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January 05, 1933 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-05

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190%1. 1 1 V&"-' % F, I elwt.l-
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ffice Addition To President's
Home Will Be Completed Soon

Students Are'
To Enterta n
At League Tea


l'Vis-cortsin Co-Eds Tie Lt, !P1mrd N4 I~i(CL

~Sororities T o
Give Diinners
For' F acult y
Women's Houses Devote
First Week To Rushing
Aiid Exchxuge Parties

Tennis Champi p

Zeta Tau Alpha,
Alpha Omicron
Kappa Delta To

Pi And

.- -
The members of three sororities
and a league house will be hostesses
at the regular undergraduate tea to-
morrow afternoon from 4 until 6 p.
m. in the league ballroom, Ruth Rob-
inson, '33, chairman of the social
committee, said yesterday.
The tea is one of several that has
been given free of charget to the
women students. Bill Marshall and
his orchestra will play for dancing.
Mrs. H. A. IHaynes, Mrs. Shirley
Smith, Mrs. C. S. Yoakum, and Mrs.
R. C. Hussy will pour.
Each week members of several
houses are asked to act as hostesses.
Kappa Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi, Zeta
Tau Alpha and the League are the
houses who will send representatives'
to act on the reception committee
Entertainment will feature a num-
ber selected from the Sophomore
Cabaret; Katherine- Leopold, '34SM,
anid Mary Morrison, '35SM,,will play
a, two piano selection, and Billie
Griffiths, '35, will sinig.
Assisting Miss Robinson in her ar-
rangements are the entire social
committee consisting of: Josephine
Woodhams, '34; Marcelle Morford,
'35; Mary Barnett, '35; Barbara Rose,
'34; Mary Jean White, '34; Mary
O'Brien, '35; Lenore Le Jendre, '34;'
Ann Isborne, '34; Annie Maclntyre,
'34; Betty Bergener, '34; June Ash-'
ton, '34.
This tea is one of the many that
has been given on the average of
every two weeks for the past semes-
ter, Miss Robinson said.
Jack Pickford
Dead In Paris
Hospital At 36


-Associated *?ress Photo
A battle for billiard supremacy at the University of Wisconsin

ended in- a three-way tie for these
Helen March, Dorothy Lee.

girls. Left to right; Grace March,

Dancers At League,
To Vie For Tickets

Motion Picture Star, Broth-
er Of Mary, SuccumbsI
Following Breakdown
PARIS, Jan. 4. - P) - Jack Pick-
ford, brother of Mary Pickford and
himself a motion picture actor, died
in the American hospital here Tues-
He had been in the hospital since
Oct. 14 after suffering a breakdown.f
le was 36 years old.
Dr. Edmund. L. Gros, who attended
him, stated that death resulted from
multipte neuritis which finally af-
fected the brain center."
Mary Pickford, who had been kept
informed of her brother's condition
by telephone, had expressed a desire
to come from Hollywood to be with,
him, but Dr. Gros told her she could
not arrive in time.
For several years, starting with his
marriage to Olive Thomas in 1917,
Jack Pickford kept himself well be-
fore the public gaze--and not alto-
gether through his importance as a
motion picture actor. His exploits
outside the studio won him almost
as much space as his famous sister,
Mary, was obtaining through her,
professional popularity as a movie'
Jack first became an iinportait
figure to the public when he mar-
ried Olive Duffy, known on the stage
and screen as Olive Thomas. Previ-
otis to that he had been little more
than an extra in the studios, but he
was well known because of his rela-
tionship to Mary Pickford.
Many recall the shocking details
in connection with Miss Thomas'
death in Paris in 1920. One evening
the two went to Montmarte, center
of night revels. After this place closed
Miss Thomas and her friends toured
in taxis to other resorts of question-
able reputation. When she returned
to the hotel she and Pickford quar-
-reled. She took poison and died.
-In 1922, Pickford married Marilyn
Miller, Ziegfeld musical comedy star,
who a few months after the OliveI
Thomas trigedy had lost her hus-
band, Frank Carter, in an automobile
accident. Miss Miller and Pickford
were divorced in 1927.
Four Pledges Initiated
Into Speech Society
An initiation service was conducted
last night by Zeta Phi Eta, women's
speech society, for four pledges. The
new members arc Laurabelle Wilson,
Grad., Reta Peterson, '35, Virginia
Frink, '35, and Edna Darby, '34.

Beginning tomorrow night free
tickets for the following week-end
will be distributed by the League to
the patrons of its regular Friday and
Saturday night dances.
Each student as he buys his ticket
for the dance will be given a stub
bearing the number of the ticket. As
he enters the dance floor he will give
the ticket to the doorman and re-
tain the stub. Five ticket numbers
at each of the week-end dances will
be selected and the winning numbers
published the following week in The
Daily. Men holding"winningnum-
bei stubs may call at the League desk
with the stubs and will be given tick-
ets for either of the dances for the
following week.
The beauty of the plan, according
to Miss Ethel McCormick, social di-
rector of ne League, is that the
drawing is secret and the wiing
gentlemen will not be obligated to
take the same young ladies to the
second dance.
Another new feature at the League
this week is the free dances in the
grill in both the afternoon and eve-
ning, Music will be furnshed by Al
Cowan's five-piece band. The evening
dances will last as late as any stu-
dents stay, Miss McCormick said. The
dances in the grill will be given in
the eventing on Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday and in the afternoons
music will be furnished every Week-
,,day except Monday and Saturday.
Lady Louis Mountbatten
Retimrs From Persia
VALLETTA, Malta, Jan. 4.-Lady
Louis Mountbatten has rejoined her
husband here after an adventurous
journey to Persia and the Middle
East. Accompanied by the Marchio-
ness of Milford-Haven, who proceed-
ed to London, Lady Louis visited
places in the Middle East that few
white persons have seen.
About 10,000 miles were covered
by airplane and 4,000 by automobile
in three months. The only mishap,
according to Lady Louis, was one
puncture during a desert trip. A Per-
sian chauffeur quickly repaired the
tire. They overcame language dill-
culties by employing native guides
and chauffeurs.
Actress Will Fly Secial
Airplane In New Movie
One of the big airplane factories
will supply a specially made plane for
the use of Katherine Hepburn in
"The. Great Desire," in which pic-
ture this screen newcomer will play
an ace flier and automobile driver.
The plane is patterned -after that
used by Col. Lindbergh on hi flight
to Japan. Miss Hepburn, who is said
to be an" expert at the controls, will
fjy the ship herself in iniaking the
Colin Clive, the British actor, is to
play opposite Miss Hepburn, Mr.
Clive has made his third hurried
trip from London to Hollywood to
play a screen role, the other two
times being for "Journey's End" and
"Frankenstein," both of which were
directed by his friend James Whale,
who also is at the directional helm
for "The Great Desire." The latest
picture was adapted to the screen
from Gilbert Frankou's novel "Chris-
topher Strong."

Mrs. Mac latus
Par Excellence
NEW YORK, Jan.4.-(t]')-No
bride, no matter how enthusiastic
housekeeper she is, ever kept a more
spic-and-span establishment than
M. ErplusMacult zs.
She is the house;.eper par excel-
I lence of fishdom. No fleck of sedi-
ment, no floating bit of algas or an-
acharis can rest on her doorstep.
Everything in this nattily-attired,
little homebody's tiny domain has to
be clean and shining, so meticulous is
Housekeeping has in fact become
something of a mania with her since
she left her native India and emi-
grated to ths country to set up home
in the tanks of American aquarists.
Her obsession for cleanliness and an
unobstructed view at spawning time
causes her to tear into shreds any
plants that get into her way. It is
best at that time to give her a tank
where there are no plants.
Of all the fish, except the black
acara, the ethroplus maculatus,
which belong to the ccihlid family
and are distant cousins of the snooty1
scalare, take the best care of their
young. They watch over them and
care for them until they are grown,
which takes about a ycar.
The female etroplus or "orange
chromide" as she is sometimes called
because of her coloring, is an egg-
layer. When it comes time to choose
her home, she shows a preference for
earthen flower pots and terra-cotta
tubes, but most any hard surface will
As soon as the home site has been
selected, both she and her mate start
rubbing and brushing the spot and,
no matter how clean you think the
object is that you have provided for
them, they will spend hours picking
away specks too infinitesimal- for hu-
man eyes to see.
Mrs. Maculatus likes her privacy
and will usually select the under side
of the pot o' tube even though it
means that she has to swim unside
down to deposit the eggs. The fe-
male usually deposits from 10 to :30
eggs at a time. The male then traces
over the eggs, fertilizing them. As
soon as the eggs have been deposited
and fertilized, the parents take turns
fanning them with their bodies and
keep up this airation process tire-
lessly for three or four days until
the eggs are hatched.
Economics Professor
Will Speak To Women

Sorority members will devote most
of this first week to rushing and ex-,
change, and faculty dinners of an in-
formal nature.
Alpha Epsilon Phi will hold an ex-
change dinner tonight with Kappa'
Delta. The former will send three -
members from each elas to dine at
the Kappa Delta house. They include!
Vivian Cohen, '33, Jean Rosenthal,
'33, Heila Fishman, '33, Therese s
Newahl, '34, Doris Rubenstein, '34,
Jane Newmark, '34, Rosalind Green-
berg, '35, Dorothy Weingarden, '35
Bernice Kazinocky, '35, Catherine
Rosenberg, '36, Sylvia Bubis, '36, and . Helen Grawn, 16-year-old Detroit
Jane Gerseman, '36. girl, is the new girls' national indoor
Kappa Delta will follow the same tennis champion. She won from
plan. Joanna Palfrey of Brookline, Mass.,
ALPHA GAMMA DELTA n her first national. tourney.
Alpha Gamma Delta will entertain
patronesses of the chapter and their
husbands at an informal dinner to- W he rO Go
night. The guest list includes Prof.
Walter Badger and Mrs. Badger,
Prof. Walter Ford and Mrs. Ford, -.Motion pictures:. Michigan, "Cen-
Prof. Lewis Keeler and Mrs. Keeler, tral Park," Majestic, ""Thirteen Wo-
and Prof. Albert Marckwardt and men."
Mrs. Marckwardt. . Dances: Tea dancing, League, 3 to
Decorations will be carried out in 5 P. i.
red. Roses will be used as table cen- Lectures: Mrs. Frederick B. Fisher,j
terpieces. Wesley Hail, 4 p. i.
Members of Sigma Kappa enter- r
tained five guests at a rushing din- j iOsfler-Jordaf l 1o
ner last night. The color scheme 1
for table decorations was black and Hold Fori Iai dance
white, and was c'rred out in white.
roses aid black tapers.
Mosher-Jordan's formal supper
House O P S dance which will take place to r-
ou se GM , Starrow=- igh t from 6.:360to-1:00 p.. mn.
is to be an open dance between the
I it_ 1koranvalolltwo halls. Al Cowan's dance orchvs-
rawill. entertain at Mosher Hall,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. - (,W) - A with - Ted opke's in Jordan. Two
movement is underway to reorganize hp dance solos will be featured at
the house Republicans into a com- Mosher.
pact and forceful unit under Repre- I Guests at the dance will be Alice
sentative Snell of New York. Lloyd, dean of women, Mrs. Byrl
Although their membership was Bacher, and Miss Jeanette Perry, as-
cut down from 211 in the present si'ant deans of women. Directors
house to 117 in the next, Republican (fhe two halls will act as chap-
party leaders already are surveying erones
their remaining forces with a view to Helen Bailey, '33, has charge of
putting the best qalified men in the arrangements at Mosher, while Mar-
most important positions when the garet Beckett, '35, Jordan social
new Congres am2nchairman, has under her Virginia
Their purpose is to have top-notch i:och, '35, decorations, and Helen
men as ranking members of commit- Sprague, '35, tickets. Roses will be
!Used as decorations throughout the
tees in order that, should they re-1 allsoh
capture the house two years hence, -l
i.th v till bn it a Fnf. i rtifinl

Construction of an office to the
President's Residence will be com-
pleted within a few days, it is expect-
ed. The new one-room office will be
used by President Ruthven for his
personal work,- and no University of-
ficial work now centering in Univer-
sity Hall offices, will be transferred
to the new office.
SThis is not the first addition the
president's redence, which is one
f the oldest buildings on the cam-
ous. It was completed in 1840, one
sear before the final touches were
ut on Mason Hall.
Jan. 31, 1839, the Board of Regents
>upplied money for "erecting and
Furnishing four buildings for the use
zf the professors of. the University.
end to be used until the main build-
ings of the University be completed"
or classroom work.
Architect Unknown
Who the architect of those four
buildings was remains a mystery
even today. The early papers make
some mention of Alexander Davis.
the New York architect whose Gothic
design for the Universitys first class-
oom building gave so much ioy to
the Ann Arbor townspeople, but it
is generally doubted if he was the
designer. There is mention, too, of an
mnnamed New Haven architect, but
it is not proven that this man was
the architect. It is noticeable, how-
ever, that the building as it was
when first- erected bore a clear re-
3emblance to New England homes.
No matter who was the architect,
Tssgc Thompson of Ann Arbor was
he superintendent of construction,
nd the actual-constructor was Has-
'ier Lum. He agreed to carry out the
flan for four buildings by putting
up two at a rate of $7,450 each and
$6,001 each for the other two. Mr.
Thompson's job of superintendent
was worth $1,000 a year, but for
only a very short time, for the bord
thought that this was an unneces-
,ary expenditure of money and soon
lropped Mr.. Thompson.
When the buildings were complet-
ed in 1840, two on the north side and
two. on the south side of the cam-
ous, the Regents reported that the
(resident'sResidence. was "a sub-
stantiai, appropriate, and classical
Housed All But Hutchins
The building has housed all the
presidents of the, University from Dr.
Henry P. Tappan to President Ruth-
ven, the only exception being Harry
B. Hutchins, who always maintained
his residence at his home on Mon-
roe street. President Ruthven is the
sixth occupant of-thehouse.
During the course of nearly a cen-
tury the residence has seen many
changes and undergone many im-
provements. When first erected it
Mills College Will Give
Fellowships To Women
MILLS COLLEGE, Calif., Jan. 4.-
Announcement of two graduate fel-
lowships -of $500- eah w=s made to-
day by the secretary of thecommit-
, tee on fellowships of this college. The
fellowships are open to women hold-
ing college or university degrees who
can present evidence of fitness for
graduate work.
Applicationl blanks may be obtain-
ed by writing the college before
Auril 1.


was lighted by candles, for gas was
not introduced inty Ann Arbor until
1858. Electricity first furnished the
illumination in 1891-.
Addition in 1864
The first substantial addition oc-
curred in 1864, when a one story
kitchen wing was added. It continued
in that condition except for some
minor improvements until 1801 and
the erection of the library on the
west. side. This library was designed
by E. W. Arnold of Battle Creek. The
last sizeable addition before the pres-
ent one. came in 1920, upon the inau-
guration of President Marion L. Bur-
ton. At that time the east side of the
edifice, including, a sun narlor, a
room, and a sleeping porch, was
built. The garage was also erected
that year.
With all of these additions the
original design of the house was
changed considerably. Yet, viewed
from the front, the house as it was
in 1840 is still visible. And the build-
ing remains unpretentious; it is, in
the modest words of that 1840 Board
of Regents, "substantial, appropriate
and classical."
Womnen War
On Waste In
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4. -(03) -
"Some wold-fashioned housekeeping
wouldn't - hurt government right
-now" says Mrs. Walter S. Greenough,
of Indianapolis, newly elected board
member- of the National League of
Women Voters.
The idea is more than theory with
Mrs. Greenough. She has led some
"housekeeping" in Indiana which the
league hopes will cut out one govern-
ment unit-the township.
"We have completed a costs survey
of government in our state," Mrs.
Greenough said, "that has shown us
the township form of government is
almost twice as expensive as the
city-county form.
"We forced candidates to the legis-
lature to take a stand on our pro-
posed reforms, and when they meet
we will have a steering committee of
20 women to watch our bills,
"We must cut costs without crip-
pling government. Bankrupt govern-
ment can't stop like a ruined business
or we would find ourselves without
such necessities as police and schools.
"But we found places where gov-
ernment overlaps, where we can cut
the number of officeholders. --
"That's the sort of economy every
woman who runs a home under-
stands. And we are rapidly waking
up to demand that the men do it"in
public office or else let the women
do it."
HAMPTON, Va., Jan. 4.-(/P)-Per-
haps the stork does not realize what
a perplexing problem he brought
along with the twin daughters of Mr.
and Mrs. Nat Harrell.
Because, although she girls are
twins, their "birthdays" are in differ-
ent years.
The first child was born at 11:40
p. m., Dec. 31, 1932, and her twin
sister at 12:05 a. m., Jan. 1, 1933.

uney wii ire in a or u c posiiLon y
I whensthey take over the legislative
Despite the overwhelmingly Demo-
cratic majority of 313, Democrats inl
the next house and the five Farmer-!
Laborites, the Republicans even now
are better organized for the new ses-
Sion than their opponents.r
Members of the Wonens Division
Mof Detroit Police coniud their
search Wednesday night for twelve-
year-old Dorothy Burns, who left her
home at 444 Peterboro St., after she
was scalded by her par-ents for being
late in returning from school.

Police Close Records
In Break With Press
RICHMOND, Va., Jan. 4.- P()-P'6-
lice records were denied Richmond
reporters today as both the police
department and Mayor J. Fulmer
Brightcontinued their severance of
"diplomatic relations" with the press.
Meanwhile, counsel for the Rich-
nond Times-Dispatch was proceed-
ing under the instructionsof Vincent
C. Byers, editor, to seek a court order
to obtain access to privileged matter.
Mayor Bright had been criticized
sharply by both local papers.


w... rW1

The OrLoriical
the Brilliant Lecturer
Authcor of V'The Story of Philoso-
phy," Studies in Genius," and
other works, at the
1ill Au1ditorium
Wednresdlay Ja.11
Admission 50C and 75c
Tickets at Wahr's

Our JANUARY SALE offers you unparalleled bargains
on a complete selection of . Coats . . . Jacquettes
. . . Neckpieces ... Muffs . . . World-wide all-protection
insurance policy with every garment. Convenient Terms.
N aglerk's

4 11 5

Prof. Margaret Elliott of the eco-
nomics department will speak at a #
general meeting of the Ann Arbor
and Ypsilai ti branch o" the Amer-
Sicai Association of University Wom-
en at 3 p. in. Jan. 7. in the Grand
f Rapids roon lf the Le gee. Her sub-
ject will be "Unemployment Insur-
ance in the United States ."- A busi-
ness meeting will be held before the
talk and a social hour will follow.
Alonig with mty New Year's Resolutions, I Resolve
to lkeep my personal appeariance up to perf ection
by -

318 South Main

Phone 2-2619

Ii FOR YOUR DESK-you will need a


Januar y

1. Hlaving frequ(;mit scalp treatmnents.
2. Having Artistic or Personality haircutting and peruma-
nent waves at least twice a year to keep by hair prop-
erly dressed.
3. H6ving frequ-ent facials to keep my complection flawless.

and we shall be happy to supply it~
r,1'e7T'-nimJThxTf, 12'CrT rI,LT! eXFrL'WT





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