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September 30, 1932 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-09-30

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Established 1890'


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has a peculiar notion of what constitutes a well
educated man, is not trying to amass a great
number of facts.
Anyone who spends a great deal of his time in
accumulating knowledge is courting a double dan-
ger. First, he is probably more likely than his
less assiduous but more entertaining brothers to
lose by disuse much of what he has achieved,j
and, secondly, he is not learning, and perhaps
never will learn, what to do with knowledge after


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Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of' Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dipateiies are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00;. by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mal, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214.
Representatives: College PLublishers Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Stret, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telepifne 4925
CITYA DITO o......... . ..........KAR SEIFERT
SPORTS EDI[TOR. . ..............JOHN W. THOMAS
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
John W..Pritcard, Joseph W. Renihan, C. Hart Schaaf,
IBral>.ey Shaw, Gllenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: Fred A. Huber, Ward D. Morton,
Albert Newman,
REPORTERS: Stanley W. Arnheim, Edward Andrews,
Hynian J. Aronstam, A. Ellis Ball, Charles G. Barndt,
James Bauchat, Donald R. Bird, Donald F. Blankertz,
Willard E. Blaser, Charles B. Brownson, C. Garritt
Bunting, Arthur W. Carstens, Theodore K. Cohen,
Riobert S,. Deitsch, Donald Elder, Robert Engel, Albert-
riedmnanEdward A. Gene, Harold Cross, Eric Hall.
Johnt C. Hef:aley, RoBert ..Hewett, M. B. 1iggins, Alex-
ander Hirseteld, Walter E. Morrison, Ward "Merton,
Robert Ruwitch, Alvin Schleifer, G. Edwin Sheldrick,
Robert W. Thorne, George Van Vleck, Cameron Walker,
Guy M. Whipple, Jr., W. Stoddard White, Leonard A.
Jessie L Barton, Eleanor B. Blum, Jane H. Brucker,
Miriam Carver, Beatrice Collins, Mary J. Copeman,
Louise Crandall, Mary M. Duggan, Prudence Foster,
Alice Gilbert, Carol J. Hannan, Therese R. Herman,
Frances Manchester, Elizabeth Mann, Edith E. Maples,
Marie Metzger, Marie J. Murphy, Margaret C. Phalan,
athe'ine Rucker, Beverly Stark, Alma Wadsworh, Mar-
jorie Western, Josephine Woodhans.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
Advertising Contracts, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Serv-
ice, Noel Turner; Accounts, Bernard E, Schnacke; Cir-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: Theodore Barash, Jack Bellamy, Gordon
Boylan, Charles Ebert, Jack Efroymson, Pred Hertrick,
Joseph Hume, Howard Klein, Allen Knuusi, George
Laurie, Charles Mercill, Russell Read, Lester Skinner,
Joseph Sudow and Robert Ward.
Betty Aigler, Edna Canner, Genevieve Field, Ann Gall-
meyer, Doris Gimmy, Billie Griffiths, Helen Grossner,
Kathryn Jackson, Dorothy Laylin, Virginia McComb,
Caroline Mosher, Helen Olson, Helen Schume, May See-
fried, Kathryn Stork.
Support The Team
On Saturday..

it is acquired.
Although we cannot dispute the statement
credited to Solomon that "He who increaseth
knowledge increaseth sorrow," we must maintain
that a cultural education aims to deepen one's
appreciation of life, whether or not the life is a
happy one. And a mere conglomeration of facts
certainly can't accomplish that end.
John Cowper Powys recalls in his book, "The
Meaning of Culture," a definition which, though
admittedly incomplete, is particularly to the point.
Culture, he says, is what we have left over after
we've forgotten what we started out to learn.
And what we have left over, it seems apparent,
depends pretty much on what use we make of
the information we have acquired while it is still
information and not a vague memory.
There is probably no better place in the world
for learning to apply cultural information to life
than on and about the campus of a liberal uni-
versity. Any student who has graduated and
gone to work will tell you, unless his work is of
an unusual variety, that business or professional
pursuits leave little time or inclination for per-
sonal cultural development.
Our point, which probably seems a bit remote
by this time, is that too much work is just as
possible, thought perhaps not as common a dan-
ger, as too little work. The student who believes
that books alone can provide complete education
is bound to be disappointed, unless he is unaware
of his failure, in which case he will probably
become a boring and somewhat offensive pedant.
We are not trying to justify the student who
deliberately throws away his time at the Uni-
versity. We point out merely that thinking as an
outside activity is quite as important to the cul-
tural educational process as application to Uni-
versity courses as such; that one may take a
so-called pipe course and get more from it 'than
from the most wearying study in the curriculum;
that the fellow who, doesn't take his work with
deadly seriousness, and bolts a class occasionally
without any qualms of conscience, may be learn-
ing just as much as the grind who studies all
the time, never misses recitations, and never
learns that education should be as much pleasure
as it is work.
Cam pusOpinion
To The Editor:

so many bolted their classes. It was simply too
monotonous. Besides, the final exam was the
only bluebook that class had taken. The students
were at a loss as to their progress during the
course. A bluebook now and then is an incentive;
it spurs the student to study more. But college
instructors who are working for their PhD's can-
not be bothered with correcting bluebooks. That
is why, I presume, that particular instructor never
gave his classes a bluebook. Students pay their
tuition and they have an inherent right to get
the best of instruction for their money. But they
get cheated many times. At the time it is being
done, they fail to realize it fully, but after grad-
uation, they sense it. Instructors working for
their PhD's and not doing justice to their classes
are, in my opinion, committing robbery in an
invisible and somewhat mild form.
A member of the faculty, in order to be a sue-
;ess, should give his undivided attention to his
glasses and endeavor to make them as interest-
rig as possible. The same routine should not be
followed each day. Occasional bluebooks shounC
e given.
There are countiess other things which happen
n every cam us, but this is just one of the many
~O which somri attention shoul(I 1Xe giVel.
To The Editor:
Agitation against the college youth of America
periodically is stirred up. Generally it takes the
form of vituperative comment as to the relative
intelligence of the collegian as compared with
the superior generation, and recently has em-
phasized the prohibition issue as indicating that
Ioung men and women have no mental power
o do anything but imitate the examples and
'hefs set by others. The youth of America is
.epresented as a law-defying body that take.
ts gin in anything but a gentlemanly manner
md opposes prohibition simply because it is "the
'thing to do."
The comment as to tihe average young man's
drinking eiquette is, unfortulately, often tre
However, the main argiuent--that u!f the colle-
ian's imitative prowess-s anything but ac-
lurate. A case in point is the Michigan Youth
Council for Prohibition, which last Monday or-
;anized its anti-repeal campaign to the tune of
5,000 members, represented at the Detroit con-
vention by 500 delegates. There are two sides
to the national prohibition issue-those who want
national enforcement and those who seek na-
tional repeal--and consequently no particular
originality is manifested in the side these young
people are taking; the striking point is that there
are thousands of youths in this state alone who
are eager to take an active part in an attack on
repeal, the very proposition which youth is gen-
erally represented as upholding.
It is diifficult to see here an example of mob-
imitation. The collegians of America are as clearly
divided on the prohibition question as are the
voters on the more decorous side of forty. And
certainly the young people carry infinitely more
enthusiasm into their undertaking. If the wisdom
of maturity wishes to crush the "misdirected
volatility of youth," it had better try a new tack.
All the old ones have been worn out.


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MICHIGANI will face one of its hard-a
est battles of the football season
tomorrow wheneit comes up against the fighting'
State eleven which has been practicing since the
latter part of August for the annual grudge game.
The Michigan game is always the biggest on
the State schedule and quite naturally their play-;
ers are being primed for it. Not only will State
bring a strong team to Ann Arbor, but also a
faithful crowd of supporters which will be deter-
mined to beat Michigan.
Unfortunately, Michigan will be unable to point,
particularly for the State game. The two games+
following, with Northwestern and Ohio State, will
make this impossible.
Also, unfortunately, enthusiasm has been on
the decline at Michigan for the past few years.
The old spirit that was shown in the days of
"Benny to Benny" has died down.
If our team is to march on to victory this year,
it must be primed by the support of the student
body. Many students have the idea that they
are too sophisticated to become enthusiastic at
a football game. Perhaps they are. Webster's
New International Dictionary defines sophistica-
tion as, "being without directness, simplicity or
naturalness; artificiality."
Time and time again, we have seen our teams
come from behind to win. It has often been not
so much snpelrior ability as the figghting spirit
which has been so characteristic of all Michi-
gai teams. That spirit originates in the stands.
The players must feel confident that they are
being supported by their fellow classmen.
This year, Michigan is trying something new.
It is sending an offensive team against State,
instead of a defensive one. The results should
be interesting. We can -beat State both ways if
the student body supports the team. Let's not
have another showing like last year's against
Why Condem1
Pipe" Couarses.
FEW days ago, during classifica-
tion, a student who was accused
of electing a "pipe" schedule made a remark
something like this:
"I didn't come to this University to work. I
can work anywhere. I came here for an edu-
The seeming paradox of this statement makes
it worth looking into, and we suspect it contains
more sound sense than appears on the surface.
Aside from special courses which bear directly
on his chhnen field for work after graduation, the

It is when we read editorials such as the one
in Tuesday's "Daily" concerning the infantile and
outworn "tradition" of pot-wearing that the more
progressive of us see a ray of hope for the respect
which should be due our student body. Such a
custom surely loses its usefulnessnand its efficacy
when freshmen and upperclassmen eat, live, and
study together.
The old, rigid class unity has gone by board
along with college pennants in every room. It is
a vestige of earlier days when it was quite neces-
sary for freshmen. to be instructed in the ways
of an environment which was entirely new andc
strange to them. Today, if a freshman should,2
by chance, come to the University uninitiated to t
its ways, he would soon be educated in a more
or less friendly way by the companions whom he
chooses, or by the men in his rooming house.c
No such devices as pots or class games have been
forced upon freshman women, yet they seem to
weather the storm of bewilderment not only as
well as, but sooner than, their brothers.
The Student Council has made itself ridiculous
in the eyes of the majority of the student bodyr
for many years by trying to enforce this ludicrous
custom, and, as far as I know, no formal attempt
has been made before this to defy them openly.
Your editorial opened fire in a most effective, but
sane, way. It treated the subject comprehensively,
and with logic which can hardly be questionedt
seriously. The Council, evidently realizing this,
has tried to back out gracefully and unobtrusively
by saying that freshmen need only wear their
pots until the Princeton game. We must at least
compliment the Council on admitting that' it was
The number of pots seen on the Campus has
been decreasing rapidly in the last two years.
There have been very few seen this year. Let
us hope that the Class of 1936 will be the last to
submit. Let us hope that next year these men
will not try to bully the Class of 1937 into wearing
pots, using as their feeble and time-worn excuse,
"Well, we had to wear them." Let us hope that
tradition for tradition's sake will soon become a,
thing of the dim, pleasantly forgotten past.
Cato, '34.
To The Editor:
Prior to my coming to college, I always thought
that professors were super-human 'creatures, and
I use to look upon them with awe and reverence.
In other words, I thought that they were next
to God himself. But a year at the University of
Michigan told me quite a different story.
Professors are human. There are many differ-
ent types on a campus, as there are people in an
ordinary town. Some of them are just as shy
and timid as the famous painter in Arnold Ben-
nett's novel, "Buried Alive." The first few weeks
are pure agony for some instructors. But when
the bashful man sitting in the front desk makes
his acquaintance with the pupils seated before
him, the timidness gradually wears off. Others,
again, feel perfectly at home in the midst of
their pupils and say exactly the same things to
them as to their wives and children during a
family scrap.
In regard to instruction itself, some professors
i r f-l-,rn.a ri fva +-,f-rrinL their.

By Barton Kane
Dolly Gaunn Brucker
Huber Is Told
Boss Almost Married


_____ _ _.

GOVERNOR BRUCKER, initiated into the Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity this summer, has de-
cided to come to the Michigan State game and,
as a result, has caused more trouble in the fra-
ternity social circles than Dolly Gann has in
The Phi Gams expected Phi Gam Brucker to
come to their house for lunch Saturday; act as
rushing chairman; go to the game with them.
Newly Initiated Brucker, coming to Ann Arbor
with a friend, a Sigma Alpha Epsilon, planned to
go to the S.-A, E. house.
The Phi Gains called uu the S. A. E. house;
argued with the rushing ichairman; called names
over the phone. The . A. E. members won. Phi
Gam Brucker will go to the tate game with the
S. A. E. brothers.
WESLEY MAUE L, !ibelal of the journalismi'
department, was addressing his beginners
class a few mnornillgs ago; rleferred to Franklin D.
Roosevelt's utility address; slipped; called Can-
didate Roosevelt, President Roosevelt; realized his
error; stopped: smiled; said he was "just antici-
pating things a little."
.[ EDNESDAY the Thta Di1L s had the prize
freshman of the year, a gentleman from
Cranbrook School. The fresilan entered the,
house; took oil his coat; (ailed au active; said,
"see what yu can do with thal."
After supper, asked the brothers to get him a
date; said 'that his fraternity always got him a
date. The Theta Delts asked if he was a frater-
nity man. The Cranbrook Aman replied, "Well, not
exactly, but I practically am. All of the houses
have been rushing me and I've got the one picked
out that I'm going to join.
CARL G. HUBER, Dean of the Graduate School
andDirector of the Anatomical Laboratories,
wears a grey crash smock while indulging in med-
ical work. Recently, he saw a freshman Medic
who had made a bad mess in the lab, reprimand-
ed him, told him to clean the mess up.
The freshman looked at the smock; thought
that Dean Huber was a Custodian or janitor; told
him to clean the damned mess up himself.
STUDENT SOCIALIST, an advocate of the
"be college men-not soldiers" movement and
an ardent hater of the R. O. T. C., was seen in
front of the Library yesterday campaigning for
the soon-to-be-opened co-operative r o o m i n g
house. The independent thinker wore pants that
were obviously a part of the basic course R.O.T.C.
k * -
I HAVE received a great many calls asking what
fraternity it was that was planning to hold the
rushing tea dance on Saturday. I'll make it a
guessing game. It's got white pillars and is north

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dl te wetwe do1()-i.01lmkow, hut we day
knowi-that we, are in a posititon to give
yol iwe e14l iiti ervi e Quality, and
Pr e e ,
300 South Fifth
1hone 23123

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