IGAN DAILY --., ,. -- undergraduate is forced to join or remain a mem- ber of a fraternity. If, however, in spite of charges of alleged detrimental influences, he desires to live in a fraternity house, that should be his busi- ness and not the business of the Spectator editors or the Columbia administration. The Spectator, as a crusading newspaper, would be the first one to charge the Columbia admin- istration with paternalism if an official action were taken against fraternities. The' fIaternities, then, have an equal right to charge the editors. with paternalism when they publish an editorial advocating that "fraternities at Columbia must be abolished." every morning except Monday during the year and Summer Session by the Board in Student Publications. )f the Western Conference Editorial Associa- he Big Ten News Service. 'BER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS diated Press is exclusively entitled to the use ation of all news dispatches credited to it or se credited in this paper and the local news .erein. All rights of republication of special' re reserved. t the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as s matter. Special rate of postage granted by taut Postmaster-General. on during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail, ng regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by icatons Building, Maynard Street, Phone: 2-1214. lege Publications Representatives, ouirth Street,, New York City; 8 n; 612 North Michigan Avenue, blast LI Street, EDITORIAL STAFF- Telephone 4925 DITOR...............FRANK B. GILBRETH ............. .KARL SSEIF'FERT ...... ...J......JOHN W. THOMAS (TOR..........MARGARET "O'BREN OMEN'S EDITOR......MIRIAM CARVER RS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft, chard, Joseph. A. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf, W, Glenn R. Winters. STANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Huber, an, Harold Wolfe., Hyman J. Aronstam, Charles Baird, 'A. arles G. Barndt, James L. Bauchat, Donald Charles B. Brownson, Arthur W. Carstens, ulter, Willitm G. Ferris, Sidney Frankel, hn C. Healey, Robert B. Hewett, George M.' ter E. Morrison, Edwin W. Richardson, n, George Van Vleck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr., White. ning, Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck, um, Maurine Burnside, Ellen Jane Cooley, dall, Dorothy Dishmnan, Anne Dunbar, , Carol J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi- J. Manchester, Marie J. Murphy, Eleanor garet D. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet Campus Opinion Letters published in this column should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. Anonymous communications will be disregard- ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re- garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words if possible, AT THE.MICHIGAN "NO 'MAN OF HER OWN" Babe Stewart.............Clark Gable Connie Randall ...... Carole Lombard Kay Evesly ...........Dorothy Mackaill Vance ................ -Grant ;Mitchell Collins .............J. Farrell McDonald Mr. Morton ............Walter Walker Mrs. Randall ....... Elizabeth Patterson . Mr. Randall.........-George -Badmen "No Man of Her Own" is a racy, smooth-flow- ing, entertaining, but at times lagging, story of a New York gambler who flees to the little town of' Glendale, marries its most beautiful girl, and re- turns to New York with his new acquisition, whom he intends "to send back to Glendale with a couple grand" when he tires of her. ' Clark Gable, as card-shark "Babe"- Stewart, is cast in a part well-calculated to make feminine hearts flutter. There are several choice scenes built around him, as when he -has Connie mount the library ladded, higher, higher, and -higher, and when he and Connie are alone at Inspiration Lake. The up-to-the-minute lines compensate to a high degree for lack of plot. Carole Lombard is blondely alluring as the bored small-town librarian -who easily -makes the transition from stagnation to New York. Very possibly you may. lose interest in "No Man of Her Own" after it is two-thirds of its rather long way through. It is enticing if you're' in the mood, but on close analysis you must admit that there isn't very much in it, after all. the talkies their criticism has grown less noisy than of yore. Frankly, we respect the present part which the Cornellian audience plays at the cinema. 'n- gentlemanly it may be upon-occasion, but it has its redeeming features. Any school of vocal criti- cism which can distinguish between the making of bedroom eyes and more efficient portrayal of gentlemanly desire, between the performance of4 the late Rin-Tin-Tin and Lionel Barrymore, be- tween bathos and pathos is, we think, reasonably good. Since "going-to-the-movies" plays such a para- mount role in the life of the undergraduate, it is heartening to know that he refuses to take them without a grain of salt. The running-fire of repartee which studs the diadem of cinematic masterpieces is proof positive that the Cornellian, however lethargic he be in the classroom, comes out of his anaesthesia at least twice a week. -Cornell Daily Sun IS AUTO BAN ANTIQUATED? What is this controversial so-called car rule ofI the University? It seems that many, many years ago when battered flivvers and collegiate model contraptions were cluttered on campus roads, an exasperated bevy of officials suddenly put the lid down on the ubiquitous machines for the preser- vation of student life, pedestrians and drivers alike, But as time changes, so does everything else. The rickety flivver has long been exterminated under the law of the survival of the fittest; the exasperated officials are no longer exasperated; the automobile is no longer a nuisance but a necessity. We now have a new story with the old solution, and it doesn't work. This year began the era of enlightenment. Quietly it dawned upon the "neo-unexasperated" that the automobile is here to stay, that, although the car rule could be enforced, there is no point to the enforcement. "Progress is the unrelenting giant," and they contemplated in awe the insis- tence of the machine. However, when confronted with answering the problem, they feinted, made futile passes, hedged. They proclaimed that here- after there will be minor and major infractions of the rule. They made the decision retroactive and permitted violators of the rule to re-enter the University, even though the violations were made before the decision. The era of enlightenment was short. A purga- torial situation resulted. We have a rule of minor and greater infraction degrees, but the enforce- ment of the rule is moribund. From a strict rule las evolved one that is nebulous; the backbone of absolute enforcement has been broken. Cars rush by in flippant derision, occasionally warned oy the collective finger of a vacillatory group. Like the little boy in the fairy tale who exclaimed, "Why, the king has no clothes on at all!" so those interested in the car rule say "There is no car rule." Ah, but they are disillusioned. We bewail the fact the car rule exists, even though that exist- ence is as decadent as that of the horse. It exists, but, like the Holy Grail of King Arthur, is be- lieved in only by the virtuous. But what is the car rule to them? They will never break it. The commoners, those who have sinned, want the fog lifted, they raise their voices and cry, "What is this car rule?" And the pussyfooting continues. Moral: The turning of the worm means noth- ing; it is the same on both sides. -Daily JMini hat is the aim of The Varsity Laundry... A courteous employee calls for and deliv, ers your clothes and The Varsity Laundry makes them clean as frost ... The arsity LAUN service also includ es the most careful La70unumdry Service. . . handling of those delicate pieces .. . The exclusive use of IVORY SOAP in the plant of the Varsity Laundry secures every piece against chemical harm. I For Calland Delivery Service Phone 2=3123 - BUSINESS-STAFF" Telephone 9-1214- SS MANAGER.............BYRON CV.EDDER S RDIT MANAGER...... ...........ARRY BEGLEY 'S ,S, BUSINESS HAAG3i'......DONNA BECKER DEPARhTMENT. MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp; Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson;. Advertising Serv- iqe, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E. Schnacke; Cir- culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E. ASSISTANTS: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve- land, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Fred Hertrick, Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers, Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward. Eizabeth Aiglerane Bassett, 'Beulah Chapman, Doris Girnmfy, Billy Griffiths, Virginia Hartz Catherine Mc- Henry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried, -athryn Stork. TUESDAY, JAN. 17, 1933 SJapanese World Empire In Eastern Asia... APAN'S complaint yesterday that J the United States is furnishing iassistance to China in the Manchurian war, lends some color to the theory advanced last week by Will Durant in his lecture here that world af- fairs are tending toward a three-cornered strug- 'gle for world supremacy between Britain, the United States and Japan. ' Regardless of her involved excuses and justifi- bations of her action, it is apparent that the fundamental reason for Japan's seizure of the Manchurian area was to provide room for the Japanese raee to-expand and to provide markets for Japanese industry. Almost exactly a year after her first vigorous move, we find Japan again on the aggressive to enlarge her boundaries on the continent. It is not to much to assert that Japan't plans involve asystematic conquest of the enire Chinese nation and the subjugation of the entire eastern half of Asia. Temporarily it would be to the advantage of the islanders to have the support of our nation, but in such a far-reaching plan as this, - the United States could appear only as an enemy. Since American sentiment is emphatically in fa- vor of the Chinese, Japan has given the first indi- cation of her jealousy, and it is easy to foresee from this move the beginning of a period of sus- picion and strain in American-Japanese official relations. 'Horrid Words' From The Columbia Spectator T HE SPECTATOR, crusading news- paper of Columbia University, has again made the headlines of the national press- this time because of its blasting attacks on the fraternity system and its opinion that fraternities must be abolished. The Spectator has charged Columbia fraterni- ties- with corrupt practices in regard to campus politics; with financial unsoundness, and with moral delinquency. It states that fraternities have no .assets to counterbalance these liabilities and, therefore, no excuse for existance. It is obvious what the editors of the Spectator wish to accomplish. They remember that Reed Harris gained nation-wide publicity by attacking professionalism in football at Columbia. Conse- quently, they believe that they can gain the same notoriety. by Tttacking another institution that is as :firmly embedded in the average undergrad- uates mind as is football. But-one cannot respect the present editors of the Spectator as one did Reed Harris because Harris had a basis for his arguments; the present editors have not. Also Harris was commenting on a subject that directly concerned him as an undergraduate. The THE 'I'H- Y CO- Added attractions:- Flip -the Frog cartoon-be- low standard; Charley Chase comedy--entertain- ing; Paramount News; Paul Tompkins at the organ. Another note to Mr. Tompkins: Don't play "Valencia" again. Stick to popular -tunes, and if they have a range of less than one octave, so much the better. It's the ones like "Let's Put Out' the Lights and Go to Sleep," and "Fit as a Fid- dle." You know-where the audience can yelland still think it's singing. --G, X. W. Jr. o Editorial Comment ens NO HONOR NOW The honor committee of the student council has decided that Northwestern is not ready -yet for the honor system. At least, this was the gist of the letter recently sent to President Scott. The committee was absolutely justified in its decision. As long as the evils of our grading plan continue, and; as long' as the professors line up on one side and try to shove students througli their routine, just that long will students con- tinue to be on the defensive. In fact, our whole educational process takes on the -hue, at times, of a mock battle; the instructors try to make the going as difficult as possible for the students and the students reciprocate by trying "to put some- thing over" on the faculty. Whenever the administration decides that uni- versity education should be for mentally mature students with some responsibilities, and should be allowed to make their own selection of courses and work out their own salvation-then there -may be an opportunity for the honor system really to work. -Daily Northwestern .- - - .~ I. Already the politicians are commencing to talk again about party conventions and elections. There is no rest for the American voter. -Detroit Free Press STARS T Both+ered By Borrowers7?. __&. STRIPES CORNELL "GOES TO THE MOVIES To those of us who haunt Ithaca's citadels- of the cinema, the habits and idiosyncrasies of local movie-goers have become a matter of course. To have passion rewarded with a chorus of peculiar splattering sounds, to have a scenario's jewel-like sentence greeted with moans does not even -sur- prise us any longer. We accept the treatment which is visited upon Hollywood's efforts more with a chuckle than with the raised -'eyebrow which it would receive elsewhere. Only when an out-of-towner visits one of our movie-dispensaries do we realize just how mark- edly Ithaca audiences differ from others. Only when we consider it objectively instead of sub- jectively are we brought to understand that Cor- nellians and their hangers-on are a tough group to please, that it takes a masterwork to keep them quiet. This is due, in all probability, not to a roisterous' attitude which prevails among the movie-fre- quenters, but rather to a finely sharpened critical eye which cuts through the balderdash dished out by Hollywood's impressarios. Cornell men refuse to take too seriously the mawkish sentimentality,' the glamorous adventure, and the bloodcurdling horrors which the artists of the silver screen pour into the followers' faces. While we like the spirit of hypersensitivity By Karl Seiffert~iav The script for a new movie includes a sequence during which the sweet young girl heroine, caught peeking through a keyhole by a valet, is the re- cipient of a hearty kick. That's the best way. We always favored letting the movies take care of their own reforms. * *i * California grape growers declare that wine is not a drink, but a "good accessory." If they can prove that, it ought not to be hard to hang a first degree murder charge on some of the liquids being sold as beverages nowadays. ** * Secret service men accompanied Herbert Hoover on a stroll through downtown Wash- ington yesterday, apparently fearful that an admiring populace would mistake him for a government official. * * * An Atlanta man has conditioned himself to -be able to increase his height six inches above nor- mal at will. He probably got that way trying to close the windows without getting out of bed. * * News, Social News . . in fact, everything that the campus cares about,... but you'll save yourself some trouble and the borrower some money by showing him this ... The Daily is now .. . You really can't blame them for wanting to read your Daily . .. It's the best means of keeping up with the times ... Associated Press News, Sports i According to Ripley, there is a woman -in tle who, after being an invalid for 40 years, herself by relaxing -her tongue and keeping for six months. Without an anaesthetic? Seat- cured silent Authorities of one of the southern Pacific islands banned Doug Fairbanks' "Mr. Robin- son Crusoe". -because the natives were at- tempting some of the hero's antics -with dis- astrous results.-What would they do if they ever saw a good custard pie comedy? * *i * "I am getting a lot ,of fun out of being a pro- fessional," says Babe Didrickson, women's sports 'hampion. Which reminds us that the difference $250 DELIVERED FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR STUDENT PUBICATIONS. RTIT LTMC II! III