hier to Friday hange in L Ait DaiIt Mr. Con Will Of Th tion That 79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 13, 1933 PRICE : t col Norris Gives Committee's Stand On Repeal Ies To Be Curtailed' citation Legislation Further Expense ion Necessary e Decrease Be 50 Per Cent ers Abolition ng Positions School Term nent of the educa- fered by the Ann 3m loomed yester- a to the financial on the organiza- e of tax limitation i ies in the already teachers and cus- the school board plans for a further the deficit creat- n of the 15-mill ember. Under one now offered by the :ools would be re- vith the abolition eaching positions. I would call for a ool term in latef pril instead of in The expected in- ng year has been tely 50 per cent by -Associated Press Photo Senator George W. Norris, (left), chairman of the Senate judiciary committee, is shown telling newspapermen the results of the commit- tee's vote on the Senate's proposed repeal resolution. The committee recommended repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment along the lines set forth in the Republican national platform. It' met with strenuous objection among Democratic leaders of the House. House Passes Allotment Plan For Farm,, Aid Measure Carried After A Long Struggle; Senate Meets With Filibustering V. ht ho of while a m relief w referred to schools"N pon thec "curricul y impair t chools. He these "en the infeme his vol axpayers' rrying ou for the rE et. They v npt to bl fall scho lects Two rece candi against tl it-Teache. A. elect her was t eting of t il be he Proposal 0 y L. L. G ie mam- WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.-mem-- tit bo, Battering down opposition in a te- a futue dious, long drawn struggle, the ma- jority forces of the House today' passed a tremendous program for board, farm relief, an allotment plan to.in- he Uni- sure the farmer a paying return on au advo- his crops and labor. slashes While the Eouse voted, this by 203 slass to 151, the Senate was forced to , away work overtime by the determination r yper- of the Glass banking bill suppoi'ters ould be to wear down filibustering Hucy Quld be Long and his aides in the campaign certain against branch banking. who, he The Senate was threatened, how- opportu- ever, with indefinite filibustering on a-slash. all legislation it considers unless it acts to inflate the currency or to re- he oper- en y ' did opnot lieve unemployed. Through the block-' emies of ade, howeer, passed the first appro- nee ap- priation bill of the session, a $31,- ley was 000,000 deficiency measure. This League, measure was first amended to re- t an in-' quire approval by a joint congres- eduction sional committee of all big tax re- xere de- funds before they may be paid. ' ock the The renewed stock ,cxchange in- of meet- quiry came to the end of hearings on the Kreuger and Toll bond flotations after drawing from Witnesses new idatesintestimony concerning the collapse of hree se- Ivar Kreugers match empire. Later, rs Asso- the Senate banking committee onl- ed two ducting the investigation will turn to the lone that other hge business catastrophe .hp 'T'n of recent days, the Insull smash. 'Anna Christie ,' O Neill Drama, Opens Toni rht Geisman Has Title Role; Wernier, Rubin Featured In Hillel Group Offering, "Anna Christie," Eugene O'Neill's drama of the pre-prohibition water- fronts, being presented by the Hillel Players, will open at 8:30 p. m. to- night in Lydia Mendelssohn theatre for a two-day run. Georgia Geisman, '34, will play the title role, a part created on the New York stage by Pauline Lord and in the talking pictures by Greta Garbo. 'Paul Weriner, '33M, -will have the role of Chris Christopherson, barge-mans father of Anna, and Lawrence Rubin. '34, will play Mat Burke, brawny Irish stoker and Anna's suitor. Other featured parts will be taken by Dean Sudow, '34, Morris Isaacs, '35, Theodore Barash, '35, Sidney Capaln, '35, Herbert Brodkin, '33, William Zagorin, '34, and Herbert Hirschman, '33. E. Mortimer Shuter, for 14 years, director of Mimes and the Union Opera will direct the show.. His ver- sion of "Anna Christie," presented six years ago on the campus, enjoyed the most successful run in the history of Mimes plays, according to Morton Frank, '33, president of the players. Profits of the play will go to the Hillel Foundation Loan Fund for de- serving students. Originated three years ago by Dr. Bernard Heller, di- rector of the Foundation, the fund has distributed more than $2,000 to students. Tryouts for the players, Frank said, will be held next week for stu- dents who arc not affiliated with the acting, technical or business end of the show. Those trying out will read a selection from a play, or discuss some phase of the drama. $2,000 Mark In Sight In Relief Drive Approximately $400 Is Collected For Good Will Fund On Fourth Day Employees Of Union Make $100 Donation Fraternity And Sorority Give $1.25 A Member To Lead Organizations Contributions yesterday brought the total subscriptions to the Good Will drive near to $2,000. Returns for the day were in the neighborhood of $400 with this fig- ure based upon incomplete reports of team captains. Dormitories and sor- orities led all other groups in amounts given with their total of $136 being reported by Catherine Heesen, '33. Fraternity solicitation received an encouraging response with Alpha Delta Phi leading other local chap- ters with $65 contributed. The lead- ing sorority has given $45. Based up- on number of persons in the societies the average member's subscription is approximately $1.25. The total amount advanced by one women's dormitory passed $150 yes- terday late reports showed. The col- lection of the Union employees which amounted to $100 was also given to drive directors in the late afternoon. It has been pointed out by drive leaders that all of the activity of the Good Will Fund has thus far been carried out without the expending of any money to outside agencies. The used clothes contributed are being cleaned and renovated free of charge by local cleaners and all administra- tion work is being handled through the offices of the Union and the deans'. Thus all money collected will be available for student relief. Community FtdG s Check To Student Relief A check for $177.76, the first di- vision of the Ann Arbor Community Chest Fund's gift to aid needy Uni- versity students, was received yester- day by J. A. Burslcy, dean of stu- dents. The Community Chest con- tribution, which will total nearly $2,- 000, is being turned over to the Uni- versity in a series of nine monthly instalments. Plans for distribution of the fund have not been determined, accord- ing to Dean Bursley. He said he ex- pected to confer with the Commu- nity Chest committee to decide the most effective method of reaching deserving students. Cinema League Is To Presenit Weird Picture Measure For State Repeal Is Introduced. Senator Derham Submits Liquor Law Recall Bill To State Legislature No Provision For Control Of Traffic Voorheis Rules Present Enforcement Act Still In Operation LANSING, Jan. 12.-(IP)-The first step was taken in the Legislature to- day to comply with what its sponsors termed the prohibition repeal man- date of the voters in the last general election. A bill was introduced in the senate by Senator Ray Derham, Republican, of Iron Mountain, proposing the out- right repeal of the State Prohibition Enforcement Act of 1917. Michigan for more than a month has operated under a double prohibi- tion standard. Voters repealed the bone-dry clause of the state constitu- tion by an overwhelming margin at the November election. Paul W.j Voorhies, former attorney-general,1 ruled the enforcement statute con- tinues in operation despite the con- stitutional repeal. Provision Lacking Although the amendment adopted by the voters authorized the creation: of a state liquor control commission, Senator Derham's bill has no such 'provision. He said he did not con- template the submission of a control measure. The senator accompanied the sub- mission of his bill with a statement explaining he sought to eliminate corruption and confusion, to comply with the administration's proposed policy of releasing liquor prisoners, and to prepare the state for repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment. "Continua cc of the enforcement act in the face of constitutional re- peal,1' Senator Derham charged, "has brought widespread local corruption in arrests and prosecutions. If the dual system persists our elections will also be contaminated more than ever before" People's Will Derham claimed that most voters were under the opinion they had abolished all prohibition enforceet in .the statewhen they adopted the repeal amendment. "If the will f the people as expressed last Noven- ber is to be carried out the state en- forcement law must be taken off the statute books," he said. Derham claimed "an undesirable condition" prevailed in his section of the state in view of the repeal of the Wisconsin enforcement act several years ago. Much confusion, he said, had arisen over prosecutions and ar- rests near the boundary. Fraternities P J-Hop TicketsI Priced At $7 By Committee Budget Is Reduced $500; Decision On Orchestra To Be Announced Soon Tickets for the J-Hop of the class of 1934 will be priced at $7.00, it was decided at a meeing of the Senate Committee on Student Affairs held yesterday afternoon. A budget of $4,900 was also ac- cepted at this meeting of the com- mittee. This is a reduction of nearly $500 from last year's budget. Any profits from this year's affair willa be given .to the Student Good Will Fund, it was announced by Charles Jewet, general chairman.I Both ticket price and budget for the party were approved by the Stu- dent Council in its meeting last night and were submitted to the committee for the meeting today. Tickets for the dance will be sold by the Union, Van Boven's, the Hut, the Den, Siater's, Wahr's, and J-Hop committeemen, Robert Saltzsten, treasurer and ticket chairman, an- nounced last night. Several nationally prominent or- chestras are under consideration for the dance, Jewett said, and a decision is expected very soon. Among those most prominent in the negotiations are Guy Lombardo, Isham Jones, and George Olson. A plan for the decoration of the Intramural Building gymnasium was submitted at the last meeting of the committce and a contract awarded for the work. As soon as a large rep- lica of the design has been drawn up it will be displayed in the window of a tate Street store.' Reveals Cooleys Part In Law Book Results of research disclosing the great extent to which James Bryce was indebted to Thomas M. Cooley in writing "The American Common- wealth" are discussed in the current issue of the "Law Review" by Prof. Everett S. Brown, of the political science department. Thomas McIntyre Cooley, who was born Jan. 6, 1824, and lived until Sept. 12, 1898, was regarded by his associates as the foremost American in the field of constitutional law. He was a justice of the state supreme 'court, dean of the University of Michigan Law School, and a profes- sor of American history and consti- tutional law in the literary college. Professor Brown has recently had ac- cess to some of Judge Cooley's papers, and has discovered among them in- dications that James Bryce, writing his great classic, was even more in- debted to Judge Cooley than is com- monly supposed from the fact that his name is placed first on Bryce's list of friends who helped him in his work. Professor Brown has discovered that Judge Cooley 'read Bryce's or- iginal manuscript, checking it and making numerous suggestions, Bursley To Call Of Senate Com Act On Council Hope For Fina Measure Expe To Meet At To Lift Room B Against Fresirn Compromise Included It Require El Permission Repeal of the fraternit ban before the start of t semester seemed probable following the passage by, fraternity Council of a c< resolution, which, it is bel be approved by the Senat tee on Student Affairs a meeting. By a unanimous vote, i members decided that tI tion which prohibits first from living in fraternities second semester should be Two compromise mea: cluded in the resolution t more acceptable to the Se, mittee, stated that a fresh be scholastically eligible foi and must have the writte of his parent or guardian is permitted to live in a house. Seniate to Meet Joseph A. Bursley, dea dents and. chairman of t Committee,' stated yesterdi would call a meeting of t Committee next week to ca resolution. The ,committe terday but was unable to matter as it had not been at that time, by the CoUh The resolution passed council follows: "Resolved: that, in .vi ?resent financial conitlor nities on the University o .ampus, the Senate Co Student Affairs nstruct tl students to grant first yea mission to live in fraterrl during the second semeste: are pledged, providing: 6"First, that the freshmn lastically eligible for frat iation, and "Second, that the freas sent the dean of students ten permission from his guardian." Must Give Notic Freshmen who intend t< fraternity houses, if the i passed by. the Senate C must notify their housel fore Jan. 27 that they out, in accordance with t sity agreements they sign The eligibility ruling fo which first year mnWmu be able to move into houses at the beginning o semester, states that: attaining i1l hours a= points .in his first semes dence shall be eligible fo: initiation during the nexi More than 280 freshmme into fraternities f the changed, it was indicate cent survey, which sho average of six men will 1 by each house. Fraternities Wara Edwin T. Turner, '33,1 the.council, warned all last'night that any pled+ not receive at least 11 h honor points for his firs work will automatically b, A freshman who has bee. will not be permitted to p; until he receives at lea and a minimum of 26 h according to the rules. . more than 26 hours, he obtained as many hono hours. .ov ed ld next f policy 'riffithzs' rland has opposed holding that a cut us partial payment be the best solution Of 100 Award iiounc e Peace Parley Reported In Shanhaikwan Area SHANGHAI, Jan. 12.-VA--Oppos- ing military leaders in Shanhaikwan area vere reported to have begun a peace parley at Chinwangtao today >{ 1 I but dispatches from Jethol told od troop movements which indicated that the armies were preparing for' Conference In Chicago campaign. Japanese planes were said to have Prof. Edson R. Sunderland, of the reconnoitered Jehol city, once .the law school, left Ann Arbor yesterday summer residence of the Manchu to attend a conference in Chicago emperors and now the provincial ~regarding the proposed new Practice capitol. The planes circled the capitol Act for Illinois. The proposed act was and flew north over Chaoyang, the drafted by Professor Sunderland, at second largest city, 140 miles away the request of the Chicago Bar Asso- and close to the Manchurian border. ciation. onl Issue For Filtration Plant Will Not Carry Says Menefee ces Rosewarne, '32, is the re- of an Alice Martin Scholar- yard of $100 for high scholar- ring the school year of 1931- has been announced by the of Governors of Adelia Cheev- se. Miss Rosewarne received ar award for 1930-31. Alice Martin Scholarships are ed by interest on a fund of which was left for this pur- Mrs. S. D. Hutsinpillar, for- Mrs. Alice Martin, wife of Dr. Martin. Dr. Martin was for rears a professor in the medi- hool. Mrs. Hutsinpillar was interested in the Adelia r House owing to -a long stand- endship for Judge and Mrs. r. igan Plays Host To Frankenstein and Mr. Hyde have nothing on the leading charac- ter in "The Cabinet of Dr. Calligari," next offering of the Art Cinema League, if advance reports give any- thing approaching an accurate de- scription of the film, which will be presented Jan. 18, 19, 20 at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. With an insane asylum for a set- ting and its inmates for characters, it is expected that the "Cabinet of Dr. Calligari" will prove even more1 weird than the best "Spookers" that come, out of Hollywood. Strangely enough, the chief appeal of the film is not described as lying in its weirdness, but in its interpreta- tion of the abnormal psychology of its lead. Done through the medium of a cubist impressionistic art back- ground, which distorts the natural outline of houses and trees and heightens shadows in heavy black and whites, it has been received by reviewers everywhere as definitely ac- complishing its purpose. Paul Rotha, in "The Film Till Now," says that "we are concerned with this film as a valuable medium of dramatic expression rather than as superficial entertainment; as a mental stimulant rather than as an amusement." "The Cabinet of Dr. Calligari" was produced in Germany in 1920 under the direction of Dr. Robert Wieme. Originally the director could not ob- tain the financial permission of his Communists' Attitude On Drive Criticized By Dean Alice Lloyd Bigger, Fitzsimmons Put Up Liberal Racing Bills LANSING, Jan. 12.--VP) ---ThomasE W. Bigger, race horse driver and for-1 mer state boxing commissioner, andI Floyd Fitzsimmons, Detroit and Ben- ton Harbor fight promoter, got away to almost an even start today with bills before the Legislature proposing to liberalize the racing business. A measure sponsored by Fitzsiin- mons was introduced into the House by Rep. Harvey H. Jarvis, Democrat, of Benton Harbor. It would allow pari-mutuel betting for harness or running races at county fairs or reg- ular tracks. No bond issue of any kind will pass in Ann Arbor in the spring elections, Prof. F. N. Menefee, of the engineer- ing mechanics department and mem- ber of -the Board of Public Works, predicted yesterday when questioned as to the probability of a filtration plant to purify water from the Huron River for drinking purposes in the near future. In a report to the city council.Dec. 20, the water commission favored the installation of a filtration plant at Barton Pond, on the Huron River just north of the city. The reason lieved a bond proposal would fail be- cause there were too many people in Ann Arbor who could not, or felt they could not, raise the money for taxes which the filtration plant would necessitate. His , objection to the change in water was purely' a sentimental one. "I object to river water largely be- cause of associated ideas that go with river water," he said. "River water can be purified to any degree wished except for one's memory'of 'what it has been," he added. Although the expense of the new Pleading for co-operation in the Good Will Fund drive to aid needy students, Alice Lloyd, dean of women, last night told residents of Marthat Cook Dormitory that Communistic agitation against the campaign is only an ill-founded attempt to make the state shoulder the entire expense of educating a select group on cam- pus. Miss Lloyd pointed out that the state already pays two-thirds of the cost to the University of educating each sudent. She declared that if any considerable addition to this ex- pense were made the state would be virtually supporting the students. -itl , . - ^ w n+xznn r n fa nI said, should not be thought of as charity, but as friendship; students who have more than enough, money should be willing to help those who have less than enough, she declared Outlining the plan for distribution of the moneys contributed, Miss Lloyd pointed out that students whc receive aid from the fund will be allowed to decide for themselves whether to repay the loans. John H. Huss, director of the cam- paign, told the dormitory residents that, although metropolitan papers 'had grossly over-stated the gravity of the situation, there is a real crisis among needy students which it is the duty of the campus to meet. ' - S S S f s e SUBSCRI BE During the months of and December all subscr billed for unpaid subscri Unfortunately, a few refused to take the tim this obligation. The Daily is endeavor