The Weather Mostly followed Thursday; cloudy Wednesday by snow or rain. rain and warmer. oil. fri ii Editorials students Fleeced At Campus Lecture; Committee Of Ex- perts And Newspaper Errors. I VOL. XLIII No. 83 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18, 1933 PRICE FIVE CENTS Philippine Bill Passes Over Hoover's Veto Independence Is Planned For Islands In 10 Years If Terms Are Accepted Executive Message Goes Disregarded Impeachment Bill Loses Again, 342 to 11; Glass Flays Huy Long WASHINGTON, Jan. 17.-(P) - A promise of 17 years was kept by Con- gress today as the Senate disregarded the President and over-rode his veto of the Philippine freedom bill, 66 to 26. With prior like action by the House, the bill immediately became law and the Islands, if they want it on the terms offered, will have free- dom in 10 years. In 1916, an act of Congress declared its intention to grant that freedom as soon as the Filipinos were ready. New Hoover Message Congress almost disregarded, also, a new Presidential message, one urg- ently commending a general sales tax and a balanced budget, and criti-I cizing the amount of appropriation reduction so far done. It lay unread while other matters were attended to but finally was taken up by both branches. Senate and House Democrats, however, listened attentively to word brought back from New York by Senator Smith (Dem., S. C.) that President-elect Roosevelt favors theT inclusion of only wheat and cotton in the allotment farm relief bill. That would mean the eliminationt of tobacco, dairy products, peanuts,t hogs, and rice, which were in the measure approved by the House.s Despite the message carried by the senator, the future of the farm billl remained as clouded as that of the beer measures also awaiting Senate action. Even if Congress approvesf them, a veto may be awaiting at the White H Mouse, and they have notE commanded the votes available for Philippine independence.- After the Philippine vote, the Sen- ate Democratic leader, Robinson ofI Arkansas, met the filibuster chal-c lenge of Senator Long of Louisiana to the Glass banking bill by taking1 steps to put into effect the drastic closure rule that would limit debate.- A two-thirds vote would be neces- sary to make Long sit down. The Louisiana Senator has supporters,a and Republicans have held off to the extent that the outcome is in doubt, The test is to come Thursday. l Seek Impeachment Again An effort by Representative Mc- Fadden (Rep., Pa.) to impeach Pres- ident Hoover bobbed up agai : today in the House. It was crushed without debate by a vote of 342 to 11. Last time he tried it lost, 361 to 8. t The Senate sent to the White House the $31,000,000 first deficiency bill, whose amendments as revised by the conferees were approved earlier in the day by the House. Chiefc among the amendments was that to have all tax refunds of more than $20,000-as finally approved-passed on by a joint Congressional commit- tee before payment by the Treasury, which the original McKellar amend-1 ment had placed at $5,000. Instead of Long Senator Glass of Virginia took the floor after the Phil- ippine vote and proceeded to lambast the Louisiana senator in return for the hammering Long has been giving him. Body Of Man Killed In Crash Is Brought Here The body of Alvis D. Iler, 1804 Lin- wood Ave., Detroit, killed in an auto- mobile accident Monday night on Michigan Ave., has been brought to the Muehlig funeral chapel and friends may call there today. Ar- rangements for the funeral were not known late last night. Loren W. Clem, 515 Gott St., who was a passenger in the car with Iler, was last night reported to be in a "serious condition" at Eloise Hos- pital, Wayne County. The accident occurred when the machine, supposedly driven by Iler, collided with a machine driven by William Boyd, 3035 Bagley Ave., De- troit. three miles west of Wayne. Ac- Fire Razes Historic Baltimore Armory Lawyers Club Members To Keep Leases Grismore, Peet Maintain Dissatisfaction Rumors Are Without Basis Expenses Reduced For Next Semester Students State That Many Had Planned To Demand Contract Releases 1 I -Associated Press Photo The Fifth Regiment Armory of the Maryland National Guard in Baltimore was destroyed by an early morning fire. Loss was estimated at $1,500,000. This picture was made as the flames broke through the roof. Woodrow Wilson was nominated for President in the armory in 1912 and Franklin D. Roosevelt ended his southern campaign tour there last fall. League Hlds ]Firmer Stand AgainstJapan France And Great Britain Change Attitude; Geneva Ready To Act GENEVA, Jan. 17.--()-League of Nations assembly leaders prepared tonight for a final effort at concilia- tion of the Sino-Japanese conflict tomorrow without any real hope that Tokyo would accept the League's scheme for settling the dispute. Meanwhile all sorts of stories were being circulated to the effect that American influenge ':dayed .a part in the shift of League authorities to a firmer policy toward Japan. Geneva newspapers told of confer- ences between American diplomats and the foreign offices at London and Paris, at which, they reported the desire of the United States to ex- pedite League action in the Far East- ern dispute was expressed. The Japanese delegation was very busy today exchanging communica- tions' with the home government re- garding the Geneva situation. Yosuke Matsuoka, Japan's chief representa- tive, reiterated that his government would insist that the assembly refrain from denouncing the establishment of the government of Manchukuo in Manchuria and from condemning Japanese policy in Manchuria since September, 1931, as unwarranted ag- gression. There appeared tonight to be no disposition in League quarters to ac- cept the Japanese view on these ques- tions, unless something unexpected develops before tomorrow's meeting, officials believe. The assembly's com- mittee of 19 will advance to Para- graph 4, Article 15, of the League Covenant and will make a report on the dispute without regard to Japan's opposition. Paragraph 4 provides for such a report with recommendations. for League action. Hugh R. Wilson, American minis- ter to Switzerland, and other United States officials have kept in close contact the last few days with League authorities. At yesterday's meeting the commit- tee made preparations for the adop- tion of a firmer policy. The apparent change in attitude shown by the Brit- ish and French members of the com- mittee created a sensation. Some persons attributed it to American in- fluence. Others said it was caused by developments in the Far East, such as the occupation of Shanhaik- wan by the Japanese. Free Press Says Sasse j Seeks Crowley's Post DETROIT, Jan. 17.-(1)-The De- troit Free Press says that Major Ralph Sasse, retiring head football coach at West Point, has applied for the position of coach at- Michigan State College, left vacant by' the resignation of James H. Crowley, who will coach at Fordham next year. The Free Press says Ralph H. Young, athletic director at Michigan Perhaps Comstock Isn't Governor Yet, Republicans Claim LANSING, Jan. 17.-(P)-Repub- lican Senators Tuesday declared war on Gov. William A. Comstock.j Aroused because they have not been consulted about the Administration's plans for tax relief, and with some of the members arguing that the Governor is not legally in office be- cause of his failure to file a cam-1 paign expense account, the 15 Re- publican Senators held a secret meeting in the Capital National Bank here following Tuesday's ses- sion. They said that they had reached no conclusions, but that the caucus will be continued Wednesday. "We want to know definitely. whether Gov. Comstock is legally in office," Senator Calvin A. Campbell, who acted as chairman, explained after the session. "The law says that no elective of- ficer can be sworn in until he has filed an expense account. Mr. Com- stock has not qualified and has de- clared that he does not intend to file an accounting of his campaign expenditures. We want a legal opin- ion on the Governor's status." Cinema League Is Praised For Film Satisfaction with the selection of "Tb e Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" to be her for a three-day showing start- ing tonight at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, was expressed by members of the board of the Art Cinema League who attended the pre-show- ing yesterday. Prof. E. A. Walter, of the English Department, considered the programn "splendid entertainment." "Gustave - Dore's illustrations for De Quincey's 'The Avenger' or Poe's 'Lygeia'-that's the 'Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.' All the tenseness and hor- ror of a nightmare are in the pic- ture. Unlike other stories of its kind, is is convincingly adjusted to what we know as normal life. It has been compared to 'Frankenstein.' It issu- perior to that picture in itsoriginal conception and, I believe, also in its execution. "The Chaplin short is the old Charlie slapstick-and still worth seeing and laughing at, especially as a balance to 'The Cabinet'," he said. Wilfred B. Shaw, director of alum- m relations, who has spent consider- able time in the study of cinematic photography, characterized the Ger- man film as "very interesting be- cause it shows what can be done with the simplest means, in contrast with our elaborate settings. The use of modernist feelingin decoration and the massing' of shadows and light make it like a dream out of Poe," he said. Tickets will be available at the box-office at any time during days that the picture will be shown. All seats are reserved. Wolverine-Irish Football Game Rumors Afloat 'Hunk' Anderson States Notre Dame Is Ready To Play Michigan DETROIT, Jan. 17.--()-The De- troit Free Press says that rumors were afloat at the annual Notre Dame football banuet in South Bend, Ind., last night, that Notre Dame and Michigan were on the verge of renewing gridiron relations. The two teams have not met in football since 19009. A staff' representative of the Free Press who attended the banquet says the reports were given impetus when Harry Kipke, head coach at Michi- gan, was introduced as "the first Michigan man you folks have seen here since 1909, but we hope not the last," and responded by saying he hoped his appearances at Notre Dame would be more frequent. Kipke was introduced by James H. Crowley, retiring football coach at Michigan State College, who was one of the "Four Horsemen" of Notre Dame football. The Free Press quotes Coach-Hart- ley "Hunk" Anderson of Notre Dame as saying in an interview, "we are ready to play Michigan any time they want to meet us," and describ- ing the game as a "natural" that would "pack either stadium." Jesse Harper, Notre Dame ath- letic director, is quoted as saying, "we're ready to play any time, but for further information you had bet- ter see Mr. Fielding H. Yost." Yost, athletic director at Michigan, said in Ann Arbor tonight "I don't know anything about it." Board Defers Action On Fate Of County Fair Possibility Of Referendum Next Spring Fades As Restrictions Interfere Action on a proposed referendum on the continuation of the County Fair was deferred at a meeting of the legislative committee of the Board of Supervisors yesterday. pending a study of the legality of such a vote by Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp. In an informal opinion, Mr. Rapp said that he believed the act would require the signature of the governor and approval by the Board of Super- visors at a special meeting. The chairman of the board is required by law to give each member 10 days notice before a meeting is called This, according to James Galbraith chairman of the legislative commit- tee, would preclude the presentation of the issue to the voters at the spring election, because of the short- ness of the time involved. 3F+h lc maki- of te Rnnr Rumors that more than 60 resi- ents of the Lawyers Club intend to break their contracts and leave the club next semester were crushed yesterday when Prof. Grover C. Gris- more, secretary-treasurer of the club's board of governors, and Charles D. Peet, '33L., its president, denied that there is more than the usual, practically insignificant dis- satisfaction. Professor Grismore declared that even the customary protests have dwindled since Saturday, when re- ductions of $10 a semester in room rent and 50 cents a week in board were announced for next semester. A number of students interviewed last night said that they estimated that between 60 and 80 residents had spoken of petitioning for release of their contracts. They agreed with Prof. Grismore and Peet, however, saying that, so far as they could ascertain, the number had decreased substantially. Reasons given for the collapse of the alleged movement to leave the club were the reduction in expenses announced for next semes-, ter, and the rumored decision of Professor Grismore to release stu- dents from their contracts only upon evidence of lack of money. Final Reports Of Good Will Drive Due Friday Reports from solicitors continuing the Student Good Will Fund drive this week will not be available until the final reports of team captains are made Thursday and Friday, it was announced last night by drive director .. Contributions continue to be made, however, and it is expected that a substantial increase in the fund will be revealed at the final check-up. Fraternity checks for membership donations to the fund will not be received until late this month, so that estimates of the total amount collected from them cannot be made at present. The fund total is still slightly below $2,000. 'Malt' Orchestra May 'Work' At 'Hop' Party Ben Bernie, the old malto, may not have all the lads at the J-Hop after all, it was hinted yesterday. Bernie is under contract to the Blue Ribbon Malt Co. If he is to broadcast here the program may have to be sponsored by the com- pany, and the word "malt" will be constantly repeated on a "hop" broadcast. Local broadcasting offi- cials wondered what the proper University authorities, who decide such weighty matters as these, would do to keep "malt" and "hop" apart. On the campus, however, there was a feeling that malt and hops go together quite well. Judiciary Body Favors Repeal Of Frosh Rule Committee Passes Bill To Allow Freshmen Right To Live In Fraternities Repeal of the rule forbidding freshmen living in fraternities, passed by the Interfraternity Coun- cil at its last meeting, was approved by the Judiciary Committee last night. The proposal must be passed by the Senate Committee on Stu- dent Affairs before it becomes effec- tive. All freshmen intending to move into fraternities, if the ruling is' passed, must notify their house- holders before Jan. 27 that they are moving out of their rooming houses, according to University rules. No freshman will be permitted to move into a fraternity house until his grades which may be withheld until March 1, have -been received by the dean of students and permission has been granted by his parents, Edwin T. Turner, president of the Interfra- ternity Council, said last night. Freshmen who failed to hand in preference lists last fall may be pledged beginning at 6 p. m. Friday, Feb. 10, Turner stated. A movement is under way to ob- tain permission fromfthe national councils of several fraternities on the campus toepermit them to com- bine with other houses in order to meet the financial cricis which they are now experiencing, Turner said. The plan will be brought to the at- tention of the Alumni Interfraternity Council and Dean Joseph A. Bursley. It is hoped that pressure from these two sources will force the national organizations to suspend their rul- ings prohibiting members of the fra- ternity to become associated with. another fraternity. The matter of campus fraternities passing out of existence and leaving debts was discussed by the Judiciary Committee meeting last night and will be brought before the Interfra- ternity Council at its next meeting. Officers Mystified By Girl's Injuries Dance Ba Approved By Council Dancing Prohibited After 10 O'Clock, Is Ruling By Student Council; Final Decision Up To Senate Rules Formulated For J-Hop Conduct House Parties Restricted From Friday To Sunday; Use Of Liquor, Tobacco To Be Supervised Dancing after 10 p. m. at house parties on Friday of the J-Hop week- end was banned by the Student Council last night. The ruling, which must be approv- ed by the Senate Committee on Stu- dent Affairs before it becomes effec- tive, would virtually limit dancing on that night to the class dance. The Senate Committee will meet this week or the early part of next week, Dean Joseph A. Bursley announced recently. The action by the Council was taken at', the request of the J-Hop committee which claims that dances on that night would seriously com- pete with the class dance and en- danger its success. There are many fraternity men who would not be able to attend the J-Hop if dances are allowed on that night because they could not stand the double ex- pense, according to the committee report. Two Members Object Alistair Mitchell, '33E, and Wilbur Bohnsack, '34, objected to the change in the ruling on the grounds that class dances ought to be able "to stand on their own feet." The ma- jority of the councilmen, howeyer, contended that the 'CIu should protect the dance as much as pos- sible because of the "hard times." The complete rules are as follows: "Dancing must ceas eat 3:00 a. m., and lights must be out in the Intra- mural Building at 3:30 a. m. "There shall be no spectators, the ony persons admitted to the hall be- ing those bearing tickets issued by the Hop Committee. "No Loruages shall be permitted to be worn at the Hop. "There shall be nio decorations of individual booths except by the Hop Committee. Standard Cab Rates "Taxicab rates will be standard rates in accordance with city ordi- nances and all overcharges should be reported to the Hop Committee. "Control of lighting shall be in the hands of the Hop Committee and not delegated to the orchestra lead- ers. "The floor committee shall be re- sponsible for the conduct of the dancers and subjected to the orders of any chaperon. "The Hop Committee shall be re- sponsible for the proper conduct while in the gymnasium of all those (Continued on Page 6) Adelphi Debates Censor Problems Katharine Roberts To Speak On 'Good Earth' Katharine Roberts, of the New York Theatre Guild staff, will lecture at 4:15 p. m. today in the Labora- tory Theatre on "A Critical Estimate of 'The Good Earth,' " it was an- nounced last night by Valentine B. Windt, director of Play Production. "The Good Earth," Pearl S. Burck's Pullizter Prize novel, was produced by the New York Guild, and will be played in Detroit soon. ;i MASON, Jan. 17.-0,P)-Ingham County sheriff's officers Tuesday were attempting to clear the mys- tery surrounding Miss Jeanne Dick- erson, 20 years old, of Eaton Rapids, who walked into the farm home of Mrs. Maurice Cochrane, near Leslie, in a dazed condition early Tuesday morning. League's Modernization Policy Proves Big Financial Success By ELEANOR BLUM Modernization has at last come to the League, and with it has come an increase in the centering of women's activities there, reports of officials show. Alice Lloyd, dean of women,j said recently that the efforts to bet- ter the drawing power of the build- ing were at last beginning to bear fruit and the Union is due for some real competition. Rumors that the League is finan- cially embarrassed were spiked re- cently by statements from Alta At- kinson, manager, and Ethel McCor- mick, social director, who claimed that the new organization has proved very efficient. Over 1,600 students in organized groups met at the League building during the first nine days of Janu- ary, according to a survey made by League officials. "This shows," said Miss McCormick, "that the girls are 'using the League.'" 300 couples attend the League dances weekly, it was shown. The attendance atthe dances has not yet reached that of Union, how- ever, for between 225 and 275 couples dance there every Friday and Satur- day nights, but the gains made by the League have made the board feel confident that they will equal the Union's patronage soon. Suggestions by students have been accepted by the board and every ef- fort has been made to carry them out. One of the outstanding im- provements has been the building of a shell for the orchestra, which has improved the tone of the music con- siderably, it was said. Tea dancing, popular sport of Michigan undergraduates, was in- augurated at the League for the first time this year. The grill room was converted into a cabaret with soft light and music for dancing, and now between 20 and 80 students find their way there every afternoon dur- ing the week. Even on Monday's Following a lively discussion,' Adelphia House of Representatives last night voted down,3 to 1, the proposition, "Resolved: That Literary Censorship Be Abolished." Victor Rabinowitz, '34L, varsity debater, was the affirmative speaker. The negative stand was taken by Clifford L. Ashton, '35. The present restrictions on inde- cent literature prohibit its transpor- -tation by mail, although it may be expressed, and illegalize its importa- tion from other countries by any in e a n s whatsoever. Rabinowitz stated that "It is not desirable that this indecent literature be sold, but thisdoes not include propaganda or Bolshevist literature. Birth control literature is censored for other rea- sons by certain political and relig- ious groups." Another proposal, "Resolved: That Faculty Censorship of Student Pub- lications at the University of Mich- igan be Abolished" was supported by the House. Nominations for officers included LOST A NOTEBOOK? 0 Let The Daily