THE MICHIGAN DAILY .q, CAMPUS SOCIETY Pi'of. Brumm Reads Play At CuMeeti Arts And Crafts Dmsjo Of Ann Arbor Woman' Club Hears Mrs. Servis Prof. John L. Brumm of the Jou nalism department spoke at th meeting and tea of the drama d partment of the fine arts divisiont the Ann Arbor Women's Club whic was held at 2:30 p. m. Thursday i the Grand Rapids room of th League. Professor Brumm read a politic satire entitled "The Mayor's Hus band." The play was given at th annual press convention held her recently. An additional feature wa Mrs. J. T. Bush's reading of "Boot black," a 'poem. After the entertainment and business meeting, tea was serve Mrs. Maude C. Thompson, preside of the club, and Mrs. C. H. Eatoz vice president, poured. Yellow rose and tapers formed .the table decor tions. Talks on famous china were a fea ture of the monthly meeting of th Arts and Crafts division of the clu held at 2:30 p. m. Thursday in'th alumni room of the League. "The Life and Work of Wedge Mood," was the subject of an infor mal lecture given by Mrs. G. A. Ser vis. Several examples of his art wer displayed. Mrs. R. H. Davidson spok on "The Life and Work of Spode at the same time. An additional fea tore of the meeting was the exhibi tion of heirloom china, together wit] a resume of the history of each piece by the individual members of th( roup. The Arts and Crafts division's nex meeting is scheduled for Feb. 2. Society Produces Cldren's .Mays Members of Lambda chapter o Zeta Phi Eta, women's speech society have taken up the promotion o children's plays on campus, feelin that there is a decided lack of in. structive juvenile entertainment. a The first of the plays were given at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatr in November. "Snow White and Rose Red" and "Cinderella," a shadow pantomime, were produced at this time and met with great success. Three one-act plays in a series en- titled "Sir David Littleboy"' will be given the morning of Jan. 21 in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Mrs. Marian Moore, a graduate student and a charter member of this chapter, will direct. Evelyn Wolford is general chairman of the project. Pian' Recital Gven By Maud Okkelberg Maud Okkelberg assistant profes- sor of piano, will give a recital in the faculty concert series at 4:15 p. m. Sunday in Hill Auditroium. Professor Okkleberg has spent several years abroad in supplementary study and has won distinction as a per- former. On this occasion, her last appear- ance in Ann Arbor before her de- parture early in February for several months abroad, she will play the following program; Chaconne, by Bach-Busoni; Allegretto and Intro- duzione e Finale of Sonate-Balade, op. 27, by N. Medtner; Ballade, op. 52, by Chopin; La Vallee des Cloches, by Ravel; and Terek, by Liapounow. A Bright Wools For Spring season, Are Seen on Carnpls g We dislike being pessimistic, but regardless of balmy breezes, and that n tired-feeling, it is not spring yet, and s if you must express yourself let your hatghave atouch of straw, or a new bright wool dress (there are going to be plenty of wools this spring) to r- give that right "seasonable" touch, ie but further than that- beware. e Still you really can't blame those of who are sneaking in a suit or two h while the mercury is on the rise. To- in day, for instance, a smart one in e green trimmed with bands of leop- ard over the shoulders was seen, and al a swanky little hat was worn with it. f The hat was of green, decorated with touches of the same fur. se One of the best-looking and most practical outfits "yet seen for this kind of Weather was an ensemble of plaid tweed and ,brown fiat caracul, d with caracul coat lined in the same tweed that made up the dress. Plaids and checks are going to be very ap , parent in both suits and dresses this -spring. The Kiki looking wide check- ed skirt with a solid color tailored coat also appears prominently. e Schiaparelli created a costume for b cruising that would nevertheless be e equally as stunning on land. It's a four-piece suit consisting of a skirt - in cinnamo brown tweed with con- - trasting burnished gold stipes, a - double-breasted brown coat with e lapels and a sleeveless swagger cape. e When a scarf of the same tweed as the skirt and a tiny brimmed hat - of brown are added you have an - ultra-smart ensemble good for any h occasion. Thief Takes $41,500 From Screen Star HOLLYWOOD Calif., Jan. -ti. --A robber drssed as a messenger. boy entered the home of Betty Conpson Thursday night, threatened her life, bound and gagged her and f escaped with jewelry the film adress said she valued at $41,500. f The actress, reporting the robbery g to police, said the man also bound and gagged E. D. Leshin, her former production manager who was visiting 1 at the home. She said the jewelry e was insured. Miss Compson said she and Leshin were playing cards when the robber knocked on the door of her residence. "Miss Compson?" he asked, The actress replied in the afl'irna- tive and opened the door. Without'hesitating the robber pushed open the door and forced Miss Compson into the room with Leshin. He made them walk up the stairs to a bedroom where he bound and gagged Leshin. "Now listen," the robber warned, "I know my business and if you make any squawk I burn you both down." The actress said before binding and taping her mouth, the robber forced her to reveal the hiding place of the 'jewelry. Fifteen minutes after the man fled, Miss Compson freed herself and Leshin and called police. Several Hollywood residences have recently been held up by robbers pos- ing as messenger boys. Iowa Student Council Favors Vetoed Parties IOWA CITY, Jan. 6-Iowa-may1 yet have its Junior Prom and Soph- omore Cotillion this year. These two parties, cancelled by the University social committee, may be held after adoption of measures asserted satis- factory to both warring factions at a meeting of the student council at the Iowa union last night. The council made plans for the immediate selection of committees to act for the two parties. It will ask the university social committee to reset the date for the Sophomore Co- tillion, and confirm the date orig- inally set for the Junior Prom. Each sorority, fraternity, and dor- mitory will nominate one candidate for each party committee. A final committee of 11 members with a chairman will be selected. Mildred Safford Wins Hundred Dollar Prize Mildred H. Safford, '24, won first prize of -$100 in a want-ad proverbj hunt sponsored recently by a metro- polintan newspaper, it was learned here yesterday. Miss Safford is the daughter of Dr. Homer E. Safford of 815 Taylor Ave., and has done crea- tive art work in many mediums. She has travelled extensively in(tis country and abroad. Few Activities At Dormitories And Sororities Campus Women Content To Take Rest Before Final Examinations A noticeable letdown from the pre- Christmas rush has set in on the 'campus. Except for women returning home for week-ends, the guests at the various sororities, college social life' appears, quiet. ALPHA PHI Betty Van Horn, former 'student, has been visiting at the Alpha Phi house: ALPHA XI DELTA ' Betty Smith, of Grand Rapids, will be' a week-end guest' of Ann Gall- meyer, '34, at Alpha Xi Delta sorority. ALPIA CI 'OMEGA Mrs. Elsa Mack Gross, '29, of San Fancisco, has been a guest of Alpha ,Chi Omega during 'the past week. ALPHA GAMMA DELTA Ann Arbor alumnae and members of the Mother's Club of Alpha Gamma Delta will hold a benefit 'bridge 'tea at the chapter house this afternoon. The affair will include. ten tables of bridge. Miss Agnes Barker will pour at a tea table to be decorated with red and buff roses., ALPHA OMICRON PI Twelve tables of bridge will be fea- tured at the Alpha Omicron Pi house this afternoon for patronesses. and Ann Arbor alumnae of the soror- ity, who will hold a benefit tea. GAMMA PHI BETA Gamma Phi Beta will entertain at a rushing dinner for several guests Sunday, MO SHER-JORDAN Women from Mosher-Jordan halls returning hoifie for the week-end are Prances Barnett, '35, and Mary Alice Emmett, '35, both of Detroit, from Jordan Hall, and Alice Hannon, '36; of Erie, Pa., and Frances Burnstine, '36, of Detroit, from Mosher Hall. SIGMA KAPPA Sigma Kappa will honov members of the faculty at a formal tea f'roxfl 4 to 6 p. m. tomorrow. Red roses and white tapers will decorate the tea table and Mrs. Irwin Earl will pour. Over $77,000 Earned By Women Working Way Through Cohlee Fresident-Elect Is Still Collector OfStamps Started At A ge Of 4, ALBANY, N. Y., Jan, 6,-GP)- Lie Like other youthful stamp enthu thousands of other little boys, young siasts, hie wrote to commercial col. Franklin' Delano Roosevelt collected lectors, traded stamps with them an( stamps. But, unlike most of the boy read their histories of stamps. Mlan; collectors, he kept at it throug ,h cob- of the long hours of his covales lege--and even p to the door of rence from infantile paralysis wer the White House. devoted to his stamps. Whether as President of the "When do you find time now t United States le will be able to find look at your stamps?" the governo a fewm inutes now and then to do was asked. a little collecting--as he has done "Oh, sometimes I sneak a minut while serving as New York's governor or two early in the morning or late -remains to be seen, at night," he replied. "When I an The President-elect began his in Warm Springs I get in a little tim stamp collecting when he was 8. His for the albums." aunts, uncles and cousins traveled "Do you collect stamps from a and their letters from abroad sup- countries?" plied his first stamps. He also trav- "No," was the answer; "one tim eled with his parents, and in every I tried to collect every stamp issuec country he filled his pockets and An issue was hardly off the presse stamp books with stamps. before I was after it. RI1 More than $77,000 was earned by women students working their way through school in the year 1931-32, it was revealed recently by Alice C. Lloyd, dean of women. The greatest amount, $42,000, was earned by a group of 106 women who worked in private homes for their room and board. $19,000 was the net earning of :a group of 243 who did waitress work and cared for children, while $15,000 was secured by 60 wom- en who worked as clerical and sec- retarial assistants. The total group of women students earning all or part of their way through the 'University was larger than ever before in the past school year, according to a study which was made in order to give accurate fig- ufes concerning money earned and the work done. These figures were compiled through a questionnaire sent out to all such students. During the summer women earned in these same ways to total of more than $6,000. Several problems arise from the large groups of women working their way through school, the report also showed. The greatest is that of health. Toward the end of the year, in all too many cases, the strain of working four hours a day for board I and room in addition to a full aca- demic program resulted in physical breakdon. To remedy this condi- tion, a definite effort to cut down the academic work is being made. Women students working for their 'board and room are now required to secure Dr. Margaret Bell's approval before being permitted to carry a full program of college work. Attempts are being made to super- vise and to make easier the social. contacts and activities of these women, as well as to care for their health. Beta Kappa Rho, a club or ganized for their benefit, has carried on this work with great success with Mrs. Byrl Fox Bacher, assistant dean of women, and Miss Dorothy Ogden as its special advisers and assistants. A Real Opportunity I I 7 c ti Hollywood'Extras' Want Stenography HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Jan. 6.-To- day the army of beautiful women which advances on Hollywood asks' for stenographic positions instead of jobs as extras. The ratio at the Par- amount studios is 15 girls asking for secretarial work to 6 searching for the more glamorous variety. With 18,000 extras already enrolled, steno- graphy is steadier and more regu- larly paid. To Obtain Finer Hats and Hosiery at Unusually Low Prices High Grade FELTS SATURDAY ONLY .x41 Day FELTS Formerly Up to $7.50 SOFTIES 25C Formerly $2.95-$5.00 Now _ ! High School Holds Fancy Dress Party Ann Arbor High school's leading social event of the year for girls was the Fancy Dress party, held last night in Pattengill auditorium.aBe- siides; dancintg, stunts by the classes and teachers were given. The party is a traditional function of the school and is held annually in January. It was arranged entirely by the girls and limited to them. The costumes were varied and several modernistic ensembles were seen. The grand march was led by 1ilde- garde Gassner, chairiman of the party, after which prizes for cos- tumes were awarded. Faculty Chaperones At League, Union Dances Dr. Carl Huber and Mrs. Huber were the faculty meinbeirs Who chap- eroned the apnce at the Union last night, while Miss iMarcella Schneider acted in the same capacity at the League. onight Mr. and nMrs. Eu- gente Power will chap~c'eri~eat the League and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tay- lor will be at the Union. 'MICHIGAN DAMES TOUR Michigan Dames made a special tour of the William Clements Library yesterday afternoon. A short stop was also made at the General Library. Another advantage in this type of position is the opportunity for learn- ing almost every phase of motion picture production. This makes for an entree into acting, direction or business management. Women who have reached the top from a beginning in stenography are Edna Warren, film editor of "Under Cover Man," Dorothy Arzner, direc- tor of "Merrily We Go To Hell," and Agnes Brand Leahy, scenario writer who worked in "No Man of Her Nowo $1.0 CHIFFON HOSIERY 55c pair 2 Pair for $1,00 59C 2 for $ 1.00 604 East Liberty Whre To Go, Motion Pictures: Michigan, "Cen- tral Park'; Majestic, "If I Had a Million"; Wuerth, "Winner Take All." Exhibits: Tapestries, First floor corridor, general library. Dances: Informal dancing, League,' 9 p. m. Informal dancing, Union, 9 p. m. l r ii . - Mary L Creator of Gowns for all occasions REMODELING A SPECIALTY Maker of Gowns Phone 3468 506 East Liberty Alterations l Women's Debate Named By F. Team K. Riley Floyd K. Riley, instructor in speech and women's debate coach, re- cently announced the names of the nine women who will compose the debate squad this season. These women will represent Michigan in debates with Northwestern Univer- sity, Ohio State University, Indiana University and University of Pitts- burgh besides several non-decision debates with smaller colleges. Tfhe women ch-osen are: Gladys Baker, '33; Eleanor Blum, '35; Alice Boter, '33; Dorothy Davis, '33; Alice Gilbert, '33; Jeanne Hagaman, '33; Ethel Howard, '35; Evelyn Radtke, ':33; ;Marabel Smith, '34. DR. BARNES TO SPEAK Dr. Janet Barnes will speak on "The Psychiatric Aspect of Pedia- trics" at the regular meeting Mon- day of the Women's Research Club. FURS Now at THE GREATEST VALUE GIVING EVENT IN ZWERDLING'S 29TH JANUARY FUR SALE ! You owe it to yourself and to your pocketbook to buy furs during this event. Never in our 28 years of manufacturing and selling of furs in Ann Arbor were we able to offer such values in Fur Coats, Jackets or Neckwear. Next year you will be happy that you bought during this sale.I A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL RESERVE YOUR SELECTION. INSURED STORAGE FREE. Dependable remodeling and repairing promptly done at most reasonable rates SPECIAL LOW RATES ON MADE-TO.MLASURE FUR GARMENTS ' ..: - f, i i I . (!' ,, 'I I .I I I i: f i i I i I i ANDERSON and BACHMANN - Laboratory Manual of Organic Chemistry. BEMENT - French Elementaire. BERRY, C. S. - Psychology and Education of Exceptional Children. BLANCHARD - Laboratory and Field Guide to the Natural History of Vertebrates. BLICKE - An Outline for the Study of Syn- thetic Drugs. BRIER - Ch. E. 5. BROWN and THUMA -Elementary Psychol- ogy textbooks. BROWN and THUMA - Elementary Psychol.- ogy record book. CANFIELD -- Diseases of the Ear. CAMPBELL, H. L. - The Working, Heat Treat. ing and Welding of Steel. CARR, L. J. - Sociology 2515 Control Sheets. CARR, L. J. - Modern Social Problems. CARVER, H. C. - Elementary Mathematics - Math. 49. CARVER, H. C. - Sample Math. Problems - Math. 51. CASE - Geology 105 - Organic Evolution. COOLEY, CARR and ANGELL - Introductory Sociology, Parts I, II and IIL COURTIS - Philosophy of Education. CROSS - Caesar's Commentaries. CROSS- Glanville's Translations. DENSMORE - Speech Assignment. DODGE -Climatic Data for Africa for use in Classes in Geography and Neteorology. EDMONSON - Modern High School and Its Problems. EDMONSON - Some Specific Problems in High School Administration. EMSWILER -M. E. 8 Notes. EMSWILER - M. E. 7 Notes. FOWLER, H. A. - Notes on Color and Design. GESSELL - Physiology Laboratory Manual. GLOVER - Chemistry 44 - Alkaloids and Syn. thetics. GLOVER - Laboratory Notes in Pharmacog. nosy - Course 1. GLOVER - Food and Drug Analysis. GOOD - Summary of the Conference of Edu- cational Legislation. GRISMORE - Trade Restraints, Vols. 1 and 2. GUSTAFSON - Laboratory Manual of Plant, Physiology. GUTHE Syllabus for a Course on the Geog- raphy of South America. HALL, R. B. - A Geography of' Primary Pro. duction, Volumes I and I. HILDNER -German Course, 121. HILDNER - German 32. HODGES, J. H.-Chemistry 5E. Problems.' HUSSEY - An Outline of Historical Geology. HOLMES - Readings in Rural Sociology. JAMES, PRESTON E. Regional Geography, Voltines 1. and 2.. The Following List of Text Books "Lithoprintcd" By Edwards Bros.,Inc. Can Be Purchased Only At Undermentioned Store Own." III JAMES, PRESTON E. - An Outline of Mor- phology of Land Forms. KAUFMAN, G. H. - Botany 106, 159, 160. KAUFMAN, G. H. -Botany 106. LEWIS and CHRISTMANN - L a b o r a t o r y Manual of Physiological Chemistry. LEWIS and MILLER - Experiments in Chem- istry for Nurses. MAXWELL - Elementary Observational Astron. omy 33. MARSHALL, W. V. - Principles of Reinforced Concrete Design. May, G. A. -Physical Training Programs for Jr. and Sr. High Schools. McALPINE and SOUL - Beginning Qualita- tive Analysis. MEACHAM - The Punched Card Tabulating Machine Method. MOEHLMAN - Principles of Public School Personal Management. MOEHLMAN - Outline of Public School Fi. nance. MOEHLMAN - Public School Relations. MOORE, E. V. - Syllabus of Lines and Material for Introduction to Music Literature-Music 41. MOORE, E. V. - Symphonic Literature - Music 111.112. NEWMAN - Structural Mechanics - Part 1. OKKLEBURG, P. -Zoology 56. OKKLEBURG, P.-- Comparative Anatomy Text. OKKLEBURG, P.- Laboratory Directions in Cytology and Histology. PATON - Advanced Accounting, Part 1 and 2. RAINICH - Mathematics of Relativity. SCHORLING - The High School Teacher in the Making. SHULL- Organic Evolution and Factors of Evolution. SHULL - Review Questions in Zoology. SHULL - Review Questions in Heredity. SLEATOR -Problems in Physics, Course 37, 41, 45. SLEATOR - Electricity and Light. SLOCUM, G. -Jr. Course in Opnthalmology. SLOSSON - Notes on History 92. STASON -Law of Municipal Corporations. STASON - Cases on Administrative Tribunals. STOCKING -Pharmacy 7. WATKINS -Economics 101-Syllabus. WENGER, C. H.- A Syllabus of World Classic. WILLARD and FURMAN - Elementary Quan. titative Analysis WILLIAMS-- Problems in Physics, Mechanics, Sound and Heat. WILLIAMS -Physics 45. WILLIAMS -Electron Tubes. WILLIAMS-Physics, Electricity, Magnetism and Light. WITHERALL- Chemistry 3. WOO, 2A. F. - Problems in Poverty - Sociol- ogy '132. III _ _ _ ____ - -- GREEN"S (ri LAKIDRqAkn r)YFlVP( r .v. j