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January 11, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-11

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ie Story Of'
rims Is Told
V. W. Crane
y Professor Says
y Plymouth Settlers
e Of Low Station
Little Property
ot Flee Persecutions
lugh Church; Feared
er Of Neighbors
histanding the many claims
England blue-bloods, the
r carried a mere hundred
of whom not more than a
me from so high a station
hi society as the middle class,
Sto Prof. Verner W. Crane,
story department, in a le-
ch was delivered yesterday
facilities of the University
ting Service.
r possessed some education
nfortable property, but most
leaders had been yeomen
or small traders, and their
were simple farm laborers,"

Hostesses Aid Japanese Soldiers

Oppose Putting
Homeless Boys
I1 Ariny Camps

Scietist Will Sveak

Princeton Campus Arosti
Over Mysterious Dil


Children's Bureau
Says Step Woald
Youths To Leave


ted the
rho came


-Associated Press Photo
Waitresses and hostesses at one of Tokyo's gayest cafes are shown
delivering hundreds of comfort bags at the Japanese war office-ciga-
rets, candy and other comforts for troops at the Manchurian front.

ng and

Of ex-
her re-
e state

- P

hat the per-
orities forced,
E Bngland, is
'rane. "They
remote from
long arm of
that agency
ng conform-
to have fled
eir orthodox

Rest Of World
Russian Leader Launches
Communists Upon Sec.
ond Five-Year Plan,
MoScoW, Jan..10.-P)--A chal-
lenge ' was cast to "the capitalist
world" today by Joseph V. Stalin in
the industrial . program, he has
mapped out fo'r Russia for 'the net
five years.
The Bolshevist chieftain announced
a 16 per . cent increasein . general
production over last year as this
year's goal of the Socialist nation.
The annual average increase for ;the
second five-year plan, now being i-
augurated, must be 13 to 14 per cent,
he said.;
This, he declared, "would be im-
possible in capitalistcountries."
Stalin announced his .plans in a
speech before a joint meeting of the
Communist party central committee
and the central control committee.
It was made public three days later-
his first speech made in public in
more than a year.
Claiming "the successful fulfill-
ment of the (first) five year plan," he
declared its aim was "to change the
country from one with the technique
of the middle ages to one of contem-
porary technique-to make the na-
tion independent of the whims of
He admitted the program was ac-
tually only 93.7 per cent fulfilled,
"But we did it in four years and three
months," he added, recalling the pro-
gram Was cut short for the beginning
of the new schedule this year.
40 Below Mild To
Owl's Head Folks
OWL'S HEAD, N. Y., Jan. 10.-(P)
-The inhabitants of Owl's Head,
known as New York state's coldest
town, are fretting about the mild
weather. Only once this season has
the temperature been down to 40
below zero.
Forty below is just a nice brisk day
for Owl's Head, where it is nothing
at all to walk two blocks to the post-
office in January and arrive with an
icicle hanging to your nose.
Called the "icebox" of New York,
and by reputation as cold a spot as
there is in the eastern states, Owl's
Head nestles among Adirondack up-
lands not far from the Canadian
border. To its peculiar position, ex-
posed to northwe.st winds and cut
off by high hills from warm south-
erlies, is attributed the frigid weather]
at owl's Head, while at Malone, a
dozen miles away, the mercury aver-
ages 10 degrees higher.
The tiny lumbering village has in-
habitants who insist that in the "old
days" temperatures of 60 degrees
were not 'uncommon, .and it might
have been colder but the mercury in
the tube .ouldn't squeeze any lower.

Varsity, Debate
Plans Laid For
Next Semester
Preli binary Meeting Will
Be Held Monday For All
Interested In Work
A preliminary meeting for.those in-
terested in second semester Varsity
debating has been scheduled 'for 4
p. in.' onday, according to Coach
J. H. McBurney. - This meeting will
precede the dry-outs to be held early
next semester.
The question. to be debated in the
Western Conference league will con-
cern mass education. While no offi-
cial statement is yet available, it is
expected to 'ollow closely tle inter-
pretation submitted by Northwestern
Universiy, "Resolved, That Entrance
to American Colleges and Universi-
ties Should Be More Closely Restrict-
ecl." Michigan will meet Indiana and
Ohio State in her confreence debates.
The negative team will speak at Co2
lumbus and the affirmative here,
against Indiana, March 16.
A limited number of prelaminary
debates will be scheduled before the
Conference events. Besides several
contests with the University of De-
troit and the City College of Detroit,
the tentative schedule includes meet-
ings with Notre Dame, New York
University, and Western Reserve
Veterans who are expected to re-
port for try-outs include Clinton R.
Sandusky, '34, Samuel L. Travis, '34,
Abraham Zwerdling, '35, Charles B.
Brownson, '35, Nathan Levy, '34L,
Victor Rabinowitz, '34L, Robert N.
Sawyer, '33, James D. Moore, Grad.,
Albert Smith, '34, and Earle Kight-
linger, '34.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.- (P) -
Miss Grace Abbott. chief of the chil-
dren's bureau, which disclosed the
extent of the "wandering boy" prob-
lem, today voiced opposition to a
concentration of the. obless youths
in federal military camps.
"Such a plan would stimulate wan-
dering, rather than check it," Miss
Abbott said. "I believe the flare 'f
publicity which would inevitably at-
tend the establishment of such camps
would prompt boys to leave home and
try them out."
Senator Couzens (R., Mich.) is
preparing a bill to open army camps
to boys now hitch-hiking their way
from city to city. Another interested
in the problem is Senator Cutting
(R., N. M.), who has prepared legis-
lation for a $10,000,000 outright grant
to states to care for the youths.
Miss Abbott said she had not seen
the Couzens plan, but restated her
position that any federal financial'
aid should- be administered through
state and local agencies. She pro-
nounced the Cutting proposal as
"I would favor having some money
allocated to the, return of some of
these boys to their homes-in cases
where investigation showed that the
feasible solution," she said. "Many of
them are very sorry they ever went
Social workers, in preparing sta-
tistics for presentation at congres-
sional hearings on some of these bills
later this month, have found also
the: gypsying girl; an& the nomad.
family .in larger numbers than ever
Both Miss Abbott and William J.
Plunkert, fileldworker for the na-
tional committee on care . of thol
( transeit- aild 'homeless, stressed the
general: traisiency problem, backing
their, conclusio.ns: with statistics on'
the nunber of. meals and lodgings
provided fpr. the homeless' during the
first nine months of- 1932-in 20 met-
ropolitan areas. The.Red Cross also
noted similar fi~ndings.
The figures sboWed that Chicago
Served 7,821,924 meals to. wanderers,-
291,9617 of them to .women and girls.
I it also furnisled 2,536,971.lodgings
for the night, 112,286 being made
available to women and girls. I
Figniies from other- cities showed
very much the samne trend. In the
nine months the :M1 is gave to
straigers' making si ?t stays a. total
of 13,062,338 meals and 4,300,9561
lodgings. The social workers inter-
preted the statistics as _howving that
many mothers were on the move with
small children.

Assocliated Press Photo 1
Eisteim Will
Give Lecture
In' Pasadena

They have a mystery on th(
Princeton University campus,. anc
the students, alumni, and faculty ar,
quite excited about it. The alumni
in fact, are so very excited that the'
are offering a monetary reward fo,
an intelligent solution-and in thes
days, too. But then, Princeton mei
are Princeton men, don't you know
the alumni association can probably.
with proper stinting on non-essen.
'ials, afford paying the reward-
Here is the story A couple of years
igo at commencement time a carved.
narble head was found on the front
:ampus. Archaeologists at Princetor,
ind other eastern universities who
gave seen the head have insisted tha]
I is a rather fine Roman work of the
?lavian period. Upon learning where
he head was found, they have, ac-.
R cording to Prof. J. B. Smith of the
irt department, "been somewhat em-
arrassed." In truth, Professor Smith
vas himself somewhat embarrassed.
Wctoo thinks it's a very nice Roman
lead. And the mystery, he says, "in-
solves the scholastic reputation of
;everal learned members of the ]e-
?artment of Art and Archaeology."
The head is about life size and
weighs approximately 40 pounds. A

break across the neclk indicates that
it is a piece of good and perhaps
Italian marble, although the color of
the exposed surface has turned to
gray, as if worn by weather and ex-
posure to a sooty atmosphere.
"The head was presented to me by
the Princeton campus police," Prof.
Smith said. "Classic heads have been
found in strange places, but to date
this is the first classic head, either
Greek or Roman, to be found rolling
about the Princeton campus on the
evening of commencement."
The questions which the Princeton
alumni want answered are:
1. Whom does the head represent?
2. What style is it? 3. What is its
date? 4. Who stole it and why and
where? 5. How did it come to be
found on the Princeton campus?
And the reward for the nicest, if
not the most correct, answers is $2.50.

Economic Situation To Be
Discussed Over Nation
Wide Radio Hook-Up
More than 3,000 college men and
women from all parts of the .United
States will convene Jan. 23 in the
Civic Auditorium at Pasadena, Calif.,
to hear Dr. Albert Einstein and sev-
eral other prominent personalitiesl
speak en "The World Economic Sit-1
uation." The program, which isbe-
ing sponsored by the Southern Cal-
fornia Student Body Presidents As-
sociation, will be broadcast -over a
nation-wide hook-up.
The success of the similar meeting:
on "World Armaments," held by.the
group last year, was cited as being°
directly responsible, for the student
eecutives decision to-sponsor a- ses-j
sion this month during .which time;
Dr. Einstein will be studying lih' Cali-
forma.. ,
The 193.2 meeting was the first of
its kind ever to be. held, its concep-
tion'and managexient being entirely
reliant on student initiative' reides
Dr. Einstein, Dr. Charles A. Beard,
noted government and American. his-
tory authority; Dr. Robert .A..Milli-1
kin, winner of the Nobel 'Prize; and
Dean 1 cHenry; who was student
professor at the University of Cali-
fornia last year, featured the 1932
meeting. The program was enthusi-
astically received according to' offi-
cials, and attended by a capacity
"Publir Opinion Abused"
The purpose of these meetings
staged by collegians is, according to
sponsors, to help the objective con-
sideration of the basically important
problems which are now confront-
ing the civilized world. Further, the
spnsoring body of eleven student
presidents said, "Public opinion is a
much abused term. Sometimes it is.
merely a" cloak for the energetic
propaganda which is stirred up from
motives of self-interest. Possibly this
situation can be remedied to some
extent if college students will do
what they can to demonstrate the
possibility of having great public
problems discussed in an objective.
and intelligent way"n
Speaking ol the relation of Dr.
VMilhikin Discusses Einstein
Einstein's visit of last year to the
program on which the German sa-
hant appeared, Dr. Millikin said,
"Professor Einstein's interest has
gone beyond the field of science. His
interest in the development of inter-
national understanding has been
wholesome and has spread beyond
the mere local group with whom he
has had immediate contact.
"Indeed, it was the public's interest
in his reactions to the present inter-
national situation which made pos-
sible the large program in the in-
terest of public opinion sponsored by
the 'Southern California group last
Feb. 27. This program, delivered be-
fore a tremendous audience, which
even filled the overflow hall, and
which was carried far because of its
being broadcast and the newspaper
publicity that it received, exerted a
powerful influence in stimulating
throughout the American public an
interest in our national and inter-
national policies."

To Place Rare
In' Alu mni HallI
. 1
A rare collection of JapaneseI
prints, brought to the University
under the auspices of the Divisionj
:)f Fine 'Arts, will be placed on exhi-
bition in the West Galler'y of Alumni
Memorial Hall from Jan..10 through
Jan. 21. The exhibit . can be seen
daily from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. during
the week, and from 1:30 p. m. to 5
p. m. on Sundays. This collection
was arranged by the College Art As-
sociation through the courtesy of Ya-
inapaka and Company of New York
City. .
These prints, called "Omi-ye," arel
from Japanese shrines and temples.1
Years ago Sadajiro Yamanaka began
collecting and' gathering every type'
and subject that he could find. This
led to an 'Omi-yc''fad which caused
a great scarcity of the prints. Today
it would be practically impossible to
make another collection similar to
the one on exhibit.
These prints are portraits .of theI
images )vhich are worshipped in the
Japanese temples. They are used in
the temples' or shrines for distribu-
tion among the worshippers or,
sometimes, they were given to the
temples to provide for 'the future
happiness of the donor's ancestors.
Besides nearly 100 prints, some of
which were made as early as the year
f1400, there are four Chinese prints
included in the exhibit called "Tun
Huang." These are Buddhistic hand
colored wood block prints of the sev-
enth century. From these the Jap-
anese adopted their "Oii-ye."
Professor Bruce M. Donaldson, of
the fine arts department, stated that
"this exhibit is an excellent assembly
of a hitherto little-shown type of
Japanese art.'and is especially inter-
esting for its unique character."

Officials Of I
Saints Cart
Officials of the Chur<
Saints declare traditi
planted in Utah's col
almost entirely fa
among members.
Many rural famili(
the pioneer cuistom
cient food for long p{
a necessary precaut
when famine was
menace to Mormons
tered settlements anc
the nearest source of
dreds of miles of des
One of the cardiv
the church is the ca
Fast days are held c
month, the. church
asked to limit their
tribute to the relief f
the food they ordina
Another source of
cold and hunger fr
the income from proi
sale of the relief soc
This fund was inai
suggestion of Brighi
it was poured the prc

: is

41 Of

Thrift Saves
Mormon Id
from HuE

I grace.
«e, "not


w, what
had been
to King of
'ith' flour-
ne said.
ies. They
to look
as a de-
for those

ins Fight
His Position
'i., 10.-(;)-Flor-
fery congressman
arted a fight to-
ounced he would
i4 hours of last
in i which La-
,an, was declared
I. Lanzetta, Dem-
more than 1,000,
LaGuardia would
unting of baUars;,
ers and "repeat-
Daney George Z.
e will investigate

Jig-Saw Puzzles All The
Rage; Sell 150 -A Week
An evening's entertainment may be
had.for a quarter through the solv-
ing of jig-saw puzzles, if.-yourmind
runs in the right direction. The re-
vival of this old pastime, which was
first looked upoti as a Christmas fad,
has continued despite the depression
and the puzzles are still being sold,
according to local store-keepers, who
are doubtful as to how long the sales
will continue.
It is estimated that 150 are sold
weekly in the vicinity of the campus,
ranging in price from 15 cents to $4,
depending on the quality of the puz-
zle and the number of pieces con-
tained. There are as many as 150 to
300 pieces in a set, which means that
two people often: spend more than
two hours in assembling one.
Puzzles are mounted on cardboard
or ply-wood and are usually wood-
land or-outdoor scenes. One of the
most unique creations is a puzzle,
which, on being assembled, proves to
be a greeting card. *

HouSing Pla ns
Shown In New
Exhibition Here'
A study of hillside housing, pre- I
pared during the summer months of
1932 under the direction 1f Henry
Wright, noted New York architect,
was placed on exhibition last Monday
in the large exhibition room of the
Architectural Building. The exhibi-
tion, which consists of sketches and
models, will last for about 10 days.
Collaborators in this project were
William'R. Ballard, Frederic G.
Frost, Jr.,: Kenneth' S. Kassler, and
Herbert Parkinson. Studies and
models were prepared by William R.
Huntington, Allan A. Twichell, Grad.,
and Lucinda Ballard., Practicing ar-
chitects served as critics.
The exhibit is a study of the re-
clamation of waste'hillside land for
the purpose of building inexpen-
sive,. attractive, and desirable group
houses for persons of moderate in-
comes. An economy plan similar to
this is in use in Europe.
Hillsides heretofore neglected but.
often conveniently accessible to the
business centers of cities, as well as
to high class suburbs, can be advan-
tageously utilized. This plan is ex-
pected to replace slums, rehabilitate
blighted areas, and create new neigh-,
borhoods as they are actually needed.
Models show the various economic
plans :as scientifically drawn up.

destitute of the San
quake of 1907 and
There are also l
canned fruit, vege
other provisionsgi
warehouses in this
and fall. Unemploy
into rural districts
on shares. Their pa
the church warehot
they were given or(
of their own famili
relief society bande
fruits and green v


The Essex Restaurant will give, to the students
of the Unliversity of Michigan, 21 meals a week
for $4.50 -- this includes a 15c breakfast, a
40c lunch; 50c dinner.
Special Attention To All Of Our Customers

'Thank You


rpm_ - m___ _ "Natha th ' JV "

Should Arrange NOW
Convenient Dates for

the title of a new book the author of which is WILLIAM J. HALE of
gton, D. C., and formerly Professor of Chemistry at the Univ. of MIChigan.


Group Pictures

'Choral Union Sevies
Monday, Jal.6
hIIh I A Im~lbIr~II T11


-.sowd ;z?

A t ..m& Aa.

~hU ~ I

1 spF.y+5,
.. ... __ .. ....V.!...!... t...:. Y.

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