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January 04, 1933 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1933-01-04

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'ongress Puts
a rm Problem
'ir st On List
ouse, Returning From
Holidays, Hears Report
On Allotment Plan
Expected To Pass
mnate Discusses Minor
Matters; Borah Hints At
New Money Bill
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.--P)-Con-
ss, returning from the holidays to-
y, moved farm relief to the head
its list of problems demanding
the House agricultural committee
>orted the much-talked-about do-
stic allotment plan, which is de-
ned to bolster the prices of wheat,
;ton, tobacco, and hogs by guaran-
ing minimum prices for their pro-
the House plans to take it up
ursday under procedure that al-
Ts amendments and lengthy de-
e. Enough has been said already
insure a rough-and-tumble battle
the floor; although House leaders
4 It will pass. Even so, it must go
ough the Senate and must get
iite House approval before it be-
nes law.
the Senate, acting on minor bills,
raged in heated debates, during
e of which Senator Borah, (Rep.,
.,) made known he was drafting
islation to bring down the dollar's
rchasing power.
louse members were talking along
ilar lines, but mostly in terms in
sing silver's purchasing power.
tman (Dem., Tex.,) again pressed
ward his plan of currency expan-
n through the issue of money to'
V the soldiers' bonus.;
Velfare workers, including Dr.
ob Billikopf, of Philadelphia, and
nk T. Bane, of Chicago, told a
hate committee that $300,000,000
ids given the R. F. C. to lend to
tes for their needy was insufflci-1
and too narrowly administered.
ey were testifying in support of
proposal by Senator LaFollette
0p., Wis.,) and Senator Costogan
em., Colo.,) to set up a $500,000,-
fund to take care of the impover-4
ed. *
rand Rapids
Mart Opene
In High Hope
mi-Annual Furniture
Exposition Will Last
Until Jan. 14
RAND RAPIDS, Jan. 3.-)-A
llenge is tossed at the depression
the 111th semi-annual Grand
lds Furniture Exposition which1
ned here today to continue
tough Jan. 14.
'he exposition launching the 1933j
niture season is probably the larg-
in the history of the Grand
ids Furniture Association which
nsors it, with more new and re-l
ned exhibitors than ever before.
11 of them appear to be optimistic.I
red J. Mueller, president of the
,ciation, is perhaps the most en-l
siastic. "The depression can do1
worst now," Mueller said today.I
e think we have it licked."

The exhibitors have adopted aI
cy of making the best furniture
y' possibly can and building into itI
uty that will intrigue visitors. We
eve that by offering service, valueI
I beauty we can meet the depres-I
and make it back up."'
lore than 200 "model rooms" fully
nished and decorated by national-
:nown interior decorators to show
v the utmost in beauty may be ob-
ed from the furniture, and great
is in every factory filled with fin-
d products comprise the display.

Noted Russian
Violinist To Be
Next In Series
"Nathan the Wise," alias Nathan
Milstein, the young Russian violinist
whose work thus far has stamped
him as one of the three foremost
artists produced by the Soviet regime,
recently arrived in America for his
second tour, in the course of which
he will play in the fifth Choral
Union concert on Jan. 16 at Hill
Mr. Milstein, who is classed with
the pianist Horowitz and the cellist
Piatagorsky, makes up a trio gen-
erally recognized by critics as the
greatest musical figures of young
Russia. The violinist, who was born
in 1904, continued his studies
throughout the stress of the Russian
revolution, and finally, at the age, of
19, he started on a series of tours,
accompanied by his colleague Horo-
A personal portrait of Mr. Milstein
is probably sufficient to indicate the
unique temperament of the man. He
is slim, of medium height, has dark
hair, dark eyes, a senstiive face, an
engaging smile, a sense of humor
which illuminates his natural re-
serve, and an intuitive knowledge of
men and music which has brought
him the nickname, "Nathan the
Four years ago he spoke only Rus-
sian; today he thoroughly under-
stands French, German and Spanish,
and has a working grasp of Italian
and English. He adores contract
bridge, strawberries with whipped
cream, steaks, historical Spanish
music, novels and biographies of
great men, gayly colored silk pyjamas,
cigarettes, Paris, and Rio de Janeiro.
He has definite superstitions. When
walking he always circles a lamp post
on the right side; on crossing the
street he makes a detour around a
car to make sure he does not pass
it on the left. Before going to a con-
cert he considers it a disastrous omen
if is room is not left in absolute
order, with everything in its proper
place in his bags and trunks, and all
his luggage locked. It is particularly
unlucky if his "carte d'identite" from
Buenos Aires, which he always keeps
stuck into the back of the mirror in
his dressing case, is at a crooked
angle before he plays.
One of the most stirring tributes
ever paid Mr. Milstein by the press
was made by Harvey Gaul of the
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: "A miracle.
You can go right through the Auer
first aid to trying fiddlers and he has
it all. He is the whole catalogue from
acciacato to zartlich, and when you}
are all through there is still his rav-
ishing tone singing in your ears. Re-
member the name-Milstein! Next
year you'll be trying to get in."

Politics And Depression Held '32 Spotlight Here

The year just past was an eventful
one in local circles as well as na-
tional. Local politics and politicians
dominated the scene,aovershadowed
though they were by the great na-
tional spectacle.
The depression took its toll in the
crisis faced both by the University
and the fraternity houses. The
University, threatened constantly by
legislative slashes, cut its expenses,
and the passage of the 15-mill
amendment complicated the situa-
tion still further. The fraternities,
after coming near to extinction
under deferred rushing, were saved
by prompt administrative action and
the inauguration of new rules of
Michigan athletic teams and indi-
viduals covered themselves with
glory, with Olympic Champion Eddie
Tolan and the national champion-
ship football team heading the pa-
Following is a chronological sum-
mary of the local events of the year:
5-Law school is victorious in Cool,
estate contest.
13-Representative C 1 a n c y, in
speech at Washington, describes
liquor conditions at University as
14-Taxicab owners, Daily and
Student Council unite in plea for
meter system.
21-Paul Whiteman's orchestra se-
lected to play at J-Hop.
27--National Academy of Science
picks Ann Arbor for 1932 convention.
30-Lake Angelus observatory is
deeded to University.
12-Paul Whiteman leads festivi-
ties in annual J-Hop.
15-Second semester opens.
17-Engineers s u r v e y economy
problem at first session of highway
24-Student council votes revision
of constitution.
26--Governor Brucker presents
American Legion citation to Charles
A. Sink.
28-Michigan swimmers break four
records in victory over Minnesota.
2-Five records fall as Michigan
wins A. A, U. track meet.
8--Fraternities condemn deferred
rushing plan.
10-Senate committee drops pledg-
ing grade requirements.
12-Hopwood committee r u 1 e s
award money must be used for lit-
erary advancement.
16-Lack of pledges forces clos-$

ing of Sigma Zeta fraternity.
17-Student council election ballot
boxes stuffed; vote thrown out.
20-Prof. George LaRue elected
president of Michigan Academy of
Science at close of convention here.
23-Regent Beal supports fraterni-
ties; objects to paternalism.
24--William R a c h o r confesses
council election fraud.
26-Harold Smith opens drive for
legislature reapportionment.-
31-StatecStreet nominees sweep
campus in council poll.
5-Sewer bond issue proposal fails
ilocal election; Democrats win ma-
jority of offices.
6-Fire damages Mosher Hall.
8-Socialists open drive for protest
petitions on expulsion of student edi-
tor at Columbia University.
20-Socialist Clib collects provi-
sions for Kentuckk miners.
23-Prof. John L. Brumm awarded
"oil can" as 450 attend Gridiron
Dance in new Publications Building.
23-Schoolmasters open annual
3-Fraternities fight ruin; protest
rushing rules.
6-Fraternities approve new rush-
ing plan.
12-Turner named Interfraternity
Council president.
17-Gilbreth, McFate, McKay ap-
pointed to head student publications.
22-John W. Lederle named Union
24-Student Council passes plan
to attain more jurisdiction over un-
dergraduate activity.
23-Regents pass faculty salary
3-Alumni present revised rushing
plan to Ruthven.
5--New rushing plan adopted by
Senate Committee as semester closes.
30-Otto Haisley, superintendent
of schools, speaks at National Educa-
tion Association convention.
6-Charles A. Sink enters race for
8-Final figures show 12 per cent
decrease in Summer Session enroll-
12-Smith Brookhart and Hamil-
ton Fish debate Russian recognition
in Hill Auditorium.
5 - Simpson Memorial Institute
ends fifth year in research.
20-Dr. Carl E. Badgley appointed
to surgery professorship.
23-Horatio Abbott enters Con-
gressional race.

28-University graduation require-
ments changed.
29-Dr. Frederick B. Fisher praises
Gandhi's method of revolution in
Wesley Hall talk.
2-Eddie Tolan wins in 100-meter
dash at Olumpic games.
4--Tolan places first in Olympic
200-meter dash.
6-Police open traffic drive; Daily
investigators arrested.
9-Mayor orders police quiz.
10-Police commissioners hear plea
for fairness to students; charges filed
against officer.
13-James Maurer, Socialist can-
didate forsvice-president, explains
Socialist program in address here.
18-Socialists announce opening
of co-operative rooming house,
4-Heavy rains floor local farms.
11-Quraishi announces plans for
co-operative boarding house.
13-Abbott, Sink lose in state pri-
17-Survey reveals student living
costs reduced.
19-City council passes new milk,
taxicab ordinances.
20-First year entries fall 150 as
Freshman Week opens.
27-Early report indicates 850 re-
duction in registration.
30-Panhellenic board warns rush-
ing violators.
11-Houses gain 409 pledges; ap-
prove new rushing plan.
13-Nellie Tayloe Ross asks women
to erase 1928 "mistake" and vote
Democratic, in talk here.
20-Prohibitionists clash at rally
as Dr. Pittman assails Dr. Poling's
defense of G. O. P.
21-Socialist Club's radical news-
stand closed by police.
27-State Street party sweeps sen-
ior literary elections.
1-Presidential straw vote Qpened
by Daily, Union.
3-Hoover swamps opposition in
campus straw vote.
8-Lehr defeats Michener; Wash-
tenaw sticks with G. O. P. in close
15-Prof. A. C. Compton of Chi-
cago presents ray composition theory
at first session of American Acad-
emy of Science meeting here.
20-Thousands greet team on re-
turn to city after winning Big Ten
23-Stan Fay electedi 1933 grid
30-U. S. C. prefers Michigan for

Rose Bowl game.
2--Michigan's Rose Bowl hopes
smashed as U. S. C. picks Pittsburgh.
4-Big Ten coaches approve Rose
Bowl contest for future champions.
5--Report shows $587,618 slash in
1932-33 budget.
9-Student Good Will Fund estab-
lished to aid needy.
11-Michigan football team picked
as national champions.
13-Cold wave brings temperature
near zero mark.
15-Harry Newman selected by
Grantland Rice on All-America.
16-Temperature drops to 1.8
below zero; airplane ride fraud re-
vealed as salesman disappears.
17-W. K. Richards, perpetrator of
airplane ride fraud, arrested.
20-First post-electiondliquor raid
. sin disorderly conduct charge.

man; Herbert Lee, director of
Y. M.C.A.
Febuary-Frank Jones, attorney.
March-George Flowerday, florist;
Wiliam Lindemann, merchant.
April-Dr. R. Bishop Canfield,
medical school.
May-Berne Gustafson, student
injured in spring games.
June-Prof. Evans Holbrook, law
school; G. W. Millen, merchant; Will
Armstrong, photographer.
July-Charles Gayley, author of
"The Yellow and Blue."
August-George Chubb, restaurant
proprietor; Fred M. Taylor, profes-
sor-emeritus of economics; Carl Leh-
mann, attorney,
September--Arthur Brown, former
October-Gustav Zachmann, mon-
ument builder.
November-James Murnan, former
proprietor of Whitney Htotel; Dr. W.
S. Mills, chiropractor; Channing
Smith, former alderman.

January-C. C. Freeman,


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Fifty years of fine service in the commercial,
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Bonner Elected As Head
Of Archaeological Society
The American Philosophical Asso-
ciation and the Archaeological Insti-
tute elected Prof. Canipbell Bonner,
head of the department of Greek
and director of the Institute of Ar-
chaeological Research, president of
their organization at a joint meet-
ing held in Syracuse recently.
The sessions were attended by
leading educators from all parts of
the country, including a number of
members of the Michigan faculty.
Those present from the University,
beside Professor Bonner, were Dr. H.
A. Sanders, professor of Latin and
member of the executive committee;
Dr. Aubrey Diller, of the Greek and
Latin department; and Dr. Leroy
Waterman, professor of Semitics and
head of the department of oriental
languages and literature. Both Dr.
Diller and Prof. Waterman presented
papers to the groups.
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