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January 14, 1933 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-14

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Wagers Meet Illini Tonight In Attempt



Monday's Defeat

Wolverines To
Seek Revenge
Over Illi1ois
Cage Squad Determined
To Come Back In First
Big Ten Game At Home
Pennett, Leading Scorer
In Big Ten, To Be Met
By Improved Defense
Michigan Illinois
Eveland .... . .R''..... Bennett
Plummer.......L*9.... Froschauer
Garner... . C ...... Helmich
Altenhof......R G....... Beynon
Breaking even in its first two con-
ference basketball tilts the Michigan
five will take the floor tonight in
their first Big Ten home game in
an effort to chalk up a win over the
same Illinois quintet that defeated
them last Monday night at Urbana
by the score of 22-17.,
.he Wolverine team is determined
to stage a comeback against the
eoam which they led throughout
r^t of the previous contest, only
to lose out at the finish.
Long and intensive workouts and
scrimmages have been the order
throughout the week, and Coach
Cappon is highly pleased with the
improved form shown by his team,
Keep Same Lineup
Coach Craig Ruby of Illinois will
start the same formidable lineup
that has proved effective thus far in
the conference race by scoring vie-
toio over both Northwestern and
Michigan. Ben-
nett and Fros-
,M19chauer will hold
down the for-
ward b e r t h s,
with Hellmich at
center, and Bey-
non and Captain
"Red" Owen at
the guard posi-
"Cas" Bennett,
who scored all
but two of the
field goals again
field goals
against Michigan in the previous en-
gagement will be out to repeat his
performance, but will have to score
through a much tighter defense than
he encountered in the former game.
Bennett to date is the leading scorer
in the Western Conference with 22
points to his credit.
Eveland Leading Scorer
Captain Eveland at forward and
Ray Altenhof at guard have been
the. steadiest performers for the
Michigan five throughout the season,
and both gave evidence during prac-
tice sessions this week of ability to
make their opponents plenty of
worry tonight. Eveland is high score:
on the team, and ranks number f
out of the ten leading scorers in the
Big Ten. He has totalled six baskets
and three free throws in the two
games with Iowa and Illinois.
In the realm of foul shooting th
Wolverines have been exceptionally
poor so far this season. In all the
games to date they have scored only
33 out of 78 attempts, and in the
Big Ten games have managed to
drop but 6 out of 17 attempts. This
weakness, however, should have been
greatly remedied during the past
week's intensive drills. Also, none on


Coach Mann Brands Japanese
Dope Stories As Sensational
By ART CARSTENS mittee to be held at New w aven,
C o a c h Matt Mann yesterday Conn., March 24 and 25.
branded as "sensational" stories He said that Western Conference
which appeared in papers through- swimming coaches already have rul-
out the country declaring he had ed against administering oxygen to
"announced a war against doping of swimmers, "to forestall the danger
amateur swimmers, such as was done of the practice spreading in this
by the Japanese in the 1932 Olympic country."
games." He added that, although he did not
Mann, who is a member of a sub- know the Yale coach's opinion on
committee of the National Collegiate the matter, he himself would recom-
Athletic Association Swimming Com- mend that a rule similar to that
mittee, named to investigate the mat- adopted by the Western Conference
ter, simply said that in his opin- be adopted by the N.C.A.A.
ion the practice was "unethical, re- As far as has been ascertained the
gardless of harmful effects it may administration of oxygen to swim-
have on the swimmers." mers just before a race could have
In his statement he in no way at- neither good nor bad effects. Uni-
tempted to detract from the credit versity medical men said it would
due the Japanese swimmers for win- not produce greater speed "except
ning six of the seven events in the possibly by the effect on the minds
Olympic games, he said. of the athletes."
New Stroke Given Credit Denies Stimulating Effect
Mann said it is established that Dr. Frank Lynam, physician of the
"oxygen or some stimulant" was ad- athletic department, saidany ef-
ministered to Japanese swimmers feet "would last only for a breath
within ten minutes of the time they or two if at all." Dr. Louis New-
entered the water for finals of the
races at Los Angeles last summer, burgh, professor of clinical investi-
Their victories generally were credit- gation in internal medicine, said ad-
ed to a new Nipponese stroke for the n steaing oxgeharmwthedathlete.
free style, but, as has been pointed "There is no possibility of increas-
out, they also won the backstroke ing the absorption of oxygen by in-
and breaststroke events. *creasing the richness of the mixture
Robert Kiphuth, of Yale, coach of breathed. Dr. Newburgh said, "pro-
the United States Olympic swim- viding the individual has beer
ming team, is acting with Mann, onv
the two man investigation commit- breathing ordinary air, which means
tee. anywhere except at very high alti-
Mann made it clear that the sub- tudes. It is pretty well establishec
that inhalation of pure oxygen b3
committee has not met as yet but animals for considerable periods of
will be ready to report at the next time is harmful to the lungs. The
meeting of the whole swimming com- only effect of oxygen toward greater
speed or endurance would be in the
Five Tourneys To Close minds of the athletes. Caffeine 0]
some other stimulant, of course,
I-M Semester Schedule might produce greater speed."
With this the last week of intra- phuth s o Critis
athletics for the semester, five. E.HVN o. a.1.{)
tournamentsin various sports are NEW, HAVEN, Con.,hJan. 13.-(Av)


Varsity Squad
Defeats, First
Year Matme
Captain Thomas Carri
Fiero To Overtime I
Win Feature Contest


Presentation Of Ail-A merican
A wards Feat ures Trophy Night

As the feature of the Illinois bas-
ketball game tonight, seven trophies
will be awarded, the direct result of
the highly successful 1932 Wolverine
,rid season. Two team awards and
five individual trophies will be given
out between the halves of the cage
The Chicago Tribune Trophy is the
most familiar to Michigan sport fans.
=t was awarded to Friedman, Michi-
Tan's All-American quarterback in
l'ekes Win From A. K. L.
To Make Handball Title1
Tau Kappa Epsilon defeated Alpha
:appa Lambda three matches to
wo, to gain the iiterfraternity,
!andball championship. The winner
3f the tournament last year was Phi
3eta Delta.
The Tekes won both their singles
natches but lost their doubles
natch. Law, TKE, defeated Becker,
KL, 21-3, 21-5; Lundberg, TKE, de-
'eated Wise, AKL, 21-2, 21-4; Er-
vin and Brum, AKL, defeated Bauss
end McCormick, TKE, 21-15, 18-21,
he team have shown any outstand-
ng ability in cashing in from the
leld, as was evidenced against Illi-
lois when the team made 7 baskets
>n 44 shots.
Coach Cappon announced that the
ollowing men would don uniforms
3r tonight's game: Eveland, Plum-.
er, Garner, Altenhof, Petoskey, Al-
.en, Petrie, Teitlebaum, Wistert, Re-
geczi, Oliver and Black.

1926. In the eight years it has been
up for competition it has never been
given to Purdue or Wisconsin, Michi- ,
gan isthe first university to get it 'a
second time. Harry Newman won it
after a poll was taken at Conference,
schools to choose their most valuable
players. Newman was given final
choice over such stars as Horstmann
of Purdue, Berry of Illinois, Rentner
of Northwestern, and Oen of Minne-;
Since Ted Petoskey will be playing,
awards from the All-American Board
will be given out first. Petoskey andj
Newman will be the recipients in this
case, receiving blankets with the
All-American insignia in the center,'
white sweaters, and gold watch;
Harry Newman gets the second
award on the program. The All-
American trophy
presented by Col-
lier's m a g a z i n e
comes to him as a
result of making
t h e quarterback
post on Grantlandj
Rice's annual hon-
or team. Coach
Kipke will present
the trophy, a gold.
4 VgW/VRM The third award:
also goes to the Maize and Blue
quarterback. A medal, a replica of
the big Douglas Fairbanks Trophy,.
will be presented to Newman by Maj
John L. Griffith.
A gold football will then be pre-
sented to Newman by Major Griffith.
Howard Jones of the University of
Southern California furnishes the
trophy, and it is awarded every year
to the man chosen by a poll of play-
ers throughout the country as being
the most valuable man to his team.
The fifth award, the Chicago Trib-
une, goes to Harry Newman as the
most valuable player in the Big Ten.
Harvey Woodruff, sport columnist of

under way. The athletic program
sponsored by the intramural depart-
ment. will be suspended until after
final examinations.
By far the outstanding intramural
events now are the interfraternity
and independent basketball tourna-
ments. One hundred teams will
swing into action this week, playing
first and second round matches.
Four other tourneys are scheduled
to get under way the early part of
this week. They are all-campus sin-
gles handball; all-campus squash, in-
terfraternity bowling, faculty squash,
and all-campus indoor singles tennis.
Coach John Johnstone will be given
a good opportunity to get a line on
potential Varsity tennis material in
the all-campus indoor singles tennis
tournament. Seeded number one is
Charles Nissen, last year's winner of
the event, but pre-tourney predic-
tions are that the final match will
be played between Phil Keen, winner
of the outdoor invitational and all-
campus squash title, as John Rein-
del, last year's champion, has been
graduated. Ray Fiske will be seeded
number one man.
Last year's dinner of the interfra-
ternity bowling tournament way.
SAlphaChi Sigma.

Robert Kiphuth, coach or the last
United States Olympic swimming
team, said today he had "absolutely
no criticism" to make of the train-
ing methods used by the Japanese in,
the 1932 Olympic games.
Commenting on a charge made by
Matt Mann, swimming coach at the
University of Michigan, that Japan-
ese natators were administered "oxy-
gen or some stimulant" before the fi-
nals, Kiphuth said:
"I have found the Japanese to be
among the finest sportsmen I have
met in my whole experience, and I
have absolutely no criticism of their
methods of training."
The Yale coach, member of a sub-
committee which is to report on al-
leged "doping" to a committee of the
national collegiate athletic associa-
tion, expressed the opinion that the
Japanese training methods should
not concern the United States offi-
Japanese Reply
TOKIO, Jan. 13.- OP) - Ryuzo
Nichimoto, a member of the direcor-
ate of the Japan Aquatic Association,
lommenting on charges from the
United States that Japanese olympic
swimmers were "doped" with oxygen,
said liquid oxygen sometimes was
administered at Los Angeles to assist
recovery from exhaustion but denied
it influenced the Japanese victories.
Nichimoto said the oxygen was
administered on the advice of a
group of Japanese physicians who
were consulted before the departure
of the team for Los Angeles.

-©A M O N D
Ray Altenhof, stellar Wolverine
wuard, who will start in his regular
position in tonight's game with Illi-
nois. Altenhof scored four points in
last Monday's defeat at Champaign
by the illini.
Loeal Natato's
Make Merry-At
Swimming M eetf
Fun, frivolity, and wood natured
rivalry were the order of the night,
as over 200 swimmerstn thewould-be
swimmers, competed.ini the first of
Matt Mann's depression -defying
Open Swim meets at the Intramuralt
Pool last' nigh't:
A crowd of over 300 paid their
quarters' and dimes to 'watch Johnny
Schmieler and his m; !rry band of
National Champions :lisplay their
wares against an impo ting array of
chevaux noirs. A score or more of!
bow-tied, white shir4ed officials
shouted themselves hoa rse trying tc
announce the 'winners ind keep the
unwieldy groups of competitors mpv-
ing along at a quick pz ce.
The high point of the evening
came when a diminuti-e eight year,
old boy rescued a plui.p little girl
as she was about to f: under, while
Mann's All-Americans stood on the
shore and applauded.
As for the results, h tre they are:
John Schmieler won the 50-yard
open handicap in 23.4 seconds with
Marcus and Kennedy hext. Harris,
Gates, aendBrier finished n that or-
der in the 25-yard race for. boys
under 14.
Brooks upset the dope bucket by
taking the 220-yard free style from
Tex Robertson and ;chmieler in
2:39.2. In the 25-yard :taco for girls
under 14 the Misses Fries, Hall and
Pickard finished in the order named.
McDonald swam the 50-yard back-
stroke in two seconds over record
figures to defeat Drysdale and Voice.
Young and Ingwerson 'swam a dead
heat in 30.4 in the 50-yard free style
for boys under 18, with Dickinson
third. Louis Lemak again tied the
world record to take the 50-yard
breast-stroke from Hughes and Wil-
liams in 29.4.

Paced by five lettermen, the Var-
sity wrestling team decisively de-
feated the freshman squad in a
match yesterday. The regulars won
all of the ten matches. As the meet
was unofficial no point score war
In the feature bout of the after-
noon Captain Blair Thomas carried
Austin Fiero, State A. A. U. cham-
pion at 135 pounds into overtime,
finally winning the motch on a 2:20
time decision. Thomas carried the
fight at the outset but a closing
rally by Fiero put the battle on even
terms. The Wolverine captain swept
through his overtime period and a
share of Fiero's to win the nod, how-
Rubin Wins
Seymour Rubin won the curtain
raiser from Bob Colville, having
things his own way and throwing
Colville in 5:42.
Art Mosier, letterman in the 155-
pound class, won the best bout of
the day's card, defeating Higbe, a
yearling. Mosier's superior experience
served him in good stead, the veteran
finally gaining a time decision.
In a very fast bout Jim Landrum,
Varsity 118-pounder, overwhelmed
Jack Lapides, and won a decision
easily. Bob Helliwell, another experi-
anced man, made the mistake of um-
derestimating his freshman oppo-
nent, Charlie Marshner. After the
frosh grappler had gained an early
time advantage, Helliwell came from
behind to register victory.
Oakley Throws Saliva
The other letterman,rJoe Oakley,
;vrestlecrdespite an injured knee, and
threw Joe Saliva at 5:20. The fight
was colorless throughout. Oakley
having the upper hand,
Ofthe threebouts in which ex-
perienced wrestlers did not partici-
pate, two ended in falls. Ed Land-
wehr gained the upper hand at -the
start of his fight with Ed Stone, and
Pinned Stone in 3 minutes. Louis
Parker, of the Varsity won a rough
match from Meisel with a fall at
Carroll Sweet profited by an early
time advantage in his match with Ed
Buler. The former spotted several
pounds to Butler, who fought more
successfully after a blow gave him
a nose-bleed.
Ann Arbor Cagers
Trounce Jackson
In an exciting game which was nip
and tuck until the last quarter, Ann
Arbor High cagers defeated Jackson
last night 29 to 21.
The lead see-sawed back and forth
for three periods, Ann Arbor leading
17 to 14 at the half and 21 to 19
at the start of the last quarter. Led
by its captain and All-State guard,
Ferris Jennings, and Pete Pegan,
stellar forward, the Purple and White
then staged a drive which netted
them eight points, the winning mar-
The Ann Arbor reserves won their
game also, 25 to 23, Nick Pegan sink-
ing the deciding basket in the last
ten seconds of play.



FOOTBALL has its statistics, base- strong, unbeaten Illini. Seven of the
ball has its supplementary in- most prized awards in football his-
formation, but basketball only has tory will descend into Michigan's al-
the scoring and fouls. This column ready large share of trophys. The
will endeavor in the future to fur- awarding of these honors will take
nish its readers with basketball sta- more than the usual 10 minutes be-
tistics. tween halves it seems, and a clock
A case for this information would watch on the time between the
be easy to prepare because in the halves would indicate about 15 min-
present conditions, only points are utes at least. This is reducing the
ufied to rate a team. However, if one speeches 'by National figures to a'
toam had three times as many good minimum.
:hots at the basket but at the same Never in Michigan's football his-
time lost the game, it is a pertinent tory has as many awards of the first
?act that everyone should be given a magnitude been awarded for one
:hance to know. team's work. The 1932 eleven goes
Missed free throws are not in- down in history tonight as one of
cluded in the present writeups. As Michigan's greatest and the outfit
so many games are won or lost by that packed the trophy cases.
foul shots, it seems to us that thy se k h r
missed are important in judging aWE CALLED HARRY G. KIPKE
team. At this point we also wish to recently as we had been tipped
add that there is not enough differ- off that he had received an increase
once between a free throw and a in salary that amounted to $5,000
floor basket, only one point. In our yearly. The story went around that
opinion a two-point difference would some Detroit alumnus had given him
be a better and fairer judgment of the money and would every year
the ability used to make them, hence. Of course the rumor was un-
Basketball is so fast that it will founded but he said that he was
take a group of workers, numbering "very partial" to any such thing.
perhaps six or seven, to compile this * *
information, but this column pledges COACH LOWREY has made two
its readers more complete informa- cuts in his freshman hockey
+;in nn +whP inmp if + +nlras Pv. rv,. ,___. ..-.~..__

the Tribune, will be here to present
the actual-size silver football.
Major Griffith will present theI
Fanrbanks Trophy to Director Field-
ing H. Yost. This is in connection
Iwith the All-Players All-American,
as it is awarded to Michigan for hav-
ing the most valuable player in the
country on her squad list. Ernie
Pinckert won the award for Southernr
I California last year.
The Knute Rockne National Inter-
collegiate Memorial Football Trophy
will be the last
V award to be given
outat thebpresen-
tation ceremonies
tonight. The silver
plaque was given
r by the Ramblers'
"Four Horsemen,"
Don Miller, Harry
Stuhldreher, Elmer
Layden, and James
jPaT~*~ This award is
given to the team standing first in
the Dickinson rating each year, and
will be presented to Coach Harry

Be Out For Revenge
Against Freshmen
A struggle to avenge the loss of
prestige by the "B" team will be the
promising feature of the basketball
game this Molday afternoon be-
tween Coach Ray Fisher's freshman
Last Monday the freshman team
administered a harsh beating to the
"B" team to the tune of 30 to 16.
The first half found the "B's" ahead
of the frosh second team, 12 to 5,
but with the advent of the freshman
first team in the second half, the
tide was turned and the yearlings
made 12 points before the "B" team
could have a field goal. The score for
the second half alone was 25 to 4 in
favor of the first year men.
The "B" team will be out for blood
in Monday's game, as was witnessed
by the rough and earnest playing in
practice this week. Their lineup will
probably be: Seely at center, Black
and Nichols at forwards, adn Wistert
and Borgman at guards.
The freshmen went through an
easy practice yesterday in which
shooting and fundamentals wereem-
phasized. Their starting team will
probably find Evans and Ford at for-
ward positions, Silverman at center,
and Tamangno and Jaglonski at
guards. The reserves are Levine and
Miller, forwards, and McCollum at









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