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September 30, 1932 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1932-09-30

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The Weather
Partly cloudy to cloudy Fri.-
day and Saturday; possibly lo-
cal showers Saturday; warmer.


Sir igan


Support the Team on Satur-
day; Why C o ndeminn "Pipe"






i ___ _ --

To Lift Auto
Rushing Rule

Frosh Scorn
Council Edict

Daily Official Bulletin
To Appear On Page


On Saturda
Ruling Permits Rushing in
Alumni Cars; Avoids
Future Complications
Violations Cease
After Reprimand
Attitude Of Freshmen
Wins Praise; Yearlings
ignore Offending Houses
The rushing regulation, prohibit-
ing the use of automobiles for the
transportation or entertainment of
freshmen by fraternity men, will be
lifted from 1 to 8:30 p. m. Saturday,
it was announced last night by the
Interfraternity Council.
While this ruling goes not in any
way affect the University Automo-
bile Ban, it means that fraternity
alumni may transport freshmen, and
fraternity men may also take them in
cars, providing that they do not drive
them themselves.
The ruling was passed because it
was believed that, with the large
number of fraternity alumni in town
for the Michigan State football game,
it would be practically impossible to
enforce the adopted rushing rule.-
Members of the Council felt that,
with the complications that would
arise, such as relations between par-
ents having fraternity connections
and freshmen, it would be best to
lift the rule for Saturday afternoon.
In the meantime, according to Ed-
win T. Turner, '33, Council presi-
dent, fraternities are living up to the
new plan of pledging. Violations
earlier in the week were undoubtedly
the results of misunderstandings, he
The Council also r e p e a t e d its
warning to all houses, saying that
violators of the rule would be pun-
ished. Penalties may be so severe
that the offenders will not be al-
lowed..to pledge any men for a num-
ber of years,.
The general attitude of the ma-
jority of the freshmen, not to have
anything to do with houses who vio-
lated the Fr a t e r n i t y Plan, was
praised by the Council.
Dr Parker To
Talk On First
Church Affair
Student Fellowship Of The
Congregational .Church
To H ear Value Address
Dr. Dewitt H. Parker, Harvard Uni-
versity graduate and present head of
the philosophy department of the
University, will open the October
program of Student Fellowship meet-
ings at the Congregational Church
next Sunday, Oct. 2, with an address
on "Values of a College Education."
His lecture will begin at 6:30 p. m.
and will be preceeded by a supper.
The public is cordially invited.
The following Sunday, Oct. 9, Dr.
Henry A. Sanders will speak on "The
New Testament as Historical Docu-
ments in the Life of Christ." Dr.
Sanders is considered an authority
on ancient manuscripts, and is in ad-
dition an author and member of var-
ious national and international com-
mittees for research. He has studied
in Bonn, Berlin, and Munich.
The third speaker of the series will
be Rabbi Bernard Heller, heal of the
Hillel Foundation here, and grad-
uate of the Hebrew College of Cin-
cinnati, whose subject will be "Jesus,

the Jew." Rabbi Heller has also
done graduate work at Columbia
University, and completed his doc-
torate in philosophy at Michigan last
Concluding the October program
will be Dr. J. T. Sunderland, who will
speak on "The Hindu Interpretation
of Christ." Dr. Sunderland was sent
by the British Unitarian Association
to study and report on social and re-
ligious conditions of the Indian peo-
ple. He was, at one time, the Billings
lecturer to Japan, China, and India,
president of the Indian Home Rule
League of America, and the editor
of the monthly, "Young India."
Young Salesmen May
Vend Peanuts At Game
A __ r1 n .hilAr sil ar r i

On Traditions
"Cannot Compel Wearing
Of Pots," Says Shepard,
'35 Freshman President
Yearling Defies All
Soph Enforcement
Council Will Act Satur-
day; Upperclassmen Fa-.
vor Taking New Action
Threats by the Stuen Council to
enforce "pot" wearing received a
crushing blow yesterday when only
a handful of the first year men ap-
peared with the traditional badge of
"We can't do anything about it,"
lamented William Shepard, president
of the sophomore class. "Last year
we tried every possible way toget
the members of our class to- wear
"pots," but it just couldn't be done."
"The fraternities are the only ones
that can force the first year men to
wear the caps," he added, "and they
have to use the paddle at that."
One brave freshman said he defied
the sophomore class to make him
wear his pot. Although he has pur-
chased his pot, he said he will not
wear it until forced to do so by some
Jack McCarthy, '36, newly elected
president of the rendezvous club, said
that although he had a "pot," he did
not think the tradition "a splendid
Tradition Termed Splendid
Norm Williamson, '36, said that he
saw no reason for taking any chance
of being hazed as long as no one was
trying to enforce the tradition. He
added, however, that he thought the
idea of wearing "pots" was a good
one, and would immediately fall in
line if the other members of his
class decided to keep alive the tradi-
"It's a foolish idea," said Louis
Benua, '36, when asked why he did
not wear his "pot." "I bought my
pot last Saturday but will not wear it
unless someone takes drastic action
to enforce it."
Over forty sophomores were inter-
viewed yesterday and none were in
favor of taking any action against
the freshmen. Shepard did say, "We
will get even on Black Friday."
Although the resOlution drawn up
by the Student Council had little ef-
fect on the first year men, Joseph
Zias, '33, president of the Council,
had no statement to make to the
Daily last night concerning the "pot"
wearing. "We will issue a proclama-
tion on Saturday morning," Zias
Sheriff Is On Fence
About Next President
Jacob Andres, local candidate for
re-election to the office of sheriff, is
one Republican who does not have
much faith in his national ticket.
Signs posted in local business
places by Andres' campaign mana-
gers display large pictures of both
presidential nominees, Hoover and
Roosevelt, together with their run-
ning mates, Curtis and Garner. The
posters further instruct the voter to
pick his own president but vote for
Andres for sheriff.
Alpha Nu To Feature
Smoker Next Tuesday
Freshmen and new students on the
campus will be guests of Alpha Nu
speech society in a smoker to be held
next Tuesday night at 8:15. Promi-
nent members of the past decades1
will be featured in informal talks ac-
cording to Charles Rogers, '33, presi-

Beginning with this issue of
The Daily, the Daily Official Bul-
letin will appea' regularly on page
2 instead of on the last page,
where it has customarily been
This change is made to prevent
the confusion which arosewhen
the Bulletin filled more than the
last page and it was necessary to
continue it on an inside page.
Yanks Score
Another Win
From Cubs, 5-2
Gomez Scatters Cubs' Hits
To Win In Initial World
Series Appearance
(Special Daily Correspondent)
Sept. 29-Pairing their singles to
send five runs across the plate in
three innings, the Yankees turned
back the Cubs again in the second
game of the series here today with-
out making an extra base hit.
A crowd of 54,399 saw Vernon Go-
mez, lanky southpaw hurler, put on
his hat for good luck and then take
the mound for the Yanks, scattering
the Cubs' nine hits over nine inn-
ings for a 5 to 2 victory in his first
World Series appearance. Lon War-
neke, also making his debut in cham-
pionship play, was visibly nervous,
but went the entire route for the
Preceding the game, the Yanks
took up a collection among the mem-
bers of the club and presented a sil-
ver cup to Manager Joe McCarthy
and a box of cigars to Babe Ruth.
Each player contributed $8.50 to the
gift fund.
Koenig Out
Mark Koenig, former Yankee and
Detroit Tiger short stop, was out of
the Cubs' line-up today and probably
for the rest of the series with a
badly sprained wrist received yes-
terday. He was replaced by Bill
Jurges. Manager Charlie Grimm of
the Cubs uncorked a surprise when
he put John Demaree into center
field and indicated that he would
leave him there for Saturday's game.
The Cubs gave a greatly improved
exhibition in the field today, playing
errorless ball throughout. An un-
usual double play in the fourth, in
which Hartnett and Jurges trapped
Sewell after Combs had been caught,
between third and home, was the
outstanding feature of the after-
The crowd thought Babe Ruth had
come through with his first homer
of the series in the seventh inning,
but the Babe's long drive bounded
off the fence and was good for only
a single. Gehrig again was the Yan-.
kee's hero, scoringtw runs on three
one-base hits.
The Cubs were none too confident
after today's performance with War-
neke, the second and last of Chi-,
cago's ace hurlers, in the box. Mana-
ger Grimm indicated tht he would
probably be f o r c e d to use Bush
against the Yanks again Saturday,
with Root as a second choice.
McCarthy Is Elected
Rendezvous President
Jack McCarthy, '36, was elected
president of the Rendezvous Club1
last night at a meeting in Lane Hall.
It was decided at the meeting that
the organization should hold a dance
in the near future, but no date was
Other officers elected at last night's1
meeting w e r e Frederick Mitchell,
vice-president; James Cook, secrc-
tary; and Paul Phillips, treasurer.
Members of the club will meet ev-
ery other Thursday night in Lane

Hall, it was decided.

State G.O.P.
Backs Hoover
Enthusiasm Runs High As
Michigan Republicans
Endorse Ticket
Depression Is Over
Claims Ogden Mills
Nation's Recovery Due To
President's Leadership,
Says Sec'y Of Treasury
DETROIT, Sept. 29--(R)-In an
entirely harmonious convention, the
Republicans of M i c h i g a n today
pledged their allegiance to the state
and national tickets, accepted Presi-
dent Hoover's interpretation of the
party's prohibition stand, and re-
nominated incumbent state officers.
The high enthusiasm of the dele-
gates pleased party leaders. Heads
of all factions joined in an appeal for
unity. Such outstanding figures as
U. S. Senators James Couzens and
Arthur Vandenberg and former Gov-
ernors Chase S. Osborn and Fred
W. Green joined in asking for co-
ordinated Republican effort. To
make the picture complete, Edward
N. Barnard, leader of a Wayne coun-
ty faction which normally is not
considered friendly to the adminis-
tration endorsed the entire ticket.
Ogden L. Mills, secretary of the
treasury, represented the national
administration. He voiced the be-
lief that the period of economic de-
pression is over and gave credit to
President Hoover for the recovery.
He declared that under the Pr.esi-
dent's leadership "our resources have
been so mobilized as to bring us
through safely, though with much
suffering and damage. Our econom-
ic machinery is intact and ready to
respond once more to the creative
impulses of an energetic, resource-
ful, and industrious people. Presi-
dent Hoover has earned the right
to complete the task of reconstruc-
The candidates who were renomi-
nated were Frank D. Fitzgerald, sec-
retary of state; Howard C. Law-
rence, state treasurer; Paul W. Voor-
hies, attorney general; and O. B.
Fuller, auditor general.
Jewish People
Will Observe
Their New Year

Rushing Rule
Violators To
Be Punished
President of Pan-Hellenic
Council Issues Warning
After Complaints
Rushees Asked To
Limit Engagements
Reminded That Dates
With Sororities May Be
Broken If So Desired
Sever punishments wil be imposed
by the Panhellenic board upon so-
rorities guilty of rushing rule vio-
lations, according to Evelyn Neil-
son, president of the Panhellenic As-
Miss Neilson said yesterday that
reports have been coming in with
such frequency that the board has
determined to publish any future
violations. Houses are warned to
take this matter seriously because
of the laxity of the sororities them-
selves. In such cases the Panhel-
lenic executive board will overstep
its duties and upon report of any
more offenses will suspend rushing
for two or three days.
Miss Neilson cited the following
rules as being the most often broken:
Must Keep Dates Consecutively
A sorority may not make a formal
date with a rushee until after the
completion of the second date. Dates
must be made and kept in consecu-
tive order; that is, if a house asks
for a formal date with a rushee after
the completion of a second date, that
date is to be the next one with the
rushee in question. The penalty im-
posed on a house which has been
found guilty for one offense against
this rule is suspension of all further
dates with the rushee. Three of-
fenses will call for the suspension ofj
one formal dinner of that house.
A second rule often violated is one
prohibiting a sorority from having
more than four dates with one rush-
ee. Upon report of any further vio-
lation of this rule all dates in the
future for whom this rule was broken
will be rendered null and void.
Tea Room Rushing Forbidden
The third rule which has been fla-
grantly broken forbids tea room
rushing. There have been many re-
ports of disobedience of this rule,
and the penalty to be levied is the
breaking of all future dates with the
Rushees have been asked to ac-
cept not more than four dates with
any one house. They have also been
reminded that formal dates are not
binding and that they may be broken
if thedhouse is notified, Miss Neilson
Cosmopolitan Club
Will Hold Meeting;
Ruthven to Speak
The Michigan Cosmopolitan Club
will hold its reception meeting this
fall at 8 p. m. Saturday in Lane Hall
Auditorium. President Ruthven will
welcome new members. Dr. Ruthven's
address will be followed by an Ara-
bic musical entertainment to be giv-
en by a group of Arabian students.
Michigan enjoys the advantage of
having over 30 different nationalities
represented on its campus. The Cos-
mopolitan aims to bring together
students from those various coun-
tries for the purpose of intellectual

"One of the main features of our
program for the current year," an-
nounced John Khalaf, chairman of
the club, "is that we have been for-
tunate in arranging to have Mr. Pa-
tel, of India, lecture here on Nov.
8." Mr. Patel, formerly Lord Mayor
of Bombay and now president of the
Indian Legislative A s s e m b1 y, and
known as the right arm of Gandhi,
is expected to give a very enlight-
ening discussion on present condi-
tions in his country.
"International good will," Khalaf
said, "can only be attained by an
intellectual and sympathetic study
of world problems. To serve this
purpose, the club extends its invi-
tation to all those who are vitally
interested in the social and political
progress of our human race.
"Ours is not a foreign students'
organization. On the c o n t r a r y,"
Khalaf concluded, "it is a, cosmo-
politan club, so Americans are par-
ticularly welcome."
AT it . 7 7 "T 1 rif

Versatility Plus!

Reform Services
Conducted By
Bernard Heller'
The Jewish New Year

c , ,

To Be
will be ob-

(Associated Press Photo)
Archie Stock, University of Kan-
sas student, who goes to class in the
morning, plays football in the after-
noon, and at night acts as chief
of police in Lawrence, Kan.
Ruthven Will
Lecture Before
W esleyan Guild
Four o t h e r University
Presidents Will Speak
Later In The Season
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will deliver the first of the Wesleyan
Guild lectures at the First Methodist
Church at 8 p. m. Sunday, on the
subject, "Education and Character
President Ruthven's lecture intro-
ducesd a series- tobe presented by
American university presidents. Pres-
ident Daniel Marsh of Boston Uni-
versity will be the speaker on Novem-
ber 6, and President Walter Dill
Scott of Northwestern University on
December 4.
Robert N. Hutchins, youthful pres-
ident of the University of Chicago,
and George W. Rightmire, president
of Ohio State University, will appear
later in the season.
President Ruthven's address, pre-
sented under the Henry Martin Loud
Lectureship Fund, will mark his first
appearance before the public this
school year.
Former Michigan Head
Speaks to X-Ray Group
DETROIT, Sept. 29--OP)-Dr. Clar-
ence Cook Little, former president
of the University of Michigan, told
the American Roentgen Ray Socie-
ty today that the growing death rate
from cancer probably can be checked
within the next five years.
Dr. Little has mobilized an army
of 50,000 mice at Roscoe D. Jack-
son memorial laboratory at Bar Har-
bor, Me., and through them he has
unmasked many of the secrets of
"For some time it has been known
that tw9 factors enter into the cause
of cancer," he said. "Some families
are more liable than others to de-
velop the disease. The other factor
is irritation. But in the last three
or four years we have become more
certain of them."
Michigan Socialist Club
Holds Meeting at Union
With a large attendance, the Mich-
igan Socialist Club opened its first
meeting for this school year last
night at the Michigan Union, when
it was decided that the club con-
tinue to edit the "Student Socialist,"
official organ of the club, and to
sponsor lectures here during the year.
The club expects to be more active
this year than ever before and has
tackled several projects which are
already under way. These include
two co-operative rooming houses,
which are thus far prospering; the
Socialist Book Exchange, which has
had a good business despite an in-
sufficient variety of books to sell;
and, incidentally, the Michigan Co-
operative Boarding House.
Ta) A hrm Arnc o n l Irt

Roosevelt To
Set Low Duty,
He Tells Iowa
Candidate Says His Party
Aims At Big Reduction
In Tariff Rates '
Lashes President
For 1928 Statement
Says International Parley
Will Equalize American
With Foreign Markets
SIOUX CITY, Ia., Sept. 29-(All-
In a fresh onslaught upon Repub-
lican tariff policies, Franklin D.
Roosevelt tonight told thousands of
Iowans who packed into the grand-
stand of the baseball park here that
the Democratic party would put tar-
iff duties "as low as the preservation
of the prosperity of American indus-
try will permit."
The Democratic presidential nomi-
nee said the platform of his party
favored a competitive tariff which
would put American producers on a
market equality with foreign com-
He proposed that the duties be
lowered through international ne-
gotiation. By consenting to reduce
to some extent some of our duties
in order to bring about a lowering of
foreign walls that a larger measure
of our surplus may be admitted
"Next," he said, "the Democrats
propose to accomplish the necessary
reduction through the agency of the
tariff commission."
Mr. Roosevelt said that in "the
course of his 1928 campaign, the
present Republican candidate for
President with great boldness laid
down the propositions that high tar-
iffs interfere only slightly if at all
with our exports or our import trade,
that they are necessary to the suc-
cess of agriculture and afford es-
sential farm relief; that they do not
interfere with the payments of debts
to us, and that they are absolutely
necessary to the economic formula
which he proposed as the road to
abolition of poverty."
"I must pause here," he added, "to
observe that the experience of the
last four years has unhappily dem-
onstrated the error of every single
one of these propositions; that ev-
ery one of them has been one of the
effective causes of the present de-
pression; and finally that no sub-
stantial efforts toward recovery from
the depression-either here or abroad
-can be without forthright recog-
nization of these errors."
Wilt To Handle



served here this week-end with the
holdingof reformedkand orthodox
services, both being open to all Jew-
ish students.
Reformed services are to be con-
ducted in the Unitarian Church, cor-
ner of State and Huron Streets, un-
der the sponsorship of the B'nai
B'rith Hillel Foundation, with Rabbi
Bernard Heller officiating.
Two meetings are planned: the
New Year's eve service beginning at
7:30 p. m. tonight, and the New
Year service at 10:00 a. m. tomor-
row. Friday night's sermon will be
"Tourists and Pilgrims" while the
talk for Saturday morning is en-
titled "Do We Need a New Year or
a New Era?" Rabbi Heller will de-
liver both.
Orthodox services will be con-
ducted at the Beth Israel synagogue,
538 N. Division Street, with J.
Kamenetski in charge. The New
Year's eve service wil begin tonight
at 6:00 p. m., with morning meet-
ings Saturday and Sunday at 8:00.
This is the year 5693 of the Jew-
ish calendar, which follows the lunar
system, and is ushered in by Jews
with thanksgiving for the blessings
of the past year and prayers of hope
for good things in the next.
Beetle Alarm Untrue,
Investigation Proves
Michigan State College entomolo-
gists and H. S. Osler, county agri-
cultural a g e n t, decided yesterday
that reports to the effect that the
much feared Japanese beetle was in
Washtenaw County were untrue. A
momentary scare was caused when a
resident of the county declared one
side of her home was covered with
insects closelv resemhling the J.na-

During 1932-3
Popular Professor Leaves
For California To Study
American Literature
Prof. Napier Wilt of the Univer-
sity of Chicago has taken charge of
American literature courses in the
English department in the absence
of Prof. Howard Mumford Jones, it
was announced yesterday by Prof. 0.
J. Campbell.
Professor Jones is on leave of ab-
sence for the current year. The
first semester he will be engaged in
research work in American litera-
ture at the Henry Huntingdon Li-
brary in Pasadena, Cal., and the sec-
ond semester he will go to England
and Ireland on a Guggenheim fel-
lowship to do research work for a
biography of Thomas Moore.
Professor Wilt, a member of the
English department of the University
of Chicago, has been in charge of
graduate work in American literature
Aubrey Hawkins of the English
department returns this semester
after an absence of two years, dur-
ing which he has been engaged in
research at the Bodliean library at
Oxford and the British Museum,
S. C. A. To Sponsor New
Service For Churches
* Speakers on international subjects
will be made available for churches
and campus and local organizatione
under the new bureau of the Stu-
Arln. 44,... A .d .n *i....

'Meet The Wife' To Be Comedy
Club's First Production Of Year
"Meet the Wife," a light comedy first husband in an earthquake and
by Lynn Starling, will be Comedy then remarried. As the play opens
Club's first presentation of the year, the daughter by the first marriage is
it was announced yesterday by Mary in love with a young reporter to
Pray, '34, newly elected president of whom the mother objects and the
the club. woman herself is expecting a promi-
Tryouts for the play are to be held nent novelist as a guest.
Sunday at 8 p. m., and Monday at The novelist, of course, turns out
4 p.nd . it was announced by Rus- to be the missing husband who took
sell McCracken, former Comedy Club the opportunity the earthquake of-
member, who is to direct the pro- fered to escape from his autocratic
member, wwife. The returned husband then
duction. fixes up the daughter's marriage with
While tryouts for "Meet the Wife" the reporter and the second husband
are open to Comedy Club members is deciding to go to California, where
only, general tryouts for membership earthauakes are nrevalent. when the

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