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January 07, 1933 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-07

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.wy .

Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Associa-
tion and the Big Ten News Service.
Tie Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
not :otherwise credited in this paper and the local news
published herein. All rights of republication of special
dispatches are reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
sedond class matter. Special rate of postage granted by
Third Assistant Postmaster-General.
Subscription during summer by carrier, $1.00; by mail,
$1.50. During regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by
mal, $4.50.
Offices: Student Publications Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. Phone: 2-1214..
.Representatives: College Publications Representatives,
Inc., 40 East Thirty-Fourth Street, New York City; 80
Boylston Street, Boston; 612 North Michigan Avenue,
Telephone 4925
NIGHT EDITORS: Thomas Connellan, Norman F. Kraft,
John W. Pritchard, Joseph A. Renhan, C. Hart Schaaf,
Backley Shaw, Glenn R. Winters.
SPORTS ASSISTANTS: L. Ross Bain, Fred A. Mhber,
Albert Newman, Harold Wolfe.
ORTERS:layman J.rAronstar, Charles Baird A.
Elis Ball, Charles ,Q. Bardt, James L. Bauch at, Donal
F. Blakertzi, Charles B. Brownon, Arthur W. Carstens,
IBaph ,G. 0outer, Wiliam 'G. 'Ferris, Sidney Frankel,
Erichall, John. C. lealey, Robert . Hewett, George M.
Holmes, Walter E. Morrison, Edwin W. Richardson,
John Simpson, George Van Veck, Guy M. Whipple, Jr.,
W. Stoddard White.
Katherine Anning, Barbara Bates, Marjorie E. Beck,
Eleanor B. lium, Maurine Burnside, Eilen Jane Cooley,
Louise Crandall, Dorothy Dishman, Anne Dunbar,
Jeanette Duff, Carol.J. Hanan, Lois Jotter, Helen Levi-
son, Frances J. Manchester, Marie J. Murphy. Eleanor
Peterson, Margaret D. Phalan, Katherine Rucker, Harriet
Spiess, Marjorie Western.
Telephone 2-1214
DEPARTMENT MANAGERS: Advertising, Grafton Sharp;
dvertising Contraets, Orvil Aronson; Advertising Ser-
ice, Nol Turner; Aconts, Bernard E, Sliacke; "Cir-
culation, Gilbert E. Bursley; Publications, Robert E.
ASSISTANTS: Jack Bellamy, Gordon Boylan, Allen Cleve-
land, Charles Ebert, Jack froyoson, Fred Hertrick,
Joseph Hume, Allen Knuusi, Russell Read, Fred Rogers,
Lester Skinner, Joseph Sudow, Robert Ward.
Elizabeth Aigler, Jane Bassett, Beulah Chapman, Doris
Gimmy, Billy Griffiths, Virginia Hartz Catherine Mc-
Henry, Helen Olson, Helen Schmude, May Seefried,
Kathryn Stork.
SATURDAY, JAN. 7. 1933
Sprin Registration
For Unemployed .
A MONG the wheat and chaff of the
numerous unemployment reliefi
plans currently under public discussion, there has
come to our attention one which has every ves-
tige ,of being truly meritorious. For lack of a bet-
ter name we may call it the "Spring Registration]
of Prospective Winter Indigents" plan.
According to it unemployed persons, particu-
larly heads of families, who are present or pros-
pective burdens to the public purse, would be re-
quested to register with the proper authorities
in the spring of the year-not waiting, as is cus-
tomary at present, until fall and winter. The
same authorities would have placed at their dis-
posal unused public and private lands capable of
being tilled. Upon registration, unemployed per-
sons would be assigned plots of this ground on
which to raise edibles for consumption through
the summer and following fall and winter.
In a large number of cases such persons would
own themselves much of the necessary small-scale
equipment; and, when additional implements
were needed, they might be supplied from charity
as that would of course still be a considerable
saving to the public.
A number of highly desirable characteristics
feature this plan. In the first place it would give
those persons unable to obtain unemployment but
willing and desirous to work an opportunity for
respectable self-support. Conversel-y, it would de-
crease the slothfulness of a certain class of per-
sons, as yet smaller in the United States than in
Great Britain but rapidly increasing, who prefer
a free dole to honest labor.
The plan would also greatly reduce the growing
burden of charity demands that is placed on those
who are still fortunate enough to have work. In
view of the fact that almost everybody's pay has
been cut to a minimum, this aspect of the plan
is particularly commendable.

There is even a possibility that the adoption
of this plan will' ultimately be more than simply
highly desirable. It may in the end prove the
only means of recourse from actual starvation.
For if unemployment continues to grow there
must inevitably come a time when the working
portion of the population will be too small to sup-
port the others.
We understand that the "Spring Registration"
plan has already been tried in a few towns, and
is working with gratifying success.
Whether its nation-wide adoption should be
undertaken by the Federal government, by state
and local governments, by welfare organizations,
or by some combination of these is a moot point
of which the solution would necessitate more ex-
perienced judgment than ours. However organ-
ized, we feel that the plan would be of great effi-
cacy in helping to alleviate the present ominous
situation. As such we pass it along to our readers

pany of Ft. Wayne, Indiana. He has built roads
throughout Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio, and is
looked upon by his associates as a man who knows
whereof he speaks. That the "Spring Registra-
tion of Prospective Winter Indigents" plan has
his endorsement is an A-I recommendation.
ampus Opinion
Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Dlaly. Anonymous communications will be disregard-
ed. The names of communicants will, however, be re-
-garded as confidential upon request. Contributors are
asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than
300 words if possible.
To The Editor:
War: Imperialistic carnage leaving mountains of
bones on the battlesfields of the world.
War: Wholesale murder and destruction.
War: Of all the crimes known to man, war is the
War: Do you know that 80 per cent of the federal
taxes goes for war and war purposes each
War: Do you know how much the need for char-
ity is due to the World War and its after-
War: Do you know that there were 30,000,000
killed and wounded in the World War and
untold millions who died of disease and
Let us plan for mass education on the preven-
tion of war and the attainment of peace.
M. Levi, Professor Emeritus.
To The Editor:
Well, Britain has finally dcided to pay her war
debt, But that's not the significant fact in this
present chapter of the debt story. It was just silly
and stupid for anyone to believe she would not
meet this payment. The really significant issue
in Britain's action was the ways and means she
got hold of the gold with which to square her
account with Uncle Sam. And for one to unravel
that question he must go more than seven thou-
sand miles from the little isles in the North At-
lantic-to India, that goodly mich cow of the
British empire. No, don't expect me to let loose a
torrent of uninteresting figures and statistics, al-
though there is no lack of adequate statistical
data on this subject. I merely desire naively to
focus my readers attention on the toiling, strug-
gling figure of the Indian peasant in the back-
ground of the British war debt picture. And I
simply want to remind my American fellows of
the grim scene in which we are the unwitting
It is recorded that in the past month the Brit-
ish Government, by power of Ordinance, has
drawn from India considerably more gold than
is required to meet the American payment. And
let no one for one moment be deluded into be-
lieving that this money was originally Britain's,
and loaned to India for the development of that
country. Imperialism doesn't work that way! The
gold belonged, and still belongs, to the peoples of
India and by no ethical and moral code short of
that adopted by Al Capone and his cronies can
Britain's use and distribution of it for her own
purposes be justified Let us realize that once and
for all. But Britain in making this last "haul" has
established no precedent. That explains, perhaps,
why she "gets away" with it as completely as she
does. Almost from the first day that the feet of
British traders started tramping about India, the
Empire, which means to all practical intents and
purposes those few peoples in the British Isles,
started sucking, sucking. And for more than one
hundred and fifty years that leech has sucked
India almost dry. Has no nation, not even Amer-
ica, the moral courage to pluck that leech from
the dying body of India?
Let not the smoke screen of war debts hide
these cordid issues lurking in the background.
-B. G. Halstead.'
Many criticisms of American universities-some
of them just, some unjust-are being made today,

but one attack which just cuts us to the quick
was written by Bernadine Freeman in the Journal
of the National Educational Association. Under
the title of "Is This Education?" Miss Freeman
presents several points, which we reprint here
with what seems to us to be suitable comments.
"I can solve a quadratic equation, but I can-
not keep my bank balance straight." She prob-
ably forgets to add on the two-cent federal tax;
we thought our banker had forgotten all his col-
lege training until he reminded us of this little

we stopped studying psychology with James and
Titchener we wouldn't be able to control much
of anything.
"I can conjugate Latin verses, but I cannot
write legibly." Cheer up, Miss Freeman, many peo-
ple cannot do either.
1I can recite hundreds of lines of Shakespeare,
but I do not know the Declaration of Indepen-
dence, Lincoln's Gettysburg address, or the 23rd
psalm." If we were Miss Freeman we would be
very happy about this.
Most criticisms against universities are easy to
forget, but the thought of Miss Freeman sitting in
her room solving equations, naming the kings of
England since the War of Roses, explaining, to
herself the principle of hydraulics, and conjugat-
ing Latin verbs while all the time she is just dying
to ask for a piece of bread in German, sing in
tune, fix that leak in her kitchen faucet, or recite
the Declaration of Independence-all this tugs
at our heart strings. It makes us want to do some-
thing about the modern educational system.
--The Daily Trojan
To the Editor:
What with reduced membership, financial diffi-
culties, dissatisfaction with "hell week," and the
liquor situation it is obvious that many fraterni-
ties on the campus face a number of difficult
problems. That in most cases these problems have
been attacked in a haphazard, unscientific man-
ner is equally clear. What has been done and
what is generally proposed for the improvement
of conditions is, in the main, of temporary char-
acter and does not get at the roots of the diffi-
In view of the general situation it would seem
to be a good time for each fraternity to make a
careful self-evaluation of its various activities
in order to determine how important each ac-
tivity is in relation to accomplishment of the
objects for which the fraternity exists.
A self-evaluation might well involve:
1. A careful examination of the purposes of
the fraternity as stated in its charter and ritual.
What benefits is a student supposed to derive
from membership? Wha contribution to his
development is life in the fraternity supposed
to make?
2. A rating of these purposes in order of their
importance. Which are eminently worthwhile,
which of lesser significance, and which, if any,
are of no permanent value?
3. Preparation of a list of the traditions and
activities which have become a part of fraternity
life, either because of deliberate effort toward
realization of the purposes of the organization
or merely as a result of young men living to-
gether in the same chapter house.
4. A sincere and sustained effort to determine
what contributions toward realization of the
fraternity's purposes or objectives seem likely to
result from each of these traditions and activities.
Which contributions are most valuable? Are
some of them negtive? That is, do some activi-
ties actually hinder rather than help in accom-
plishing the purposes for which the fraternity
exists? If so, which are they?
5. How costly in time, effort, and money on
the part of members and initiates is each activ-
ity? Are its results worth what it costs? Can its
benefits be obtained less expensively?
In these days when progressive business cor-
porations, educational institutions, and other or-
ganizations are subjecting their activities to the
most searching self-scrutiny in order better to
weather the storm, and at the same time to im-
prove their service, it would seem wise for our
bedeviled fraternities to adopt a similar policy.
Interested Professor.

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By Karl Seiffert---~~~~~~
A second-hand typewriter firm advertises
"portable headquarters." That's nothing new--
gold-brick salesmen have been using that prin-
ciple for years.
A London pawnbroker has had a wedding dress
in hock for 40 years. Elmer will get that raise
just as soon as things pick up a little.
:x .
A news article tells of a boxing promoter
who conducted a benefit fight with himself
as sole beneficiary. That isn't news. We're
just surprised that this man should be so
frank about it.

RA-ll'Jo usActivities
CHURCH E. W. Blakeman, Director
Cor. E. -Univ. Ave.. and Oakland
State and Washington Streets Dr. Bernard Heller, Director
Sunday, 6:30 P.M.-Gordon Halstead
Ministers will lead the meeting for the
Guild. The meeting will be a sym-
Frederick B. Fisher posium on the recent "Anti-War * * *
Peter F. Stair Conference" which was held in
6:30 P.M.-Wallace Watt will speak 11:00 A.M.-Regular Sunday services
10:45-Morning Worship in the Graduate Forumton."Re- at the Women's League Chapel.
ligion and Public Education." Dr. Berinard Heller will speak.
Subject: "Is Fear the Basis of
"WHY I BELIEVE IN GOD." 9:30 A.M.-Dr. Blakeman will have Religion."
charge of the upper class group
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher which will discuss "Religion and
Personality." he freshmen group * *
will discuss "The European Back-
7:30 P.M.-Union Service at Presby- ground of American Christianity."
terian Church. The Reverend
Frederick Cowin, preaching.
CHURCH East Huron, West of State
Huron and Division Streets DO NOTI. Edward Sayles, Minister
Merle H. Anderson, Minister Howard R. Chapman. University
Alfred LeeKlaei, Associate MinisterNEGLE T Pastor
9:30 A.M. - Student Classes at the 9:30 A.M.-Church School. Dr. Logan,
Church House, 1432 Washtenaw YOU R Superintendent.
10:45 A.M. Morning Worship. 10:45 A.M.-Morning Worship. Mr
D. e so ware? How Much?" B. E L G IU Sayles will preach on the subject,
Mid-Winter Communion Service"Prayer in a World of Law.
with reception of members,.on C I IIE 12:00 Noon-Student Group at Guild
5:30 P.M.-Social hour for young ACTIVITIESoos t
people.huefr ~y
,6:30 PM.-Young people's meeting. 0:00 P.M:-Evening studetn meeting
Margaret French will tell of the Rev. Howard R. Chapman will
Plight of Mining Famiies in West sea. ocal hour and refresh-
Virginia. spent.Sola ow.inc oret
7:30 P.M.-Union Service. Rev. Fred
Cown will preach on "Burns and
the Bible,"

"I can read Goethe's 'Faust' in the original, but
I cannot ask for a piece of bread in German."
Miss Freeman might console herself with the
thought that she probably woudn't be able to get
a piece of bread in Germany now anyway, with
conditions what they are.
"I can name the kings of England since the War
of Roses, but I do not know the qualifications of
the candidates in the coming election." Most peo-
ple who couldn't name one of these kings had the
same trouble-even after reading all about the
"I know the economic theories of Malthus and
Adam Smith, but I cannot live. within my in-
come." Living within one's income has nothing
to do with the theories of these two economists;
it is a matter of common sense, which educators
admit they cannot teach to some persons.
"I can recognize the "leit-motif" of a Wagner
opera, but I cannot sing in tune. Since when has
it been the duty of a university to teach its stu-
dents to sing.
"I can explain the principle of hydraulics, but

"Let's explore your mind," a new syndicated fea-
ture invites. If that includes co-eds, some of these
expeditions are going to be mere week-end jaunts.
A local newspaper speaks of the Ypsilanti State
Hospital as "the last word in an institution for
the treatment and cure of the insane" Could
they mean "cuckoo?"
That reminds us. The books will begin to
appear pretty soon new, and it's time to begin
wondering who owns the movie rights.
** .
CLASSIFIED AD: "Coffee urn, 3 gallon; hot
dog steamer cheap." If they had a Gideon Bible
they might start a hotel.
* * *
According to a news item, a Detroit man, an-
gered when a housekeeper called him "an old
man" in the heat of an argument over a ball
bearing he had lost, shot her twice, then locked
himself in his room, inflicted a bullet wound on

(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
Sunday, Jan. 8
9:30 A.M.-Church School

Washington St. at 5th Ave,
E. C. Stellhorn, pastor
9 A.M.--Bible School. Lesson Topic:
"Jesus Beginning His Work."

(Evangelical Synod)
South Fourth Avenue
Theodore Schmale, Pastor
9:00 A.M.-Bible School
10:00l A.M.--MoineWorshw~in.



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