Sir A
Post Graduate Course At Sing
Sing University; Roosevelt's Ex-
peditionary Forces Are Rising.
Cagers Upset
Illini, Go Into
3rd Place Tie
Violinist Here Monday
Michigan Assumes
Lead In Contest;
Score Is 35 to 30
Second Half Rally
By Visitors Fails
Games With Chicago And
Minnesota On Schedule
Before Exam Period
Michigan forced Illinois off the
list of undefeated Big Ten quintets
last night 35, to 30 and jumped to a
tie for third place in the Confer-
Coach Cappon's cagers forged into
an early lead of to 1 as Plummer
made two floor shots and a foul with
Altenhof's and Garner's buckets.
After the first rush, both teams set-
tied cown and kept the scoring down.
The half ended with Michigan in the
safe lead of 17 to 10.
Illinois zone defense kept Michigan
from the basket but fouls kept the
Maize and lue lead safe. Garner
made three fouls and Eveland and
Plummer added one apiece. Plum-.
mer, Garner, and Altenhof connect-
ed with the basket twice each for
12 points.
In the second half the game1
speeded up. Illinois made a bid for
the lead when they raised the score
to 20 to 16, but one point is the
closest that the rejuvenated Wol-l
verines would allow them. Owen and
Bennett scored with follow in shots.
Froschuaer made two fouls and,
Owen one ands then Helmich fol-
lowed in again.
This rally was short lived as Plum-
mer and Altenhof scored from the
Complete statistics on shots
tried and made in the Illinois
game, the officiat box score, and.
°Big Tn stadlings'and results are
in the Press Box, page three. Full
coverage of the presentations of
the awards is also to be found on
the sport page.
floor and Petoskey from the foul line.
A. J. Kamm was sent into the game
and scored three field goals but it
was not enough even with the help
of Red Owen's underhand shot from
the center of the floor. Moore also
got two points by following in Owen's
missed free throw.
In the second half Garner and
Plummer got two buckets and the
latter added a free throw, bringing,
his total to 12 points. Altenhof made
a basket and a foul and Petoskey
made a basket and two fouls. Eve-.
land missed three fouls in this period
but made his lone bucket of the
game from the foul circle.
Al Plummer backed up Cappon's
confidence in him with nine points.
When Michigan's court mentor was
approached by grandstand coaches
who claimed that the sophomore for-.
ward should not be in the starting
lineup, Cappon stood firm in his be-
lief that Plummer would come
through before the season was far
advanced. Last night demonstrated
that Cappon was right as Plummer
sank four floor shots, three of them
by his one-handed shot over his
Ed Garner used his superior height
to advantage in stopping Hellmich's
follow in shots. Michigan's big cen-
ter played his best defensive gameI
of the year but was spectacular on
offense. He scored four times from
the foul line and four times from
the floor. He kept his illegal play to
a minimum with only two personals
scored against him.
Ray Altenhof came through with
three long shots and gave the fans
something to rely upon whenever
Michigan is behind.
It was the last home game during
this semester with games in Chicago
and Minneapolis scheduled next
week and the following. After the
exams, the team will resume its
court activities against Michigan
State at East Lansing.
Ameringer Will Discuss
Technocracy Tomorrow
A discussion of technocracy will be
given by Oscar Ameringer, editor of
the American Guardian and veteran
in the American labor movement, at
8 p. m. Monday in Natural Science
Auditorium. The address will be the
first of a series of eight that will be
given here as part of a nation-wide
Nathan Milstein
Will Play Here
Mondi ay Night
Violinist Ranked As One
Of Russia's Outstanding
Musical Geniuses
Nathan Milstein, Russian violinist
who is called one of the three out-.
standing musical geniuses of the
Soviet regime, will appear here at
8:15 p. n. tomorrow at Hill Audi-
torium in the fifth presentation of
the Choral Union concert series.-
Now in the course of his fourth
visit to the United States, Mr. Mil-
stein, who first became conspicuous
in 1925 in his Berlin debut, is ranked
with the cellist Piatagorsky and the
pianist Horowitz, who form a trio of
young Russian musical talent. Called
"Nathan the Wise," the violinist is
said to be able to play any musical
instrument at sight.
Mr. Milstein has selected the fol-
lowing program for his appearance
here, Corelli-Kreisler: "La Folia";
Bach: "Prelude and Gavotte" (for
tviolin alone) " Goldrnarki "Concertov
in A Minor"; Paganini-Auer: "a-
Price, No. 24"; Debussy: "Minstrels"'
DeFalla: "Dance (La Vida Breve)";
Stravinsky: "Berceuse"; Rimsky-
Korsakoff-Hartmann: "Flight of the
Bumble-Bee"; and Wieniawsky:
"Polanaise, D Major."
Chinese Soldiers
Massed For Raid
(By The Associated Press)
Tokyo reported yesterday that 33,-
000 Chinese soldiers, known as the
"Red Fears" and "Big Swords" had
concentrated in northeastern Jehol
for the purpose of making a raid
across the border on the important
Manchurian city of Tungliao.
Meanwhile all battle fronts on
which the Chinese and Japanese'
have been in actual contact remained
In Shanghai the chamber of com-
merce, representing the bulk of Chi-
nese business interests, called for in-
tensification of the boycott on Japa-
nese goods. This boycott was cited
by the Japanese as one of their rea-
sons for attacking Shanghai a year
In Geneva China informed the
League of Nations that she reserves
the right to offer armed resistance
to Japan in the area of Shanhaikwan,
Chinese city seized Jan. 3 by the
Japanese Sudenais
Change Conception
Of U.S._College Life
The fraternity "bull-session" was
praised as an intellectual factor in
the life of the college student by the
members of the Japan Good Will
Tour, who arrived in Ann Arbor re-
cently. T. R. Makiyama, of Chuo
University, stated that he enjoyed
more than anything else he had done
the all-night informal discussions
since he came to America.
"College life in America is really
quite different from my conception
of it," said K. Sumomogi, of Dosh-
isha University. "The movies which-
come to Japan make it seem as if
the students never study, while in
reality, we have found that they
study here just as much as Japanese
students do."
The fact that so many American
college students are working their
way through school is concealed from
most Japanese students, who find
that the hours of study in Japanese
universities do not allow them to
work, according to Makiyama.
When asked about the Manchurian
situation, the good will visitors ex-
pounded the traditional Japanese
stand: that the lease which Japan
held on a zone in Manchuria for
their railroad was violated by the
raids of war-lords, or bandit kings;
that in order to protect Japanese
holdings, Japan was forced to inter-
fere, and that the only way to have,
peace in Manchuria is to establish
the government of Manchukuo,,
which, the Japanese feel, will be able
to safeguard Japanese interests in
the province.
On the subject of the possibility
of war between the United States and
Japan, Makiyama said that among
the intelligent classes in Japan, there
is a strong feeling that there is noth-
ing to be gained by war with any-
body, much less the United States.
Japan's policy since the World War
entails a wish for the continued
(Continued on Page 6)
Despite demands of Prosecutor
Albert J. Rapp for immediate action
in the case of W. K. Richards, Judge
George W. Sample ordered a further
postponement of one week in Rich-
ards' sanity hearing in Circuit Court
A number of Ann Arbor merchants
claim that Richards obtained goods
from them, on false pretenses and
have asked Rapp for criminal war.
rants against Richards, but these
have been refused, the prosecutor
said. He wants the defendant com-
mitted to the Michigan State Re-
formatory at Ionia, provided that a
sanity commission finds him insane.
Judge Sample, however, has de-
clined thus far to appoint the prose-
cution and the defense to gather ad-
ditional material. Although Rapp
has urged that the case proceed on
the insanity petition filed for Rich-
ards by his attorney, Robert Cav-
anaugh, Judge Sample said in court
that he preferred to place the finan-
cial responsibility for Richards' con-
finement in an institution in the
State of Minnesota. The defendant's
home is in Mankato, Minn.
Richards' mother, Mrs. David
Richards, was present at the hearing
yesterday but was not called to tes-
tify. .
Lliving C(
Special Regents' Me
Decrees Cuts In B
Rent; Will Affect V
Women's Buildings
Rule Not To Apf
To League Ho
Lower Foodstuff Cost
Economic Trend
As Reason; Distres
Students Recognize
Substantial reductions in
and room rates in all dormitor
cluding the Lawyers Club, wi.
effect the second semester as
sult of action taken by the
of Regents, announced yesterc
Room rent will be reduced
semester and board 50 cents
dormitory heads announced.
tion of the Regents applied
the six women's dormitories,
Lawyers Club will follow su
cording to Prof. Grover C. OG
secretary-treasurer of the
board of governors.
League Houses Unaffect
League houses are not direr
ected by the decision of the R
Sean of Women Alice Lloy
Viany have long since volunta
,heir rates below the Universit
mumn rate, but those which hi
ilready done so are expected
.aounce reductions by the bed
>f the second semester.
Reasons given for the actic
he general economic distress
dents, and the consequent n
Will Lowe
md Professor Grismore said that the
)nly reason for the change was eco-
nomic. Dean Lloyd commented that
"some slight protest" was registered
by women in the various dormitories,
who said that in the absence of re-
lief, they would be forced to live in
cheaper rooms or withdraw from the
University; but there was no con-
certed action.
The new schedule of rates will re-
duce room rents in Martha Cook,
Betsy Barbour, Helen Newberry, and
Mosher-Jordan dormitories from
$105 to $95 a semester; and in Alum-
nae House and Adelia Cheever Resi-
dence from $80 to $70 a semester.
Board in the six halls will be reduced
from $7 to $6.50 a week.
Recommended By Committee
Rents in the Lawyers Club, now
ranging from $65 to $115 a semester,
will drop to from $55 to $105, and
board will be reduced as in the wom-
en's dormitories, from $7 to $6.50 a
The Regents' action, taken at a
special meeting in Detroit, came as
the result of recommendations from
a president's committee composed of
representatives of the boards of the
several women's dormitories. This
committee urged steps toward, the
equalization of the living expenses of
the women on campus, particularly
with a view to lowering rates.
Standardization and equalization
of dormitory government were also
recommended by the committee,
Japanese Visitors
To Show War Film
'Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari' Highly
Praised For Audience Appeal
Lectures By Brewer Eddy Head
Sunday Church Program Here
For the first time in the history of
the cinema, a director has broken
through the camera, has made a film
a reality instead of something mere-
ly realistic, and has brought his au-
dience's mind into psychological play.
Paul Rotha, in "The Film Till Now,"
says of "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari,"
to be presented Jan. 18, 19, and 20
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
by the Art Cinema League:
"'The Cabinet o% Dr. Caligari' asks
the audience to share in the distorted
wanderings of a madman's mind, and
to transport itself to the lunatic
asylum where he is confined. The
audience is aided in the transition
from the reality of the theatre's sur-
roundings to the inner workings of
a warned brain by scenery which
straight lines of pattern lead the eyes
of the spectator to the figures or ob-
jects of significance."
Akin to the "modernistic" concep-
tion of art are the walls of the prison
cell, painted in tall, perpendicular
planes converging on the prisoner
and serving to heighten the theme-
dejection. Another example of this
same purposeful design is the warped
and angular branches of the trees
in a landscape scene which shows
Cesare (played by Conrad Veidt) in
a dramatic escape, bearing away the
body of the unconscious Jane (played
by Lil Dagover). A third scene de-
serving of mention pictures the
Town-Clerk seated on a stool fully
six feet high, epitomizing his bureau-
cratic position and the difficulty
which Dr. Caligari has in obtaining
Defending Japanese interference in
Manchuria, 4,000 feet of film depict-
ing operations of Japanese troops in
that province will be shown at 5 p. m.
today in Wesley Hall by the visiting
Japanese students. The public is in-
vited to attend this free movie which
presents the Japanese point of view.
Preceding the movie, the group is
meeting with the Oriental Students
Fellowship at the same plate and
plans to attend a meeting at Harris
Hall after the film is shown.
Yesterday the students from Japan,
who are staying at Theta Xi and
Alpha Kappa Lambda fraternities,
inspected the Intramural building,
where they made use of the recrea-
tional facilities. Last night they were
guests of the Japanese Students Club
at dinner and the basketball game.