contiiuecold il.da-Y probabirl~y rY ".h tv wa rmer. friar 41P t t Editor A Scientific Name Refor, No. 78 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JAN. 12, 1933 MW U Japs Open Big Drive On Jehol Anti-Good Will Fund Agitators Harangue 150 Students ted Campaign [uer Territory Way, Rumor inghai Says Take Key ut Off Pass 0 4 Of 10,000 [uted Land; ry Planning na Proper ated Press) patches received ,y indicated that ;anese campaign iese Province of der way. iat 10,000 Japa- arching into the panese legation lhinse had been enlkow, a pass Wall north of pass is one of between China Cavalry ding into Jehol, ncluded artillery from Suichung, an, which is in not intend to roper from their nkow, Gen. Mi- :ing officer, an-' ill keep the pass Leon Gropper, assistant in the physics department and notorious campus agitator, is shown background as he watched his assistant, Edward T. Cheyfitz, '34, tell his 150 listeners that "stupid" and that he would move immediately to hold 'a mass meeting to protest The Good for needy students. Cheyfitz. is at his right. (Daily Pho to) in the left they were Will Fund ry and by the aese de- ugh the (i1 Jelol, ut 10,000 been sta- Nkew.Measure. For Farm Aid' Up In Senate Solons Debate Bill To Aid 'Mortgage Refinancing; House Discusses Plan WASHINGTON, Jan. 1.-(')- Congressional concern with the farmers' economic ailments today brought.introduction of a new relief measure into the Senate while the House debated the far-reaching al- lotment plan. Sponsored by Sen. Robinson of Ar- kansas, the minority leader, the new bill is designed to aid in refinancing farm mortgages held by federal lnrid banks and joint stock land banks at an interest rate of four and one-half per cent. An additional $200,000,000 for the federal land banks, to aid them in being lenient toward hard pressed debtors, is a part of the measure's provisions. Meanwhile, the allotment plan was alternately praised and condemned as the House discussed proposed amendments. Refusing to remove hogs from the list of commodities on which the bill would apply, the House approved only a few Aiinor amend- ments offered by members of its ag- iiculture committee. The door had been opened previously, however, to let in heanuts, dairy products. ahd rice. A temporary delay in plans for early enactment of a beer bill de- veloped with the decision of the Sen- ate judiciary committee to redraft the measure. Friends of the brew,' however, made the move in hope of removing any doubt as to its consti- tutionality. The bill has passed the House already. S Cropper its Good Will Ftind Drive; W-~ill Hold Mass Meeting ners in Parity .1u1lf ral Blll By.BARTON KANE Charging his 150 listeners with stupidity and declaring' that - he would immediately organize a mass protest of 1,000 of the "right kind of students," Leon Gropper, purport- ing to represent the National Student League, yesterday resumed his at- tacks on the Student Good Will Fund, The Daily, and the University admnistration in a stump speech from the Library steps. Gropper, who is an assistant in the physics department, asserted that there are 500 starving or near-starv- ing students on the campus, and that the drive to aid them merely passes Repeal Law Is Called Invalid: In Law Review O'Brien Terms Michigan Liquor Control Group Vnconctitutional Coui'ts will have to declare invalid Michigan's new liquor control com- mission amendment if the question of its-'Federal constitutionality is raised, in the opinion of Ernest I). O'Brien, '33L. O'Brien, the son of Federal Judge Ernest O'Brien of De- t'roit, is the author of a comment on the. new. amendment which appears in the current issue' of the Law Re- view. ...- + "If the amendment l'is unconstitu- tional," O'Brien. continues, "there is suggested the problem of its validity if the const;itntional barfier is later removed "Following the usual rule that an enactment declared unconstitutional is void 'ab inito,'" O'Brien declares, "it would seem that the amendment would continue to be of no effect and would have to be re-enacted." O'Brien is of the opinion, how- ever, that "if the Legislature takes no immediate steps under the new amendment, or if it limits its statutes to go into effect only when the'Fed- eral restrictions are removed, "it will then undoubtedly be declared, valid." O'Brien's comment is divided into three parts, dealing withthe present law, the power of the Legislature and the liquor commission under the new amendment, and the relation of the a m e n d m e n t to the Eighteenth Amendment to the Federal constitu- tion. -It is his belief that it is "an un- warranted conclusion, to hold that the Legislature is forever precluded from passing a prohibition act," even though "it cannot be denied that the new amendment is an expression of disfavor of the former amendment," he said. the buck on to others who cannot afford to donate moneir. Attacks The Daily The audien:e, composed of casual spectators and 'four or five of Grop- per's personal hangers-on, heard with evident amusement a violent at- tack on The Daily by both Gropper and Edward T. Cheyfitz, '34, Grop- per describing the staff members of the paper as "reactionariea" and "that rich :crowd,", and comparing The Daily's activities in support of the welfare project to those of J. P. Morgan. Contributors to the fund were at- tacked by Gropper for their "spine- lessness" in submitting to requests. "A solicitor asks you for a contribu- tion," he shouted, "aid says, 'Why don't' you dig inr?'-s o you' re all good-natured slobs and you dig in." He declared that a committee of five would be appointed to carry to. President Ruthven and the state leg- islature the demands of the National Student League for direct govern- ment relief of the needy students, but no action was made during the meeting to select the committee members. Assails Administration In connection with his attack on The Daily, which, he charged, had revealed inside information concern- ing the plans of his organization to President Ruthven. Cropper assailed the administration for refusing to (Continued on Page 2) Co-Operat ioi Cited As Need "The intangible thing that engi- neers must know is human engineer- ing" said A. N. Goddard, chairman of the Detroit section of the A.S.M.E. in an address on "Engineering for Engineering Students" at the meet- ing of the students chapter of the American Society of Mechanical En- gineers held last., night in the Union. Mr. Goddard stressed the fact that the forces of human life ard greater than physical forces and that engi- neering students must not become obsessed with the fact that the world owes them a living because of their college training, but rather that they should strive to learn "how. to get along with men." "Successful engi- neers have acknowledged 15 per cent of their success to college training and 85 per cent to their ability for cooperating with fellow workers," he added. In' praising the acc'omplishments of the engineers, Mr. Goddard stated that "engineering has not reached its end, as many would lead us to believe" and demonstrated with spe- cific examples how engineers have made valuable contributions to bet- tering the. lives and increasing the Receipts In Student Drive Reach $1,500 Over $450 Recorded By Tbeams In Third Day Of Good Will Campaign Pledges Accepted For Contributions Clothing Donations -Pour In; Local Cleaners To Renovate Clothes Free Receipts from the third day's sol- citing in the Good Will drive swelled the fund total to more than $1,500 it was reported by executive commit- teemen last night., More than $450 was recorded by the teams canvassing the 14 districts with the Intrafraternity group lead- ing all other amounts collected. The report did not include any contribu- tions from fraternities and only a few sorority donations have been list- ed in full. Spirit of Co-Operation Indications of the genuine spirit of cooperation existing throughout the student body continued. Numer- ous contributions of more than $1 were reported to have been made by those known to be earning their school finances and donations up to $5 were frequent. Workers were accepting pledges for amounts to be given at a later date along wth post-dated checks. No final: reports frcimay team captains have been made so that'the $1,500 figure for the .reset "ttus of the fund is conservative. Amounts collected thus far by teams which have not reported can not 'be re- corded. To Clean Clothes Clothes continued ' to be donated and final arrangements , have been completed for their cleaning and renovation. The clothes are being dispensed through the dean's offices. The clothes are elng fItted fori s dent wear at' no cost to the fund through the generosity of Dry CleAn- ers Division of the local Chamber of Commerce. The cleaners who are co-operating are Goldman Bros., White SW4i Laundry, Stein's, Swiss Cleaners,' Greene's, Wahl Cleaners, Paris Cleaners, T.B. Lyons, Oswald Kate, College Cleaners, Doukas', Carl Brooks, Camelet Bros., Glen,. the Tailor, Tubbs', Barth's, Hroner's Krutch's, Koch's, Dettlings', and' E- reka Cleaners. Gov, Com~stock, Aides Discuss Fiscal Plans LANSING, Jan. 11.-(M)-Plans for reorganizing the state's fiscal system were pressed today as Gov. William A. Comstock announced complete re- jection of the so-called Brucker bud- get and conferred at length relative to a state sales tax. Arthur J. Lacy and Raymond Berry, of Detroit, and Patrick H. O'Brien, attorney-general, and others discuss- ed with the governor the general terms of a combined sales tax and gross income measure they are draft- ing. The governor said the objective at present is to put on proper legal shape the basic provisions. Final rates will not be fixed in the adminis- tration measure until it has been definitely determined h o w much money will have to be raised to meet state expenses and the shortages that may occur in local units and school districts through the operation of the new $15 tax limitation amendment to the state constitution. Technicality May Crush Repeal Of Freshman Rulini Durant Claims Japanese-U. S. War Imminent Philosopher Brands The Productive Power Jump As Cause Of Depression Imminent war with Japan, with a subsequent devastating conflict with Great Britain for world economic supremacy, was the warning flung at the audience last night by Dr. Will Durant, popular expositor of philos- ophy, when he spoke at Hill Auditor- lum on "The American Crisis," in the fourth presentation of the Oratori- cal Association Series. . - Pointing out that the present eco- nomic crisis was caused by a huge. increase of productive power which has greatly outstripped the compar- atively slight growth of purchasing power, Dr. Durant proceeded 'to paint; a vivid picture of drastic consequen- ces pursuant of the situation. In ad- dition to the war menace, he said, the other angle of the situation is a rapid degeneration of our American, civilization because of use of birth' control bythe intelligent'classes in the .face of prolific breeding by the masses. Suggests Remedy The remedy for this situation, he said, lies in the restoration of pur- chasing power. Some of the steps pointed out by the speaker to effect this end are: Reduction of the international debts to America by 35 per cent, and a subsequent inflation of currency by'no more' than '35 p+e cent sc that 'he government 'will- be enabled to pay American citizens dollar for dol- lar oh their war bonds without detri- ment to the treasury. This, he bald, would serve to stimulate buying and production, because when prices be- gin to rise, buying will increase and hoarding will be discontinued. He demonstrated that the value of th inflated dollar would be as great as the value of the money which citizens paid for war bonds at the time of the investment. Immediate recognition or Russia. This step, he said, would obviate the huge Russian standing army, and thus greatly reduce the necessity for large armaments in the nation of Europe and America. Restoration of agriculture in Amer- ica by easy government credits to agricultural cooperatives. Forecasts Tripartite War Great Britain, it was stated, has been forced to destroy at least one nation during every century of Its existence, in order to' preserve her own life, because of her dependence on foreign markets. "Who is next?" he asked. "Japan or the United States are the only important com- petitors of Great Britain. But Eng- land, instead of seeking to eliminate these competitors individually, may be clever enough to get the two na- tions to destroy each other. I think if you remember'the attitude of Eng- land in the past year, it will be evi- dent that she has taken that policy. "The prospects are that we will have to fight Japan-and if we win, we will be almost in the worst pos- sible condition. For if we are victor- ious, we will find ourselves face to face across the Atlantic with Eng- land, our own blood brothers- and the last great war for European su- premacy will be a fight to the death." Movement To Equal Rooi In Fraternit By Annourn Many Hous Faced V Senate Stud( Committee On Decisioy Before Coun By FRANK B. The fate of al Michigan's fraterniti the balance as a re tutional technicality ternity Council. With the Senate Student Affairs at meeting at 2 and 7: tively today, a minor dure last night loon obstacle in the way regulation which pr( men from roomin houses. Will Submit The technicality Bible 'for the counc night, since an anno time had not been it consecutive days in 1 Bulletin, as required The delay will make the council to dram Give It tvas felt by it would be nee action to be tal are on the verg are to be save that the ruling weeks before ti gnd semester if as roomers are landladies two moving out. They predici would be repre1 meeting tonigh the ban. In the mean' mittee, followli its budget by was preparing committee me It is unders' and ticket pric ably reduced fr to j eting. tood sed Pack Receives Important arity ,. the Committee Appointments Freshmen Great In dent of of the amendments suggested by 'ce chief. In esident-elect iat he is now e On U.S. isit Here ration on a good-will ,nese university stu- e in Ann Arbor at to repay the Univer- un for sending her Japan last summer. Philip Pack, publicity director of' the Board in Control of Athletics, and Washtenaw county's representa- tive in the state legislature, received three important committee appoint- ments in the list announced by Mar- tin. Bradley, of. Menominee, new Democra tic speaker. Pack, a Republican, was appointed to the University committee, com- mittees in charge of Western State Teachers' college and the Michigan Soldiers' Home. Samuel T. Metzger, new commission of agriculture, an- nounced the appointment of Paul Van Deinse, of Ann Arbor, to the di-' rectorship of the state board of agri- culture and industry. Letter Takes Five Year; Trip Then Comes -Home A letter returned to its sender yes- terday after a five year journey to South America. Addressed to Manuel J. Constain, Old Saloon To Come To Life In Presentation Of 'Anna Christie' Committee Expects. More Manuscripts Than Were Submitted Last Year Freshman awards of the Hopwood Writing Contest are exciting more interest from the present freshman class than ever before, according to Prof. Erich A. Walter, who is in charge of the freshman division of the contest. After a meeting of the Hopwood Awards committee, it was announced that more manuscripts from fresh- men are expected this year than last. An attempt is being made by the committee to get judges for the con- test of the same high calibre as last year, said Dr. Bennett Weaver, di- rector of the awards. Manuscripts that are presented this year must be more uniform than those presented last year, said Dr. The saloon of pre-Prohibition days will come back to life tomorrow night with the Hillel Players' presentation of Eugene O'Neill's "Anna Christie" in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Picturing the habitat of O'Neill in his sea-fearing youth spent around the docks of New York, the saloon of "Johnny-the-Priest" will show to' members of the younger generation the bar, sawdust on the floor, beer mugs, swinging doors, and "ladies' The settings have been constructed under the direction of Fred Rebman, technician for Mimes, the Junior Girls Play, and Play Production. Larry Levy, '34, is stage manager, assisted by Milton Silberstein, '34, Eli Soodik, '34, and Willard Blaser, '35. Miriam Carver, '33, is publicity chairman, Herbert 'Hirschman, '33, properties chairman, and Jean Rosen-