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January 17, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-17

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njuries Put Wolverine Ice Captain On Sidelines For Big Ten


Emmy Reid Out
For Month With
Fractured Hand
Crash Against Boards In
St. Mary's Contest Places
Co-Captain On Sidelines

Out For Month





Li- Y- a V 1 It / 1 1 %./ V t/J
FIELDING H. YOST, Harry Kipke, Harvey Woodruff, and Prof. Frank
Dickinson were together recently, and as would be expected, the talk
swung around to football. The biggest trouble with the game at present
is not any of the features that the rules committee considered in their re-
cent meeting in New York, but incomplete statistics, they felt.
Every yard gained should be included, whether by running, passing or
kicking, they said. The length of punts, minus their runback, and the
length of kickoffs, minus their return, should be included. Yost and Kipke
explained Michigan's edge over Minnesota in the kicking department. Mich-
igan made something like 287 yards in this department alone, more than
most teams make by running and passing.
Professor Dickinson asked Yost

Ill Luck Takes
Toll On Wolve
Grappler Team
. M
Blair Thomas Down1 With
Influenza; Spoden Has
In jured Leg

'Hank", Keeper Of Equipment
Room, Holds Job For 14 Years

The bright spot in the scene is
the return of Neil Gabler, who comes
back this year to the campus and
Michigan hockey after an absence of,
several years. He was known as one
of the best defensemen in the entire
conference, and became scholastic-
ally eligible Friday night just before
game time. He took a major part'
in the fray against the Redmen.
Gabler Helps Defense
Gabler's eligibility and Reid's in-I
jury seems to indicate a shift in theI
lineup as John Sherf seems the logi-
cal candidate for the left wing posi-
tion, while Gabler will probably fill
in :at the left defense post vacated
by Sherf's removal to the front line.
David will play his usual right wing,
and Crossman is slated to complete
the forward wall at his position of
center ice.
Despite the fact that the compon-
ent parts of the team remaining are
likely to form an efficient unit, it is
an unquestioned fact that the ab-
sence of Reid will handicap the team
to a great extent. The Wolverines
failed to click on Friday night when
Reid was unable to be an important
cog in the defense, and chances
against the strong Minnesota aggre-
g a t io n are materially lessened
through the accident.
Crossman Badly Bruised
Crossman seemed ineffectual in his
scoring attempts after Reid was in-
jured, and the teamwork which has
been built up between the two offen-
sive stars will be shattered by the
left wing's absence. Sherf and Cross-
man will probably bear the weight
of the offense against the Northmen,
with Sherf as an individual perfor-
mer getting the edge in the advance
predictions. Crossman was badly
bruised in the melee Friday night,
and his work since his illness has
lacked the usual speed.
Red Wings, Amerks
Hockey Sensations
NEW YORK, Jan. 16.--A)-An-
other week of hard battles, to which
were added a couple of highly in-
teresting shakeups in the losing
clubs, has left the Detroit Red WingsI
and New York Americans holding7
their places as the reigning sensa-1
tions of the National hockey league.
Neither of these teams has lost a
game in 1933, and when it came to~
a decisionbetween them Sunday
night they struggled warily to a 1-1
tie. The Red Wings have gone
through ten games and the Amerks
seven without a defeat.
Col. Jake Ruppert, owner of the
Yanks, opposes the broadcasting of1
baseball, but William Veeck, presi-1
dent of the Cubs, says the broad-
casting of Cub games has helped thet

A fractured hand received when
he crashed against the boards dur-
ing the first period of the St. Mary's
game Friday night will keep Co-Cap-
tain Emmy Reid out of the series
against Minnesota this week and will
probably keep him on the bench for
a month or more.
Fencers Open
Season Against
State Tonight
Michigan's fencing team will jour-
ney to East Lansing tonight to meet
the Spartans in the first meet of the
Seven men, five of whom are vet-
erans, will make the trip to Mich-
igan State. Only two of the three
are entrants in the foil event, not
having the advantage of previous
team competition.
Captain Jerome Winig and Bob
Nahrgang will enter the epee event.
Both men were members of last
year's squad. Jim DeStefano, with
two years' experience, and Albert
Little are slated as the entrants in
the sabres.
Jerome Meyer, boasting a year of
competition, will be supported by
Hyman Maas and Bob Sellars, new-
comers, in the foils. Mass displaced
Basset as the third man in a recent
fence-off... ...
A meet with the Toledo Y. M. C. A.
team, carded for last Sturday was
washed out when the Ohioans failed
to appear.
Coach John Johnstone has receiv-
ed an invitation to take his team
to Chicago, to meet Chicago and
Northwestern. It has not been an-
nounced whether the invitation will
be accepted.
'B' Basketball
Team Def eats
Freshmen 23-18
By defeating the freshman basket-
ball squad 23 to 18 yesterday after-
noon the B team regained some of
the prestige it lost last week when
the frosh gave it a decisive set back.
Coach Ray Courtright started Pet-
rie and Teitlebaum at forwards, Al-
len at center, and Oliver and Kosit-
chek at guards for the B team, which
was opposed by Ford and Evans at
the forward berths, Silverman at
center, and Tomango and Jablonski
as the guards.
During the first half the two teams
battled on even terms until the last
two minutes of play when Kositchek
and Wistert, who had been substitut-
ed for Allen at center, scored two
quick baskets to, put the B team in
front as the half ended 13 to 8.
At the start of the second half
Coach Fisher of the freshman started
an entirely new lineup, consisting of
Levine and Miller, forwards, Bower-
man, center, and Nelson and McCol-
lum, guards. These five played
against the B team for 15 minutes,
and with five minutes to go and the
score 21 to 16 against them, the
frosh starting lineup was sent in.
Both the freshman and B teams
managed to score one basket during
these last five minutes and the game
ended 23 to 18.
Individual scoring for the two
teams was as follows: B team-Pet-
nie 1, Teitlebaum 4, Allen 2, Kosit-
chek 6, istert 2, Barta 4, Seeley 4.
For the freshmen: Ford 6, Silverman
2, Tomango 2, Miller 2, Bowerman 2,
and McCollum 2.
Harvey Hendrick continues his
globe-trotting. After playing big

league ball for Boston, New York,
Brooklyn, Cleveland and Cincinnati
teams, he has been signed by the
Chicago Cubs as utility infielder.

and Kipke to explain "Michigan's
system" of kicking early in the ser-
ies of downs, second or third down.
He thought that somehow that spell-
ed the success of Michigan's play.
It was pointed out that the kicker,
about 12 yards behind the line of
scrimmage, is a threat for running,
passing, or kicking. If the second-
ary backs up for a kick, a pass has
every chance to be successful. Con-
sequently Michigan's opponents could
not back up and therefore their run-
back of punts was reduced to a min-
imum, while Newman could reduce
their kicking average with long run-
backs and consequently increase
Michigan's edge in gi'ound gain.
Professor Dickinson considered this
one feature the kernel of Michigan's
success. He laughed at the sugges-
tion that the "system" was "punt,
pass, and prayer." He said that he
had seen too many Wolverine games
to be "taken in with that hokum."
. .' .
*teaching a beginning economics
course. In the back row sat a Daily
Illini sport writer, "the only one who
ever had a spark of journalism on
our student publication," Dickinson
"The sport writer had slept through
three months of my class," he con-
tinued, "but jumped up with a jerk
when I said that the use of expon-
ents could be made to rate football
elevens." After the class the student
newspaperman came up to Professor
Dickinson's desk and asked if he
could explain such a use again. The
next day the Daily Illini carried the
story, and the Dickinson rating was
John .Thomas, former All-Ameri-
can from Chicago, once asked Dick-
inson a pertinent question concern-
ing the rating system which was then
very new. Our own Roscoe Huston,
the man who did not miss a Michi-
gan gridiron game for 25 years, is
also responsible for another change
in the system. Both of these ques-
tions led to amendments.
* * *
IN ALL THERE are about 15 differ-
ent methods of rating football
teams nationally. The present Dick-
inson system is the thirteenth that
he has used. He is the first one to
point out its weakness, but outside
of the one week point, it is superior
to all other systems.
The weakest ink in his chain is
that he takes a sample and uses it
as if it represented a round-robin
series of games. For instance one or
two intersectional games are played
during the season, the outcome of
these games determine the strength
or weakness of one section over an-
other. If a complete round-robin
series had been played between the
teams of both sections, the true re-
sults would be obtainable. This hap-
pened this year. Far western teams
lost their first five intersectional
games. This brought down their rat-
ing until it was too much for South-
ern California to overcome, in com-
paring their season with Michigan's.1
* *
There are two separate divisions
in his rating. The first is intra-see-
tional, like the Big Ten or the South-
ern Conference. The same general
principles are followed in both. The
tie games are one-half won and one-
half lost. A tie by a weak team is
equal to a defeat by a strong team,
if the team is strong itself.
At the end of the Big Ten sea-
son all teams that have a percentage
above 50 are put in one division and
all others in a second. The first div-
ision is that of the strong elevens and
the second of the weak.
Then Dickinson goes over the sea-
son's results again giving 30 points
for a victory over a first division team,
22/ for a tie, and 15 for a defeat.
Only .20 points are given for a vic-
tory over a second division team, 15
for a tie, and 10 for a loss. The total

number of points for a team is divid-
ed by the number of gamesif the
Conference games for the different
schools total a different number.
Michigan had six Conference games
this year, while another college
might have had only five.
As can be seen comparativve scores
are not taken into consideration in
the system. Only victories and losses
according to the strength of the op-
position. There are several other
minor features in the method but
these are the principle factors.

MRS. DICKINSON keeps the rec-
ord of 110 colleges throughout
the United States for the final deter-
mination of intersectional ratings.
Each conference is considered as an
individual team. When an intersec-
tional game is played a winning team
gets twice as many points as the los-
ing team. The status of the losing
team cannot be determined until the
season is over, so intersectional rat-
ings are not made until after the
schedule is completed.
To get the intersectional relations
Dickinson takes all the games be-
tween East and Mid-West teams. The
standing of the winner of each of;
these games, in his own Conference,!
is subtracted from the number of
points he got for winning it, and
then this number is divided by two.
That gives the winning team's dis-
trict a plus or a minus for the losing
conference eleven. For instance,
Princeton's standing might have been
16 after the whole season was over,
in the East league. Then Michigan's
victory over them would be scored
as 32 points for Michigan minus our
own standing in the Big Ten which
might have been, say 26. The differ-
ence is 6 points, divided by two
leaves a plus three for the Mid- West
over the East.
Group In Leagues
Thus the intersectional ratings are
made by adding all the pluses and
minuses for each of these games. The
leagues are determined by Dickin-
son by the number of games played
with opponents from that region.
For that reason, the University of
Detroit and Michigan State were
classified as eastern teams. Notre
Dame was first rated as an Eastern
team and then as a Mid-Western
one. However rating them in each
league made no difference in the rat-
Then the intersectional rating of
superiority of one section is applied
to their standings. One section is
taken to be 0 and the others are
classed on its basis. For instance this
year the East was 0. That made the
Pacific Coast minus 2.71 and the Big
Ten plus 4.67. The Pacific Coast had
its poorest intersectional season on
record, losing the first five games of
this kind.
Post-season games are not includ-
ed or if the team rests three weeks
before their last game, it is not in-
cluded either. The final result takes
40 hours work even after the whole
season recoird is complete for each
Winner 'Shows More'
All this answers the question,
"which one of the leading teams
overcame the stiffest opposition?"
This could mean "National Cham-
pions" if one considers that the.team
that overcame the toughest opposi-
tion is the best in the country. Dick-
inson does not think that the two
are synomonous but that a team that
wins his trophy simply has overcome
more than the second place team.
The second place team may have
more but it has not shown as much.
Harry.Kipke is the youngest coach
ever to receive this award. He is 33
years old. In 1925 at the Michigan-
Illinois basketball game in Ann Ar-
bor, the first trophy ever presented
by Dickinson in public, was given to
is voted on by the Conference
football coaches, ten officials, J. J.
Griffith, Wilfred Smith, and Harvey
Woodruff. Votes for a player as
number one counts two points, and
each's second choice counts one
point. The men who are voted by
their teammates as their most valu-
able players are eligible for the final

Injuries and illness have taken
their toll of the wrestling squad,
With the team going into its last
week of training before the opening
meet of the season, the match with
Michigan State carded for Saturday
night, three members of the Varsity
are on the hospital list.
Captain Blair Thomas is down in
bed with influenza and there seems
to be little chance of his swinging
into action against the Spartans.
John Spoden, light heavyweight, is
out of action with an injured leg,
while Joe Oakley, veteran, is still suf-
fering from a knee injury. The lat-
ter may be able to appear in Satur-
day's meet however.
If Spoden is unable to compete
Willard Hildebrand will get the call
in the heavy-
weight class. Hil-
debrand, All-Cam-
pus champion in
1931, was late re-
porting t o t h e
squad but is in
good shape. The
only other out-
standing h e a v y,
Tom O'Bryon, has
been ill.
Should both
, i4GE R.N 0 O ak l ey an d
Thomas be out of
action Coach Cliff Keen will have a
problem. He might enter Bob Helli-
well, tetterman in the 145-lb. class,
at 135-lbs., Thomas' old stand. Ed
Landwehr or Don Lewis would then
get the call in the heavier class.
If Oakley is ready to wrestle, Keen
might place him at 135 and let Helli-
well occupy his usual position.
Only one -other position remains in
reasonable doubt. In the 125-b. class
either Seymour Rubin or Dal Sig-
wart may get the call. Sigwart, a let-
terman two years ago, was late re-
porting. Rubin, State A. A. U. champ
at 126 last year, has performed well
in the workouts to date, winning the
event in the All-Campus meet.
The remainder of the team seems
fairly certain. Jimmy Landrum, Art
Mosier, and Ed Wilson, all veterans,
are fixtures at 118, 155, and 165 lbs.
The 175-lb. class is open, with Har-
vey Bauss the most likely entrant.
Kipke Speaks At
Notre Dame Dinner
SOUTH BEND, Ind., Jan. 16.-(IP)
-James A. Farley of New York,
chairman of the Democratic nation-
al committee, headed a long list of
speakers at the annual Notte Dame
football testimonial dinner.
The speakers last night were in-
troduced by James Crowley, member
of Notre Dame's famous "Four
Horsemen," who recently resigned
as head coach at Michigan State
College to accept a similar place at
Fordham. They included:
Gov. Paul V. McNutt of, Indiana,
Mayor W. R. Hinkle of South Bend,
Harry Kipke, head coach at Michi-
gan; Coach Charles E. Dorais, of the
University of Detroit, Coach Noble
Kizer of Purdue, Coach Heartly
(Hunk) Anderson of Notre Dame,
and Athletic Director Jesse Harper.
No Axe to Grind .. .
No Old Merchandise
To Palm Off--

More work and the same dougho
-that's the lament of the gentleman ,
in the squirrel cage at the Field
House. Ever since Henry (Hank)
Hatch started work for the athletic
association way back in 1919-justt
14 years ago in March-the little odd'
jobs about the whole athletic plantI
have turned to that gentleman fort
their solution. Although Hank is sup-
posed to be the athletic equipment
man, and only that, he has all the
plain and fancy fixing to do for the'
whole field house; even the task ofx
painting visiting basketball players't
names on the scoreboard for the eve-k
If you will recall the fellow whof
helped carry the trophy table to theE
center of the basketball floor be-I
tween halves of the Illinois gamei
Saturday night, and then held the
certificates for the national football
champs, you will have some idea of
the size of the man who checks over
nearly $10,000 worth of equipment
in the supply room. That's just an-
other of the major jobs that drift in
Hank's direction.
Most For Football
A large share of that $10,000, of
course, is in the form of football sup-
plies, but track and baseball follow
a close second and third for total
value. On the subject of value, the
Little Brown Jug has to be figured in'
too. Hank has to see that it doesn't
turn up missing before the Minne-
sota tussle; perhaps that's just moral'
value, but nevertheless important.
Just to emphasize the fact that :in-c
dustriousness isn't the only requisite
for Hatch's job, it need only be men-t
tioned that it's a smart man who
keeps some 400 clever college boysa
from carrying away the yearly towel
supply before the whistle blows in
June. For some unknown reason,
Hank seems to have just as many
towels at the end of the year as at
the first, even though it has been1
rumored that no Michigan athlete
ever purchased a towel in a local
When they asked Henry to paint

Gymnasts To H(
P ratce With

Coach Bill West's gymnastics squac
will hold a combined practice witli
the Michigan State Normal tean
Wednesday night at the Intramura
Building. There will be no competi-
tion and no score kept.
The team from the Ypsilanti school
does not compete in meets but en-
gages exclusively in exhibitions. Mos
of its talent lies in the tumbling
event and exercises on the fiyine
rings, side horse, and other regula.
tion gymnastic features are neglect
ed. In their special event, however
the Ypsi tumblers are said to be very
proficient and would probably defea
the Wolverines in competition.
Coach West has four regulars back
from last year's squad and consider
the present team to be the best it
the history of Michigan gymnastics

the Illinois basketball players' names
on the scoreboard at noon last Sat-
urday, a new standard for rush work
was installed. Not only the regular,
but a long list of substitutes had
to be painted in readiness before
game time. It looks now as though
Hank is going to become a painter,
too, besides doing the electrical,
plumbing and carpentering work.
Rush Work For Hank
The whole athletic staff is hoping
now that Hatch won't have any eye
trouble in years to come, due to
handling those new gypsy uniforms
which the boys are wearing. With
every team in the Big Ten represent-
ed in cqlors on the new sweat outfits,
Hank is having real trouble in keep-
ing things straight. He has a con-
stant worry that Ypsilanti or Albion
or anybody else for that matter may
slip in with an armful of dirty uni-
forms and trick him into passing out
some of the new kaleidoscopic equip-

I . I

Bargains In Utility Garments


Slicker-lined Gordon Corduroy Coats
in shades of brown and.tan,
Reduced to $4.95
Navy blue heavy Cossack Jackets with
zipper fronts and high storm collars.
Reduced to $3.45
Lined Gloves in all leathers including
the finest qualities. Reduced 50 %
Fine heavy Scotch Grain Oxfords now
priced as low as $3.95,




The reason for these sen-
sational prices ishbecause
we would rather carry on
than carry over -



' ,/





Values to $40.00

Two-Trouser Suits
$18.75 23.75 26.75
Values $24.50 to $34.50
Tom Corbett
116 East Liberty St.

AND still they let him live! Even
after he said a refugee was a
man who took charge of prize fights!
There's just one thing to do-anid
high time somebody did it. Intro-
duce Bill Boner to a good pipe and
good tobacco. A pipe helps a man
get down to straight thinking. Col-
lege men know, too, that there's one
smoking tobacco. without a rival.
That's Edgeworth.*
here's an idea. Fill your pipe
with Edgeworth Smoking Tobacco
and light up. Now-take a good long
put,. Ever try anything like that
before? Of course not, for Edge-
worth is a distinctive and different
blend of fine old burleys.
Buy Edgeworth anywhere in two

1! 1t
forms-Edgeworth Ready-Rubbed
and Edgeworth Plug Slice. All sizes
-150 pocket package to pound humi-
dor tin. If you'd like to try before
you buy, write for a free sample
packet. Address Larus & Bro. Co.,
120 S. 22d St., Richmend, Va.
*A recent invrstigation
showed Edgeworth to be
the favorite smoking to- ;,
bacco at 42 out of 51
leading coilvgu.



.. ..


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