TheI Mostly clot Saturday; S i fair and war Weather udy, snow flurries u n d a y generally mer. Y t 3 afl t t Edito A Reason For Not Grades. m.... VOL. XLIII No. 80, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 14, 1933 PRICE FIV U II Employment Gets Attention Of Democrats, Einstein In California Roosevelt Confers With Boston Mayor, Others On Relief Methods McAdoo To Visit Hyde Park Sunday Cantonments, Reclamation Work Included In Curley 'Prosperity' Program HYDE PARK, N. Y., Jan. 13.-(P) .-Associated Press Photo Prof. Albert Einstein, German scientist, arrived in Los Angeles re- cently for his third visit to the United States. With him is Dr. Robert A. Millikan, noted physicist. After a two-month stay he is expected to return to Germany via New York to look over plans for the mathe- matical position he will occupy at Princeton university for several months annually beginning sometime in the next college year. Wolverines Tie St. Mary's 4-4 In Ice Thriller Sherf Scores Four Goals To Star For Michigan Against Minnesotans By ALBERT H. NEWMAN An outfit of six. Redmen led by a goalie of All-American rank battled Michigan's Varsity ice team to a 4-4 tie after 80 minutes of the fast- est hockey played in the local arena this season. Two overtimes featuring four: goals thrilled a capacity crowd as the St. Mary's aggregation battled the Wolves. John Sherf, sophomore . defense man for the Wolves, rang up all four goals for the Maize and Blue. He was assisted only once and- his work during the evening was nothing short of brilliant. Flashy skating and the hardest shooting seen on the Varsity ice featured his performance.:Oppo s ing him was Al nqui4st, All-American goalie, who made 61 stops, many of a sensational nature. Wolves Tally Frst Sherf opened fire early in the sec- ond period with a flashy shot from a position almost parallel to the Red- men's net, which was accurate to the fraction of an inch. St. Mary's ev- ened the score five minutes later when Burdeno bounced a tricky shot from center past Jewell. Sherf again put Michigan in front when he outskated the defensemen, crossed close to the net from right to left, and stretched the cords with a shot which could not be stopped. Three-quarters of the final regular period elapsed without a score, but Burdeno tallied again on a rebound from center as Michigan had but three minutes to go to win the game. The shot tied the score, and forced the contest into the first ten-minute overtime with the count knotted at 2-2. Two minutes of. the . overtime had elapsed when Sherf breezed one past Almquist with a shot from the red line which caught the upper right corner of the goal. Two minutes later, Prelesnik crashed the scoring column with a rebound after two stops in a pileup before the Wolver- ine net, tying the score at 3-3. Sherf, Reid Save Game At this crucial point, David drew a penalty for tripping, and the Red- men hit the Michigan net again, this time with a red-line shot by Glad, putting them out in front by one goal. The high point of the game came with but a scant minute and two sec- onds to play, when Michigan sent four men down the ice in a desperate attempt to score. Reid passed to Sherf close to the St. Mary's goal in center ice, and the flashy sopho- more banged in a shot which hit the net two feet above the ice.- The final overtime was barren of scores, although the Wolverines de- cisively outplayed the Redmen as they did during the first and sec- ond periods. David played an out- standing defensive game, while Reid and Crossman were stopped by a poke-checking defense and a fine goalie. Neil Gabler, ineligible since the first contest, regained his scholastic status at the last minute and made his first appearance of the season last night as a spare defenseman and center. SUMMARIES Michigan St. Mary's China Denies Having Ma de Jap Settlement Britain Asks Japanese Protect Its Interests Shanhaikwan To In GENEVA, Jan. 13.-0')-China in- formed the League of Nations today that there is no truth in reports the Chinese government has appointed a negotiator to reach a settlement with Japan in the conflict over Shanhaik- wan. The Chinese position was set forth to the League by Dr. W. W. Yen, China's League delegate. The R e n g o (Japanese) news agency reported Thursday that peace terms had been discussed by Japa- nese and Chinese military officers meeting in the presence of British naval officers at Chinwangtao, the Chinese port near Shanhaikwan The Chinese officers participating In the conference,the Ren o corre- spondent said, was the representa- tive of Gen. Ho Chu-.Kuo, Chinese commander whose troops were driven out of Shanhaikwan by the Japa- nese. TOKYO, Jan. 13.-(P)-Sir Francis Lindley, ambassador from Great Britain, informed the Japanese gov- ernment today that British interests in north China are threatened by the tense situation growing out of the Japanese occupation of Shan- haikwan.., The ambassador, it was under- stood, acted under instructions from his government. He conferred with Foreign Minister Uchida. The inter- view was described as most friendly. Semester Results Forecast Success Of Socialist House The Michigan Socialist House, 335 E. Ann St., a co-operative rooming establishment opened in September by Sher Quraishi and Osro Bridge, graduate students, is nearing the end of the first semester of operation with the success of the plan it in- augurated assured. Twenty-four students are now utilizing the facilities of the House, receiving their room, board, barber and laundry services at the incredib- ly low price of $2.00. Five hours of house work per week are required in addition to the cash payment. Quraishi and Bridge have trans- ferred their activities to the Mich- igan Co-Operative Boarding House but are continuing their residence in the House. The management is now under the direction of a committee of five, lected by the House resi- dents. Out of 1,400 quarts of canned goods on the shelves in September, prepared by the members themselves, under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Buchanan, who is in charge of the kitchen, more than half are left at the present time, enough to supply the house for the remainder of the school year. On Jan. 14, when an inventory was completed, it was found that a surplus of $113 had been accumulated. Hillel Players Draw Full House On Opening Niglit "Ann a Christie." "O'Neill drama Thieves Take $50,000Gems In New York Penthouse Apartment Of Wealthy Merchant Scene Of DaringNight Haul $100,000 Worth Of Jewels Missed Police Say Criminals Are The Same Who Operated In Glemby Case in 1932 NEW YORK, Jan. 13. --(3) - Jewelry valued at $50,000 was stolen from the penthouse apartment of Isaac Keller by two robbers, who surprised the wealthy hairgoods merchant in his sleep, bound and gagged him with one of his own shirts, and ransacked the apartment for 40 minutes.t Herbert Lipsky, the Keller chauf- feur, appeared as they were leaving and he, too, was bound. After Keller had protested that only his wife, who was at a bridge party, knew the combination to a safe, the pair sought in vain toj break it open, then gave up and left. Miss $100,000 in Gems They left behind in the safe Jew- elry which Keller said was worth, $100,000. The robbery occurred last night,] but was not disclosed by police un- til today. It immediately recalled the Glem-< by gem case of last year, when threer men, operating in much the same manner, posed as bootleggers to gainc entrance to the apartment of Harry Glemby, wealthy hairgoods manu- facturer, and son of Mrs. Keller. After knocking the butler uncon- scious, they bound four members ofj the household and took jewelry valu-I ed at $300,000. Three men and two women were later arrested and idicted. Two of the men since met violent death; one man and one woman were sent-t enced to prison terms, and the otherI woman's bail was discharged. Dozen Pieces in Loot In ransacking the Keller apart- ment, the thieves found a jewel casket containing more than a dozenI pieces, including a diamond andE platinum chocker, two snake brace- lets of platinum and diamods and a3 gold mesh bag with diamond clasp.E The jewelry had been left out oft the safe for Keller to take to havet cleaned, in preparation for a trip Mrs. Keller intended making to Flor- ida tomorrow. Although bound to a chair, the chauffeur managed to inch his way across the room, knock the receiv- er from the telephone, and call for help. Hoski Praises U. S. Refusal To Deal With Reds "The United States is the only cap- italistic nation showing the good sense not to recognize Soviet Russia," stated A. H. Hoski, '15E, who hasĀ° spent the last two years in Russia as the superintendent of the cold metal stamping division of one of the larg- est of the Soviet automobile plants. Quoting, in support of his stand, speeches from the May 1 celebration last year where foreign diplomats were invited to witness indignities di- rected at the monarchs of their re- spective countries and watch their rulers hung in effigy, Mr. Hoski con- cluded that with the militaristic spirit shown and the utter contempt for capitalistic nations, recognition of Soviet Russia would be the despoil- ing of American pride, sold for a measly amount of trade which would eventually be more than counter- balanced by Russian exports to our country. "They are training their youth to hate us in their schools and at their play," he protested, "and when they wave what only appears to be a $10,000,000 commercial con- cession in our faces we are willing to forego that insult and shake the hand that is admittedly preparing to strike us at its earliest chance." "Russians have been taught to be- House Votes To Override Islands Veto Wild Cheers Greet Result Of Vote; Rush Procedure Used In Passage President's Word Arouse Japanese Senate Filibuster Prevents Action; Hoover Sees Danger In Far East WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-(P)- One formidable obstacle stood to- night between the Philippine Islands and freedom-a Senate vote on over- riding President Hoover's veto. Gauging the outlook, after the House had voted emphatically to set aside the veto and make law the pending measure to give islands independence after 10 years, Senate sponsors of the bill were uncertain of commanding the votes necessary for similar Senate action. The Democratic-controlled House earlier had smashed down with a vim on. Mr. Hoover's argument that the bill invited "grave dangers of foreign invasion and war." Within two hours from the time the Presi- dent's veto message was received it voted, 274 to 94, to override. A great shout went up in the House when Speaker John N. Gar- ner announced that the motion by Rep. Butler B. Hare, .(Dem., S. C.) chairman of the Insular Affairs Com- mittee, to override the veto had been carried. The Philippine resident commissioners, Osias and Guevera, were surrounded and cheered. It was several minutes before order was re- stored In vetoing the bill, which provides for a decade of economic and p0- litical adjustment prior to freedom, President Hoover said: "This legislation put both o ur peo- ple and the Philippine people not on the road to liberty and safety, which we desire, but on the path leading to new and enlarged dan- gers to liberty and freedom itself." TOKIO, Jan. 13.-(/P)-President Hoover's veto message today on the Philippines Independence Bill arous- ed Japanese Government officials by intimatng that the Islands should not be freed because of Japan's for- eign policy. It was considered likely that an official protest would be sent to Washington. Lunatic, Drunk Relieve Friday 13th Monotony Friday the 13th in Washtenaw County and Ann Arbor was one of the most uneventful of all possible uneventful days. There were just two items reported at the Ann Ar- bor police station and Washtenaw sheriff's office. The police reported that one Ed Hamilton, a tramp, was arrested for being drunk. e had reached the state of intoxi.a- tion on bay rum. The . sheriff's office noted that an inmate of the Ypsilanti State Hospital nad "walked away." He was not dan- gerous, and in a few hours brad been found. BREWER EDDY * * , To SpeakHere Reduces Of New Wine Included ] Bill; Passage Assured For 1 Alcohol Dec To Assure rewer Eddy Will Give Two, Lectures Here Foreign Missions And The Present Crisis Topics: Pastor Lauds His Work Brewer Eddy, widely known lec- turer and brother of Sherwood Eddy will deliver two addresses tomorrow at the Congregational Church. He will speak at the morning service on "Shall We Junk Foreign Mission, Because of the Laymens Report?" and will address the Sunday evening meeting of the Student Fellowship of the Congregational Church in the chiirch parlor~s on "Individualism vs. Socialism in the Present Crisis." Sherwood and Brewer Eddy are generally looked upon as among the most effective leaders in present day Christianity, according to Rev. Alli- son Ray Heaps, pastor of the Con- gregational Church, who terms their service "outstanding and unique." The two men have been actively engaged, in Christian work since the death of their father, a prominent and successful business man. Upon 1 his death, the brothers, who were still young, decided, instead of fol- lowing the path of his career, to give themselves and the bulk of their in- come to church work. For a number of years Brewer Ed- dy has been the director of the Home Department of the American Board. Travelling widely and speak- ing forcibly, he has earned a repu- tation equalled by few others than his brother as an activeanis prac- teral force in church work. The lecture will follow the regular Sunday supper of the. Fellowship at 6 p. m. and will be preceded by a short program of serious music by the University Salon Orchestra under the direction . of J. Christian Pfohl. On this program. Lyle Shu- mati will play a violin solo, and a 1 girls' trio composed of Mildred Strufe, Jean Seeley, '36, and Edith Forsythe, '36, will render vocal se- lections. The supper will cost 20 cents. The public, especially Univer- sity students, are cordially invited. Resort Hardware Store Razed In $10,000 Fire Fire, beginning at 3 a. m. and con- tinuing for several hours, completely destroyed the Huntley Hardware Store at Whitmore Lake yesterday. Subc& Status Of Whiskey, G Will Remain Unchang Under New Regulation WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. - (P) Fortified against constitutional sault by a reduced alcoholic conte and broadened to include wine, House Beer Bill tonight awaited tion by the Senate Judiciary Comn tee after receiving sub-committee proval. Determined to bring the meas safely within the limitations of Eighteenth Amendment, the la group redrafted the bill almost in entirety and cut the House's 3.2 cent maximum alcoholic content 3.05. The lower figure would amo to 3.8 by volume instead of the 41 sent voted by the House. Test Due Monday With Senate Democrats united supporting the bill and optimi that it will be passed, the meas will come to its next test on Mon in a vote by the committee pro: Its members are favorably dispos but the measure must weather storm of controversy before it become law. The sub-committee eliminated effort at definition of an intoxical beverage. It proposed, instead, limit the penalties of the Volst law to malt or vinous beverages more than 3.05 per cent. No cha would be made in the Volstead 11 tation of one-half of 1 per cent distilled liquors. Wine in Same Category Wine was placed in the same c gory with beer and limited to 3 per cent alcoholic content. Sent C. C. Dill (Dem., Wash.), who sp sored this change, predicted tha would result in raising more revel The sub-committee, headed Senator John J. Blaine (Rep., W showed the same speed in deal with the beer bill that it emplc in drafting the prohibition rep resolution now pending before Senate. The new bill was drafted at th executive sessions held on succes days, which approaches a record 'speed in dealing with the prohibi controversy. Blaine announced that the vot the sub-committee was four-to- for the bill, with only Senator P liam E. Borah opposing, though eral members made reservations specific amendments. Good Will Fund Finds Wome Most Generoi ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Jan. 13.- (AI, -Higher education was said to have failed in certain respects by two speakers before the closing session of the nineteenth annual meeting of the Association of American Colleges today. "Examples show that the colleges have been almost completely ineffec- tual in influencing their own grad- uates or the general current of Amer- ican life," said Dr. Paul H. Douglas, professor of economics at the Uni- versity of Chicago. "Probably, in view of the present emergencies, higher education has failed just a little less than democ- racy in the United States and the world," said Dr. Carleton J. H. Hayes, of Columbia University. Dr. Hayes, too ill to attend the meeting, had his paper read by Dr. Edgar Park., presi- dent of Wheaton College. Both Dr. Hayes and Dr. Douglas, however, held out hope for the fu- ture by advising the further develop- ment of self-knowledge with the cen- Russia's Five-Year Plan Called 'Statistical Bluff'By Timoshenko A statement by Stalin that the Russian Soviet Five-Year Plan, re- cently completed at the close of a little more than four years, had worked to the extent of 93.7 per cent, was characterized by Prof. V. P. Timoshenko of the economics depart- ment; in an interview yesterday, as "a statistical bluff." Declaring that the collective farm agricultural system had proven an absolute failure, Professor Timo- shenko said further that the two basic industrial products, coal and pig iron, had been lagging during the past few years. The slow production of these two commodities alone, he said, would prevent the high degree of efficiency claimed by Stalin. Industries Lag In 1931 "In 1931," said Professor Timo- senko "the coal and pig iron in- dustries lagged greatly. The produc- ! -,.. final of nicr i n alan a 0'l n. minh d lf.- Professor Timoshenko remarked that he was uncertain as to whether Stalin included in his estimate agri- cultural production. '"Evidently," he said, "the agricultural plan has been a complete failure, because the gov- ernment now intends to go back to the system introduced by Lenin in 1921. Lenin's system was to tax grain production, and to allow the indi- vidual peasant to dispose of his sur- plus as he saw fit. Under Stalin, the government has been confiscating the surplus, and even more than the sur- plus." Peasants Discouraged The pesants, it was - pointed out, have been discouraged by this sys- tem of taking away their produce, and production has consequently fal- len off. In 1931, grain produce equalled in volume that of the pre- war period-but the population of 'Pliccia u.,n . lac 9A"Pr .nta+raniE~ Women have outshone the men in generosity thus far during the Good Will drive deports with directors of the drive showed last night. In round figures their contributions amount to $150 more. It was pointed out however that solicitation in dormitories is nearing completion and 10 of 22 sororities have turned in their subscriptions while canvassing of men students has been slowed up by their various resi- dences. Also reports of, solicitation in only ten fraternities have been filed with drive officials. Council Gives Aid Workers from the Interfraternity Council team under the captaincy of Charles Jewett, '33, are leading all other district teams in money col- lected. Vulcans workers under John Getz, '33E, and Triangle members under Hugh Grove, '34E, are the teams which rank second and third in the order named. Individual solicitaiton has not only proved and effective canvassing sys- tem but in addition it has served to bring numerous students living in stringent circumstances to the at- tention of Good Will Fund officers. The need of the relief to be offered by the fund has proved to be even greater than was goriinally believed.