The Weather Partly cloudy Thursday and Friday; mioderate temperatures. mY g , 'tinY~ at t Editorials Fraternities Should Band gether; Special Session Congress Needed. VOL. XLIII No. 71 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JAN. 5, 1933 PRICE FIVE CEN Fraternity Rules May Be Revised Council Begins Movement To Permit Freshmen To Live At Houses In Sec- ond Semester To Be Discussed At Next Meeting A uIn mn i I n terfraternity Council Not To Object; Sees Financial Help To An Editorial By FRANK B. GILBRETH "The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones." This quotation will perhaps justify us when we are accused of kicking the Student Council corpse in the following editorial. We are remembering the evil; the good has been interred. In his annual report to the President, released recently, Dean Joseph A. Bursley states that the large majority of the students is not interested in a student council or in student government. This is true at Michigan. What is responsible for the change in the point of view of the undergraduates here? It is the blundering, do-nothing policy of last year's and this year's Council. The reign of incompetency, which had been more or less uninter. rupted since the inauguration of the Council, was brought to a head in September of 1931 when five lame duck councilmen, fearing a loss in campus prestige, took it upon themselves to reverse a decision which had been made by the student body in an all-campus vote. The dictum of the students had been clear. They had stated by a ten to one majority that they did not want a Student Council as such but preferred to increase their representation on the Senate Committee on Student Affairs, which is the body that really governs the undergraduate. But this would have thrown the five lame ducks out of a job; it would have taken an activity away from the list that runs beside one's picture in the Michiganensian. So the lame ducks decided that they would continue the Coun- cil; they decided that they would appoint the seven new members, instead of letting the campus elect them; and they decided that, be- fore the seven new men were admitted, they would hold an election of officers. This was an exceedingly clever political maneuver. There were four officers to be elected. The five men were eligible for election. All but one was sure of campus fame. Edward J. McCormick, Washtenaw political boss, was elected president and the seven new members were picked." And McCormick tried to be a good president. He did his best to make the Council a non-political organization. But he failed. The reason McCormick failed was that he could not get the other members to co-operate with him. He had had the constitution of the Council revised in a futile attempt to keep politics from in- fluencing the members' actions; he had run off four honest class elections; he had started work on a new plan of student government; he had dropped the foolish enforcement of "(pot-wearing"; he had gained caste with the administration But McCormick's rise was short lived. March 17, Saint Pat- rick's day, was to be the date for the election of new members to the Student Council. The election was all-campus. McCormick's consti- tution revision was to go into effect. The Couicil was facing a crisis. Could it run off an honest all-campus election without a leak? The campus spot-light was focused on McCormick. It was his debut. But he forgot his lines. The election was one -of -the crookedest ever held on the Michi- gan campus. The results had to be thrown out, and by the time there was another election, the student body had lost interest. For the remainder of the semester, the Council did nothing of importance. It brought several speakers to Ann Arbor, where there were already many speakers. It. drew up -the new plan of student government. It held the spring games ad because of improper man- agement allowed a fatal accident to occur. It decided that freshmen would have to wear "pots" only up to the time of Fall Homecoming. Joseph Francis Zias, another political boss, took up the reins of the dead student government horse where McCormick had drop. ped them. He shouted giddap! The horse did not move. So he dropped the reins. Nevertheless, there was work to be done. There were class games, freshman smokers, and pep meetings to be held. There were freshmen attending the University who were not sufficiently hum- bled.'There were "pots" for the freshmen to wear. The 1932 Council went on record as opposing the action of their predecessors in regard to shortening the period that the first year stu- dents were required to appear in their "traditional pots" and issued an ultimatum that freshmen who did not obey the rules would be ineligible for participation in extra-curricular activities. The fresh. men refused to obey. The Council had failed again. During the Homecoming week the Council sponsored a pep. meeting that was attended by only 100 students, and class games that were a complete fizzle. The class elections this year dragged along for months. The usual discussion was held about a holiday on the Friday after Thanksgiving but nothing was accomplished. Again the Council failed. The favorite alibi of the organization is that it has not the power to do anything constructive and therefore can only attend to its trivial duties. We point to the fact that there are many needy stu- dents on the campus that the Council could have aided by some sort of a campus community fund. However, because they did nothing, a special committee was appointed to handle the situation. And so, as Dean Bursley has said, the students have lost in. terest in student government. Naturally they have. At the present time interest runs high on election day and then rapidly wanes to nothing. Students like to be elected to the Council. It means another activity in the 'Ensian and the folks back home are proud of their boy.' To every problem there is some sort of solution. The Council is not all bad. It is true that its name is bad, but some of its members are sincere. If the-sincere members would get rid of the insincere activity grabbers who have caught their boat and are willing to go down in it; if the Council would realize that the average underrad. uate is not a rah rah boy" whose prime interest in life is to see un. enforcable "traditions" enforced; if the Council would make itself a body representative of the students; and if the Council would make itself the official student mouthpiece, there would be an excuse for its existence. But, if the Council refuses to do these things, we recommend that the duties of holding pep-meetings and class games be trans- ferred to the underclass committee of the Union, where the mem- bers are willing to work. The $800 received yearly by the Council to carry on its "activi. ties" could perhaps be made into some sort of scholarship. In several years, the blundering, do-nothing policy might be for. gotten by the student body, dead traditions might be buried, and interest in student government might be revived. Urge Changwe In Council's Organization Leaders Of Student Body Favor Drastic Shake-up Or Complete Abolition Politicians Alone Are Served, Claim Zias Defends Governing Body; He Says Powers Have Been Usurped Drastic reorganization or abolish- ment of the Student Council is the action which ought to be taken against that body, according to opin- ions of a number of students who were interviewed last night. The Council has no worth-whip function as it exists now, was a point brought out by most of those inter- viewed, and a total reorganizatio' was the remedy suggested, if the Council is to continue in existnece Huss Favors Reorganization John Huss, '33, recording secretary of the Union, favors a reorganizatior of the Council. "It is not performing the function which a self-governin student body deserves," he said. "Ivan Williamson, '33, retired cap-I tain of the football team, said that iti was his opinion that "the Student Council isn't much good." "As the Student Council exists at present, it is one of the most impo- tent, useless organizations on the1 campus," according - to Beach Con- ger, Jr., last year's editorial director of The Daily. . McKay Lashes Council . Edward S. McKay, '33, editor of Gargoyle, in a written statement to The Daily said: "Much to the surprise and dismay of. a few old graduates and a minor- ity of .juvenilely self-important un-, dergraduates, who would like to see the worn-out traditions of child-play 1 and student ,el f vraxltnt .con- tinued in all°ag 'wh toi no loger needs them, the student body has grown up. It is my belief that the only remaining functions of a Stu- dent Council here are of such a rou- tine nature that they could be car-' ried out by an well-chosen ex-officlo committee of student leaders. If should like to see the responsibility1 placed in the hands of such a group. -"The only notable achievement of the Council in the past four years has been to train a few highly-skilled ballot-box stuffers for the game of professional politics." There is not suffcient power. andf prestige in the council to attract 1 capable men to run for office, ac- cording to Evelyn Neilson, '35L, pres- ident of the Pan-Hellenic Associa- tion, who believes that there is noF need for its existence in its present form. Zias Answers Attacks Charles Rogers, '34, president ofE Alpha Nu, stated that since he has been on the campus he has not wit- nessed any good that the Council has done, other than to serve politicians. "I see no reacon for continuing it," he added. "It is recognized that the position of the Student Council as its exists at present is not an effective one," said Joseph Zias, '33, president of the Council last night, "but I believe that this is a result of the unsatis- factory relation between the Univer- sity Administration (dean of stu- dents) and the students. "I agree with the dean of students when he says that the lare majority of the students are not interested in the Student Council and in student government, but I attribute this to the trend of the passed years which has seen the complete renoval from student control of all student activi- ties and conduct. The Council has suffered usurption of its rightful powers until now it remains emascu- lated. Under. such conditions it is only natural for a student body to become apathetic." Washtenaw County Fair Gets $2,000 From Board The request for a $2,000 grant to pervisors ; yesterday voted to appro- priate $2,000 to assist the Washte- naw County Fair, and went on record as favoring; a -vote on the continued support of the fair by the people of the county at th'° April election. - The county governing board of su- continue maintenance of the fair Doubt Is Cast On Disposal Of Keller Case Bond Of $10,000 May Be Reduced By High Court If She Cannot Pay May Be Tried By December's ju r y Three Torch Slayers To Be Brought From Prison If Trial Is Held Here Disposition of the case of Kather- ine Keller appeared in doubt here yesterday as Sheriff Jacob B. Andres had not received commitment paper from the supreme court. Bond of $10,000 was set for the girl but her inabilty to pay may result in a re- duction of the bail by the high court, according to Circuit Judge George W. Sample. If the girl is unable to meet the bond set by the court, she will be .confined in the local jail pending a new trial. Judge Sample said that, if Prosecutor Rapp desired, the case could be heard in the immediate fu- 'ure by the December jury, still sit- Ling. Prosecutor Rapp was waiting for a copy of the court's opinion be- ore deciding on whether to call the -rial now or at the March term of .ourt. It is also within the power of Judge Sample to dismiss the case. Sample Would Hear Slayers, Judge Sample said that if Miss Keller were brought to trial here he would demand that the state send Fred Stone, David Blackstone and Frank Oliver, confessed torch slayers, here to testify. The three arenow confined in.Marquette prison where they are serving four life sentences each. In sentencing Miss Keller as an "accessry after the fact" °in the Ypsilanti torch murders, Judge Sam.l ple had indicated that he would rec- ommend her release when she had served ne-half- of her eive-year tei1g! if her conduct warranted his doing so. Miss Keller has served a little more than one year but Judge Sample' refused to comment upon whether he would extend leniency at this time. Testimony "Irrelevant"' The ground upon which the Su. preme court set aside the original decision was that irrelevant testi- mony pertaining to Miss Keller's past life had been introduced to prejudice the jury. She was arrested at the; time when Fred Smith, David Black- stone and Frank Oliver, confessed torch slayers, were given four lifej terms apiece in Marquette prison. It was alleged by the prosecution that Miss Keller had known of the mur- der without informing the authorities and that she had sheltered Smith and washed his blood-stained clothes. Michigan State College Seeks Football Coach EAST LANSING, Jan. 4.-4M- The Michigan State College adminis- tration today was casting about for a successor to James H. Crowley, in- imitable horseman of the gridiron who resigned as head football coach last night to accept a post at Ford-' ham University. President Robert S. Shaw said he expected to make as "speedy dispo- sition of the matter as possible," in- dicating that Crowley's successor will be named not later than March 1, He. said he hoped to have a man se- lected that would "continue the ath- letic program and the football pro- gram on the same high plane-it now Fund Drive Will Start On Monday; Goal Is $IO,OO( WouldImprove Procedure In Criminal L a w Prof. Sunderland Aids In Study; Talks At New Haven Bar Meeting Increased efficiency in criminal law procedure in Federal district courts is hoped for as a result of research and analysis being done by Prof. Ed- son R. Sunderland of the law school In conjunction with Dean Charles E. Clark and. Prof.'Thurman W. Arnold, of the Yale law college. Professor Sunderland spent a large part of December in New Haven with Dean Clark and Professor Arnold studying exhaustive information that has been collected by research work- ers in eleven typical United States district courts. With the aid of a Aol- lerith machine countless statistical arrangements were made and an- alyzed.. The report which the three men, make, including. detailed recommen- dations for new methods of. proce- dure and official court recording, will be published by The" American Law. Institute. This organization is creat- ed for the study and restatement of law, and is. endowed for more than $1;000,000. Its president is George W. Wickersham and its director, William Draper Lewis. While in New Haven Professor Sunderland addressed a ,joint lunch- eon meeting of the New Haven County Bar Association and faculty and students of the Yale law school. The subject of his talk- was "Discov- Direct Appeal To E Undergraduate Wil] M a d e; Campaign Continue A Week Send-Off Dinner Planned For Sun Honorary Societies Help In Atteipt S we11 Resources Assisting Students Announcement of a direct a to every undergraduate for c butions in support of the St Good Will Fund was made yesi by Chairman John H. Huss,' he bared plans for a weeklong to commence Monday. A $10,00 has been set. Meeting with members of th cutive committee has outlined in which Ann Arbor has been ed into districts -to be canvass members of honorary societie other student organizations. group will operate during the as a team under their r'espectve tains and reports of contrib made will be published daily. The campaign wl be foi opened in a send-off dinner held Sunday night in the.U Speakers will be announced late students participating in the will be called upon to be prese Haven Bar Association termed Pi fessor Sunderland's address a "v, uable contribution to the literati on the subject." numbers their it to house, will bt tains. for li 'Anna Christi.e' To Aid Studen ts Play To Be Presented By Hillel Players Jan. 13, 14 At League Theatre Proceeds from the production of "Anna Christie" to be presented Jan. 13 and 14 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by the Hillel Players will be donated to the Hillel Foundation Loan Fund for students, Morton Frank, '33, president, announced last night. Ticket sale for the show, at 50 cents for all seats, will begin tomor- row at the box office of the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre from 11 a. m. to 7 p. m. and continue until the show, is over. Frank said. Climax of Drive The play will climax the drive for funds for needy students that has been conducted for-the past three weeks under the direction of Abner Friedman, '34. More than $2,000 has been distributed during the past two years, Dr. Bernard Heller, director of the Foundation and chairman of the Ann Arbor Communtiy Chest drive, announced last night. The play "Anna Christie" by Eu- gene O'Neill, according to E. Morti- mer Shuter, former director of the Union opera who is directing the show, tells the story of "dat ole devil sea." The play, originally entitled "Old Chris" after the sailor-father of Anna, developed the regeneration of Anna to a pure-in-soul mate of Irish Burke, tempestuous suitor. Defends Matt Burke In defense of the strength of the Irish stoker, Dramatic Critic Arthur Ii. Quinn has said, "Matt Burke is just the kind of man who might help Anna in her upward struggle. He is the compound of two qualities which the Irish of his stamp possess-a wor- ship of the purity of women and a S ta t e Legislature Opens New Session LANSING, Jan. 4.-(P)--The fifty- seventh legislature officially opened its regular session today with the greatest rush of governmental eco-. nomy-measures in history. As soon as the House had com- pleted the formality of organization,, Rep. Gus T. Hartman, of Houghton, and Verne J. Brown, of Mason, start- ed shuffling bills proposed by the late legislative commission for in- quiry into state governmental costs into the files. In all 95 measures were introduced. Combined they provide for an estimated $5,000,000 annual reduction in the state budget. Scores of proposals were included, as limit- ing the University and Michigan State College to mill tax collections, reducing the state police personnel, abolishing the state securities corn- mission and setting up a centralized budgeting and financing system. All were in strict accordance with the program made public by the commis- sion two weeks ago. An occurrence of the opening ses- sion that appeared to carry signifi- cance was that partisan lines were strictly adhered to on truly party, matters, but members of the Demo- cratic majority seemed to be willing to Join with the Republicans on lcitations to fraternities, Vulcans, Sphinx, Triangles, the IT terfraternity Council, the Studen Christian Association, Sigma Delta Chi, the two freshman luncheon clubs, the Union underclass commit- tee, and Kappa Tau Alpha are othe: organizations which have volunteer- ed as the teams. Heads of these groups are requested by Chairman -uss to notify the Union of mem bers who will be unable to attend thi send-off dinner Sunday so that a definite estimate of the attendance may be made. Villiam Elliot Chairman . William Elliot, '33, is the chairman of the executive committee which i handling the drive. Other members are Robert Saltzstein, '34, Jule Ayers '33, Charles -Burgess, '34E, Cecil Can ti'ill, '33E, and Catherine Heesen, '33 The goal of $10,000 was set in an effort to adequately build up loan funds which have been depleted this year to take care of the need of some 500 students who are a present listed as seeking employ ment and are unable to find it. In addition to adding to the loan fund the Good Will treasury will advance aid which has been found necessar in individual cases. Arrangements are being made t have the used clothes which hav been donated to the fund cleaned ani renovated and Chairman Huss asked yesterday that students with dona tions of clothes to be made get i] touch with Union committeemen a soon as possible. Curtis To Talk Before Chicago Astronomy Club Prof. Heber D. Curtis left yesterda: for Chicago where he will addres the Chicago Astronomical Society this evening. He will show motion pie tures of the recent eclipse, taken a the McMath-Hulbert branch obser vatory of the University of Michigan to illustrate his talk. Friday night he will give an addre, at the Ryerson Library in Gran Rapids, accompanied by motion pie tures. The McMath-Hulbert observator devotes its time to the taking of as Gargoyle Liberates Another Skeleton; Result-A Contest By BARTON KANE Gargoyle, the ever-present funny magazine of the campus, has pulled another skeleton out of the closet, Result: a prize contest. Here is the way it happened. Tom Powers, Gargoyle's versatile art editor, got tangled up with some symboliam when he designed the cover for the January issue, which goes on sale today. Of course, Powers knew what he was drawing. But it seems that at least one of the stu- dent intelligentsia couldn't see the point. The cover presents Dr. Sigmund staff lacks taste, reserve, reverene, or just plain intelligence. Ordinar- ily, Gargoyle doesn't mind. But when somebody thinks a good, sound sym- bol is nothing but a pink elephant --well, that's too much for the edi- tors. So Edward S. McKay, the manag- ing editor, announced last night that he would support his magazine s in- tegrity by proving that the cover pic- ture is not too obscure for a college audience. To do that, he's offering a free subscription to Gargoyle for each of the three best interpreta- tons of the picture. If you know your symbolism, and have nightmares oc- Smoking Remnant Of French Liner Adrift CHERBOURG, France, Jan. 4-(P) -The magnificent South Atlantic liner Atlantique tonight drifted a smoking wreck in the English Chan- War Debt Problems Start Uproar At Washington WASHINGTON, Ja-n. 4- (P} Pent-up feelings on war debts touch- ed off an uproar of debate in the