s and Literary Censorship." ination of officers for next se-C AIDIT ter will be held. Visitors are wel-b.".S I D DI E T R WASHING-And ironing. Called for and delivered. Silks and woolens guaranteed satisfactory. 2-3478. 611 Hoover. 15c LAUNDRY - Soft water. 2-1044. Towels free. Socks darned. 13c FOR RENT LARGE-Single room with piano. In Southeast section in private home. Linen furnished. Box 29, Michigan Daily. 242 FOR RENT-Single room for grad- uate women at 703 Huron Ave.. 241 TO RENT-Two attractive rooms in private horde. Steam heat, shower bath. Southeast sgcion. Board if desired. Phone 7796. 244 FOR RENT-1 Single room, 2nd floor, 421 Thompson. Mrs. Eaton. 246 STEAM HEATED Suite for one man, 2 other roomers, 1007 Forest. 13c SUITE-With private bath, near campus, faculty family, no other roomers; for men; especially desir- able for faculty members. Garage. 3280. 245 FOR SALE FINANCE CO.-Is selling late model cars for balance due. 311 W. Huron. 2-2001. Open evenings. 19c NOTICE SEASONAL SUGGESTIONS -- Wall paper, paint. Samples, estimates. Home Decorators since 1905. Dial 8107 or 7600. -30c BARGAINS-Overstuffed chairs $3 to $9. Davenports $10. Study tables $2. Lamps $1. A & C Furniture, 325 S. Fifth Ave. 22c HAVE-Your snap shots developed at Francisco Boyce. 719 N. Univer- sity. Here fine work is the tradi- tion. 29c Commerce at Sandusky declined less in 1931 than at any other Ohio Lake Erie port. Statistics Offered On U. S. Colleges SEATTLE, Jan' 16.-Two-thirds of the 1,490 colleges in the country are co-educational according to the United States department of educa- tion's new Educational Directory. Most of those which are restricted to either men or women alone are in the eastern states. WILL BUY MEN'S CLOTHING - -NEW OR OLD- "Best Cash Prices" CHICAGO BUYER Phone 4306 Lak Ere prt THE ART CINEMA LEAGUE presents the "CA13 NET 0OF CAtlGARI" Added Attraction: Charlie Chaplin in "Doughnuts" Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, Jan. 18, 19 and 20 LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE I 1 Tickets 25c 8:15 P.M. All Seats Reserved 1 r FN v RIFo ED ...zrk MORE FUN TO I vOTfi What exciting magic there is in cigarette advertising! Let's look at one of its greatest illusions ,..that cigarettes can be mysteriously given superior "FLAVOR." THE EXPLANATION: Just three factors con- trol the flavor of a cigarette.The addition of artificial flavoring...the blending of various tobaccos...and the quality of the tobaccos themselves. Quality is the most impor- tant. Artificial flavoring can never wholly disguise the poor flavor of heap.tobaccos. The blending of several cheap, raw to- baccos cannot improve the flavor of any of them. A fine cigarette is a cigarette blended from costly, ripe tobaccos. It is a fact, well known by leaf to- bacco experts, that Camels are made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE tobaccos than any other popular brand. This is why the Camel flavor has never been rivaled ... why Camels have given more pleasure to more people than any other cigarette ever made. In more costly tobaccos lies the secret of Camels' delicate "bouquet"...of their rich, cool flavor-of their non-irritating mildness. It's the tobacco that counts. All the natural goodness of Camels to- bacco is kept fresh and rich for you by the air-tight, welded Humidor Pack. Don't re- move it. Its moisture-prof cellophane also protects your Camels from dust and germs. Put a pack in your pocket today.