the one best speaker to whom
will be presented an appropriate
medal by the Oratorical Association.
This program is under the direc-
tion of John W. Lederle, '33, presi-
dent of the Oratorical Association.
The following students have been se-
lected to take part in the final elim-
ination - *T_ A_ Txn."ava .qRlA~ n

Money Spent
In Campaign
Not Reported
Governor Comstock Fails
To File Report Of Funds
Used With County Clerk
Action By Rapp Is
Unlikely To Occur
Says He Doesn't. Want To
Have Anything To Do In
Contesting Proceedings
Gov. William A. Comstock, whose
right to hold office was questioned
Tuesday by Republican members of
the legislature, had not filed a re-
port on campaign expenditures when
the county clerk's office closed last
Harry Atwell, county clerk, the
only Democrat holding office in
Washtenaw county, announced that
he will take action in the ComstockI
case tomorrow. He said he would at-
tempt to get an account of expendi-
tures from the governor.-A consulta-
tion with Prosecutor Albert J. Rappi
to, determine what he must legally
do is planned by Atwell, and he willl
communicate with Governor Com-;
stock later in the day. He declared,
however, that his predecessor, Clar-
amon L. Pray, should have notifieda
Mr. Comstock before the certification
of his election in December.
Pray Admits Error
Ex-Clerk Pray, who is now a can-
didate for the Republican nomina-
tion for city clerk in the March pri-
mary, admitted that he had not
given Mr. Comstock any notification
'in regard to the expene account. He
said that he had thought that this
was the duty of some state official
since the governorship was a state1
office, and that he had not known
anything about the matter until he
had read of it in the papers.
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp, a Re-
publican, said that he did not want
"to have anything to do with the
matter." He admitted thaa he could
start criminal action against Gov
Comstock 30 days after Clerk Atwell
filed a delinquency notice with the
governor, but declared that such ac-
tion would not be mandatory upon
Governor Can Discharge Rapp
He pointed out that the governor
had the power to discharge a prose-
cutor without cause and that, if he
brought criminal action, Gov. Com-
stock could discharge him before he
could carry it out, replacing him
with- a Democrat. He said that he
would leave the matter to the legisla-
ture, which, being Democratic, he be-
lieved would take no action.
The penalty for violation of the
election law consists in imprisonment
for not more than two years or a
fine of not more than $1,000. Accord-
ing to the wording of the law it ap-
peared that Governor Comstock held
his office illegally but that it was
practically impossible to remove him.
Hindenburg Bans
Coming Land Sales
BERLIN, Jan. 18.-(W)--The cloak
of immunity from forced auction was
thrown over the farmers-mostly big
landowners-of Eastern Germany in
an emergency decree forbidding
forced sales Oct. 31.
In the concession President Paul
von Hindenburg reversed Chancel-
lor Kurt von Schleicher, who here-
tofore stood pat against the idea, de-
siring to take portions of land from
these huge estates which have prov-

ed incapable of being operated suc-
cessfully and to subdivide them into
settlements for the unemployed.

Druggists Urge
Passage Of Bill
To Rule Trade
'Incompetence' Of Medical
Profession Assailed By
John H. Muyskens
Leading druggists of the state and
nation joined in a plea for the pas-
sage of the Capper-Kelly bill to legal-
ize contracts between manufacturers
and retailers at the annual meeting
of the Washtenaw County Druggists'
Association at Masonic Temple last
Both Carl Weeks, Des Moines drug
manufacturer, and Julius Rieman-
schneider, past secretary of the Na-
tional Association of Retail Drug-
gists, assailed Sen. James Couzens for
his opposition to the Capper-Kelly,
asserting that they would try to make
a convert of the senator. Senator
Couzens re-affirmed his attitude in
a letter addressed to the meeting.
Weeks asserted that "merchandis-
ing today is a refined form of slavery.
"If we must go on," he asked, "with-
out profit, why not have communism?
If our system is to continue, we must
regulate prices to eliminate cut-
throat competition."
Harry Kipke, head coach of the
Michigan football team, addressed the
meeting briefly, reviewing some of
the highlights of the past season. Ted
Petoskey, All-American end, alsc
made a few short remarks.
Prof. John Muyskens of the re-
search department urged that the
pharmacists assume a new position
in the medical world. He suggested
that legislation be adopted, placing
the power of making prescriptions ir
the hands of the druggist rather thar
the doctor. He pointed recent case:
of accidental poisoning as evidence
that the medical profession was in-
competent. Dean Edward H. Kraus,
of the pharmacy college, gave a re-
sume of his college's history.
New officers elected by the associa-
tion for the coming year are May-
nard Richardson, of Ypsilanti, presi.
dent; Oscar Haarer, of Ann Arbor:
vice-president; and Fred Fisher, o
Ypsilanti, secretary-treasurer.

Leaders Say Pla
Altered In Ac
With Sentiien
Students In Ge
The ban on frater
scheduled for Feb. 10, 1
the J-Hop, was removed
joint action of the J-Ho
and the Student Counc
First passed Tuesday k
cil on the recommenda
committee, the ban w,
scinded following a stat
last night by the comn
effect that the large ad
.ale would not make an
for the party necessary.
Committee Lifts
The committee also
was asking that the ban
view of "campus sentin
uhe ruling."
The action, which wot
* ibited dancing in frate
after 10 p. in. on Feb.
.gassed because it was k
there would be difficul
ickets for the J-Hop i
too many private dan
night, the committee sa
However, Ben Bernie
,hestra were secured fo
and after a large numbl
MP P nl 1thF ucs

Condition Of Auto
Still Considered

by the
as lat

Dance Ban Lifted.
By Hop Committee
And Council's Act

Regulation Will Permit Al
Groups Holding Dance
To Continue ThemWhil
Hop Is Being Held
Ticket Sale Needs
No Protection Noi


Two Ann Arbor residents lay seri-
ously injured in hospitals last night
after automobile accidents occuring
during the earlier part of the week.
Mrs. Ethel Shadford, 1517 Broadway,
was reported by St. Joseph Mercy
Hospital officials as being "just about
the same," while Loren Clem, 515'
Gott Ave., was "doing better" accord-
ing to physicians at the Eloise hos-
pital, Wayne county.
Mrs. Shadford was run down Tues-
day afternoon by a Ford truck, driven
by Rubin H. Gurk, 526 Detroit St.,
when she was crossing the intersec-
tion of Maiden Lane and Broadway.
Mrs. Shadford was accompanied by
Mrs. Pauline McCollum, wife of the
city poor commissioner, who died as
a result of injuries received in the ac-
cident early Wednesday morning.
Loren Clem was injured in an ac-
cidenton Michigan Ave. Monday
night which caused the death of Alvis
Iler, the other occupant of the car.

>fficial they must first be approved
by the Senate Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs which will meet next
week, according to Joseph A. Burs-
ley, dean of students.
Ticket Sales Continue
For the meantime, the J-Hop com-
mitteemen, led by Charles W. Jew-
att, '34, chairman, are continuing the
;ale of tickets, which may be secured
"rom them and at the Hut, the Par-
rot, the Den, Van Bovens, Slaters,
Wahrs, and the Union.
A statement issued to The Daily
ast night by Joseph Francis Zias,
33, council president. follows:
"In view of the fact that the J-
flop committee has petitioned to
have article 8 of the J-Hop rules reg-
elating house parties rescinded, be-
mause of both the excellent advance
sale of tickets and campus senti-
ment, We, the Student Council, do
approve the rejection of this rule."
Art Cinema Will
Keep Pledore To
Good Wil Fund
Contributions Continue To
Swell Total To Assist
Students Needing Help
With large advance sales for to-
night's performance of "The Cabinet
of Dr. Caligari," the Art Cinema
League board saw its way clear last
night to fulfill their temporary pledge
of $200 to the Good Will Fund.
"We believe this type of film much
more suited to the tastes of the stu-
dents and faculty than our first pic-
ture," A. A. Andrews, president of
the board, said last night.
Contributions in the form of stu-
dent donations, used clothes, and
checks from other communities con-
tinued to add to the Fund yesterday.
According to drive directors it is now
expected that a check of the fund to-
tal this afternoon will reveal that it
has passed the $2,000 mark.
Solicitors working in continuation
of the drive during this week are re-
porting gratifying results, and team
captains have stated that their indiv-
idual districts are almost completely
covered. Their final returns are to
be turned into the chairman of the
drive today and tomorrow.
Fraternities in most instances are


University Of Chicago To
Use Talking Films In
Addition To Class Work
Two talking films on scientific
subjects, the first in a proposed
series of 80 pictures to be made for
the University of Chicago, were
shown yesterday in Natural Science
Auditorium by G. C. Crippen, of the
University of Chicago Press.
In explaining the Chicago plan of
using talking motion pictures as a
supplement to regular classroom
work, Mr. Crippen said that each of
the four branches of the junior col-
lege, the physical sciences, the bio-
logical sciences, the social sciences,
and the humanities, will be provided
with 20 films.
"Oxidation and Reduction" and
"The Molecular Theory," movies now
in use in physics and chemistry
courses at Chicago, were the pictures
shown here. They make use of ani-
mated drawings as well as photo-
graphs of laboratory experiments
and of everyday occurrences.
Mr. Crippen spoke briefly on the
advantages of the movies in educa-
tion, stressing especially the fact

Science, Psychology Are Served
As Morpheus' Work Is Disrupted

What time is it when you are
asleep? Or, more specifically, what
time do you think it is? This is the
question which Eleanor C. Springer,
assistant in the psychology depart-
ment, is seeking to answer.
Accordingly students in an intro-
ductory "psych" course who have
submitted themselves for 30 hours of
experimental study have found their
night's repose seriously disrupted on
various occasions.
The plan is to give a friend of the
"subject" a list of hours at which he
is to awaken his embryonic psycho-
logist friend and ask him what time

Or later, "Seven o'clock," when the
University clock had just struck 5
a. m. In this instance only quick ac-
tion prevented an unscientific angle
playing an important part in the re-
It seems that DeWitt awakened
just in time to hear the aforemen-'
tioned, clock begin to strike. Sensing
the acuteness of the situation Parker
burst into song, drowning out the
tolls of the University class-ender,
and necessitating that the "seven
o'clock" be made answer purely in
the interest of humanity.

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