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January 10, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-10

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Vave Of Unrest
tirs Spain As
.6 Are Killed
xtrenist Organizations
Attack Industrial Cities
Without Forewarning
Domnb French Station
utbreaks First Occur In
Oviedo When Miners
Kill Engineer
MADRID, Jan. 9.--(P)-A wave of
tremist unrest sweeping through
e young republic of Spain left a toll
16 persons killed and a large num-
r wounded today, while an unesti-
ated number were under arrest.
Striking suddenly and without
Lrning, the different extremist or-
nizations apparently were operat-
g under a co-ordinate command.
Ze attacks occurred mainly in in-
.strial centers of the country
rough Sunday and Sunday night.
om Oviedo, in the northwest,
iere striking mine workers killed an
ctrical engineer while he was go-
g home, the outbreaks carried
rough Sallent, where a civil guard
s killed, and on to Lerida and
rcelona, with seven killed in each
the latter two northeast cities.
Sallent is near the textile center
Manresa, where the bloody extre-
st rebellion occurred in January,
31, just three months before the
public wasrproclaimed.
Extremist Imprisoned
All armed forces were called out
cope with the uprisings. Scores
extremists and Communists were
Inrisoned in various citics. Pblice
nted that the monarchists, whose
ortive revolution was quelled in A.n-
lusia last August, and Communists
-re responsible for the outbreaks.
It wvas estimated that thirty-five
rsons were wounded, including five

Possible Winners In Rivalry For Cabinet Posts

Plan To Issue.
For Two Years
Idea Expected To Save
Publication Money For
Education School
The faculty of the School of Edu-r
cation decided, at a meeting yester-
day noon in the Union, to issue their
new scmester announcements on a
two-year basis. Professor C. 0. Davis,
secretary of the School of Education,
said that this would probably neces-
sitate the issue of a supplementary
announcement, but that the new plan
would save publishing expense. A
great deal of the announcement does
not change, he explained.
It was also decided to reduce the
descriptive material pertaining to the
courses offered.
Notice was given the group of the
appointment of Professor Davis by
Dean J. B. Edmonson to represent
the University at a five-state confer-
ence which will be held Jan. 13 at
the University of Pennsylvania. Dr.
William J. Cooper will speak at the
meeting which is to be held for the
discussion of possibilities of unifying,
teacher certification requirements.
The faculty also have decided to
give a faculty-senior party which
will be held Tuesday, Jan. 17, in the
Women's Athletic building. The main
purpose of this reception, which is
being managed by Dr. Edgar .0.
Johnston, sponsor of the senior class,
and Frederic Fenske, class president,
is to bring about a closer understand-.
ing and friendship between the mem-
hers of the faculty and the students.
Capture Robbers
Of Indiana Bank

Canada Moves For
World- Wide Wheat
Parley At Ottawa
WINNTPEG, Man., Jan. .
Plans are afoot for conducting a
world wheat production conference .
in Ottawa, Jan. 17.
Already premieres of three provin-
cial governments, Canada's prairie
wheat farmers, and students of the
wheat situation here and in the
United States have given the sug-
gestion unqualified approval.
The chief wheat exporting coun-
tries will be asked-if the dominion
government acts on a suggestion the
three premieres made recently-to
send representatives to the round-*
table discussions, dealing with over-
production and low prices.
. Argentina, Australia, the United
States and Canada would be invited
to join the conference.
Farmers in western Canada have !
long stressed a belief that increased
production of wheat is fallacious in
view of present conditions and de-
clare that the problem can be dealt
with only through co-operative ac-
tion by the largest wheat exporting
Delegates to annual meetings of
three prairie wheat pools two months
ago asked the Canadian government
to call: such a conference in the belief
it would stabilize wheat prices and
solve marketing problems.
Proponents of the move believe
that If the production of wheat can
be justified in accordance with needs
of importing nations, the world
wheat flood could be checked with
consequent improvement in world

Two Additional
French Liners
Are Danawred
Investigation Under Way
Into Mysterious Cause
Of Atlantique Fire
PARIS. Jan. 9.--(A)-Two more
French ocean passenger ships were
reported damaged today, one by fire,
as preparations were made to dry-
dock the burned Atlantique at Cher-
An investigation into the myste-
rious fire which broke out on the At-
lantique last Wednesday and which
took lives of 18 members of its crew
already was under way. An inspec-
tion awaited drydocking of the ruined
4 ,000-ton liner. Two fires were re-
Ported still smoldering, which was ex-
pected to delay drydocking until
: The 23,000-ton trans-Atlantic liner
Urance was damaged Sunday by a
Fire a Le Havre, where she had been
hocked for the past few months.
Firemen and a skeleton crew put it
out. Officials said it apparently was
(aused by a short circuit.
The French passenger ship, Ang-
Ior, in the Mediterranean and far
east service, was reported held up to-
day at Saigon as the result of the
breaking of a propellor blade. Mar-
J;eilles steamship officials who were
}ending new ports to the ship, denied
a rumor that the accident was the
result of sabotage.
Nationalist newspapers have in-
,fisted the burning of the Atlantique
was a criminal act and have pointed
o other mysterious fires which de-
stroyed four French merchant ships
n the past four years. Survivors of
ff Atlantiaue said the fire spread
with unusual speed.
The Georges Phillipar, which
burned last May off Arabia with a
considerable loss of lives, was be-
lieved a victim of incendiarism and
herfire has remained unexplained.

.-Assoiatcd Press Phot ;
In the opinion of some of those close to President--elect Roosevelt two Cabinet posts have been definitely
allocated, the Treasury portfolio to Senator Glass of Virginia and the Postmaster-Generalship to James A.
Farley, chairman of the Democratic National Commit ee. Other cabinet possibilities that have been discussed
for various posts include Senator Walsh of Montana for Attorney-General and Governor Dern of Utah,
Owen D. Young, and Newton D. Baker for various other positions.

involved soldiers and
[adrid and in Cara-
yndicalists attempted
icks. One person was
even arrested. There
attempts to storm
dlice stations in other
pital of the province
syndicalists attacked
acks but were repell-
and dispersed crowds
riumph in Barcelona.
extremists attacked
oad station, throwing
quickly driven away
ated Is Claim
e out between the
guards at San Au-
and in front of the

,Is said the uprising had been
for several weeks and that
f arms and bombs had been
Armed guards were placed
police headquarters in Ma-
rcelona and -other cities long
.ny outbreaks Sunday. Au-
said today they believed the
it was collapsing.
from frustrated attempts to
the artillery barracks and
Vientos Airdome, where sol-
>unded one extremist, Ma-
quiet. Reinforcements were
the war ministry and offi-
ings in strategic points.
Shots Kill Six
Kentucky Feud
HESTER, Ky., Jan. 9.-P')-
nen were listed today among
?ersons known to have been
recent sporadic outbreaks of
in the secluded double creek
f Clay county.
htest casualties in disorders
es attribute to factional dif-
among residents of the hill
were reported Sunday when
Lapps, 25, and Esther Smith,
slain by rifle bullets fired
velling from nearby hills.
was among a group of men
with murder in connection
ral killings recently. He had
used with the others in the
>f Willie Wagers and Ford
t was disnmissed when wit-
led to identify him.
y Lipps and Mies Smith were
one of Lipps' father-in-law
ith with several other per-
m bullets fired through the
ruck them. None of the
as wounded.

Engineers To
Hear Anderson
SpeakOf Trip
Detroit Engineer Also To
Talk Before Meeting Of
A. S. M. E. Students
Marshall Anderson, Grad., winner
of the Charles T. Maini award for
1932 of the American Society of Me-
chanical Engineers, and Mr. A. N.
Goddard, president of Goddard and
Goddard, Inc., Detroit, and chairman
of the Detroit section of the A. S.
M. E., will be the principal speakers
at the meeting of the student branch
which will be held at 8 p. m., Jan. 11,
at the Union, according to announce-
ment by Prof. R. S. Hawley, of the
mechanical engineering department
and faculty advisor of the organi;a-
Anderson will describe his trip to
New York during the Christmas holi-
days, during which he was presented
with the $150 pie before thean-
nual meeting of the A. S. M. E. The
title of the winning paper was "Ap-
prenticeship and Vocational Train-
ing." Anderson was also selected to
deliver a message to President Hoover
from the officers of the society.
Anderson's prize paper gives Michi-
gan the distinction of winning the
award for two consecutive years.
Robert Klise, '31E, won the 1930-31]
contest, according to Professor Haw-
ley, who characterized the Charles
T. Main award as the most important
prize in the engineering world for
college or university students.
Mr..Goodard's subject will be the
"Present Status of Engineering." He'
is well known in engineering, Profes-
sor Hawley said.
Instrument Will Measure
One Millionth Of An Inch
SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 9.-One-
millionth of an inch, a unit so small
in comparison a human hair would
appear the: side of a tree' trunk, is
too small for anyone but an engineer
to take much notice of.. These latter
fellows are very muh interested in
their millionths of all inch, however,
and are quite excited over the inven-
tion of a new instrument which by
the use of light waves can measure
accurately to that degree.
Margaret Mann Given .
Leave For Semester
Margarct Mann, associate profes-
sor of library science, has been
granted sabbatical leave for the sec-
ond semester of this year. She will
make a special study of library
science -intruction in European cen-
ters, particularly France, Germany,
and Southern Europe. , .mn1
Mary Prescott Parsons of McGill
University, Montreal, who formerly
studied in Paris, will substitute for
Miss Mann during her absence.

Lack of respect on the part of
adults toward their moral and social'
obligations was named as the cause
of the "lack of conception of duty"
which the children of today are ex-i
hibitink. The assertion was made by
Prof. Stewart A. Courtis, of the
School of Education in a radio talk
Sunday through the University
Broadcasting Service.
"When both individuals and na-
tions refuse to. pay their debts of
honor, when treaties are regarded as
mere scraps of paper, when'tdxes' are
not collectable," said Professor Cour-
tis, "where do children get such ideas
of character and social co-operation
as they may possess?"
"Is not the schoolman right when
he claims he is working against
greater handicaps than any previous
generation, and with less support and

Blames Parents For Children 's
Lck O C onetion ODuty


Census Bureau
Reports State
Operating Cost
Per Capita Outlay More
Than Doubled After 11
Years, Summary Shows
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.-U()-
How the per capita cost of operating
and maintenance of general depart-
ments in the state of Michigan more
than doubled in the last 11 years is
shown in a report made public today
by the bureau of the census of the
department of Commerce.
In a summary of the state com-
piled by the bureau, the per capita
cost for 1931 is shown to have been
$14.98. In 1930 it was $13.80, while in
1918 it was but $7.25.,
The per capita figures for 1931 are
based on an estimated population of
4,901,000. The payments for opera-
tion and maintenance of general de-
partments hi 1931 totaled $73,417A22,
including $27,210,417 apportionments
for education to the minor civil divi-
sions of the statle.
The payments for operation and
maintenance cf public service enter-
prises in 1931 amounted to $270,425;
interest on debt, $4,567,658, and out-
lays for permanent improvements,
$30,604,222. The total payments,
therefore, for operation and main-
tenance of general departments and
public service enterprises, for inter-
est and outlays were $108,858,727.
ASHLAND, Wis.,-(M)-The after-
math of a fire which destroyed the
Jerry Meyers home was a banquet of
sauerkraut and baked potatoes.
Although wheat is the staple crop
of Turkey, tobacco is considered the
money crop.

P 1lee Capture
Ohio Phantom
In Gun Battle!
TOLEDO, 0., Jan. 9.-(P)-South-
ern Ohio's "phantom gangster,"
sought four years by police and en-a
emy gangsters, was in the hands of{
the law today, with bullet wounds
in his jaw, cheek and arm.
The "phantom," whose name is
Robert Zwick, 33, of Cincinnati, was
captured here Sunday in a gun battle
with police, after he had wounded
a policeman who tried to arrest him
and a woman companion.
Zwick, who was given the nick-
name of his elusiveness, is under in-
dictment in Cincinnati for the killing
of Marshal Peter Dumele in a pool-
room holdup Easter morning, 1928,
and is named for questioning in a
dozen gangland slayings and several
bank robberies and other crimes in
southern Ohio, northern Kentucky
and southeastern Indiana.
Zwick and the woman were taken
into custody by Policemnan Jay Ma-
guire, who found them in a parked
automobile, but when they approach-
ed a police call box, the woman hand-
ed the gunman a pistol and he shot
the officers in' the thigh. Maguire
returned the fire, hitting Zwick once.

co-operation from the home and the
church than ever before?" he asked.
Professor Courtis explained the mod-
ern school does not stress absolute
perfection in writing, contrasting
this with the practice, in vogue lur-
ing the last century, of hawing chil-
dren copy large books full of perfect
Modern educators are attempting
to treat each child as a distinct case.
he said, since children are so differ-
ent by heredity. "What is needed
most of all is more scientific knowl-
edge of child development upon
which to base our plans. If we would
increase the chances for children to
receive intelligent assistance, we must
see to it that in these days of cuts
and 'eliminations, money and men
for research and experimentation are
not the items cut," said Professor

WEITE CLOUD, Jan. 9.--(X-Four
Indiana men, captured after one of
the largest man-hunts ever held in
Michigan, today faced charges of
murder growing out of the robbery
of First State Bank of Kaleva last
Thursday in which Ellsworth Bill-
man, the cashier, was slain.
The four men, captured Saturday
night on the fringe of a swamp in
Osceana County, also will be charged
with bank robbery.
Three of the men were to be ar-
raigned in Manistee today. The
fourth, Wayne Robertson, alias Wer-
ner Thompson, of Indianapolis, is in
a hospital at Hart suffering from a
bullet wound, inflicted by Lyman
Spalding, 60 years old, a member of
a civilian posse which encountered
the men near the swamp.
The other three men are Mike
Zellers, 28 years old, of LaPorte, Ind.,
and Robert' Benamana and Ifenry
Shelton, both of Indianapolis.
Police said Sunday night that
Benaman had confessed firing the
shot-that killed Billman.
During questioning Sunday.Zellers
told the police that the robbery had
been planned to obtain money to help
in the defense of Al Winekee, 27
years old, of South Bend, Ind., who
is .awaiting trial, at Cadillac on a
charge of robbery armed.
Three other men were involved in
the case Sunday night. They were
Walter Danks Henry Gaw and Wil-
liam Gaw, all of Brethren, Mich.
Police said they were suspected of
having helped the robbers elude the
state police.
Five detectives then rushed from a
nearby hotel and aided in the cap-
Tired? Thirsty? ungry?
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Columbia Book Theft Not
Thought Due To Students=
NEW YORK, Jan. 9-Tme recent
loss of a Sir Walter Scott manuscript-
from the Columbia University Library
is not thought to be due to any stu-
dent, yet the annual disappearance
of several hundred volumes from the
library shelves indicates that perhaps
it was taken by someone in school.
Ralph J. Miller, librarian, said that
these books would form an excellent
nucleus for a private .collection.
"New books, books with exceptional
bindings or illustrations, or books no
longer in print are the ' favorites of
these student 'borrowers'," said Mr.
Miller. "The greatest losses occure in
books on history and literature, while
we never lose volumes on religion
or music."

Wisconsin Ski Devotees
Build New Campus Slide
MADISON, Wis., Jan. 9.-Ski-
jumping is expected to regain its
popular place among outdoor sports
on the University of Wisconsin cam-
pus with the recent completion of a
new ski slide built on' the campus
by the Wisconsin Hoofers, an asso-
ciation of students and faculty mem-
bers devoted to outdoor sports,

Switzerland has only
broadcasting ,stations.'

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Fraternity and Sorority
Group Pictures
The time available for group
pictures is very short. Make
your appointment now in order
to secure a convenient time.

This is the title of a new book the author of which is WILLIAM J. HALE of
Washington, D. C., and formerly Professor of Chemistry at the Univ. of Michigan.

Have You Tried
The Michigan League
Apple Pie?


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