Weather ing to snow and colder Saturday; !rally fair. Gg it ga ~aIt Editorials Spring Regstration employed. IN r VOL. XLIII No. 74 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JAN. 7, 1933 PRICE FIVE C ..... .... .... ..... ......... _.. _ _i Fund ToGet i Dean Sadler, Two Others, Say That Technocrats Are 'Vagu _7 Coolidge Will Be Taken To ,_ Former Governor And His Successor Profit Share 0!Art MoVie One-Half The Proceeds Of 'Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari' Will Go To Student Aid Pledge May Reachj $200, Officer Says te, Fratern Plea Hit" Landlad- f . By JOHN W. PRITCHARD Further viewpoints on the Techno- cracy controversy were presented yesterday in additional interviews with faculty men, two of them pro- fessors in the engineering college and one of them an economist. The three men interviewed-Prof. Morris A. Copeland of the economics department, Dean H. C. Sadler of the engineering college, and Prof. A. 11. White of the department of mechani- cal engineering, were as one in be- lieving that the arguments presented by the Technocrats were distinguish- ed to a great extent by vagueness. Professor Copeland, however, for the most part took issue with such of the findings of the Technocrats as were clearly stated, while the two engi- neers, in one manner or another, tended to favor the statements of the group. League's Next tion Is Termed m Conventional he profits from theJ "The Cabinet of Dr. xt motion picture to in Arbor by the Art will be turned overI Good Will Fund it ieeting of the execu- le league last night. ment by Sec.-Treas. Grad., corrects pre- a similar contribu- made known, before passed on by the ibution now pledged $200,Seidel said. in Prof. nglish ng an prime n ear- ie au- 'Disregard Scott's Record' It was pointed out by Dean Sadler that Howard Scott, the chief propon- ent of technocracy, should not be condemned on the basis of his per-' sonal past record. If he has produced an idea which is really worth some- thing, the dean insisted, his past rec- ord should be disregarded. when the idea itself is under consideration. In a statement to The Daily, Dean Sadler said, "As with al new ideas, one naturally would exr ect a rather distinct line of 'cleavage between the proponents and their opponents. The first, carried away by their enthus-, lasm, are apt to see in their theory he only solution of the problem, while the second, with firmly fixed Kraus Favors 1932 Policy O Summer Daily Present Plan Provides For Larger Circulation And Complete Campus News deas of past experience and possibly snwilling or unable to recognize that ;onditions may have changed and aew factors have appeared, will re- sent any suggestions that will cause ahem to alter their preconceived the- ries. "Almost all developments in past iistory have had as one of their basic factors the question of man power. Today we have this same unit plus the ever-increasing new element of the machine. A consideration of these factors led a group of scientists and engineers originally to consider the ;ossibility of determining the total power or energy involved in supply- 'ng the needs of our present social Order. Fundamentally, everything on this planet may be reduced to a con- sideration of transformation of en- ergy; and while the complete data upon which Technocracy has based some of its assertions and suggestions have not so far been published, it cannot be denied that if nothing else has been accomplished, it has at least drawn attention to the fact that the solution of our present problems can- not be settled by theories that have been considered correct in the past. Machine Plus Man "Whatever may be the final solu- tion," continued Dean Sadler, "it is evident that not the machine alone with its apparent economies, but the machine plus man must enter into all industrial and social problems. "No particular gain accrues from trying to, discredit new ideas by at- tacks on personalities,"-here he re- fers to Howard Scott- "or dismis- sing the same without at least at- tempting to understand them or to see if some of them might not be helpful. "The present chaotic state of in- dustry generally, the numerous bank failures, to say nothing of the hec- tic financing both at home and abroad, may at least lead one to won- der if the leaders in these fields have made a howling success in the gen- eral economics of the country," Dean Sadler concluded. The statements of Professors Cope- land andWhite will appear in an ar- ticle in the "'uflday- mrninf-Dally. President And Wife A ttend Ceremonies Many Money Marts Will Close Today; Congress Will Not Convene NORTHAMPTON, Mass., Jan. 6.- UP)-Calvin Coolidge lay tonight in the home where he died so suddenly yesterday, in the town where he had started his career as a young lawyer. Tomorrow he goes back into the Vermont hills to Plymouth, his na- tive hamlet, there to rest beside his father and his son. Simple services will mark his de- parture from the city he came to as a young man and leaves as a former President of the United States. Native Home 2 Men Are f Rule Is l Scores Of Admirers Pay Tribute To Ex-President Will Last William A. Comstock (left), m with Wilber M. Brucker, retiring R1 ,n's new De can exeeuth, ural ceremonies at Lansing. a'xeui A as it o geir cin firmly believes n stand on its by clever ad- Y schemes. e same time L definite need its campus for ter, so it is in eed that the r help it can," ri," a Hoovers to Attend President and Mrs. Hoover and scores of other important personages will attend the services. Most of the money marts of the country will be closed. Congress will not convene. And in comparson the services for the former President will last no longer than 25 minutes at the most. Only three pieces of music will be included in the ceremonies. There will be no eulogy, no address, with strict simplicity the keynote. There in Plymouth, the hamlet of seven dwellings, his body will be laid to rest in a grave on a hillside where others of his family lie. Childhood friends and old neighbors will stand with heads bowed, as he had stood in 1924 when his son, Calvin, was buried, and two years later when his father was interred. Rites To Be Simple The simplieity of the service in Jonathan Ed ds Congregtional Church follows the wishes of Mrs. Coolidge. She chose two of the three musical selections that will have their place in the program. They were selections both she and Mr. Coolidge liked-a prelude from "The New World Symphony" and "Oh, Love That Will Not Let Me Go." The third piece will be "Lead, Kindly Light," and will be sung by the church quartet. At 8 a. m. Mr. Coolidge's body, will be taken from his home, "The Beeches." The casket will be borne by six policemen, members of the Northampton force, who will repre- sent the affection his home city felt for the former President. Their Agita To Doom Living film i poucai an nis- he Cabinet of Dr. I by Dr. Robert ogical film of high atic interest, with throughout in or- rtrayal of the do- 'ious Doctor Cali- nts of his cabinet. , the film created ematic circles, on cal deviation from rocedure. The cast us German actorst Lil Dagover, and 3roadened program, the Art making negotia- w York Theatre ito bringing the e, and also with Arrangements arc King Vidor, Carl stman, and others he various phases on of Prof. Oscar on is being made install equipment ,res at the Lydia ,re, so that it will league to satisfy as been expressed reign sound pic- A recommendation that the Sum- mer Daily be made permanent on the same basis on which it was operated last summer was included in the an- nual report of Dean Edward H. Kraus. of the Summer Session, to the President. In explanation of 'he reasons which made the change to the pro- fessional form of paper necessary, Dean Kraus said, "The Summer Daily was small in size and did not adequately cover campus news. Then, too, the edition did not usually ex- ceed 1,200 copies, which meant that since approximately 500 members of the faculty received the Daily, that usually not over 700 students sub- scribed for it. Thus only one fifth of the students were being reached by the Daily Official Bulletin." A plan was subsequently formulat- ed whereby the Board in Control of Student Publications agreed to have the Sumner Daily edited and man- aged by graduates who had had ample experience on the Daily of the academic session. The members of the staff were paid adequate salaries and devoted their entire time to the paper." Regarding the success of the new plan Dean Kraus said, "The paper. was a great improvement, for the editorial staff covered campus mews much better than ever before and maintained throughout the session a splendid balance between items of local, national and international in- terest. On the whole, the various news items were well handled, the editorials were dignified and timely, and the make-up of the paper of high quality." The conclusion that Dean Kraus drew is 4at "it is the general opin- ion of those interested in the conduct of the Summer Session paper that the new plan was entirely successful and that the arrangement should be made permanent." [Depression Is Conquered By 398 GrAduates Tf ley Gained Employment Through Aid Rendered By Occupational Bureau In spite of the general business de- pression and acute unemployment situation in the teaching profession, 398 graduates, of the University found employment during 1931-32 through the assistance of the Uni- versity Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, the an- nual report of President Alexander G. Ruthven shows. Of these, 256 were given teaching positions and 142 ob- tained positions in business or pro- fessional lines. In view of the general tendency among school boards to cut teach- ing forces to the minimum, the over- whelming preference for local can- didates and the great number of un- employed teachers, this record speaks well for the ability of Michigan edu- cation graduates, Dr. T. Luther Pur- dom, director of the bureau, said. Securing employment is only one of the functions of the bureau, the report states. The work comes under five main divisions: personnel re- search work, guidance, vocational and educational, the personnel study of the alumni of the last ten years (including nearly 38,000, the place- ment of undergraduates, graduates and alumni in the teaching profes- sion, and placements in all kinds of business positions. x ;I ' I 1 1 Y r 3 .j House Wants R.F.C.s Loans Made Public Corporation Probably Will Comply; Dems Ponder Roosevelt Conference WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-VP)-Con- gress slowed its legislative. stride to- day in memory of Calvin Coolidge. The Senate adjourned immediately but the House, anxious to reach- a vote, went ahead with debate on the farm relief bill.I It will join the Senate in recess' tomorrow, however, as a tribute, to the former President, many members planning to attend his funieral.'. Before resuming discussion on-.the allotment plan, the House passed a resolut-ioncalling on the' Reconstruc- tifn -Pnance Corporation to make public loans made between February and July of last year. There were indications the corporation would comply and give the names of those, to whom it loaned more than $1,000,- 000 in the five months period. Democrats on both sides were pondering the proposals brought back by Senate and House leaders from the conference with President-elect Roosevelt in New York' yesterday. Among .them were additional levies on incomes in the lower brackets, but Speaker Garner and others made it known that this was one of the last resorts toward balancing an out of line budget. The Democrats on both sides are still hoping'that enactment' of the beer bill, a farm relief measure and economy proposals, will forestall 'a special session early in the ,new ad- ministration. The odds, however, in view of the few remaining weeks of the session, and doubt as to the attitude of Pres- ident Hoover on some of the propos- als, still are that the extra ession will be held. CHINESE hIERO APPEALS SHANGHAI, Jan. 6. - OP)-Tsai Ting-Kai, the poet-general who be- came the national hero of China a year ago, appealed today for a chance to lead his men against*-his old en- emy in the Shanhaikwan area. Rabbi Heller To Speak At Fund .DinnerSunday All Workers Urged To Bk Present .>At Campaigr Send-Off Supper Rabbi Bernard Heller will address the workers on the Student Good Will Fund campaign, which will be held next week, at their send-off dinner to be held at 6:00 p. m. Sun- day in 'tiie Union,' Chairman John Huss announced last night. I William Elliot, '33, will introduce Rabbi-Heller. Repeal of the r freshmen from hiv houses during the appeared doubtful t as brought to be. who claim that; s;? be a breach of the lerstanding with t' Admitting the s ?ondition of the =eir need of help, 'hose in clone conne 'esOf the Senate tudent Affairsan r'fficiols that a .car is out of the q'i Landlame Landladies ra:-c esterday that they nen in last fall w tanding that the r' n force. Its revisioi the drive and to receive their iden- tification 'cards." The supper will be served at the 7pecial price of 50 cents. Donation for the Good 'Will Fund are being received daily, and there have been numerous letters from other cities asking for details about the fund. Chairman Huss attributes this in- terest in other cities to the work of the publicity committeee which is headed by C. H. Beukema. Other members are Merle Oliver, local As- sociated Press correspondent, John Thomas, '33, and Joseph Renihan,, '34. .. The supper and program Sunday night will be as brief as possible and will not interfere with Sunday eve- ning engagements. E. E. Lucas Will Run For Council Presidency E. Edward Lucas, for several years a member of the city council from the third ward, yesterday announced his candidacy for the Republican noniination foi the presidency of the council in the March primary. Aldermiain Lucas has been elected to a seat on the -counci1 six times. He was defeated once during a mem- orable controversy over three ap- pointments made by Mayor Edward' Staebler during his first term. The Republican council at that time turned the choices of the Democratic mayor five times and the Republican lame duc.ks' 'continued'in "office until the electorate backed the mayor in a Democratic 'landslide' a years later.: C aligari" will iMendelssohn1 be on sale at g Monday, at French Give Views On Paymient Default France's failure to meet war debt payments Dec. 15 is believed by the average Frenchman to be the best means of bringing the seriousness of the debt situation before the American government, it has been ascertained by means of a recent survey among men familiar with French sentiment. The default was seen as a gesture growing out of many exasperations which France has undergone in deal- ing with the United States, begin- ning with the refusal of the United States to r a t i f y the Versailles Treaty and the failure of the United States to conclude the tri-partite agreement which was suggested be- tween Wngland, France, and. Amer- ica in 1921. The French, said one observer who has recently returned from France, believe that Hoover's interference with the reparations payments by means of the moratorium justifies France's action in setting aside the Beranger settlement. The French mind, he said, is slowly beginning to realize that it is diffi- cult to pin down the United States government on diplomatic questions. When asked what answer the Frenchman gives to the contention that the French agreement to pay was signed without any conditions attached to it which would release France from paying if Germany did not pay, a mani who is familiar with French sentiment declared that the French have always thought that'the United States would understand the situation in Europe and consent to a reconsideration of Germany's rep- I a Democratic 'landslide' a year later. University Mai1tais Contact With, More Tliaii 70,000 Aluni rooms, according to the from representatives fro' rious houses. More than $5,800 woul by the fraternities, if .th amendment allowing fr live in the houses' succee ning the gauntlet. Thi based on an average rot $20 a month. May Salvage Hou Several fraternities, nm verge of collapse, would 1 such an amendment. Tra retaries of more than seve ties were in Ann Arbor at ning of the year in an eff out a budget with their ters which would carry through the year, accordir T. Turner, '33, president o fraternity Council. Backers of the moveme the matter before the Int Council said the presen' the fraternities demander the University, and declar tention of carrying the f end. Confident that fa brought out at the ne meeting will convince t 'bodies, through which ti amendment must go, of sity of such action, it. v that they are preparing their case with the hope immediate action. Senate Committee Ma In the event that the p tion is endorsed by the : nity Council, a meeting c ate Committee on Stud will be called next week; nounced yesterday. The first attempt t freshmen from living in during their first year o pus was begun in March, the University passed a recommending "a policy membership begin with more year, as regards rusl ing, and initiation." Thi: was to become effective F Because of the financi fraternities at the outset the plan was postpone years. In 1918, the' situat gravated by the loss of mt school to fight in the i further postponement wa Many of the advocates posed change had left the before action could agair ered, and the matter w until 1926. During tha Alumni Fraternity Assoc on record as favoring t fl1aiiorP ihp Tvit R ma, Honorary y, Initiates Nine a, freshman honorary rnity, yesterday in- homores who had at- uired scholastic av- e Daniel Cook, Emil aghans, Bruce Mac-a Moekle, and Walter e literary college, and Raymond Beyer, and the engineering col- eanlodM, Ms. Roosevelt Disagree On Girls'Dri-king lege. By MARIE MURPHY "Unfortunately worded," was the verdict passed yesterday by Alice C. Lloyd, dean of women, on the recent statement of Mrs. Franklin D. Roose- velt that, "the averag, girl faces the problem of learning very young how much she can drink of such things as whiskey and gin and of sticking to the proper quantity." Dean Lloyd told The Daily that "Mrs. Roosevelt's statement implies With the passage of the prohibition law a certain feeling of bravado about drinking entered the minds of young people and is in some meas- ure responsible for the present sit- uation. "I do agree with Mrs. Roose- velt that, since prohibition, the young girl is seriously faced with the drinking problem," Dean Lloyd as- serted, "a situation which did not arise a few years ago. When I was Graduation from the University' may mean departure from the cam- pus, but it does not mean severance of contact. Through the :agency of the Bureau of Alumni Relations, the University. is able to pursueits policy of "continuing education"'. an d to maintain more or less continuous contact with its seventy-odd thou- sand graduates scattered throughout the world, according to the annual report of President Alexander G. Ruthven. Services to alumni range from the issuance of bulletins of information keeping them in 'touch with latest developments at the University to personal service offered toward the solution of any individual problem toward which the facilities of the over the University Broadcasting Service. Special 'series of radio lec- tures also were given by representa- tive members of the faculty, and many requests were received for the printed lectures. The Alumni University, originated three years ago, represents an effort at more direct contact with the grad- uates. The 1932 session was attended by 70 men and women, the report states. Lectures upon current prob- lems of American life and thought were given by ten faculty members. The meetings are held during Coin- mencement season. Lecture courses and study groups in Detroit and other nearby cities have been instituted for the benefit of alumni living there, and professors Poor Scholastic Work "Withdrawals Decrease