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January 18, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-18

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duty to consist in part in collecting, correlating,
and analyzing information for the use of anyone
interested in asking for it. The committee com-
posed of Professors Carrothers, Caverly, and Sta-
son is one of a number operating in different
fields to fulfill this duty.
No part of this function involves proposing
laws, drafting "model systems," or any of the
similar activities somewhat widely but quite er-
roneously imputed to it. Ii the words of President
Ruthven, "This University is not in the business
of preparing legislative programs."
That the opposite and incorrect view is held by
some is largely due to several articles which have
appeared in Detroit newspapers. It is to be as-
sumed that the errors resulted from oversight and
perhaps undue haste in the offices where they
were written and published. It is our hope that
no similar mistakes will be made in the future,
and that the present and incorrect view will be
extinguished as soon as possible.


W 1 Iy MSNF OIrtXCIVll $Ji ~IttgbK ANNAMRbxWU,4~xnl mfi
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summfler Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western conference Editorial Associa-
tonAnd the Big Teni News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not'otherise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dIsptches are reserved. --
Entered at the PostOffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Thir'd Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$.5Q. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mlai, $4.5..
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor. Mic~iga.. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-FOurth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
IT DITO ..............KARL SEWFERT
SPORTS DITOR..................JOHN W. THOMAS
7iIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
aIohn W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaa,
Brackley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber,
1tlbert Newman, Harold Wolfe.
REPORTERS: Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, A.
nllis Ball, Charles 0. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Donald
P. Blakertz, Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens,
alph G. Coulter, William G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel,
Eric Hall, John C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M.
Holmes, Walter M. Morrison, Edwin W. Richardson,
John Simpson, George Van Vieck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.,
W. Stoddard White.-
Katerne Anming, Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck,
Eeanor B. Blum, Maurine Burside, Ellen Jane Cooley,
Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Anne Dunbar,
Jeanette Duff,Carolt J. ,Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
Ion, Frances J. Manchester, Mare J. Murphy, Eleanor
1'eitoMargaret D. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet
epes,MarjoieWestern. ,
Telephone 4-1214
Z~P LITMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
AAvertising ContractsgOrvilAronsonAdvertising Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
and, -Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph iume, Allen Knuus, Russell Read, Fred Rogers,
Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
0immy, Billy Griffiths, Virginia Hartz Catherine Mc-
-eny Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried
Xathryn Stork.-
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 1933
Students Fleeced At
carpus Lecture..,
APPROXIMATELY 700 students and
townspeople paid 25 cents and
spent two hours of their time to hear a lecture
on technocracy Tuesday night and secured for
their trouble a confession and a promise from
the speaker of the evening, Oscar Ameringer.
The confession was that "he didn't khow any-
thing about technocracy but was on his way to
New York to study the movement;" the promise
was that he would be back in a year to tell them
about it.
However, Mr. Ameringer, in his speech on "As-
pects of Technocracy" did manage to talk for an
hour and fifty-five minutes on the decline of
capitalism and the disruption of the capitalistic
order. Also, he entertained his audience with
many amusing analogies.
Mr. Ameringer has said that he will return next
year and talk on the subject that he was supposed'
to talk on Tuesday. We believe that at least 650 of
the 700 present Tuesday will not return. They
feel that perhaps the next time the speaker will
talk on the Einstein Theory or give a critical
discussion of the baseball teams in the National
We are not saying that Mr. Ameringer's lecture
was not interesting and not worth the 25 cents
admission charge. But we do maintain that the
people present paid for something that they did
not get.
Perhaps the sponsors of the discussion, namely
the Michigan Socialist ub,the- Council of""Re-
ligion, and -the Student Christian Association,
were misled by advance reports of the speaker.
Whatever the case, Mr. Ameringer had no en-
lightenment to offer on his advertised subject,nas
he himself was frank enough to adit at the con-
lusion of his talk.

Committee Of Experts
And Newspaper Errors. . .
everyone's income has been cut, it
is only natural that the University should be re-
garded critically by some of the taxpayers who
help to support it. This being true, it is particu-
larly gratifying to read at this time that a faculty
committee is rendering technical aid to a public
official in a state matter.
It is pleasing to know that the University is
serving the public at a time when only the worthy
institutions can be permitted any longer to exist.
And it should further be a point of pride with
us that the assistance comes at a juncture where
expert counsel is so highly needed.
Attorney-general Patrick O'Brien's visit to the
University Monday night, in the company of his
special commission including Judge Arthur J.
Lacey and Raymond Berry, attorney of Detroit,

Screen Reflections
Dr. Caligari...........Werner Krauss
The Somnambulist,......Conrad Veidt
Jane ...... ............... Li Dagover
Francis ......... Hans von Tvaradovski
Alan .... . ... . ..... . ..Friederich Feher
Directed by Robert Wiene
"The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" nicely manages
to fulfill the requirements of art-which is some-
thing of an achievement among cinematograph-
ists. Further, the director did not confine him-
self to the single purpose of making the film an
artistic triumph, to the extent of sterilizing the
story; he strove for eitertainment value as well,
and succeeded there, too.
The work on "Caligari" a German picture, vin-
tage 1920, must be taken with a grain of salt. It is
not perfect, although it manages to surpass most
of the infrequent efforts made in this- field. But
it is probable that something very closely ap-
proaching perfection would have been reached,
had the producers been blessed with anything re-
sembling money. Conjure up in your mind the
vast sums that notoriously are expended in Holly-
wood for mediocre productions, and then compare
the pittance which was available for "Caligari"-
$2,000--chicken feed. The difference, apparently,
lies in the fact that the makers of Caligari knew
what they were going to do with their $2,000.
Scenic futurism throughout is about 75 per
cent of the picture's attraction. It was necessary,
in some way, for the makers- to carry -the spec-
tators, in a logical manner, into the tortuous
imaginings of a lunatic's brain. To do this, they
resorted to several devices which have since be-
come rather well-known: cubist backdrops, cubist
acting to match, and wierd make-up. This make-
up, incidentally, is likely at first to make the
spectator dubious as to whether the cosmetician
wasn't slightly balmy; but presently the purpose
becomes understood, and everything is all right;
A nice use of contrast in scenic arrangement
divides the picture into a prologue, a body, and an
epilogue. The so-called prologue is viewed objec-
tively, and the scenery is perfectly normal, al-
though a bit dreary. But when the hero, in a
laboring, tortured manner, commences the story
of his life as he has seen it, the backgrounds be-
some wild, madly impressionistic. This swift
,hange is at first disconcerting; but it serves to
cajole the spectators into viewing the action
through the twisted mind of Francis. And at the
finish, all is made clear, all becomes again ob-
jective, and the subtlety of the whole maniacal
vision becomes apparent.
In consideration of their respective perform-
ances, we award gold medals to Herr Veidt and
Herr Krauss, a cabbage to Herr von Tvaradovski,
and adjuniper berry to Fraulein Dagover.
'here will doubtless be divited opinions re-
garding the Charlie Chaplin added attraction. To
-the critical element among the student and fac-
ulty body we recommend for close attention
Chaplin's burlesque on the very type of emotional
acting'that was-common among the movie folk at
the time the Conedy- was ,made This two-reeler
is a very low Order of slapstick, but it has its
moments. There is also something in color about
dahlias, but we seem to have forgotten most of it.
--3. -W. P. and E. H.

of mere individualism. The combination of these
three qualities has made him an unusually well-
rounded violinist.. He has literally everything in
the range of style as well as a phenomenal tech-
nical equipment. Brilliance and solidity, precision
and fire, self expression and self immolation have
combined and united in him to result in a great
The Corelli variations, purely classical in style,
became, under his warming bow, an organism that
surged with life. He welded them into a unity
that had unsuspected emotional heights. While
perhaps not strictly seventeenth century Italian,
it was certainly an interesting Milstein.
In the unaccompanied Prelude and Gavotte of
Bach he was given his first real chance to display
the peculiar vibrancy of his tone-peculiar in that
it loses none of its solidity in spite of the singing
clarity that makes every note of musical signifi-
cance. Here again his personality constructed an
individual Bach-one in which the beauty of the
music was emphasized above the values of the
construction, a viewpoint which could be more
often imitated.
The Goldmark concerto has little particular
worth as a musical composition. It trots out one
violinist effect after another which, while it most
evidently displays the musician's equipment, only
adds to its pedantically forced lengths by this
technical show. It has some rather lovely spots
but they are reached by long stretches of arid
developments of themes which have no particular
thematic consequence-and expansions of motifs
that need considerable stretching to beconsidered
such in the first place. From the audience's stand-
point it is W fair work, from a violinist's it must
bea good one-but Milstein made it entirely bet-
ter. He proved later that he can make music out
of an etude. But, out of all the wealth of violin
literature, why waste a Milstein on such as that?
In his last group he showed himself a master
at any type of music, ranging from the Paganini
Caprice in-which every note was outstanding-and,
instead of, as commonly, monopolizing the whole
stage, the difficult technical passages were sub-
ordinated, making an extremely effective whole,
to the smooth flowing Berceuse, or the humor of
the attractive Debussy Minstrels as against the
brilliant Polonaise-exhibiting every effect of
bowing and left hand technique in a phenomenal
virtuosity thatnever lost sight of the conception
of the work as an entirety. The De Falla dance
was particularly suited to the broad sweep of his
vigorous playing and the warmth of his deep tone.
He proved that one need not imitate to reach the
public fancy-the audience was responsive to each
new disclosure and the subtle contrasts of shad-
ing which gave an interest to every phrase were
not lost on the fascinated listeners. From his atti-
tude a coldly business like performance might
:ave been expected, but while he plays' with an
almost mechanical perfection, there is nothing of
,he machine about the man behind the violin. All
;he stars must have been in their right heavens
vhen he was born-violinists have come and gone
ind been lost continuously into oblivion--but the
ippearance of a Milstein is something that will
not soon be forgotten.
He was most ably accompanied by Leon Ben-
iitzsky, a pianist whose abilities are so satisfac-
tory that one may forget about him as an indivi-
Jual and hear him only as he should be-in his
--Kathleen Murphy

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By Karl Seiffert
Three men have been taken into custody
charged with conspiring to counterfeit a popular
brand of tooth paste and antiseptic. The plot
wouldn't have worked anyway. They'd never be
able to imitate Amos and Andy.
Members of a gang of burglars declared in court
the other day that they had searched each other
after every robbery to make sure that nobody was
stealing from the rest of the gang. That wouldn't
prevent them from picking their own pockets.
Ah, starting right out with a night-club

,, _ . ,,

Rent those



through the Classified Columns of The Daily


Musical Events

Musicians have tried since time immemorable
to express the music that lies dormant in the
written notes. Some have succeeded-many have
failed, But it is rare indeed that one of them is
able to find music where there is none-to ex-
press a quality that is not there. Such a person
can truly be called a creative rather than an in-1
terpretative artist. And such a one is Milstein.l
Taking a program that would have been hack-
neyed in the hands of a lesser violinist, he, with,
the power of his personality, shaped and molded -
it into a significance that traniscended its real
worth. It would seem only just, with the limited
number of concerts, that Ann Arhor audiences
should hear- nothing but the best, and most care-
fully chosen programs. Instead there appears to
be a general tendency to"play down" to the Hill
I Auditorium concert-goers-which, in this in-
stance, did not matter as much as in former cases.
The performance made the music-but what an
event it might have been if the music had been
there in the first place.
Nathan Milstein is undoubtedly one of the out-
standing violinists of our time. Belying a preco-
cious youthfulness in appearance, he plays with a

NEWS ITEM: "Technocracy, in the opinion of
Thomas Quinn Beesley, author and crime analyst,
is seeking the goal which he says has already
been touched by racketeering. They had reached
the same conclusions, he said today." The only
difference is that somebody has to work in order
to make racketeering a success.
* *? .;
Rhode Island State College seniors recently
picked Jean Harlow, screen actress, first and
President Hoover second in a popularity contest.
Officials have not as yet been able to explain
Hoover's phenomenal showing in the poll.
Senator Robinson would probably like to
apply a little man-made silence to Mr. Long.
To paraphrase an old saw, the Senate is burn-
ing while Huey fiddles.
The Russian wheat crop has failed because of
bad management, and the government is appa-
rently ready to admit it made some cereal mis-




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