THE MICHIGAN DAILY * AG r I W, I On Sept. 3rd, 1925, Goldman Bros. Intrpduced their famous MIRA CLEAN And to this day, science has failed to find the equal of this marvelous cleaning method. From the very first, Miraclean proved to be the finest cleaning that money coud buy. And Ann Arbor knows that ifa better system had come along, Goldman Bros. would have had it. .+.And Now Goldman Brothers Introduce To You A NEW Service . An Extra Service .. At No Extra Cost i .1 1,_ I "A Makes Your Clothes Stay Clean Longer t Why Mira-Tex Is Necessary Everyone knows that new clothes stay cleaner longer. They resist dirt, repel water, and retain lustre and sheen longer than they do after cleaning. That's a frank state- ment. There's no denying it. The public is fully aware of it. The reason for this is simply that manufacturers, before making the garments, add to the fabrics certain compositions that give those fabrics body and sheen, a definite fortification against wear and other elements. The finest cleaning in all the world cannot forever pre- serve this extra body and lustre. Gradually it is worn away by wear, the rays of the sun, the moisture in the air, and other elements that cannot be controlled. And grad- ually garments become duller and duller, more lifeless and lustreless. So something had to be done to restore that lost lustre and life to the fabrics, And after years of research and experiment, the Miraclean Institute has finally created, and proudly introduces - MIRA-TEX. What Mira-Tex Is And Does MIRA-TEX is an EXTRA process through which your garments go after Miracleaning. The MIRA-TEX sys- OLDMAN ~ A% R S iraclea Cleans a a IretA of