-Associated Free 'Photo
The city of Shanhaikwan, dominating northern land and sea gateways of China, was reported in ruins
following a series of battles in which Japanese troops won control from the Chinese. About 500 were reported
slain in the fighting. A general view of Shanhaikwan is shown here.
- t
(Tuberculosis Among College
Students Reported As Menace
Dies Suddenly;
Wife Discovers Husband's
Body In Home Soon
After Death
(Continued from Page 1)
in four brief years from compara-
tive obscurity to the most powerful
place in the world.
Except for the publicity attending
the police strike the country had had
little opportunity to know him, first
because he had not been in a posi-
tion to reveal his abilities outside of
his own state of Massachusetts and
second because of his native reti-
Was Well Fitted for Office
And yet Mr. Coolidge probably
was better equipped by experience
and knowledge to take up his duties
as chief executive than any of his
oredecessrs who had been called to
that office by the death of a Presi-
dent. Of all the vice-presidents, he
alone had sat in at cabinet meet-
ings, thus obtaining at first hand in-
formation as to the varied affairs of
the government and the reasons
which had prompted President Hard-
ing in his decisions on major prob-
lems, domestic and foreign.
It was not surprising, therefore,
that he put his hand to the helm of
the ship of state with a sureness and
coolness that impressed those with
whom he came in contact. His first
announced determination was to
carry out the policies inaugurated by
Mr. Harding and, in the accomplish-
ment of that task, to retain about
him the advisers who had' assisted
Mr. Harding in shaping those poli-
While this pronouncement was re-
assuring to the leaders of his party,
to most of them he still was an un-
known equation. "Silent Cal" he was
called. So the leaders came to see
him in a steady stream, ostensibly to
pay their respects, but in reality with
a hope of learning what manner of
man it was who had sprung over-
night to the titular leadership of
their party..
Fate Takes Hand
The fate that moulds men's lives
had a hand in his nomination at
Chicago in 1920 as the running mate
of Warren G. Harding. Entering the
convention with a handful of dele-
gates pledged to his nomination for
the Presidency, he polled no high
vote and soon almost was lost sight
of in the mad scramble between
General Wood and Governor Lowden.
After the leaders in that fight had
collapsed and Harding had been re-
turned a winner, Coolidge still was
lost sight of among the leaders, but
not among the delegates.
In a steaming hot convention hall
the balloting for President had gone
on for hours and the leaders, deter-
mined to complete the ticket without
a week-end wait over-it was then
late Saturday-placed in nomination
for the vice-presidency Senator Len-
root of Wisconsin. But the delegates
had another plan. Those from the
Pacific coast, where there had been
labor troubles of an I. W. W. tinge,
recalled Mr. Coolidge's record as
governor of Massachusetts, and a
delegate from Oregon placed his
name before the convention.-
Nomination Was Surprise
There were hasty conferences of
delegations and much confusion as
the roll cail of states proceeded. Cali-
fornia, which was high on the list,
asked for an individual poll of its
delegation and each delegate voted
for Coolidge. Then the name of the
Massachusetts governor swept the
convention and his nomination was
a certainty long before the roll call
had been concluded.
As vice-president, Mr. Coolidge's
sole duty was to preside over the
Senate, but he absented himself on
Tuesdays and Fridays to attend cab-
inet meetings at the invitation of
President Harding. The intimate
touch he thus obtained with admin-
istration affairs sometimes brought
upon him considerible pressure and
some embarrassment from senators
and others who sought to obtain
through him information concerning
Norman H. Davis, head of the1
American delegation to the recent
disarmament conference at Geneva.
and unofficial representative of Pres-
ident Hoover in Europe, a Democrat,
has recently been prominently men-
tioned for the post of secretary of
state in the Roosevelt cabinet.
Causes lash
Among Faculty
(Continued from Page 1)
lies in freeing ourselves from the'
machine, in a method for redistribu-s
tion of the wealth produced by theR
machine, and in education of the
people to enjoy profitably the added
leisure given them by this new free-
"If the machine can do the work
that man formerly had to do, all1
right, that's excellent. We can build
a new civilization on top of the ma-
chine. We will have freed man from
the necessity of back-breaking labor
and slavery, and he can enjoy the
wealth which the machine produces
It will be necessary, of course, to re-#
distribute the wealth.
"I see nothing illogical," added
Professor Campbell, "in the idea of
permanent technological unemploy-E
ment-but there: would be nothing
alarming in such a condition -if the
structure of our economic 'system
could be changed, along the lines I
have mentioned. In fact, it would be
a very satisfactory. state of affairs."
Vagueness of the. Technocrats was
pointed out by Prof. Lowell J. Marr
of the sociology department. "It is
impossible," he said, "to make any
judgments at present on failings or!
advantages of technocracy as pro-
posed by Howard Scott. Technocrat
have offered nothing so far but.nu-
merous statistics that are not always
accurate, and many of which have
been covered bef6re. The whole affair
is still very much up in the air, and
until more definite measures are
made, there is nothing to say."
developments at the White House.
Even under these trying circum-
stances he remained reticent.
Was Scrupulous in Office
During his service as vice-presi-
dent Mr. Coolidge was scrupulously
careful to refrain from any discus-
sion of public policy because of his
earnest desire to cause no embarrass-
ment to his chief, but he did as much
as any other member of the Harding
administration to place its accom-
plishments before the people, making
one long trip into the west in 1922
and speaking also at many places in
the east and middle west.
After C o n g r e s s adjourned in
March, 1923, and before Mr. Harding
set forth on his long projected trip
to Alaska, Mr. Coolidge returned to
his native Vermont to visit his father
and to engage once more in the per-
formance of some of the "chores" of
his boyhood days on the farm. It was
there that he received the message
that death had cut short the career-
of Warren G. Harding and thus had
placed him in the most powerful po-
litical office in all the world.
Potential Secret ary?
Waters Flood
Lowlands As
Levee Breaks
Thousands Of Missouri
Acres May Be Covered
By St. Francis River
KENNETT, Mo., Jan. 5.-1)--The
St. Francis river, already flowing
through a 150-foot break on its Ar-
kansas side near Bertig, smashed
through the main line levee two miles
north of here early today and sent
a flood of water washing across the
Missouri lowlands.
National guardsmen called out
Wednesday night to patrol the weak-
ened barrier against possible dyna-
miting to divert pressure from the
Arkansas side of the boundary stream
were on duty where the breach oc-
curred. Levee workers who hurried
here to report the break were unable
to say if the levee merely gave way
under pressure or was blasted.
Crows were organized to build a
backstop barrier around the break
but rivermen said they feared thous-
ands of acres of land on the Missouri
side would be flooded before it was
Meanwhile, as both the Missouri
and Arkansas lowlands struggled with
their problem on the upper St. Fran-
cis, apprehension increased on the
other side of the Missouri river where
Delta rivers lashed at North Missis-
sippi communities.
Backwaters from Cassidy bayou
harassed the merchants of lower
Glendora in the Mississippi delta and
they sandbagged their stores to carry
on business as usual. Beale St. at
Summer, another Delta town, was
closed because of flood waters and
roads into Webb, Miss., were blocked.
Hundreds have abandoned their
homes in lower Panola and Tallahat-
chie counties in the Delta and some
livestock has perished in the path of
the swollen Tallahatchie river. Re-
lief workers made ready to establish
rescue camps at Summer, Charleston
and Yazoo City, Miss.
The Mississippi river itself is ris-
ing steadily and rivermen fear ser-
ious trouble if it backs up its tribu-
taries, particularly those of the Mis-
sissippi delta. The possibility of rain
over. some of the menaced territory
added to the worries of the lowland-
ers today.
Minnesota Professor
Makes Tests On Dough
URBANA, Ill., Jan. 5.-We have
'ecome reconciled to the loss of home
'aked bread but the imminent ad-
vent of scientifically made pies stirs
us with no few sentiments of regret.
Prof. C. H. Bailey of the University
of Minnesota is, however, now carry-
ing on experiments with pie crusts
in an effort to find the ideal mixture
of shortening and flour. His ma-
chine, the shortometer, is used in
testing the breaking point of pie
crusts made of different mixtures.
Prof. Sybil Woodruff: of the de-
partment of home economics at the
University of Illinois, has altered the
machine somewhat and added an in-
dicator which determines the amount
of bending the crust will stand before
it breaks. It is hoped by the profes-
sors to discover a uniform mixture
that. can be used in all pies.
Automobile drivers must keep on
the right side of a road in one part
of Austria and on the left side in an-
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ma. , _. .. _ .._.._ _ _: _ _n_ . . _.: ..
"I wouldn't say that, but the 'slant' which Mr. Hoover had been inter-
n it is false and my interpretations ested, and that he copied sections
vere in error in some instances, as I which were derogatory to Mr. Hoover
.iscovered in rechecking the facts. when used alone, but which were not
am sorry I wroteit t"damaging when read with the com-
plete record.
The suit was brought by James J. His affidavit said he went to Bel-
)'Brien, f o r i e r policeman who gium for additional material and that
inanced the book, against Hamill when he wrote the book he let it be
nd the publisher, William Faro, Inc. inferred that Mr. Hoover might have
YBrien promised, the affidavit said, saved Edith Cavell, British war nurse,
o get financial backing for a book from the German firing squad, but
hat would "tear down" Mr. Hoover's had failed to do so.
olitical career. Hamill declared he learned nothing
Hamill declared that later, on a in Belgium to justify any inference
isit to London, he inspected court that Mr. Hoover might have saved
ecords concerning corporations in Miss Cavell's life.
featuring ..
charcoal broiled
For Breakfast...
The meal that decides the day
the hut
M\ V I .