The Weather Probably cloudy Sundry, fol- lowed by local snows. OFg it iga aiI Editorials Laissez-Faire Wanted in Fr ternity Rooms; Help the Need, I'm One of Them .. VOL. XLIII No. 75 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 8, 1933 PRICE FIVE CEN Coolidge Buried I Vermont Many Friends Attend Last Rites Of Ex-President At Northampton Church; Foreign Heads Present Hoover Shares Pew. With Widow, Son Rev. Albert J. Penner Reads Funeral Service; Ceremony Made Simple; Crowd Stands In Rain Copeland answers Technocrats With New Reconstruction Plan By JOHN W. PRITCHARD A five-point plan, designated as "some illustrative concrete moves" toward financial regeneration of the nation, was advanced Friday by Prof. Morris A. Copeland of the economics department as a counter-suggestion to take the place of solutions pre- sented by the group of Technocrats at Columbia. In a subsequent interview, Prof. A. H. White of the chemical engineer- ing department of the engineering molleg*, stated that the Technocrats are correct when they insist on a re- duction of working hours for each in- dividual. He questioned certain points of technocracy, however, and profes- xed some difficulty in understanding what the group meant in several of its statements. Emphasis Called Misplaced The idea of permanent technologi- ;al employment was attacked yes- yerday by Professor Copeland, who 3tated, "When Technocrats empha- size the important part which tech- nological changes have played in ringing about the present derange- :nents of our economic system, they ire at one with the findings of eco- aomists. (F e w economists would tgree, however, that technological :hange is the sole cause of our pres- ,nt difficulties). But when the Tech- iocrats imply that the introduction >f a labor-saving device causes a per- nanent decrease in the percentage of ;he population which is able to find obs inder the existing type of eco iomnic organization, they are voicing 'n ancient opinion which most eco- nomists have rejected. If the job dis- ?lacement caused by introducing a labor-saving device were permanent, resent unemployment would be vast- y larger than it is. Past displace- ments have been partly absorbed by decreases in working time, but to a far greater extent by the increased density of population and by 'higher' standards of living. "There is no good reason to sup- pose that the present technologically unemployed, except those who are superannuated, will not be absorbed promptly into other lines of work. But there is reason to believe that this process, slow and painful if left to work itself out, may be hastened by improved job information and made less painful by appropriate re- lief measures. Moreover, even if a specific techno- logical change does not cause per- manent job displacement, continued change, if we take no steps to stop it, presumably will cause continuing. technological unemployment. Per- sonally I believe that we can and should decrease the extent to which technological unemployment is prof- itable to employers, even if in so do- ing we retard the rate of technical change. The legal dismissal wage is a mild first step in this direction. Not Entirely Clear "Technocracy," Professor Copeland declared, "finds the 'price system' on the verge of collapse. What this means is not entirely clear. It ap- pears to be associated with an ad- dition to the list of monetary nos- trums, a list already far too long. But it is much broader than this, although it clearly does not mean that our system of pricing and cost- ing is to go. It seems to be a way of saying that we should substitute economic planning for laissez faire. We have already moved a long way. from laissez faire (if indeed any past (Continued on Page 8) Drys Attack Beer Bill In Investigation Constitutionality Measure Discussed; Assailed As Nullification Proposal Judiciary Group To Meet Monday Beck Was Only Defender Of Bill; Cannon Takes Stand Unexpectedly WASHINGTON, Jan. 7.--()-A Senate judiciary sub-committee to- night made ready to act on the House 3.2 per cent beer bill after public hearings at which friends and foes of the legislation bombarded the members with conflicting views on the constitutionality of the measure. Half a dozen representatives of or- ganizations supporting Prohibition assailed the bill as a proposal "to nullify" the Constitution and said it would legalize traffic in intoxicating liquor. A lone defender of theabill, Rep. James M. Beck, (Rep., Pa.) said it came within the "field of legislative discretion" and predicted the Su- preme Court wouldruphold it. The hearing ended in a discussion between. Beck and Bishop James Cannon, Jr., on. the question of whether the wine used in the Biblical marriage sacrament at Canna was fermented and a controversy over the significance of the recent election. Following the hearing Chairman Blaine announced the sub-commit- tee would meet early next week to act on the bill. He suggested that it might be redrafted to eliminate pos- sible constitutional objections. The full juciary committee will meet Monday to "conider a favorable report from ORaine"' committee on a resolution td repeal1 the 1 lghteenh Amendment; protect dry states 'and permit Congress to legislate against the "saloon. The sa ln. tday, atended by 'only twoW i b-com ite though it "was:seheduled fo sl .p ponents of the bill used all the time allotted to "'em but. no off' ap- peared to defend the mueasure except Beck. Cannon took the stand unexpect- edly, just as Chairman Blaine was announcing adjournment of the hearing, He protested that the bill would be unconstitutional, because "it would permit, traffic in intoxicat- ing beer." Others who testified against the bill were: Edward B. Dunford, An- drew Wilson and Robert H. McNeill, all of Washington. Lower Rates Announced By Co-Op Eatin House Following their prediction of lower rates as soon as possible, the Co-op- erative Boarding House has an- nounced, through its head, Sher Qu- raishi, Grad., new prices for meals by the week. The new rate, for lunches only, one each day of the week,.is $1.35, while that for dinners every day with the exception of ,unday has been low- ered to $1.20. Both lunches and din- ners are given without any reduction from the above prices, according to Quraishi. Another recent innovation is the discontinuing of the ten dollar de- posit which was formerly required of members of the group, ~0 Michigan Witns From Iowa By. 33-25 Count Score Tied Four Times In First Period, Again When Half Ended' IOWA CITY, Ia., Jan. 7.-P)-The Jniversity of Michigan basketball :eam upset the University of Iowa tonight, 33 to 25, after the Hawk- 'yes had been deprived of services of ,wo regulars a few minutes before ;he game tonight. It was the first Nestern Conference engagement for 30th quintets. Coach Rollie Williams was notified 'le should not use Edward Break and Ivan Blackmer, slated to start at forward. The decision was made after receipt of . a telegram from Prof. Thomas E. French of Ohio State, chairman of the Western Con- ference eligibility committee, stating it would be "inadvisable to play either Blackmer or Break until their eligibility status had been investi- gated by the Conference." The score was tied four times in the first period, and was knotted, 15- all, when the half ended. Michigan pushed out in front when play was Liqor V iolator Sentenced By JudgeSample Negro Given Five Year .Probation Term; Three Arrestcd'-Since Dee. 8 Although Circuit Judge George W. Sample said on Nov. 12 that he would hear no more liquor cases after Dec. 8 (date on which the re- peal amendment went into force) Fremont Mitchell, negro, yesterday was sentenced by Judge Sample to five years' probation after he had pleaded guilty to violation of the prohibition law. A chronological account of local liquor history since November: Nov. 8--State prohibition law re- pealed by overwhelming vote. Nov. 12-Judge Sample: "The only law left covering Michigan is the 18th .amendment and the Volstead act. Up until Dec. 8, I could not re- fuse to hear a liquor case brought before me by the prosecutor. I think now that after Dec. 8 I would refuse to hear such a case." Dec. 8-State repeal goes into ef- fect. Dec. 1h-Judge Sample: "I will make no decision until the Supreme Court has defined the legal status of state prohibition. Dec. 20-Theodore A. Baldwin, 44, R. F. D. 4, Ypsilanti, arrested by sheriff's officers on charge of pos- session of alcoholic beverages, was charged with disorderly conduct and ordered to pay costs of $100 or serve 90 days in County Jail. (He is in! jail). Chinese Will Not Contest JapVictory Japanese Occupation Of Shanhaikwan Will Not Cause Reprisals Policy Will Benefit Nation, Say Leaders' Chinese Troops Reported Prepared For Invasion If Japs Cross Border SHANGHAI, Jan. 7.-()-Despite public clamor for armed action against Japan, indications today af- ter a series of conferences among Chinese military and civilian leaders were that the Nationalist government at Nanking would adopt a policy of avoiding any steps aggravating to the Japanese. Chiang Kai-Shek, the strongest military commander of the nation, apparently dominated the discussions which resulted in this decision. No official announcement of the govern- mnent's policy was made, but it was 1vident that China desired a quick' settlement of the conflict resulting from Japan's occupation of the city of Shanhaikwan.- With the national government ;eeking restraint, the newspapers 'ave great prominence to extravag- tnt reports to the Shanhaikwan situ- ,tion. The papers printed state- ments that the government was mak- ing extensive military preparations inl Anticipation of widespread trouble, and these reports fed the fires of3 .ublic indignation. The policy of restraint was basedR nn the theory that by it 'the country 'vould be most benefited. It wa'said, however,,. that, if: the Japanese t-;g tackted :anyw here ,within Chinii the Chinese troops would resist. It was reported that Gov. Tang Yu- Lila, of' the 'province of J11ol, had telegraphed to Naneingh hwas prepared for "a forthcong Japan- Auto Models Make Debut In New York City' Trend Is To Bigger Cars For Less Money; Gala Scene Greets Visitors NEW YORK, Jan. 7.-P-)-Doors of Grand Central Palace were thrown open today on a scintillating display of automobiles which the manufac- turers hope will bring millions of dollars out of hiding and help re- turn America to economic normality. It is the thirty-third national au-' tomobile show, and the thousands who swarmed through the doors saw, for the first time, an exhibition that has many aspects of a three-ring cir- cus. Instead of the usual assortment of motionless cars, they igoked on acres of whirling, noisemaking, spinning, attention-compelling contraptions. And it was like a circus because there is so much to see-four floors filled with displays, along a route that takes 107 minutes to cover at a normal walking pace, even if you don't do any stopping. Twenty-eight' domestic makes of passenger cars, one foreign car and nine trucks are represented. The cheapest automobile in the show Is one of four cylinders at $275. The' other extreme is a 12-cylinder car marked $10,000. "A study in tan" they call it-a vast, ultr'a-stream-line creation resembling a cross between a giant beetle, a millionaire's yacht and an armored war machine. It represents what its designers say the car of 1943 will look like. As the show opened many manu- facturers announced they had cut last year's prices from $200 to $400. May Lift Ruling On Unchaperoned Visits CHICAGO, Jan. 7.-(Big Ten)- The heretofore rigid rule of the Uni- versity of Chicago forbidding women access to fraternity houses except on specified occasions, and subject to "excessive chaperoning" In a y be amended in the near future if the proposal submitted by students is ap-' Police Chief's Car Is Easy Haul For Thieves Automobiles are stolen every. day in the week, in Ann Arbor as well as in other cities, but when thieves become so audacious as to make away with Chief of Police Thomas O'Brien's car it is a horse of a different color. In response to a rumor that the chief's car had been stolen from in front of his house late last night, he was called for verifica- tion. "Yes,' he said in answer to the question," it's true, but I don't need any publicity on that. It was stolen from in front of the house Just like anyone else's."~ The car was a 1928 Hudson. Richards' Plea Of Insanity To Be Considered Decision Due omrroM Afternoon, Richards Wil Refund Student Fares Whether a sanity commission wil. be appointed in the case of W. K Richards, 24 years old, of Mankato Minn., will be decided at 1:30 p. m tomorrow before Judge George W Sample in Circuit Court.' Richards is held pending investi- gation of his sanity as a result of th failure of airplane company hie estab- lished to provide transportation for Michigan students to various points Dec. 16. He established himself a the "Michigan Southern Airways" anc | w aume of student: for transportation to -their homes When they'appeared at a State Street restaurant Dec. 16, demanding their tickets, he had disappeared. The Detroit Air Charter Service: with which Richards had made ar.- rangements for planes, transported some of the students to 'points in Ohio and Pennsylvania and the rest were forced to drive or take trains or buses. An investigation is being conducted by Joseph A. Bursley, dean of men into the case, and a number of the students have charged before Dean Bursley that they were defrauded out of their fares paid. Richards' mother, Mrs. David Rich- ards, arrived Friday from Mankato to consult with Dean Bursley and au- thorities. Richards is held in Coun- ty Jail for examination and on e charge of embezzling funds from an Ann Arbor gasoline station proprie- tor. He was to have appeared before Judge Sample yesterday, but post- ponement of the examination wa granted at the request of Robert Cav. anaugh, his attorney, who asked ar extention of time in which to procure more funds. Officials of the Detroit Air Charter Service deny that Richards paid tc them as much money as he claimed in a statement issued to The Daily, He claimed to have paid $1,165 to the charter service. The statement, written in the third person, follows: "William King Richards, for- iner sponsor and owner of Michi- gan Southern Airways, today made the statement to the effect that he would personally stand responsible for any or all losses received by Michigan students booking passages over latter air- lines. "Richards claimed to have paid receipts and figures to show where he previously paid Detroit Air Charter Service $1,165 out of only $1,052 previously collected from students. "A week ago Richards' attorney entered a plea of insanity for his client. Richards now intends to stand trial before Judge George Sample and definitely, prove his innocence before leaving for his home in Minnesota. "All students having just claims against the airways will 'please report their loss to Dean Burs- ley at their earliest possible con- venience. "A civil and criminal action $10,000 Good Will Campaign Will Gel Ur Way Tonigh Rabbi Heller To Canvassers At Supper Tonight As Drive Is I Student I Named A Fraternities, And Soror Visited By t J y 1 i A Covering the Ca The Student Good Wil obtain $10,000 for undergr: will be officially opened to. send-off dinner in the Un Rabbi Bernard Heller, I munity chest director r Foundation head, will ac assembled workers. Final tions for the drive will be the worlk of the Good Will be described. "Women and men alike and will be aided by the ft H. Huss, '33, chairman of Jointed out last night. ad numerous contributior n's clothes and funds 1 >laced at the disposal of 7 Lloyd." Community Chest Rabbi Heller is also rE or his action as a Commu -Iember which led to tI ,ift of $2,000 which is m; University for the stu ,unds. During the week's drive ;o make contact with eve in an effort to reach tI- ;oal. Ann Arbor has be( nto 14 districts which is resumed, however, and was never headed. Michigan Eveland, f Plummer, f Garner, c Allen, c ....... Petoskey, g , . Altenhof, g ... . Totals ..... Iowa Moffit, f ....... Krumbholz, f .. Kotlow, ..... Bastian, c . . .. SMiller, c .. Grim, g:. Selzer, g ....... . . , . . , . , , F P 4 1 3 1 S 0 4 1 1 0 30 LS 3 F P 3 2 2 2 22 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 TP 9 7 0 9 2 6 33 Tp 8 6 6 0 0 5 0 yell as women's dormitories an Teague houses. Workers will be given identifice iai cards saying: "This is to ce ;ify that ......... is an authorize :epresentative of the Student Goo Will Fund drive." These cards a signed by Huss. Reports of the team captains .rogress in their districts will nade daily and districts have be trranged so that competition amo: :he teams for the largest amour ,ollected wil develop. Captains Are Announced Captains of the teams were a aounced yesterday by Assista hairman William Elliot. They a Zharles Jewett, '34, of the Interfr ,ernity Council, John Goetz, '33E, Julcans, Jule Avers, '33, of the St lent Christian Association, Karl Se 'ert, '33, of Sigma Delta Chi. Other captains are Wilbur Bob pack, '34, of Sphinx, Hugh Gro '34E, and Steinar Vaksdal, '34E, .he two Triangles teams, and Robe Saltzstein, '34, Phillip Dalsimer, '34 'nd Kenneth Luce, '34, of the thr Union underclass committee team Elsie Feldman, -'33, and Catherf Heesen, '33, will direct drive work .n Mosher-Jordan, Helen Newber and Betsy Barbour halls, and League houses, who will be memb of Senior Society and the Leagu house committee. Mortarboard society will cane sororities under the co-captaincy Evelyn Neilson, '33, and Helen E witt, '33: James Inglis will le Michigainua and Druids members canvassing fraternities. Grange G' ler, '33L, wil direct drive workers the Law Club. Among the faculty members w will be present at the send-off dinr tonight will be Dean Joseph A. 'B sley and Dean Alice Lloyd. On the eve of the drive the S dent Good Will fund has had ne ly $800 contributed along with mi donations of used clothes. T clothes are being renovated and d sensed among students. Senator Guy D. Goff, 77 Of West Virginia, D THOMASVILLE, Ga., Jan. 7.- --Death came to former Unit StatcsSenator Guy D. Goff of W Virginia today. He was in his s enty-seventh year. He retired fr national life at the end of his ti in 1931 because of ill health. He.I a distinguished war record. At -i The President sat with his head bowed, rising with the congregation as Mrs. Coolidge entered the audi- torium. Pewier Beads Service The Rev. Albert J. Penner, youth- ful pastor of a very old church, took his place in the pulpit. He uttered a brief invocation and a, quartet sang "Lead Kindly Light." The clergyman read the scripture and began his prayer in which were the only references to the former President. As he arose to begin his prayer, the congregation, at the request of the clergyman, sat for a moment in silence. The choir ,ang, "0 Love hat Will Not Let Me Go." There was a very brief benediction, and Mrs. Coolidge and the miembers of her party left thei church. . 9 7 25 Totals ............... Personal fouls: Eveland, Garner 4; Allen, Petoskey 3; Moflit, Bastian 4; Miller 2, Grim 2. Referee: Kearns, (DePauw); Umn- pine: Molony (Notre Dame). BASKETBALL SCORES Illinois 27, Northwestern 25 Ohio State 35, Indiana 28. Purdue 42, Minnesota 32. Wisconsin 26, Chicago 17. President Of Williams 'To Enforce Prohibition WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass., Jan. 7.- Drinking must stop in the frater- nities or the house will be padlock- ed, Dr. Harry A. Garfield, president of Williams College, has told the local Varied Services Arye Planned For Church-Goers This Morning The first sermon of a series on month, dealing with the various new idols for old will be preached phases of religious belief. at 10:45 a. m. today at the Unitarian Maurice Sugar, prominent Detroit Church, titled "How Sacred Is the attorney who spoke on Socialism here Bible?" Mr. Marley will trace the earlier in the, season, will address history of the Bible, showing its the Student Pellowship meeting at place in modern life among other 6:30 p. m. at the Congregational literature. The question of whether Church. He has chosen as his topic, this generation needs a new Bible, "Youth of Soviet Russia." His speech containing more recent spiritual ex- will be followed by the regular sup- perience, will be discussed. Mr. Clin- per. ton Ford, of Ann Arbor, and now a To Speak on Da Vinci student at Carlton College, Minn., Dr. Bernard Heller will speak on will play the violin selection, "Adora- "Is Fear the Basis of Religion" at 11 tion." IFerteBssoReiinat1 e- Bn ia. m. today in the Women's League Rev. Burns drill Not Speak Chapel. It had been previously hoped thatChpl the Rev. Vincent Burns, brother of;Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson of the Eng- Edward Burns, of "I An A Fugitive" lish department will speak on Leon- fame, would be able to deliver his ardo Da Vinci at 7 p. m. at the stu- ' sermon on "Religion in Trench and dent meeting held at Harris Hall. Prison" in Mr. Marley's place today. The discussion class led by the Rev. However, due to recent trouble in Henry Lewis will be resumed at 8:15