r- The Weather Fair with increasing cloudi- ness; slightly warmer Satur- day; Sunday unsettled; possib- ly local showers. up- fr igan VOL. XLHI, No. 6AANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCT. 1, 1932 ..... .. Smith Behind Party Ticket; Attacks G.O.P. Former Governor Asserts Democratic Victory Is Needed to Brace Nation He Declares That 'Campaign Is Over' Ban In India And England Aids Sale Of Dr. Fisher's New Book Roosevelt and Garner Ignored; Country Is For A Change' Are 'Set NEW YORK, Sept. 30-(P)-For- mer Governor Alfred E. Smith, in an article in the "New Outlook," out tomorrow, says he believes "the suc- cess of the Democratic party in the coming election is essential to the upbuilding of our national well-be- ing." Under a special heading, "The Forgotten Man," he writes: "We should stop talking about the forgotten man and about class dis- tinctions. "The forgotten man is a myth and the sooner he disappears from the campaign the better it will be for the country." After stating the Republican party must take the responsibility for its "inexcusable mistakes, which have intensified the bad times," he writes: "To all intents and purposes the campaign may be said to be over. The real question is what will the Democratic party do with its victory? A change of government of itself does not insure improvement of con- ditions. Democrats Have Advantage "On the other hand, the Demo- cratic party has the great advantage of a liberal background and record. In the past it has never failed to be applicable to new ideas. "The first issue to be decided is what elements will control the Demo- cratic party, because it must be ad- mitted that the party is not united and that it is composed of a num- ber of conficting elements and in- terests. This was clearly indicated at the recent Chicago convention. "With some of the elements and forces in the party, I am completely out of sympathy, not for personal reasons, but because I believe that they are inimical to the best inter- ests of the country. "In my opinion, the Democratic party must purge itself of these in- terests if it is to serve the nation in this crisis.' The former governor, unsuccess- ful in his fight for the Democratic nomination at Chicago, does not name the "interests" to which he refers. In declaring his belief that the "hope of the country" lies in a Dem- ocratic victory, he does not mention the name either of Gov. Roosevelt, the presidential nominee, or Speak- er Garner, vice-presidential candi- date. Flays G. O. P. Policies He devotes several hundred words to a criticism of the Republican ad- ministration for its policies in the face of economic troubles. He declares the country is "set for a change." His paragraphs on the election are the end of his four-page article, which also discusses signs of return- ing prosperity, his own public works program, the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and Prohibition. He calls on voters to apply the "acid test" to all Congressional can- didates to determine their prohibi- tion stand. Roosevelt Will Pass Here Sunday Morning The special train carrying Gov. Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Demo- cratic nominee for the Presidency, on his nationwide campaign tour will pass through Ann Arbor att6:30 a. m. tomorrow. L o c a 1 Democratic leaders yesterday said that it would be impossible for the governor to make an address here as he will not have risen by the early hour. The train will, however, stop here to en- able William Comstock, Democratic gubernatorial candidate and Hora- tio J. Abbott, national committee- man, to join the party. Governor Roosevelt will receive an official wel- come at Detroit at 9:30 a. m. and will remain in the city all day, speaking at the Naval Armory in the after- noon. Reaction To Censorship In Form of Increased Sales Pleases Author By GUY M. WHIPPLE, JR. Dr. Frederick B. Fisher's latest book on the complicated question of British rule in India-"That Strange Little Brown Man Gandhi"-has been banned"unconditionally in both England and India, yet Dr. Fisher yesterday characterized himself as being "deeply pleased" with the pro- scription, adding that it "has jump- ed sales both here and abroad to a remarkably high figure for the sum- mer months."~ The book, first published in July of this year, reached India in large consignments about the middle of October, striking deep into the tur- moil that ended only a short time ago in the British government's sub- mission to Mahatma Gandhi's fast- ing program. Taken Up By Press It was seized upon by the Indian press, entire pages being devoted to reviews and criticisms of the attack on British imperialism in India, ac- cording to Dr. Fisher. The "Indian Witness," Lucknow newspaper, declared that Dr. Fisher's 5-Year Course In Architecture Recommended Regents Asked To Extend# Term One Year, Add 24 Hours To Requirements An extension of the course of study in the architectural college to a five year term, expected to result in a lighter burden and greater freedom of study for the student, was recom- mended yesterday afternoon at theE meeting of the University Board ofc Regents. The requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Architecture under this plan would be extended by 24 hourst of electives. Spread over five years, however, this would mean an averaget of 16 hours each semester instead of 17. Prof. Henry C. Hutchins of thel English department was granted a year's leave of absence to continue work on Professor Trent's Defoe1 manuscript at Harvard. Dr. Melvin R. Gilmore, Curator of Ethnology in the University Museums, was grantedc $300 for field and traveling expensesc in the study of the ethnological sig- nificance of b o t a n i c a 1 specimensi from Indian pueblos in the Rioi Grande valley, New Mexico.t The Carnegie Corporation gave a1 $5,500 grant to be used in aid of studies for librarianship. Dr. Alfred1 H. Stockard, of the zoology depart- ment, was made an assistant profes-1 sor. Zas Will Take Action Against Stubborn Froshj No-Pot' Men Must Face Ineligibility; C o u n cil Head Is Not Endorsed Acting to enforce the wearing of pots by freshmen, Joseph F. Zias, '33, Student Council p r e s i d e n t,1 threatened last night to declare allE freshmen who do not wear their "pots" "ineligible for student activi- ties." Zias said later that in all proba- bility, the disciplinary a c t i o n, if adopted, would apply only to class officers, and not to other extra-cur- ricula activities.1 The action was taken without the endorsement of the Council but Zias stated that he felt sure that the members of the Council would agree with him. The proclamation issued by Zias follows: "The Student Council as author- ized by Article II of its constitution is empowered to interpret and main- tain Michigan's traditions and cus- toms. has been a tradition at the Univer- 3ity for 40 years. During that time the majority of freshmen, especially those belonging to fraternities, wore their pots and considered it their; DR. FREDERICK B. FISHER case against the European policy of armed subjugation of weaker coun- tries was "strong," but went on to say that the book does not give Great Britain adequate credit for "the railroads, the universities, the irrigation improvements, and canals which she has instituted in India." To these charges of weakness in his theme, Dr. Fisher answered, "When the soul of a man or of a race is taken and trampled upon, a country cannot establish enough railroads, canals, and like reforms to pay for the loss of freedom." He, stated emphatically that Great Brit- ain has never put a penny into In- dia, every dollar being derived from taxation of the native peoples. Received Much Praise 1 Other reviews of the book were, whole-souled in their praise, how-1 ever, Dr. Fisher said. The "Indian1 Social Reform," Bombay, edited by3 K. Natarajan, noted reformer, said, "For the first time a white man has successfully made the transition fromj his point of view to that of the In- dian." Dr. Fisher admitted that he considered this tribute the highest praise he could receive from a native. "That Strange Little Brown Man Gandhi," is, in the estimation of cri- tics, a shocking, frank book, to which all must pay attention. Its recep- tion into India at such a critical time only added to the recognition which it would inevitably receive, Dr. Fisher believes. Used As Propaganda' "The British Viceroy was forced to ban the book, because of the wild- fire trail it was blazing across India, in the press," Dr. Fisher said. "In- dians were urging its wholesale pur- chase for use as propaganda. The government retaliated by forbidding its use in any translation, or its use in excerpt. Similar books, even books stronger in their condemnation of British tactics in India, escaped pro- scription because they were written by men less familiar with the prob- lems of 'the country, and consequent-' ly were not taken up in any kind of a popular movement." Not only does Dr. Fisher enjoy the wider circulation his book has incur- red under the proscription, but adds; that he. "expected it." "The British1 (Continued on Page 5) Kipke.And Crowley Recount Troubles Bandaging Teams DETROIT, Sept. 30--0P)-Coaches Jimmy Crowley of Michigan State and Harry Kipke of the University of Michigan told a deeply affected audi- ence today of their heroic struggles to bandage up 22 of their least crip- pledplayers so that tomorrow's in- tra-state football c 1 a s i c can be played. The occasion w a s t h e annual Michigan-Michigan S t a t e alumni banquet which always precedes the gridiron clash b e t w e e n the two schools. Crowley told the 200 alumni, in ' effect; that most of his good players were on the injured list. Kipke matched his rival coach injury for injury. But just as tears were beginning to flow, Ralph Young, state athletic director, came forward with the in- formation that McNutt, the injured fullback, is the kind of a player who can "grow ears overnight," and that he would not be surprised to see him start the game tomorrow. Fielding H. Yost, athletic director at Michigan, set a new record for Thomas ToBe Given French Honor Award Famous Lecturer's Date Postponed Because Of Legion Presentation Will Fly To East After Talk Here Lecture Is Definitely Set For Oct. 29; May At- tend Princeton Game Lowell Thomas, the lead-off lect- urer in the 1932-33 Oratorical As- sociation Lecture Series, will be pre- sented with the Legion of Honor by the French embassador, Oct. 22, at an international banquet to be held in New York. Since this presentation conflicts with the originally scheduled date for his appearance here, the Orator- ical Association has agreed at Mr. Thomas' request to release his con- tract for that date, postponing his lecture one week. He will speak here on the night of Oct. 29. "In Real Predicament" - Mr. Thomas wrote the association Wednesday: "I am in a real predi- cament regarding Oct. 22. I sure hope you can help me solve it in some way or other. The French have been gracious enough to put me up for the Legion of Honor. The French Foreign Legion is holding its first meeting in America on Oct. 22, with the ambassadors of France and many other countries present. They want to present this honor to me at this time. Of course I would like very much indeed to accept." After his lecture here on Oct. 29, it will be necessary for him to hurry from Hill Auditorium and fly by plane to Hartford, Conn., where he will speak the following afternoon. Author, lecturer, and historian, Mr. Thomas has been an internation- al figure for years, serving many na- tions in various capacities. He head- ed a civilian mission sent to Europe in 1914-16 to prepare a historical record of the World War. He was attached in turn to the American British, and A r a b i a n armies. He was historian of the Pal- estine campaign and Arabian revo- lution; and an observer with the Hedjaz forces; he made a historical and pictorial record of the German revolution and reported to the Peace Conference. Made Debut in 1919 His debut as a lecturer was made at the Century Theatre, New York, in 1919. Since then he has been lectur- ing, traveling, and writing almost continuously. His books i n c 1 u d e "Count Luckner, the Sea Devil," "With Lawrence in Arabia," and "Beyond the Khyber Pass." Mr. Thomas probably will be here in time for the Princeton game, ac- cording to the Oratorical Association. He has been an instructor at Prince- ton, where he received his M. A. degree; and, by his own statement, is "very fond of a good football game." $5,202,500 Collected In Privilege Taxes to Date LANSING, Sept. 30. - The 1932 corporation privilege tax thus far collected amounts to $5,202,501, ac- cording to an announcement made today by the office of the Secretary of State. This represents the tax paid by 13,057 corporations, the an- nouncement says. At this time last year, 14,482 cor- porations had paid a privilege tax amounting to $6,495,836. Analysis of the comparative statements shows that for the number of corporations reporting, the average amount of in- dividual tax remains about equal, but that 1,425 corporations less have made reports this year. Many c o r p o r a t io n s have been granted extensions, permissible under the law, according to Frank D. Fitz- gerald, secretary of state. All Daily Tryouts Asked To Meet Now Second semester freshmen and any sophomores interested in try- ing out for the general editorial, sports and business staffs of The Daily are asked to report at the Student Publications Building, Maynard street. TrvuAts for th huiness staff